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Report of the Workshop on Tasks of

Jan Shikshan Sansthan Staff
2021 - 22

Directorate of Jan Shikshan Sansthan

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
Government of India
Jamnagar House, New Delhi - 110011 9
S. Content Page

1. Introduction 01

2. Tasks of the Director 05

3. Tasks of Programme Officer 16

4. Tasks of Assistant Programme Officer (APO) 24

5. Tasks of Accountant-cum-Manager (AcM) 27

6. Tasks of Computer Operator (CO) 33

7. Tasks of Field Assistant-cum-Clerk (FAC) 36

8. Tasks of Driver-cum-Attendant 38

9. Office Records / Registers 39

10. Programme Registers 41

11. Sample Form & Other Records 44


APO Assistant Programme Officer
BoM Board of Management
BPL Below Poverty Line
CAG Controller & Auditor General
CO Computer Operator
DIC District Industries Centre
DJSS Directorate of Jan Shikshan Sansthan
DSC District Skill Committee
EAT Expenditure Advance Transfer
EC Executive Committee
EDP Entrepreneurship Development Programme
EPF Employee Provident Fund
EPFC Employee Provident Fund Commissioner
GoI Government of India
GST Goods & Services Tax
ID Identity
ITI Industrial Training Institute
JLG Joint Liability Group

Jan Shikshan Sansthan
Life Enrichment Education 9
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Member of Legislative Assembly
MP Member of Parliament
MSDE Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
NGO Non-governmental Organisation
NSQF National Skill Qualification Framework
PAN Permanent Account Number
PFMS Public Financial Management Services
PO Programme Officer
PPA Printed Payment Advice
PwD Persons with Disabilities
RP Resource Person
SC Schedule Caste
SHG Self-Help Group
SoP Standard Operating Procedure
SSDM State Skill Development Mission
ST Scheduled Tribe
TDS Tax Deducted at Source
TLM Teaching-Learning Material
ToT Training of Trainers

UPI Universal Payment Interface
VIPs Very Important Persons
1 Introduction
The Scheme of Support to Jan Shikshan Sansthan(NGOs) for Skill
Development (previously known as Shramik Vidyapeeth) is being
implemented through NGOs in the country since 1967. The scheme was
renamed as Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) in 2000. The scheme was
transferred from Ministry of Education (erstwhile MHRD) to Ministry of
Skill Development & Entrepreneurship in July, 2018.
At present, 302 JSSs are functional in 26 States and 7 UTs. The
Scheme of Jan Shikshan Sansthan for Skill Development is implemented
with 100% grant from the Government of India. The annual coverage of
the beneficiaries is more than 5 lakh, out of which 85% are women. Jan
Shikshan Sansthans are working at the door step of the beneficiaries
with a minimum infrastructure and resources in rural and slum areas.

The main objectives of the scheme are:

v To impart skill development training in non-formal mode to non-
literates, neo-literates, persons having rudimentary level of
education, school drop-outs up to 12th standard and Graduate
in the age-group of 15-45.
v To improve the quality of life of women, SC, ST, minority and
other disadvantaged sections of the society by increasing their
family income through local demand skilling.
v To make the target group self-reliant through self-employment/
wage employment through skill and entrepreneurship
v To create awareness among masses about social, economic,
health, financial literacy and environmental issues.

Jan Shikshan Sansthans are NGOs registered under the Societies
Registration Act, 1860 and set up under the aegis of parent body as per
criteria laid down in the scheme. The Government of India is providing
grants-in-aid to these institutions as per the approved financial pattern.

The affairs of the Jan Shikshan Sansthans are being looked after
by the Board of Management (BoM). The BoM of JSS is the authority in
matters relating to appointment, emoluments, rules of discipline and
other conditions of service of the staff of Jan Shikshan Sansthan.

The members of the staff of JSS are employees of the Sansthan/

Parent Organization, as the case may be, and are not employees of the
Government of India. The role of the Government of India is strictly
limited to providing the registered society with financial assistance as
per the approved financial pattern. This too, it is providing strictly on a
temporary basis and it is at liberty to withdraw such assistance without
assigning any reason or issuing any notice. No legal cases, notices in
the name of Government of India will be entertained.

