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Your life will change
dramatically when you
activate your wealth DNA.
And things are going to get
crazy - in a good way. So for a
lot of people it can be a little
difficult to manage all of that.

That's why I created this

planner to help guide you
through the first 30 days of
your experience.

But not only that, during these

30 days we're going to add
habits of successful people to
your routine. These habits will
further leverage your results,
bringing much wealth and

On the first day I want

you to start listening to
the Wealth Code audio
track, if you can't hear it
right when you wake up,
listen to it when you
have some free time in
your day.

Today the important

thing is just that you

On the second day you
need to wake up early,
yes, wake up a little
earlier than usual so that
you can calmly listen to
the Wealth Code as soon
as you wake up.

Look for a quiet place,

without disturbances,
preferably alone and
with your cell phone in
airplane mode.


Now you need to start

reading our digital book
- 17 Habits of Wealth. In
this digital book, I'm
going to show you all the
habits of rich people, and
it's those habits that
we're going to add to
your routine.

You need to create a wall of
views! This wall will contain
all of your wealth goals and

I want you to search for

photos of your dream car,
dream house, that trip you
always wanted to take but
didn't have any money left.
Here, things that are not
material can also come into
play, such as a family,
children, health…

After finding these photos

you need to print them and
paste them somewhere you
can see them. It could be on
the inside door of your
wardrobe, for example…

After finding these photos

you need to print them and
paste them somewhere you
can see them. It could be on
the inside door of your
wardrobe, for example…


Wake up early, have a

healthy breakfast, serve a
nice cup of coffee and listen
to the Wealth Code,
unhurried, relaxed, letting
the audio frequencies enter
your mind, unlocking the
Wealth Code.


Search YouTube for a video

of no more than 20 minutes
on financial planning. There
are several channels, the
ideal is to find the one that
you most identify with.

Find the video and watch it



Visualize your dream wall

for 5 minutes. I want you
to sit in front of your wall,
or take the photos in your
hand and visualize them,
put yourself inside those
images and live that
dream for just 5 minutes.


Go for a walk. If you are not

in the habit of exercising, I
want you to start today,
take a light walk for 15 to
30 minutes, it could be in
your neighborhood, ideally
it should be something easy,
just for you to start!


Today is the day to start

giving thanks, I want you to
talk to a family member or
someone who lives with you
and name 3 things you are
grateful for that happened
in your day.

DAY 10

Remember your dream

wall? Today while listening
to your Wealth Code in the
morning I want you to close
your eyes and visualize your
dreams, feel it getting into
your future car, arriving at
your future home, driving to
your future neighborhood.
Or visualize your dream
family, children, health,

DAY 11
You need to eat better, but
you don't need to make
drastic changes, today I
want you to replace some
fatty food at lunch with
something more natural,
you can change your fried
foods for vegetables, a fatty
meat for a leaner one...

Important is that you make

some substitution for your

DAY 12

You need to know how to

invest, so look for some
videos about investments, I
recommend that you
initially learn how to invest
in low-risk investments.

So search YouTube on these

topics and learn a little, the
ideal thing is that you don't
start investing before you
have knowledge about.

DAY 13

Take a 15 to 30 minute
walk, but while you are
walking, try to visualize
your dreams, think about
the good things you want in
your life, wealth, health,
love, family...

DAY 14

I want you to remember to

listen to the Wealth Code
every day, this is the most
important habit in your
routine, so don't forget to
sit somewhere quiet, relax
and listen to the audio track
first thing in the morning.

DAY 15

If you've come this far, you

can be sure that you're
already evolving a lot, you
may not realize it yet. But I
assure you that your life is
already on another level. So
I want you to celebrate, do
something you like with
someone who supports you,
have dinner, have a wine,
DAY 16
Now let's take your
visualization to the next
Remember your dream car?
I want you to go to a
dealership and see it, sit in
the car, get behind the
wheel. Take your
companion or companion
along and live this

Don't be afraid of being

judged, you'll be treated
well if you feel like you
already belong in that
world, and that's what we

DAY 17

It's time to meet work after

work. When you get home,
you'll probably be tired,
right? What people usually
do is sit on the couch in the
living room and stay there
until bedtime.

But you will do it differently,

start little by little, start
studying something you
want, start coming up with
a business idea, anything.
The important thing is to
add the habit of work after

DAY 18

Buy a headset. Listening to

the Wealth Code with
headphones will enhance
your experience, so I
recommend getting a good
pair of headphones so you
can listen to it the next
DAY 19

Enrolling in a gym, yes

practicing physical exercises
is very important to have a
healthy body and mind.
Only with health can you
achieve the wealth you

This step is especially for

people who have services
that don't require a lot of
effort from their body.

DAY 20
Do you take traffic to go to
work? How about
occupying this time that
was previously wasted
with something really

Download podcasts on
your cell phone about
entrepreneurship, finance,
marketing… And on the
way to work listen and

In case you go to work by

bus, even better, remember
that you bought a headset?

DAY 21

Let's take another step

towards your dream wall. I
want you to feel one more
experience. Who knows,
maybe go talk to a realtor
about your dream
property, or go to a travel
agency and talk about the
trip you dream of taking…

It's important that you do

your research, as if you
were interested in buying,
because in fact, you are!

DAY 22

How about becoming a

better employee, or a
better boss? So now I want
you to find a course about
your area of ​expertise,
there are several free
courses on Youtube or

Find one that will make you

a more successful trader.

DAY 23

Help someone you love!

You know that dream wall
you made? Or that habit of
visualizing your success?
Encourage someone you
love to do it too, you don't
have to achieve success
DAY 24

Buy a book on personal

development. The habit of
reading is super important
in developing successful
people, so buy a good book
on personal development
and read at least 10 pages
a day.

DAY 25
You know that problem
you've had for years at the
company you work for and
no one knows how to solve

Or what stopped working

in your house and you
don't know how to fix it...

Search about this problem

on Google and Youtube
and learn how to solve it.
Here the idea is that you
learn to solve things
yourself, seeking
knowledge and executing.

DAY 26

Did you know that your

friendships influence your
success? Hanging out with
people who don't have
dreams, goals, desire to
evolve will make you a
person like her.

So I suggest you start

looking for new
friendships, friendships
with people who want to
evolve just like you.

You don't have to cut

contact with your old
friends entirely, just meet
new people and try to
spend time with them.
DAY 26

You don't have to cut

contact with your old
friends entirely, just meet
new people and try to
spend time with them.

DAY 27

Take a 15 to 30 minute
walk, but while you are
walking, try to visualize
your dreams, think of the
good things you want in
your life, wealth, health,
love, family...

DAY 28

Remember your dream

wall? Today as you listen
to your Wealth Code in
the morning, I want you to
close your eyes and
visualize your dreams,
feel yourself getting into
your future car, arriving
at your future home,
driving to your future
DAY 29

Today is the day to be

grateful, I want you to
talk to a family member
or someone who lives with
you and name 3 things
you are grateful for that
happened in your day.

DAY 30
Congratulations, you've
completed the 30 steps to
attract wealth in your life,
you're ahead of most
people who didn't have
the strength to finish!

So today you must

celebrate! Buy something
you like to eat, have a
good wine, go out to

The important thing is that

you do something you
like, but without
extrapolating your

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