Teacher's Day Play

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Teacher’s Day Play-

Teacher - Good Morning Students!

As mentioned yesterday, we will be having a test
today. Are you all ready?

New Student - But ma’am! I was not informed about


Teacher - Oh! I forgot to introduce him. So this is

_________, our new student.

New Student - But ma’am what about the test?

Teacher - Hmm…..I was supposed to take it

today……You can do it later…..Has everyone
studied for it?

Naughty Student (1) - No ma’am.

Naughty Student (2) - ma’am I have studied but I

think you should take it tomorrow because of the
new student.
Naughty Student (3) - I also feel the same, ma’am.

(Whispers to Naughty Student (2) - I love to lie!)

Naughty Student (2) whispers back - me too!

Teacher - Well then, let’s take it tomorrow.

Good Student (1) - Ma’am, what about me? I studied

so hard for it.

Good Student (2) - I don’t want to waste all the

practice I had done!

Teacher - Hmm…But what can I do? Majority of the

class wants to have it tomorrow.

Class monitor goes to ma’am.

Class Monitor - ma’am, won’t it get you into trouble?

The principal told you that this test is important right?

Teacher - For me, Children and their education is

more important.
Naughty Children laugh heartily looking at the faces
of the good children.

Teacher claps twice to silence the class.

The principal storms in the classroom.

Principal - Ms. __________, is the test going well?

Teacher - I’m sorry ma’am, but the children are not

ready yet. I will take their test tomorrow.

Principal - What?! ________, you are not as I

expected. If you don’t take the test now, you can’t
come to work tomorrow onwards.

Teacher - I’m sorry ma’am, but if the children are not

ready, I won’t take their test.

The bell rings.

Principal - You are not allowed to come to school

tomorrow onwards!
Teacher leaves the classroom sadly.

Class Monitor - See what you have done you three!

You made the teacher lose her job because of your
selfishness! You should be ashamed of yourself!
Now go and try to explain to the principal about the
situation and apologise for lying. It is not the
teacher’s responsibility that you didn’t study!

The naughty students rushed to the principal’s room.

Naughty Student (1) - We are so sorry ma’am, but

we lied to the teacher because we hadn’t studied.

Naughty Student (2) - We will not do such a thing


Principal - Hmm….As you have realised your

mistake, go and call the whole class and your

Everybody has arrived.

Teacher - What happened?

Principal - These three students lied to you because

they hadn’t studied. They have come to apologise.
And also, you're not losing your job.

Teacher hugs the children and says - Thank you for

telling the truth! Now you must have learnt the
importance of always telling the truth to your

The whole class - Yes ma’am!

Everyone stands in a file.

(From the left)
1. Principal
2. Teacher
3.Class Monitor
4. Naughty Students
5. Good Students

Principal, Teacher, Class Monitor - Always speak

Naughty and Good Students - The truth!

Everyone bowed and said - Thank You!

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