Responsibility of NGO
JSS has been sanctioned to the NGO to implement the scheme
according to the guidelines of MSDE. The efficiency of a NGO depends
largely on the ability of its staff to achieve the goals. The staff should be
aware about their tasks for better results. JSS should have a system of
fixing the tasks of individual staff and monitor their performance. JSS
is accountable to manage the public grants and ensure imparting of
quality training to its target group. There is also necessity to maintain
the appropriate records, registers and documents for public audit.

Need of Uniformity
Directorate of Jan Shikshan Sansthan has been conducted half
yearly and annual review meetings of the Jan Shikshan Sansthans
regularly to review progress of Jan Shikshan Sansthans. It has been
noticed during the review meetings of the Directors of Jan Shikshan
Sansthans that many of the Directors are not aware about tasks of their
staff working under them. At present, there is no system for conducting
orientation programme for JSS Staff. Every JSS has its own system of
allotment of tasks to staff. Due to non-availability of tasks to the staff,
some JSSs are not able to achieve the desired goals.

Recently, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship has

sanctioned 70 new JSSs in the country. Many NGOs which have been
sanctioned new JSSs don’t have any experience of running the Scheme
of Jan Shikshan Sansthan. There is an urgent need to guide these NGOs
for management of staff and implementation of programmes.

A sample booklet defining the tasks of JSS functionaries, essential

records, registers and formats is needed for smooth functioning of JSS.

It has been decided by the Directorate of Jan Shikshan Sansthan

to conduct Workshops of Selected Directors of Jan Shikshan Sansthans
of Andhra Pradesh (Ananthpur), Assam (Jorhat), Bihar (Muzaffarpur),
UT of Chandigarh, Delhi (Peeragarhi & Jahangirpuri), Kerala
(Mallapuram), Madhya Pradesh (Datia), Maharashtra (Nashik & Raigad),
Odisha (Koraput), Rajasthan (Jhalawar), Tamil Nadu (Nagapattinam)
and Uttar Pradesh (Kanpur and Mirzapur) to design and prepare uniform/
indicative roles and duties of JSS staff including Director.

Accordingly, workshops were conducted in the month of June 2021
to prepare suggestive manual for staff members of JSS. Based on their
vast experience of working in JSSs, the selected Directors contributed
in framing the tasks of various positions in JSSs.

These tasks are only illustrative / suggestive/indicative and BoM

of the JSSs are free to adopt or adapt these sample suggestive/indicative
tasks of JSS functionaries according to the field situations/conditions.

2 Tasks of Director
The major tasks of Director are given in the Guidelines of Jan
Shikshan Sansthan (NGOs) for Planning, Management and Programme
Implementation published by the MSDE. However, there is a need to
elaborate all the functions to be performed by the Director for efficient
implementation of the scheme.

The Director is the executive head of the JSS and Member Secretary
of the Board of Management. Director is also responsible for establishing
coordination with State Government, District Administration, State Skill
Development Mission, development departments, financial institutions,
banks and other agencies for convergence and collaboration for achieving
the goals of Scheme of JSS.

1. Administrative Functions:
a. Legal Compliance:
v Ensure JSS is registered under the Societies Registration Act
and periodic renewal as per the State requirements in time.

v Ensure regular up-dation of Darpan Portal and JSS information/

data in the JSS Portal.

v Maintain hardcopy /physical record of the Darpan Portal and

JSS information/data portal.

v RTI and Legal matters should be dealt by Director in consultation

with Chairman / Board of Management.

b. Hiring of Staff:
v Director is responsible to apprise the Chairman/BoM about
vacant positions in the JSS and filling up the positions on
contractual basis by following proper procedure. There is no role
of the Government of India in selection of any staff.
v Ensure the renewal of contractual staff based on their
v Maintain the staff record and their other details.
v Ensure maintenance of movement registers for field staff.
v Allotment of operational areas and responsibilities to the staff
with the approval of Chairman.
v Ensure day-to-day monitoring through geo tagged photos etc.

c. Office Functions:
v Maintain punctuality of staff in office.
v Bio metric attendance of the staff to be maintained.
v Ensure the working of land line telephone, mobile, computers,
internet connection etc.
v Ensure availability of office stationery and other accessories.

