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Background of the Study

In the late 1950s, airline booking systems were originally established to control the flight stock, flight
scheduling, seat assignment and aircraft charging as rather rudimentary independent systems. Today,
modern airline reservation systems include extensive product suites that provide systems that support
various airline management and customer service functions from initial booking through flight

Over the past four years, the World Wide Web has been extremely popular and most airlines today
make option to reserve their flights online. With the implementation of an on-line booking system, the
internet has become a main source of information for those looking for bookings online without the
hassle of meeting travel agents, ensuring that bookings are not only provided by airline employees but
also by any tour operator with a global distribution system and by other airlines which have a
multilateral interline traffic agreement.

A reservation system for the storage and retrieval of information and travel-related transactions.
The PSS systems that perform a number of important functionalities for the airline are
designated. For the airline, the reservation system should use state-of-the art technology to
make all flight reservations on a robust and adaptable platform.
An airline booking system is extremely significant as it is able to prevent errors that might arise
when utilizing a manual reservation system and helps accelerate the boarding process. There's
a current Airline Reservation System on Overland Airways, but this article analyzes current
system difficulties. The problems arise: passengers are not able to select their favorite place(s)
from the booking system, passengers cannot print their boarding pass from the existing system,
passengers are not notified of flight canceled or of delays and passengers cannot obtain a
maintenance report for their aircraft in order to alleviate the fear of air travel and their disasters.
An improved airline booking system was built in this study to overcome the above-mentioned
concerns, which is comfortable for travelers. The Improved airline reservation system is built
and deployed using data from the Airline reservation system interviewees, passengers and
materials. In this context, from time of initial reservation to completion of the task, an improved
airline reservation system will help Overland Airways in the many tasks of airline management
and service needs. The following languages were used for programming: For system interface
design PHP, JavaScript, HTM L and CSS, and SQL for the database.
It is obvious that whatever that is sustainable should go through progress. The drive for
improvement is a perennial subject in information and communication technology (ICTs), which
triggers progress. This is evident in all aspects of our lives and is not excluded in the airline
sector. Due to today's rapidly peaceable nature, aviation is regarded as one of the first choice
for several transport modes to save time, and the Airline Reservation System (A-RS), especially
passengers who do not have or wish to visit a travel agent, is an instrument used by passengers
to speed up air travel process. The internet has therefore become a vital component of the
booking of flights not only for travelers sitting at the office using web servers from various airline
companies to detect a particular customer's flight, but also for consumers who want to book
tickets online. Considering that most airlines have provided their service through the world-wide
web, as consumers might not have enough time out of their hectic routines to contact a travel
agency to make a reservation. The internet has therefore become a vital component of the
booking of flights not only for travelers sitting at the office using web servers from various airline
companies to detect a particular customer's flight, but also for consumers who want to book
tickets online.
The necessity for this method has been identified from the early phases of the aviation sector
where airlines have published in big volumes information ions such as routes, aircraft,
schedules and flight fares. Travel agents have to search distinct volumes for novels that involve
many lines of reservation. The fact that airlines share information during daytime was a picture
of the situation in which there were sitting.
ARS is designing and implementing an impressive ARS which will allow Overland Airways
passengers to purchase their trips with the aims:
1. To examine the difficulties of the existing airline booking system and to identify potential
2. To design a rounded ARS which resolves existing problems, including: passengers'
failure to select seats for their selected flight, passengers not being able to print out their
boarding passes, passengers not being able to notify flight cancellation or delay and lack
of access to aircraft maintenance reports
3. Implementing design and creating a self-booking ARS.
This paper work will aid travelers and contribute to the development of the relationship between
passengers and the airline. This will save passengers time while boarding the airplane, as
passengers can choose their seat(s) and print out their reservation pass and thus reduce
loading times in place of waiting in line to check in to choose their seats and collect their pass
before they are allowed into the airplane, and help minimize the number of passengers who are
on board.

