Word List Unit 4

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Word Pronunciation Meaning Example

1 Hazard n  /ˈhæz.əd/ danger The nuclear waste is a health hazard.
2 throughout adv  /θruːˈaʊt/ In every part The terrorists planted bombs
throughout the building.
3 disaster n /dɪˈzɑː.stər/ A sudden event that causes The city suffered the worst natural
suffering and loss disaster ever recorded in the last 40
4 Alert v /əˈlɜːt/ To warn The weather forecast alerted the
viewers of the storm.
5 forecast v /ˈfɔː.kɑːst/ To predict The weatherman forecasted the
weather of the entire week.
6 destruction n /dɪˈstrʌk.ʃən/ Severe damage The destruction of the Twin Towers was
devastating to all Americans.
7 Get out v /ɡet/ To leave; to escape The driver ordered me to get out of the
8 affordable adj /əˈfɔː.də.bəl/ Not too expensive Over the years, prices of goods have
become less and less affordable due to
9 effectively adj /ɪˈfek.tɪv.li/ In a way that works well The new vacuum cleaner is second-
hand and doesn’t work as effectively as
my previous one.
10 deadly adj /ˈded.li/ So dangerous that it can cause The snake’s venom is one of the most
death deadly substances on the planet.
11 horde n /hɔːd/ A large moving group Hordes of animals had left the area 3
hours before the earthquake happened.
12 subside v /səbˈsaɪd/ Go down to a lower or the The ancient city of Pompeii subsided
normal level. after the disastrous volcanic eruption.
13 sighting n /ˈsaɪ.tɪŋ/ An occasion in which something This is the first sighting of the comet in
is observed. the last 200 years.
14 serotonin n /ˌse.rəˈtəʊ.nɪn/ A chemical in the body that Stress can increase the level of
affects the sleep-wake cycle. serotonin in one’s body, making them
uncomfortable while trying to sleep.
15 restlessness n /ˈrest.ləs.nəs/ A state of not being able to The prison escapee suffered days of
relax. restlessness due to the risk of being
16 document v  /ˈdɒk.jə.mənt/ to record the details of an The biologists documented the life cycle
event, a process, etc. of a desert lizard.
17 sensitive adj /ˈsen.sɪ.tɪv/ easily upset by the things Some animals, especially rodents, are
people say or do, or causing sensitive to changes in the
people to be upset, environment.
embarrassed, or angry
18 subtle adj /ˈsʌt.əl/ not loud, bright, noticeable, or The changes in the environment before
obvious in any way a disaster, while subtle, is noticeable for
some animals to leave days prior to the
19 prompt v /prɒmpt/ to make something happen The politician’s speech prompted loud
cheers from the crowd.
20 Blow away v /bləʊ/ to surprise or please someone The magician’s trick blew the audience
very much away.
21 Storm surge n /ˈstɔːm ˌsɜːdʒ/ an occasion when a lot of water The entire city was hit with a storm
is pushed from the sea onto the surge from the largest hurricane ever
land, usually caused by a recorded in the century.
22 Make landfall v /ˈlænd.fɔːl/ To reach land After 3 months of wandering on the
Pacific Ocean, the ship finally made
23 debris n /ˈdeb.riː/ Broken or torn pieces of After the bomb exploded, nothing but
something larger. debris was left from the building site.
24 moist adj /mɔɪst/ A little wet Before the hurricane hit, the air became
noticeably moister.
25 catastrophic adj /ˌkæt.əˈstrɒf.ɪk/ Extremely bad or destructive The volcanic eruption was catastrophic
and costed billions of dollars in
26 diameter n /daɪˈæm.ɪ.tər/ The length of a straight line The diameter of an average hurricane
drawn through the center of a was 4000 times larger than a football
circle. field.
27 entire adj /ɪnˈtaɪər/ whole or complete, with The ashes from the largest eruption of
nothing missing Yellowstone’s supervolcano covered
half of the United States.
28 eruption n /ɪˈrʌp.ʃən/ an occasion when a volcano Around the year 600, the eruption of a
explodes, and flames and rocks nearby volcano buried Ceren's
come out of it, or the act of buildings.
doing this
29 vast n /vɑːst/ Extremely big The vast majority of children attend
state schools.
30 continuous adj /kənˈtɪn.ju.əs/ without a pause or interruption My computer makes a continuous low
buzzing noise
31 threaten v /ˈθret.ən/ to tell someone that you will kill They threatened the shopkeeper with a
or hurt them or cause problems gun
if they do not do what you want
32 pressure n /ˈpreʃ.ər/ the force that a liquid or gas The new material allows the company
produces when it presses to make gas pipes which withstand
against an area higher pressures.
33 accumulate v /əˈkjuː.mjə.leɪt/ to collect a large number of We’ve accumulated so much garbage
things over a long period of over the year.
34 crack n /kræk/ a very narrow space between Cracks had appeared in the streets after
parts of something the earthquake.
35 collapse v /kəˈlæps/ to fall down suddenly because Thousands of buildings collapsed in the
of pressure or having no earthquake.
strength or support
36 explode v /ɪkˈspləʊd/ to break up into pieces violently, A bomb exploded at one of the capital's
or to cause something to do this busiest railway stations this morning.
37 compact v /kəmˈpækt/ to press something together in a Cars had compacted the snow until it
tight and solid way was like ice
38 exceptionally adv /ɪkˈsep.ʃən.əl.i/ in a way that is much greater The material has exceptionally high
than usual, especially in skill, strength for its weight
intelligence, quality, etc
39 Piece together v /piːs/ If you piece together facts or Investigators are trying to piece
information, you collect them in together what happened just before the
order to understand a situation accident.
40 slice n /slaɪs/ a part of something  The film presents us with a fascinating
slice of history.
41 periodically adv /ˌpɪə.riˈɒd.ɪ.kəl.i/ in a way that is repeated after a The equipment should be tested
particular period of time periodically
42 Tsunami n /tsuːˈnɑː.mi/ an extremely large wave caused She left the area after she lost her
by a violent movement of the house and her family in the tsunami.
earth under the sea
43 Tornado n /tɔːˈneɪ.dəʊ/ a strong, dangerous wind that The tornado pulled up the old tree by
forms itself into an upside-down its roots.
spinning cone and is able to
destroy buildings as it moves
across the ground
44 Avalanche n /ˈæv.əl.ɑːntʃ/ a large amount of ice, snow, and Two skiers were killed in the avalanche.
rock falling quickly down the
side of a mountain
45 Earthquake n /ˈɜːθ.kweɪk/ a sudden violent movement of Thousands of buildings collapsed in the
the earth's surface, sometimes earthquake.
causing great damage
46 Blizzard n /ˈblɪz.əd/ a severe snow storm with strong Driving during the blizzard was a
winds nightmare.
47 Drought n /draʊt/ a long period when there is little This year’s severe drought has ruined
or no rain the crops.
48 Wildfire n /ˈwaɪld.faɪər/ a fire that is burning strongly In Northern California, a wildfire has
and out of control on an area of spread a haze of smoke over 200 miles.
grass or bushes in the
49 Magma n /ˈmæɡ.mə/ hot liquid rock found just below Magma being cooled down will harden
the surface of the earth into rock.
50 Dust storm n /ˈdʌst ˌstɔːm/ a mass of dust and sand that has It fell silent shortly after a raging dust
been lifted from the ground in storm blocked sunlight from reaching its
very dry areas such as deserts solar panels.
and that is carried by the wind

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