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1. Sovereignty means supreme and final legal authority above and beyond which no power
exists. It is the most important factor of a nations state’s government. Without it, neither
national or international standards cannot fully protect its citizen’s rights and liberties. No
state has the ability to command another state how to manage its internal affairs under the
notion of state sovereignty. Sovereignty offers states complete sovereignty over their own
territory while limiting their influence over one another.
2. Government is the organization that people set up to protect their community and to
enforce its rules. It is necessary since it is considered the leadership of an organization,
community or political entity. Government provides services that individuals cannot provide
on their own. A world without government would be absolute chaos. There wouldn’t be
rules, regulations or even peace.
3. Democracy is a government in which power and civic responsibility are exercised by all
adult citizens through their freely elected representatives. It is based on the majority rule
and individual rights concepts. Citizens not only have rights, but they also have a
responsibility to engage in the political system that preserves their rights and liberties. The
essence of democratic activity is citizens' peaceful, active, and freely chosen engagement
in their community and nation's public life. Because they are subject to their own rules and
regulations, citizens in democracies are willing to obey the laws of their community.
4. Constitution is a set of laws/principles may be written or unwritten on which a country is
acknowledge to be governed. It is also intended to create government authority and
preserve the Filipino people's welfare. In all functions, the civilian authority controls the
military, according to the constitution. There will be a lack of rules and regulations if there
is no constitution. In the absence of laws, individuals will be denied justice, and chaos will
reign, because the Constitution is the wellspring of laws.
5. This provision is included in the constitution to promote a just and dynamic social order
that will ensure the nation's prosperity and independence, as well as the people's freedom
from poverty, by implementing policies that provide adequate social services, promote full
employment, a rising standard of living, and an improved quality of life for all. Provinces,
cities, municipalities, and barangays are the territorial and political subdivisions of the
Philippines. The Constitution of 1987 represents the pinnacle of Philippine democracy. The
relationship a country has with its charter is crucial to its development as a democratic
republic. The executive, legislative, and judicial departments of government were
established by the constitution.
6. Republican, on the other hand, refers to a state organization whose chief officials are
chosen by the people or by a legislative chamber. There is a separation of powers in a
republican government. It is a method of organizing and managing the State based on
republican ideas. A division of powers is required for the normal operation of a state
organized as a republican government. It is also critical that different social classes are
represented in government entities, and that all citizens have the opportunity to participate
actively in politics.
7. The separation of powers is a constitutional principle that ensures that the state's three
principal institutions, the legislative, executive, and judicial, are not centralized in terms of
functions, people, or authority in any one body. The term "separation of powers" can be
interpreted in two ways: strictly and liberally. Separation of powers, in its most literal
definition, indicates that the three organs of the state should have distinct functions and
that there should be a check and balance between them. There should be no overlaps in
terms of functions, personnel, or authority. Separation of powers, in the liberal sense,
indicates that there may be overlaps in functions and personnel across the three organs,
but there should also be checks and balances. Because overlapping is unavoidable, strong
checks and balances are necessary to defend citizens' rights and liberties.
8. The important aim of the Bill of Rights was to make a minor change to the constitution,
allowing for government restructuring and the protection of citizens' fundamental rights.
The goal is to protect those rights against both governmental authorities and private
persons infringing on them. It accomplishes this by guaranteeing that the judicial,
executive, and legislative departments of government have separate authorities. Without
the Bill of Rights, this freedom might be taken away from people, and if the government
becomes completely corrupted, people could be imprisoned for false accusations, their
ethnicity, religion, or sexuality, among other things. We have the freedom to live without
fear because of rights.
9. Citizenship is a relationship that exists between an individual and a state to which the
individual owes allegiance and is entitled to protection. National citizenship can give major
social and economic benefits, such as facilitating economic growth, improving worker pay,
giving certainty for workers and their employers, and promoting a sense of community
among national residents. It also enables for investments in children's education and a
higher standard of living. Voting for leaders to represent them is done by citizens. Citizens
can have a voice in the government through voting, and they can contribute to guarantee
that the democratic representative system of government is preserved.
10. Suffrage refers to the right to vote as well as the obligation to vote. It is a constitutionally
protected political right that permits citizens to participate in the political process, thus
maintaining that the state is truly democratic and republican. Because the election is
rapidly approaching, now is the time to invest in candidates. Because of its broader
impacts for the country's future, it is considered worthy. We vote for the future and, more
importantly, for the betterment of the country.
11. Taxation is a method by which governments raise revenue in order to fund their operations
and achieve their legal objectives. Every state in the country has the right to raise its own
taxes in order to fund government-run programs. Despite the fact that states receive funds
directly from the federal government, these funds are insufficient to administer the states,
requiring the collection of taxes. Taxes are the government's lifeblood; it cannot exist
without them. Taxes are imposed to assist the government in providing services to the
general public.
12. The following are the main principles regulating public officers as stated in Executive Order
No. 292 Book I Chapter 9: Nature of public office. Policy on Change of Citizenship.
Declaration of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth. Ethics in Government. Inhibition Against
Purchase of Property at Tax Sale. Powers Incidental to Taking of Testimony. Liability of
Superior Officers. Liability of Subordinate Officers. Public officers are entrusted with
government funds and resources and employees who work for the government. As a
result, public officials and staff must always be accountable to the public, serve them with
the utmost responsibility, integrity, devotion, and efficiency, behave with patriotism and
justice, and live modestly. Public service is a public trust that requires you to put the
Constitution, the laws, and ethical ideals ahead of personal gain. You must not have any
financial interests that contradict with your duty performance.
What Is the Importance of the Constitution in the Philippines? (

What is the importance of 1987 Philippine Constitution? (

What are the provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution? –

Definition of Republican Government - What it is, Meaning and Concept - Soetrust

Principle of the Separation of Powers (

What would happen without the Bill of Rights? (

Why Is Citizenship Important? (

The Importance of Suffrage & National Elections (A Personal Perspective) | by Mark Joshua Pineda |
#BuhayKolehiyo | Medium

Concept, Nature and Characteristics of Taxation and Taxes - Public Finance Notes | Study Public Finance
- B Com (

Executive Order No. 292 [BOOK I/Chapter 9-General Principles Governing Public Officers] | Official
Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines

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