This article aims to develop a system to allow potential Airway passengers to search for and
book available flights, to select flights seats, to pay the booking, to print their pass after payment
is made, to receive reports for maintenance aircraft and to notify them of canceling flights or


 The design of a new ARS is an operational system that meets the above limitations. The
new reservation system will be more efficient and efficient.
 This upgraded ARS would assist travelers to select their favorite seat(s) and print out
their boarding passes from the convenience of the booking system without going to the
airport and perhaps waiting at check-in desks online to pick up their seat(s) and pick up
their boarding pass.
 It helps to speed up the embarkation procedure.
 The system will contribute to the reinforcement of passenger and airline ties.
 It will make it easier for them to perform in their most competitive market by rationalizing
their reservation procedure without the engagement of human beings.

A further proposal is made that has two sections: Administrator Section and Passengers
Section, in order to improve the overall performance of the present reservation system.
Section of Administrator
What happens behind scenes is controlled by the administrator. The airline's individual tasks
include arranging flights, monitoring the seat inventory, accessing passenger books, etc.
The administrator logs into the system with its login details and has the privilege to arrange
flights by filling in every area that allows system users to examine specifics of flights they
choose. Details are: departure date, departure time, time of arrival, city of destination, fare, and
plane ID which allows the number of seats available.

Section of Passengers
The passenger can't do the manager's job. Only available flights can be reserved by the
passenger. Passengers search the system search by entering the city of their travel, the city of
destination, the date and the total number of passengers for flights from. The passenger can
select a flight from among the search results after which the seat map depicting the aircraft
layout utilized for the flight of the selected aircraft will be displayed.

The methodology provides a description of the methods, tools and approaches used to meet
Airline's unique objectives. The system was developed on the basis of the following model. The
requirement assessment, analysis of requirement, design, execution, validation and testing
were engaged. Technique defines the process arrangement.
System Study and Analysis

The existing system was implemented. The shortcomings of the current system have been shown. As
indicated below, several ways the researcher explored to get information about the existing system.

Requirements Analysis
A complete Functional Specification setting out the full range of systems capacity for implementation, as
well as supplementary data and procedure prototypes depicting facts to be accomplished and
procedures to be supported by the new system was the major objective of this stage.

The data collected were examined. The modeling of the separate processes and data were used models
such as the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and the Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs). The requirements
were categorized here as functional and non-functional, the researchers assisted to fulfill his second
goal by determining and analyzing requirements.

System Implementation
This involved the creation or development of numerous aspects of a system for the hosting of
web pages, such as MySQL for database server. The stage in the recognition of the real
system. The basic principle for the system's development was the technical architecture
specified during the design phase. The interface has been created in HTML languages and
Java scripts. This is because these languages have been extremely friendly to the user, which
is easy to learn and economical. The MYSQL database was built on software from Wamp
Server. MYSQL gives the database a very high degree of security, i.e. authentication that can
either be achieved upon registration.


This section describes the tools used to build and implement the system. This is included in the
context chart, level zero and the data flux chart. These instruments helped to build the system
and the fundamental notion and logic of the system. The investigator, who was both a system
analyst and a programmer, concentrated on the problem after the construction of information
systems to develop activities.

System Design Objectives

The Airline Booking System is a web based to help an airline’s with ticket reservation
processes, including blocking, reservation, and cancelation and repackaging. Tickets are
available for reserve.
The system gives the following from the airlines.
1. Repetitive labor by system admin and reservation agents should be minimized by the system.
2. Client information, e.g. flight cancelations due to inclement weather, should be kept in place
by the system in case of an emergency.
3. The system should restrict the number of empty seats and maximize aircraft capacity usage.