2. Member Secretary of the BoM:

The Director acts as the Member Secretary of the BoM.
v The Member Secretary has to conduct the BoM, EC and other
sub-committee meetings from time to time as per guidelines of
JSS and also as per the necessity.
v Prepare agenda items and notes for the Board of Management

v Agenda notice of the meeting duly approved by the Chairman to
be circulated to the BoM members before 15 days of the meeting.
v Convene the BoM meeting, preparation of the minutes of the
meeting and circulation to the BoM members including MSDE /
v Apprise BoM members about the orders/circulars received from
v The minutes of the Review Meetings of Directors of JSS conducted
by DJSS should be placed before the BoM for their information
and perusal.
v Draft Annual Action Plan should be placed before the BoM for
v Ensure approval of the Audit Report as well as financial
expenditure by BoM.
v The activities of JSS may be informed to the district administration
v Director should initiate action for Constitution/Reconstitution of
BoM in consultation with Chairman/Parent Body as per guidelines.
v The proposal for constitution/reconstitution of the BoM should
be submitted to DJSS, MSDE three months before the expiry of
the tenure of the existing BoM.
v Ensure formulation of proposal as per checklist provided by the
DJSS, MSDE while selecting the official and non-official members
in slots.

3. Liaison Officer:
v Director should liaise with the MSDE regarding administrative
and financial matters.
v Director should liaise with the DJSS with regard to implementation
of the scheme, monitoring and supervision.
v Director should liaise with the State Skill Development Mission/
District Skill Committee/District Administration.
v Liaise with public elected representatives/eminent persons,
panchayati raj institutions, employers etc., for their involvement
in the activities of JSS.
v Liaison with financial institutions for subsidies and loans,
industries and other agencies support for benefit of the target

4. Drawing and Disbursing Officer:

The Director will be the Drawing and Disbursing Officer as per the
norms and guidelines of JSS.
v Director has to hold the financial responsibility of the organisation.
v Director will ensure the transaction through PFMS EAT module.
v Approval should be taken from the Chairman/BoM/EC for all
financial/programme matters etc.
v Director should monitor accounts on daily basis.
v Ensure deduction of TDS, income tax etc.

5. Financial Management:
v JSS should have one separate grants-in-aid account for JSS
transactions in a nationalised/scheduled bank only.

v Non- recurring grant is one-time grant received from MSDE for
creation of assets should be spent as per the guidelines of the
v Ensure that the expenditure booked under different heads like
emoluments, programme and office expenditure should not go
beyond the component wise budget limits.
v SC, ST, General expenditure heads should be maintained as per
the sanctions from the Ministry.
v All financial guidelines/records should be shared with the
Chartered Accountant/Auditor appointed by the Government of
India for audit.
v Provide all financial records to the CAG audit and CAG empanelled
agencies appointed by the MSDE.
v Provisional Utilisation Certificate should be submitted not later
than 30th April every year to the MSDE.
v Submit the audit reports on or before 30th June every year to
v Expenditure from the Development Fund shall be incurred as per
guidelines of JSS.
v For expenditure beyond Rs.25,000/- (except salary and
honorarium), necessary ratification is required from the BoM.
v All the payments should be made through PFMS EAT module.
v Proper procedure /rules should be followed for inviting quotations,
approval of purchase committee, maintenance of asset registers
and other records.
v Maintain proper procedure for advances from the Development
fund and refund of the same with approval of the BoM.

v Ensure that all sorts of income/receipts like fee collected from
the beneficiaries, sales proceeds, donations etc., are deposited
into the Bank in time.
v Purchase /Disposal Committee should be constituted with the
permission of the Chairman and as per the guidelines of the JSS.
v Ensure that TLM and equipment should be purchased by following
proper procedure.
v Ensure the TLM/Equipment availability in the Training centres.

