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Submitted To: Sir Nauman Alam Siddiqui

Submitted By: Sumbal Munawar

Class: 3rd Semester

Roll #: 19-MME-S1-310

Subject: Iron Manufacturing Technology

Due Date: 17th February 2021 (Wednesday)



 Iron Ore
 Mining of Iron Ore
i. Finding Ore
ii. Plan of Mining
iii. Removal of Overburden
iv. Mining Techniques
 Mining Process
i. Benches
ii. Drilling
iii. Blasting
iv. Transportation
v. Crushing
vi. Separation
vii. Pellets
 Extraction Process of Iron Ore
i. Concentration
ii. Calcination
iii. Smelting
 Concentration process of Iron Ore
i. Magnetic Separation Method
ii. Hydraulic Washing
 Pelletization Process of Iron Ore
 Importance of Pelletization of Iron Ore
 Conclusion
 References

Iron ores are rocks and minerals, which are mostly found in the Earth's crust.
Economically, metallic iron can be extracted from the ores. In the form of magnetite, hematite,
goethite, and limonite, they are found in the Earth's crust. Magnetite (Fe₃O₄) contains the
highest percentage of iron i.e., 72.4%.

Fig. 1. %age Composition of Iron Ores.

Iron ores are abundant in iron oxides, and they vary in colors from dark grey, bright
yellow, or deep purple to rusty red. Magnetite and hematite are the ores having a high
percentage of iron; such ores that contain more than 60% of iron are known as “natural ores”
or “direct shipping ores.” This is because they can be directly fed into blast furnaces to make
iron. The main raw materials which are used to make steel are iron ore. Firstly, the ore is
converted into pig iron and then from it, steel is formed. In fact, in the production of steel 98% of
the mined iron is used. In 2011, the world-renowned newspaper Financial Times stated that
iron is “a more essential part of the global economy than any other material in the world except
for oil.”

Fig. 2. Minerals of Iron Ore.


The extraction of valuable materials from the surface of the earth through mine is called
mining. By extracting iron ore from the Earth’s surface, the miming of iron ore is carried out
after its discovery, and then returning the surface to its natural state. Different processes are
involved in the mining of iron ore which are:

i. Finding Ore:

The discovery of iron ore deposits is the first step of mining and finding the iron ore
deposits on the surface of the Earth, is done by prospecting and exploring. The order is analyzed
extensively after finding their location, extent, and value. For identification and quantification,
the investigations, assessments, and estimation of ore bodies are done through a range of
geophysical, geographical, and metallurgical techniques. In mining, exploration is done by
drilling the remote areas, and then the sample obtained from it is analyzed. And after the sample
analysis, the evaluation is done. In the year 2015, in the Pakistan region of Chiniot, huge
reserves of iron ore were also discovered.

Fig. 3. Iron Ore.

ii. Plan of Mining:

A plan of mining is made when the iron ore deposits were analyzed, and in the plan, the
ore bodies which are to be mined and the sequence for mining are decided. The necessary part
of mining is that the areas to be mines are selected and tagged for drilling, and blasting to
ensure that the process is economical. Before starting the process, the planning of mine is made,
and once the operation starts, it continues on the day to day basis.

iii. Removal of Overburden:

Removal of overburden is necessary to gain access to iron ore deposits in an area, and the
removal of waste material such as soil and rock material is also known as overburden. The two
main components of iron ore are the waste material and the ore deposits. It is a highly costly
process to remove the overburden from the surface.

iv. Mining Techniques:

The two basic techniques that are used today for mining are:

 Surface mining is beneficial in terms of cost, productivity, safety, and ore recovery, so it
is the most commonly used and beneficial technique.
 Underground mining is also used in some parts of the world.

Fig. 4. Mining Techniques.

Based on the proximity of the iron ore body to the surface, the mining method is chosen,
and mostly the mining of iron ore is completely done by surface mining. Open-pit and open-cut
mining methods are the most common methods that are used in surface mining, and for the
extraction of ore, they are the least costly methods.


Until we reach the ore deposits, overburden such as vegetation, soil, and rocks are
continuously removed and stripped. There are the following steps that are followed for its
extraction after reaching the ore deposit.

i. Benches:
During the process alongside drilling, blasting, and hauling of the ore, benches are
created. There are many factors on which the bench’s height depends such as shape, size, depth
of occurrence of ores, its hardness and compactness, geological disturbance suffered by it, and
many other factors. On the other hand, the length of the face depends upon variation in grade,
output required, and capacity of loading machinery.