Data Flow Diagrams

System Users Administrator
Customer (Registered user)
Hardware Platform

The requirements for implementation on the specifications of the system. These are the
prerequisites of the system's hardware and software. The system is designed for all Pentium III
customers PCs, operating systems, Linux, Windows NT, RAM 512MB Mac, hard drive capacity
of at least 10GB and processor speeds of 550MHZ.
System Execution Sequence
User’s environment
a) Welcome Page

b) Registration Form
Login Page for user

User Interface for book flight, view booked flight and cancelation of
booking ticket.
Search Particular flight Option For User

View Booked Flights Tickets

User have to enter PRN number for cancelation of booked ticket

Contact page for user

Administrator Environment
Login Page
Admin Dashboard
Viewing List of Booked Ticket

Adding Flights Information

Delete Particular flights from dashboard
Adding Aircraft Details
Aircraft to be activated in particular time
Database Interface

Showing Admin username and password

Showing Customer Details

Showing Flights Details

Passenger Details

Showing Payments Details

Showing tickets details

Homepage coding
Booking tickets Page Code

Contact Us Page Code

Login Page Code

DISCUSSION and Finding

Currently, the pressure to produce or destroy economic results is unparalleled, with fuel, labor
and cost of assets rising and demand declining. The IATA says it lost more than US$9 billion in
2009 to the airline sector. The reports from the IATA. Indeed, other than few years and some
airlines, many of the industry failed to create a return on investment above cost capital, as a
result of obsolete flight management approaches still in use today.
The experts have established that the competition will intensify, since the leisure and business
sectors are attractive for low-cost carriers to continue to capture a market share of full-service
providers. Reduction of travel space between 4 and 1 business classes is the direct
consequence of the shortening of the business belt and the advent of travel substitute
technology such as cooperation, video conferencing and telepresence.
The current method in which travelers were plagued had to go to the airport and sometimes
wait in line for their seats to be selected and their boarding pass to be collected after completing
an online reservation. This can be stressful and time consuming for passengers. This research
investigated in detail the existing Airways reservation system. It identified the issues and
weaknesses to be addressed in the existing system.
The researchers also discovered that the aviation business also exists as the global economy
begins to show a hint of recovery. However, industry broadly believes that the companies will
not recover to pre-crisis levels immediately. Although some airlines anticipate an economic
upturn, they are starting to change their strategies. Instead of focusing on saving the 'sinking
boat,' airlines are restructuring their companies and looking for innovating, new service and
business models to compete in the age of 'the new normal.
The future success of an airline will be decided, partly because of its ability to employ
developing technologies to provide customers with improved experience and loyalty while
boosting their staff and operational effectiveness. It is no better timing: mobility goods and new
technology are one of the most successful areas of business improvement for airlines.
This paper implemented since it will be of benefit to the airline by preventing flight departure
delays, maximizing the use of aircrafts capacity, saving money on printing passenger boarding
passes and streamlining their booking process without human interaction, therefore enabling the

The reservation system was carried out manually before contemporary computing. This meant
that a person preparing to go would have to wait in queues for a lot of unneeded time to buy
tickets. The physical reservation technique was susceptible to human blunders,it causes
travelers much unhappiness. Nowadays, competition between airlines is so ferocious that many
discounts and client indulgences are given to give the airline a boost.
The online booking of airlines automates various airline ticket booking operations online, hence
minimizing the time spent and manual errors. It will be argued that the booking system for online
airlines is expensive and that it creates unfair competition between other airlines that do not.
From the point of view of researchers, on-line reservation is one of the best innovations in the
industry of aircraft, and those firms that have still not adopted the reservation system of airlines
should lose out, see their drawbacks are the additional costs, maintenance costs and cost of
development. The Internet and the World Wide Web are here, and airlines will use this
opportunity to expand and flourish airline reservation systems in the future.
The simplification of the booking process without human involvement is extremely important for
the reservation system of airlines in order to achieve our results in a highly competitive market.
It also presented a wide overview of the qualities which should have a good airline booking. This
research analyzed successfully the weaknesses of the existing online airline reservation system
supplied to passengers.

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