6. Planning and Implementation

The Director is mainly responsible for the programme planning
and implementation at the district level. He/she should understand the
holistic approach of the JSS scheme and plan strategies for smooth
execution and accomplishment of the objectives of the scheme.
1. Availability and Display of map of District and area of operation:
v District map and area of operation should be displayed in the
office and should be readily available for strategic planning to
cover the target.
2. Survey and Coverage of Target:
v Identification of the backward blocks/mandals where the training
is to be planned and conducted.
v Identification of SC/ST, minorities and other backward
habitations to cover the eligible target beneficiaries.
v Collect primary and secondary data of skill gap in the operational
v Identification of skills which have market demand in the local
v Local traditional courses which have market demand should
also be explored.

3. Preparation of Action Plan:
v Examine the list of courses provided by the DJSS available in
the portal.
v Courses which have local demand are to be mapped with the
list provided by the DJSS.
v Action plan will be prepared and submitted online in JSS Portal.
v Training cost should be in accordance with the budget approved
by the Ministry.
v Provisions of LEE programme, activities and observance of
important national/international days and participation in events
assigned by Ministry/DJSS.
4. Selection and orientation of Resource Persons:
v Technically qualified and experienced Resource Persons will be
selected, having commitment in social service to support the
v Orientation/Capacity building programmes to be conducted for
RPs on JSS guidelines, curriculum, session plan, LEE,
functioning of the training centres etc.,
v Orientation on conducting evidence-based assessment and third-
party assessment.
5. Meeting with community leaders and officials
v Conduct field meetings with the community leaders before
commencing any programme in the operational area.
v Seek cooperation and support of community leaders in identifying
venue for the programme and involve them in the inaugural
v Mobilise physical resources such as equipment/tools/other
logistics for the training centres.

v Contact the local government functionaries in the villages and
get their support and help for better implementation of the
v Invite local public representatives for inauguration of the training
centres and other awareness programmes related to JSS.
6. Due diligence and approval of training centres:
v Based on the findings of the skill demand and the operational
area to be covered, due diligence and approval of training centre
should be done by the Director in consultation with the
programme staff.
v Ensure all tools and equipment, trained RPs are available before
the start of training centre.
v Ensure the enrolment of 20 beneficiaries in each batch.
7. Designing and implementation of activities:
v Different activities shall be conducted based on the activities
enlisted on the portal and also as per the instructions from the
Ministry / DJSS from time to time.
v Identify the collaborating agencies with whom the activities can
be conducted.
v Proper documentation of the activities shall be done and updated
in the portal with geo tagged photographs.
8. Capacity building programme / ToT:
v Capacity building programme to be conducted for programme
and administrative staff of JSS including RPs.
v ToT schedule for the staff and RPs should be planned at the
beginning of the financial year.
v Identification of qualified Trainers for conducting of ToT and
capacity building from reputed agencies/organisations.
9. Conducting skill training as per curriculum:
v Ensure that the training is imparted as per the NSQF curriculum.
v RPs should be instructed to keep curriculum in the training
centre and strictly follow the curriculum.
v Specific training session and hours should be followed as per
the curriculum during the training.
10. Supervision and Monitoring:
v Regularly monitor and supervise the training centres in the field.
v Involve BoM members to visit the training centres and get their
feedback about the training.
v Information technology like geo tagged photos etc., for supervision
at the field and office level should be done.
v Supervise programme staff to monitor RPs and ask them to submit
monitoring report to the Director periodically.
11. Conducting of internal and final assessment:
v Identify external assessors and observers and assign duties to
them for assessment.
v Make assessment plan for different centres following the tentative
date allotted on the portal and submit assessment results in the
prescribed format as per Guidelines of Assessment and
Certification of JSS beneficiaries.
v Preparation of question bank and answer booklet and its
distribution to different centres in time in a sealed cover to
maintain confidentiality.
v In case of external /third party assessment necessary guidelines
provided by the DJSS may be followed.