Fig. 5. Benches.

ii. Drilling:

Drilling process takes place in the benches for the production of ore with the help of
mechanized drills. There are specific mechanized drills for their respective tasks. Drilling is
done to form a hole of a required diameter and depth. So that explosives could be placed in them
for blasting. The created holes are usually vertical but it can be inclined to get better blasting

Fig. 6. Drilling.

iii. Blasting:
In mining, explosives are placed in holes made by drilling and detonated for the purpose
of breaking massive rocks. This is necessary because otherwise mining would be time consuming
and costly. Blasting is also used for exposing ore body and possibly breaking it. A mixture of
ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, also known as ANFO, is being used today for blasting purposes.

Fig. 7. Blasting.

iv. Transportation:

For making iron in a blast furnace, iron ores are transported from the mine site to the
port for overseas export or to local steelworks. By either rail or truck, the ore is usually
transported to a port. Sometimes, for transporting ores to the port or a local steelworks, ships
are used. For both trucks and rail, the fuel used in transport is diesel.

Fig. 8. Transportation.

v. Crushing:
The process of reducing the size of run-of-mine material into coarse particles is known as
crushing. The crushing efficiency depends on the efficiency of upstream processes and, in turn,
on downstream processes has a significant effect. The iron ore obtained from the mining process
varies in their sizes, from 1 inch to 40 inches ranges.

Fig. 9. Crushing.

vi. Separation:

From the taconite rock by using the process of magnesium, the iron ore is separated. The
residual rock is dumped into tailings sinks and is a waste material. The concentrate is known as
the taconite rock powder plus iron. The important step for dry ore processing of iron ore is
testing. Typically, the first step of iron ore beneficiation processes is crushing and testing. Before
their separation into ore product and waste rock, this testing is an important step. For further
classification and grading of iron ore, secondary crushing and testing can use.

Fig. 10. Separation.

vii. Pellets:
With clay, the concentrate is rolled within a huge rotating drum, and the drums are used
to make the powder into marble-sized balls. Until the balls become white-hot, they can be then
dried up and heated. As the balls cool down, they become hard and the final product which is
formed is taconite pellets.

Fig. 11. Pellets.


First, we should know what the extraction is before the start of the extraction process of
iron ore. The process in which we separate the required natural products from the raw materials
is known as extraction. The main process used in the extraction of iron ore are following:

i. Concentration:

To break ore into small pieces, it is crushed in crusher’s machines. And then with the
gravity separation process, the pieces are concentrated in which is washed with water to remove
the clay, sand, etc. The oldest ore processing method which is used by mankind is the Gravity
concentration process, and this is a physical process, to make a separation, it develops the
difference in the densities of the minerals. The gravity separation process finds enormous
applications in iron ores processing and also in coal, gold, diamonds, platinum, fluorspar,
tungsten, tin ores, etc. This process is comparatively economical and globally friendly.
Fig. 12. The concentration of Iron Ore.

ii. Calcination:

Then subjected to calcination, in the absence of air the ore is strongly heated, to drive
away from the impurities as; sulphur, carbon dioxide, arsenic, and moisture. In the ore, if there
is any ferrous oxide then is oxidized to ferric oxide, and in consequence, the ferrous silicate
which is formed is avoided porous.

FeCO₃ → FeO + CO₂

4FeO + O₂ → 2Fe₂CO₃

iii. Smelting:

In the blast furnace, the mixture of the concentrated ore which is mixed with an estimated
quantity of limestone, and coke is taken place.

 Blast Furnace

A large cylindrical furnace which is made of steel is a blast furnace, and inside it’s
covered with ignition bricks. Its top is thin and also has arrangements for the ore introduction
and waste gases outlet. With hot gases, the furnace is heated.
Fig. 13. Blast Furnace.

