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“LW < NE ond PIR Sed cai Spare A IT] tare | ae vertical load; bearing Shresp)e: | _ 10-4 |Conce pt Shear Strength AM Shade tetas sae : ——|ohor shengin of a sot] 45 the wesistance opened ly 603] grains against. shear _4oilure of soi) mass. es "The sheor ‘strength 0} sefl__depends _ypon s- " The_normal_stress” oppited on _ofl_mass | 6, 2. The angle of internal piction op acil_mass(o). a the coheston or _adheston bond of soil_mass(c), ‘|The dro nage condftion oy sof] mass lt -The_past _ Stross history Soi) mass ie S0i) may be Ne 0c, Ue: os ‘The shear stengih oy soil. isthe _most impostant _propeity which 15 essential in pro blems 0, bearing capacity of foundation design Of retoined shuctute, design 64 _ pavements and stability analysis 04 slopes a all’_kinds Such 9s «| hiNS or» mountain slope, bank % cannel or rivets, —_| manmade. cuts and fills. Mathematically, Shear Strengin can | | given _ 45; - se Ht | Tz Ct Htand 5 C7 cohesive yorce | adnesive qorce- E> normal vertical stress acvigee angle 0 intemal yriction| angle 0; pose: | mh keane po ones “circle Nosmal_ siress , shear. Shress Principal Stress ; “let us ‘consider an ‘element oO} S0il_which_i¢ subjected lo two dimensional stress _system ag shown in_+he figure. ‘let__the soi) rae 1s inclined at_an_ angle © with_noajo! ‘principal length. & equal to mapr principal Stese- 6 Ley a minor principal siess _ 6n = nosmal pri cipal stress T= Shear stress & 6C , : é Re oe = et Z ! \ } 6 Ab ana = Xo are Thing unt —_d?stance perpendicular — to plane 04 paper. = lormal oree_on 8c = GX BCX 4 —| Shear yorce_on- BC = Ty BCXL —§|l force on AC= yx acy ds foice an AB > SG XABXI — alee E a - ‘Page No. LINK» | vate; 7——_- Li. SSS te /Equating all ye jorces poralle! to 8 a =T8C+ GABSine- c,ac cos =O oe or TBC 2 6 Adsine- 6 MCC0S O as ae ot; T 2 6 AB sin@- & AC p05 i ee ra 06. ‘ 6c ore from yg ee AB. C030 AC = 5iInO 6¢ 6c = LT = 60050-Sin@- 6, sin@- C05 6 = Gi. 2sind-0096 -_G. 2 sino. © 2 2 2G. in 26 - &. 5in 20 2 2 7 e z 6 2 ee | oe Lis epee ey Equating QU the _forees porpondiculas tp BC: guating $ perp: b -6y BC t 6 AGCOSO + GACSING=0 6, ABC = GABCOSO + Bacsing ~ & fm = GxAG Cosh + by xnc sino 8c 6c PER Oe a g 2 ea) = &, 6) = GX C086 + 6 sin'O Ss ae yee od S arene 2 2 me value 0 Tand 6 con be “obtoined yy “solving 0g” @) and _(®) ond _shey con _be represented diogrommabicely Known _05 Mohié _cirtle. ae | ‘Procedure to draw Mons circle &~ ed ) plot normal gtresses o> 0B Ond 63> 0A along me _n-anis “f) Divde Ag such thot cig the mid-point _O} A and 8. _ 4) Drow a _circle having it’s centre at C and mods equa) to _\AC_or_ BC+ } 4) Through A draw AP Such thot angle BA PAB = O- rem. _co-ord?nate of P {5 normal stress andy co-ordinat (4% P %5 shear stross On_the given plane. principal: | ] plane “he _plane_ with _mox- compressive stress (6) i called tsjor { J patie plane: : z ‘The _ plane wih min. Conipressive stress [&) is called minor piind pol plane. “The_plane with yolue intermedfote be!” _¢ 6 6 is known 95 intermediate principal plane. Page io, NEWLINK | “uohr- covlumb failure criterion ws, Mobr- Failure _cyiterans- oe | Accosding to wis theory, the goilure of soil occurs when ___ ___ he Shear _stre6S__on ony plane is equal % whe shear sheng 0h Soil ie tne _sheot_strengin_on_ony plane_ts_a tunctfan of —nomal_stess ©) on that _plone_te Ter Fl 6) peta Golem coulumb — Failure eri toyfon $- [= t t I, 20 got “ oO : ¢ OTe | : 7 Folyte Plane v (i) ee Cohesianless i | ni} Page Ao, NEW LINKS Date a _|.Shear resistance) 8 i coulymd _ dling the junction #6) a5 linear junction o a 6_yelating with cohesion § ongle aan fet Lee Tes C+ etan p : where; Te: Sheor stress at fotlure L Cohesion e normal stress peat. | co ge ongle oy _prietfon A = i Fair aveoP ome eT material occurs when _mohr circle touthes_ failure _ 94 the “erwelope and mohr circle the critical combinatton of shear ine goflure envelope - At the paint 4 contact De .0h. yoiluse and__normal stress '5 reached ond We _gollvie__oceuss- Th mohr circle cannot _¢7055_F te _jaflure envelope os the flue, os te __ ofluse would nave already oecure occured ag soon é Pape Ngo NEW LINK P08 No, 23 pate: 77 if he circle _toudhes He _soilure envelope - me — foloonship between principal stesses ot Coot + 16+) a Sing = 6-8 2ccot Gr |a,4+6) Gt:_2¢ cot Px sing +(6+G)sinp= 6,-& 20005 + 63 Sind+ 6 = 6,- 5, sind 2ecospt &l1+8ind) = 6 | 1-sing) bt: Ot: Ot, ore 2e].s¢ \ + & | trsind \ —O- '-Sing 1-sing } We Know; 14 sind = toro.) 1 6056 = tan | 4546 \ 1-sinp 1-3ing ee) from _(7) Sian" 2¢X ton | 4549 \ + 6 tan’ / 24540 \ a eee | 2, ( 2g } 6_2_2¢ Np | i5_the sequtved obliquity “lations hip_ Ng : fea" 45% ) 19_A flow ratio a j oe hen _c¢-0 Foy 62 2XOxJNop + G Ng ie C= _&No] bs i 2 éN i ee eer when 0:0 Beer alr ; 2 atid INK] a0 No, NEWLINK- Wee Fe g. ote s- : 7 3 9 | 7 Deviotor gtess = 6-6 a At “confined pressure | Coll pressure | Allround pressure = 63 = A somple 0 dry__cohesionless soil ‘wos tested in a_trioxial jest. Fp the angle 04. shearing resistance wos 36 and We conjining pressure Los 100 knm” Detemmine she _deviotos stress at whith the . somple safle. ; cohesionless soi! 5 Bnd aeeaue [zo decor gor (O+&) 6-100 Or (6+ 100) + 385-46 - 100 = 285-16 KN) Im ie sence aaa 008 A consofdated —_undvained prvaxfal test was conducted _on “3027 normolly consolfdoied ‘clay Felding sbe__4olowin OBO KNm > Sy = 275tN|m". Determines (he angle of ghetfon f 2 a “Angle which she _oilure plane _makes with she _major plone Normal stress on olluse. 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