12. Data uploading in JSS portal
v Ensure that staff shall upload/update data in the JSS Portal
regularly duly verified by Director.
v Necessary equipment and materials and manpower should be in
place for uploading of all the documents on the JSS Portal.
13. Follow up action (feedback from trainees etc.,)
v Ensure follow up with the trainees through feedback form
designed by JSS regarding training experience, post training
needs, employment etc.,
14. Monthly meeting with staff and RPs:
v Conduct monthly meetings with the staff and RPs for effective
planning, implementation, supervision and monitoring of the
v Identify the shortcomings and address/resolve the gaps during
the meetings; if any
v Ensure monthly reports of all staff regarding the programme and
activities undertaken during the month.
15. Preparation of annual report:
v Ensure preparation of Annual Report as per the prescribed format
from DJSS.
16. Pilot and innovative projects:
v Identify innovative projects based on the district need and take
up pilot projects in collaboration with other departments, DSC,
industries and other agencies.
v For such pilot projects, funding has to be mobilised from
concerned agencies.

17. Effective functioning of Livelihood Cell:
v Take steps to set up the Livelihood Cell and put active person as
in-charge to carry out the functions of the livelihood cell.
v Conduct the review of the progress of the Livelihood Cell and
extend support to achieve the objectives.
v Ensure formation of SHGs/JLGs with the on-going trainees.
18. Organise / Participate in exhibition, job mela etc.,
v Participate/ organize exhibitions, job melas, loan melas in
consultation of financial institutions, industries, employment
exchange etc., for the benefit of the successful beneficiaries.
19. Undertake publicity and documentation:
v Publicity of programme by inviting VIPs for certificate distribution,
activities, radio, visual media, press release and social media.
v Publicity through successful ex-beneficiaries by word of mouth.
v Documentation of all the publicity materials and accomplishment
of JSS.

3 Tasks of Programme Officer
The Programme Officer is a key functionary of the Sansthan and
responsible for rendering assistance to the Director in planning,
supervision and implementation of the programmes and activities. He/
She also act as Executive Head/Director-Incharge of the Sansthan in
the absence of the regular Director. PO has to perform the following

1. Conduct survey in the allotted areas

The Programme Officer should conduct the survey in the allotted
areas with the help of Assistant Programme Officer (APO), Computer
Operator (CO) and community leaders of the area. The survey format
should contain the details i.e. S.No. Date, Name & Address of the
beneficiary, contact No., choice of course, social category etc. On
the basis of survey data, he should assist the Director in preparation
of Annual Action Plan.

2. Mobilization of target group

On the basis of survey data PO may mobilize the target group for a
particular trade. In this process he/she can get the help of local
Pradhan, Sarpanch, community leaders, etc.

3. Identification of Resource Persons

The PO should have a panel of technically qualified Resource Persons
(RPs) area-wise and trade-wise. The PO should make efforts to engage
the resource persons from nearby area of training centre, so that
RP can easily reach the venue of training centre regularly.

4. Identification of venue
The PO should identify rent free venue for training like Mandir,
Gurdwara, Dharamshala, Panchayat Ghar, Community Centre,
Anganwadi Centre, Government / Private school, etc., in the area
where all trainees can reach easily. The venue of the training centre
should have all class room facilities.

5. Display of JSS branding

The PO should display the JSS Branding in JSS office and in each
and every venue of the training centre. By doing so the people of
the area may able to understand more about the functioning of
6. Display of training centre details
The PO should display a chart showing the Training Centre details
like, name of the course, venue, address, duration of the course,
Resource Person’s name and contact mobile number, social category
of the beneficiaries, headquarter telephone number etc.

7. Counselling and registration

The PO should conduct the counselling of candidates for registering
in a particular trade. PO should guide the trainees regarding
vocational training and completion of registration formalities.