The chemical reactions that take place in a Blast Furnace are following:

 Formation of Carbon Monoxide:

To make CO₂ gas, the coke is burnt in the air at the bottom of the blast furnace
and a lot of heat is created at the temperature of about 1875K. With additional coke, the
CO₂ gas further reacted and then is reduced to carbon monoxide (CO).
C + O₂ → CO₂ + Heat
C + CO₂ → 2CO
 Reduction of Hematite to Iron:
At the higher part of the furnace, the temperature is about 975K to 1075K, and by
carbon monoxide, the hematite is reduced to iron there. At the bottom side of the blast
furnace, this iron is accumulated.
Fe₂O₃ + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO₂


Concentration or benefaction is a process known as the process of removal of gangue

from the ore. The concentration of iron ore is done by various methods which are:
i. Magnetic Separation Method:

Those who have magnetic nature like ore or a guage particle (impurities) are
concentrated by this method. Firstly, the ore is ground into pieces and then passing over a
magnetic roller that passed on a conveyor belt. The gangue falls off the belt but the magnetic ore
remains on the belt. Due to centrifugal force, the non-magnetic impurities away from the magnet
fall on the separated heap.

Fig. 14. Magnetic Separation Method.

ii. Hydraulic Washing:

The ores are also concentrated by this method in which it passing the ores through an
upward stream of water whereby from the heavier metal ore, all the lighter particles of gangue
are separated. And this method is a type of gravity separation.

Fig. 15. Hydraulic Washing.


Pelletizing process is defined as:

“The process in which waste material is converted into the spherical pellets or some other
shapes are known as a pelletizing process.”

There are three main steps for the iron ore pelletizing process:

 Pelletizing feeds preparation and mixing: To feed the pelletizing process, the raw
materials such as iron ore concentrate, additives-anthracite, dolomite, and binders are
prepared in the terms of particle size and chemical specifications, dosed, and mixed.
 Balling process: Without any thermal process, the green pellet is converted into the
rolled pellet, and under the strict control of moisture it is obtained, and also has a
spherical shape and diameter of 8-16 mm.
 Induration Process: To achieve the physical and metallurgical requirements for
handling, transportation, and final application, at controlled heating rates and aiming,
the green pellets are hardened in high-temperature processing.

Fig. 16. Pelletization Process.


Pelletizing of iron ore has multiple advantages in our modern world. Mainly the demand
for Pelletization has increased in the production of steel. This is because the steel is one of the
most important components of our modern lives. Today, steel is being used in our home
appliances, vehicles and infrastructure. Due to its importance, its demand is increasing day by
day. In 2017, almost 1,690 million tons of steel was produced. So, the ways for producing better
quality iron and conserving our iron ore resources are being discovered. The main benefit of
Pelletization is that it can convert fines into pellets which make these once considered waste
materials to useful upgraded iron ores. This helps us in not only conserving a huge sum of
natural resources but also producing high quality iron and steel.

Following are the reasons for increased demand for Pelletization:

 The rate of productivity per cubic meter can be increased due to Pelletization of iron
 The requirement for coking coal is lowered and pellets can be fed directly to the blast
furnace. Thus, benefiting the environment.
 Pelletization makes it easier to handle and transport the iron ore.
 It performs better inside the furnace than that of powder as pellets are better in
transferring heat.
 Dust and emissions are less in blast furnace.
 Loss of product is lessened in blast furnace.


Iron ore is the fifth most abundant element on earth. Crude iron ore resources in the
world are estimated to be around 800 billion tons containing at least 230 billion tons of iron.
The main purpose of iron ore is the making of iron. They produced iron is then used in the
production of steel, wrought iron, and cast iron .etc. Steel is used in our daily life applications
such as automobiles, buildings, furniture, ships, tools, bicycles, and other items. With the
increased demand for iron making, the mine production of iron ore has increased over the years.
The mine production of iron ore in Australia alone is estimated to be about 930 million tons in
It is quite clear that if we keep on using iron ore resources at such a rate, we will run out
of iron within a few hundred years. So it is necessary to preserve these resources to prevent the
shortage of iron as it is an important part of our daily life. For this reason, we use Pelletization.
Pelletizing of iron ore has a range of benefits from cost benefits to upgrading low-grade iron
ores. The iron ore fines that were considered waste at one time are being conserved and used in
the production of iron. Pelletization is an important part of our Modern Steel Integrated Works
which have enabled us to meet our iron requirements without exhausting our resources.


 Walker, R. Donald (1999, July 26). Iron processing. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Accessed at

 Sarna, S. Kumar (2014, March 14). Mining of Iron Ores.

Accessed at

 Kozicki, C. & Carlson, C. (n.d). Iron Ore Pelletizing Essential in Meeting Future Steel

Accessed at

 Scutt, D. (2017, November 1). This is how Iron Ore is turned into Steel.

Accessed at

 Principal of extractive metallurgy ( second edition ) by Tarqel Resenqvist (NTNU).

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