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Smart Grids –Atomic Time Distribution Automation

Instruments in the elecrtrical utility are synchronized to the UTC time base using
Globsl navigation satellite system (GNSS) such as GPS or Gallileo.Together as a
team will investigate time travel technologies in particular to fix or synchronize
phasor measurement unit.Satellite based navigation startes in the early 1970’s.
It is an interesting fact that Einstein’s theories of relativity are continually being
demonstrated by the GPS clocks because they are so accurate, so high and travel
so fast.

GPS provides continuous positioning and timing information, anywhere in the world
under any weather conditions. GPS is a one-way -ranging (passive) system as users
can only receive the satellite signals. In all cases, the GPS receiver was expected to
be outside with a relatively clear view of the sky.
Geometric range is the difference between the location of a satellite and the location
of a GPS receiver.

Literature Review:
The purpose of this report is to explain the principles of GPS theory and more
advanced material backgrounds. With that in mind, some of the theoretical
information has been simplified to provide a starting point for a mathematically
literate users of GPS.
Several consequences of the orbit design can be deduced from the above orbital
parameters, and Kepler’s laws of motion. First of all, the satellite speed can be easily
calculated to be approximately 4 km/s relative to Earth’s centre.

How GPS was designed to work:

GPS was designed to work outdoors. The signal from the GPS satellites is extremely
weak and the satellites are far away. The total radiated power from each satellite is
just 27W, about the same power from a dim lightbulb.
Sgnals transmitted have

The modelled observation can be developed by setting the clock time T equal to the
receive time t plus a clock bias t, for both the receiver and satellite clocks:

The pseudo range is determined by substitution as a function of the actual time of

the signal that was received as follows:
The Navigation message allows us to compute the satellite position (x S, y S, z S)
and the satellite clock bias t S. Therefore, we are left with 4 unknowns, the receiver
position (x, y, z) and the receiver clock bias t.

where ρS (t, t S) is the range from receiver (at receive time) to the satellite (at
transmit time).
This model is simplified; for example, it assumes the speed of light in the
atmosphere is c, and
it ignores the theory of relativity; but this simplified model is useful to gain insight into
principles of GPS. From Pythagoras Theorem, we can write:

There are three requirements for a first fix: signal acquisition, ephemeris and precise
time of week.
Precise and COARSE Time in Navigation:
Fine time is defined as reference time to better than 1ms and this was needed to
reduce the code- delay search space to less than 1ms.
Following acquisition, we need to compute the receiver position. To do this, we first
need to compute the receiver position at the time it transmitted the signal we
measured. To make this computation, we need to know the precise time that the
satellites transmitted the signal.
Since the GPS satellites are moving with respect to us, their range changes at rates
of up to ± 800m/s and therein lies the time problem. If we have a 1s error in the time,
then we will get hundreds of meters of error in computed satellite position, and this
will cause hundreds of metres of error in computed satellite position error will be
around 8m or less.

Phase is intimately connected with our concept of time, which is always based on
some form of periodic motion, such as the rotation of the Earth, the orbit of the Earth
around the Sun (“dynamic time”), or the oscillation of a quartz crystal in a wristwatch
(“atomic time”). Even our representation of time is often based on rotation, such as
the angle of the hands on the face of a clock. Angles of rotation give us our measure
of “time.” In this way, phase can be thought of as a measure of time (after conversion
into appropriate units). We can write this formally as:

where T(t) is the time according to our clock at time t (whatever the clock may be),
j0 =j(0) is so that the clock reads zero when t = 0, and k is a calibration constant,
converting the units of cycles into units of seconds.
Results or Findings:

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