8. Inauguration of training centre by VIP’s / eminent

Before starting the training centre in area the PO should equip the
centre with equipment, raw material, course curriculum, etc. PO
should make plan for centre inauguration by a VIP, in consultation
with the Director. The eminent personalities may be Sarpanch of
the village, community leaders, social activist, MLA, MP, area
councillor, etc.

9. Meeting with community leaders
The PO should have good relations with community leaders of the
area. PO should conduct meetings with the community leaders
and seek their help for rent free training venue, local infrastructure,
resources, etc. for training.

10. Networking with other line departments

The PO should make network with other line departments, like,
State Skill Development Mission, District Skill Committee, DIC,
Education Department, Social Welfare Department, Municipal
Corporation, ITI, Central Crafts Institute, other technical institutions,
NGOs, etc. This networking will help JSS to get different type of
facilities like, qualified Resource Persons, external assessor, technical
knowledge for particular trade, rent free training venue and
mobilization of equipment and tools.

11. Maintain a pool of Resource Persons (RPs)

The PO should have a pool of technically qualified RPs trade-wise,
area-wise. On demand, the RPs may be engaged to conduct the
training in particular trade in any area without wasting time.

12. Orientation of Resource Persons (RPs)

The PO should assist the Director in planning the orientation of RPs
before starting the training at the centre. The RPs should be explained
about the curriculum of the course, timing, venue, beneficiaries,
maintenance of attendance of beneficiaries, conducting final
assessment and other relevant information. The orientation
programme for RPs should be organized from time to time so that
they would be able to understand the guidelines and instructions
given by the Ministry from time to time in this regard.

13. Ensure teaching-learning as per NSQF curriculum

The PO should ensure that teaching-learning is conducted by RPs
as per the NSQF curriculum. The PO should direct the Resource

Person to divide the curriculum in a weekly basis and check it
regularly so that the course curriculum may be completed well in
time. The PO should organize workshop of RPs trade-wise to create
a question bank with their answers key as per the curriculum.
14. Supervision and monitoring of training centres
The PO should supervise and monitor the training centres on regular
basis and for this he/she can seek the help of other field staff. During
supervision and monitoring he/she should solve the problems related
to dropouts, TLM, repair of equipments/machines, punctuality of
trainees, etc. on the spot.

15. Supply / arrangement of tools, equipment & Teaching Learning

Material (TLM) at the training centre
The PO should ensure the supply / arrangement of tools, equipment
and TLM for the training centre before starting the programme. The
said list of items should be handed over to concerned RP and get
the acknowledgment.

16. Progress report

The PO should collect the progress report from the RPs related to
the training progress during the week and month. On the basis of
these reports, the PO should direct the RPs to improve the functioning
of the centre.

17. Maintenance of field visit diary

The PO should maintain his/her visit diary. The diary should have
the record of PO’s visits to the different training centres, date-wise
and what type of instructions/directions given to the RPs related to
his/her class. The diary should also have the record of PO meetings
with community leaders, collaborating agencies, etc.

18. Preparation of Abstract Report
The PO may prepare an Abstract Report in the format designed by
JSS on the basis of reports collected from different training centres.
This report should reflect the coverage of curriculum, presence of
beneficiaries, coverage of Life Enrichment Education (LEE)
components, involvement of community leaders, etc. PO should
submit the Abstract Report to the Director on a monthly basis.

19. Conducting of activities

In consultation with the Director the PO should plan and conduct
area-wise activities as per the directions of DJSS/MSDE. He/she
should also ensure the participation of VIPs in the each activity.

20. Motivation of trainees

The PO should take the steps to motivate the trainees by organizing
different activities like, course competitions, extra curricular activities
and involvement of trainees in conducting the activities/programmes.
The PO can also arrange special session as per need and demand of
the trainees.

21. Conduct LEE components/EDP

The PO should ensure to conduct the LEE components for overall
development of the trainees. PO should also conduct EDP
programmes in consultation with Director and involve bankers,
industrial representatives, educationists from universities, etc.

22. Collection of course fee

The PO should ensure that no fee is being charged from SC/ST,
BPL and PWD trainees. The fee collected from other candidates
should not exceed Rs.100/- per month. He/she should submit fee
to the AcM and ensure that fee is deposited in the bank, in time.

23. Recommend to release the honorarium to RPs
On the basis of weekly and monthly reports by the RPs, the PO
should recommend the release of honorarium to the RPs.

24. Maintaining data of the Livelihood Cell

v The PO is the head of Livelihood Cell. PO should make sure skill
mapping of JSS beneficiaries with the availability of self/wage
employment, apprenticeship opportunities and provide
counselling support to the beneficiaries.
v PO should create environment to impart training, counselling
sessions to start self-employment in related trade as per market
v The PO should create linkage and act as a bridge between
employees, bank and state government for delivering the schemes
of financial assistance/loans to JSS beneficiaries.
v PO should also create linkage between State Skill Development
Mission, employer to upload/download data from appropriate
national/state level portal for promotion of Livelihood Cell.

25. Formation and operation of Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Joint
Liability Groups (JLGs)
The PO should form 5 to 10 SHGs/JLGs out of successful
beneficiaries during the financial year with the help of other field
staff. PO should take the help of members of these groups in making
a project report for getting loan, operation of bank accounts and
their day-to-day functioning, etc. PO can conduct a training
programme for SHGs/JLGs in association with the Lead Bank,
Municipal Corporation, District Industries Centre, etc.

26. Conducting of assessment test
After completion of the course the PO should conduct the assessment
of the beneficiaries within the time mentioned in the JSS portal.
Before assessment of the trainees, PO should ensure questions
papers, assessment sheets and final consolidated sheet etc. in the
training centre. PO should engage assessor of related field from
reputed organization to conduct the assessment. PO should invite
an observer to supervise the assessment process. PO should take
geo-tagged photographs as an evidence of the assessment.

27. Result compilation

The PO should fill the data in the result compilation sheet on the
basis of internal and practical assessments. The marks of each
candidate will be entered on a result compilation sheet. This sheet
and all other documents collected as evidence will be signed by
assessor and JSS staff in-charge of the centre and same will be
submitted to the Director.

28. Data uploading

PO should also make sure the data of the trainees, activities,
assessment, etc., is uploaded on JSS portal well in time. For this
purpose, PO can seek the help of the field staff.

29. Collection of feedback report (including success stories)

With the help of field staff, PO should design the feedback format
and collect the feedback report and success stories of the JSS
beneficiaries and keep them for record.
30. Report preparation
The PO should assist the Director in preparing the Annual Progress
Report on the basis of a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly progress
report for presentation before the members of the BoM/EC in the
meetings. In this report, financial details, i.e. position of funds of

the Sansthan should also be reflected and it should have the details
like coverage of total number of beneficiaries, trade-wise, gender-
wise, category-wise, etc. This report should also have action
photographs of activities, capacity building programmes and
vocational courses conducted during the year.

31. Organisation of certificate distribution function

In consultation with the Director, the PO should organize a certificate
distribution function. During this function exhibition of the products
crafted by the JSS beneficiaries should be displayed and PO to ensure
inauguration of the exhibition by an eminent person.

32. Monitoring through digital mode

The PO should monitor the training centres through Digital mode
like, geo-tagged photographs, video calling with the RPs and video
session with the beneficiaries.

33. Assist the Director in day-to-day affairs

The PO should assist the Director in day-to-day affairs of training in
progress. He/she should also assist the Director in organizing rozgar
melas, loan melas, conducting BoM/EC meeting, etc.

4 Tasks of Assistant Programme Officer (APO)

The Assistant Programme Officer (APO) is one of the key

functionaries of the Sansthan and plays an important role in
implementation of the programmes and activities of the JSS. APO has
to perform the following tasks:

1. Assist the PO in conducting the survey

The APO should assist the PO in conducting the survey of the allotted
areas. APO should lead the survey team with proper material for
conducting survey like survey proforma, leaflets having information
about planned skill courses.

2. Maintenance of records related to RPs, NGOs, community

leaders etc.
The APO should maintain the details of RPs (area and trade wise),
NGOs, community leaders, sarpanchs, collaborating agencies, ward
councillors etc. The record should have the Name & Address, Contact
Number, E-mail ID of RPs, NGOs, community leaders, sarpanchs,
ward councillors and collaborating agencies, etc.

3. Assist the PO in monitoring the training centres

The APO should assist the PO in monitoring and supervision of
training centres. APO should collect the weekly/monthly/quarterly
and half yearly report on regular basis and keep it in record. The
report must reflect the periodic progress of the training centres and
the same should be submitted same to the PO / Director.

4. Assist the PO in conducting activities and capacity building
The APO should assist the PO in conducting activities and capacity
building programmes of RPs. APO should make all the required
arrangements for conducting capacity building programme.

5. Identification of collaborating agencies

The APO should assist the PO in identification of collaborating
agencies, educationist, industrialists under the guidance of Director
and PO. APO should keep their particulars/details in proper manner
and make it readily available.

6. Prepare socio - economic profile

The APO should assist the PO in preparation of socio-economic profile
of the area and identify the target group for skill training.

7. Conduct EDP programmes

The APO should assist the PO in arranging the Entrepreneurship
Development Programmes. These programmes should be organized
periodically to encourage the beneficiaries by enlightening them on
various aspects of industrial activity required for setting up their
own ventures. These programmes must be conducted under the
guidance of Director.
8. Maintenance of records of tools, equipment & TLM
The APO should keep the proper record of tools, equipment and
TLM supplied to the training centres. APO should also make sure
that tools and equipment supplied to the training centre are fully
9. Assist in data uploading on JSS portal
APO should assist the PO/CO in uploading the enrolment data of
trainees, assessment data, details of activities and capacity building
conducted, on JSS portal.

10. Assist the PO in collecting feedback and success stories
The APO should assist the PO in collecting feedback and success
stories from the ex-beneficiaries. APO should also maintain its record

11. Assist the PO in organising rozgar melas, loan melas etc.

The APO should assist the PO in organising rozgar melas, loan melas,
ex-beneficiaries meets, exhibitions, cultural activities etc. APO should
make all necessary arrangements to make the events successful
under the guidance of Director and PO.

12. Assist the PO in formation of SHGs and JLGs

The APO should assist the PO in formation of SHGs and JLGs. He/
She should also arrange regular meetings of the members of these
SHGs and JLGs under the guidance of Director and PO. APO should
also help the members of the groups in preparing projects for getting
loans from the banks or other financial institutions.

13. Incharge of tools and equipment etc.

The APO should ensure that the tools and equipment are in working
condition. APO should also make sure the safe custody of projectors,
public address system, computer software, overhead projectors,
handy-cam, still camera etc. (if any)

14. Assist the Director in day-to-day affairs

The APO should assist the Director in day to day affairs like arranging
meetings with community leaders, councillors etc. or any other office
work assigned to him/her on priority basis.

5 Tasks of Accountant-cum-Manager (AcM)

The Accountant-cum-Manager (AcM) is the key functionary of the

Sansthan. The tasks to be performed by the Accountant-cum-Manager
are given below:

1. Maintenance of accounts record & registers

The Accountant-cum-Manager should maintain voucher files,
approval files, audit statements, etc. both of JSS Grant-in-Aid and
Development Fund Account. AcM should maintain cheque issue
and cheque receipt register, fee collection register, etc. He should
also maintain the records / files regarding grant received from GoI
or from state government.

2. Maintenance of cash book & ledger

The AcM should maintain cash book and ledger on daily basis
according to the expenditure incurred under programme, office and
the emolument heads, in Tally. The cash book should be signed by
the Director on a daily basis and cash in hand balance in cash book
should tally with the cash available in the chest.

3. Updating of expenditure on PFMS

The AcM should maintain & update all Expenditure, Advance &
Transfer entries (EAT module) on a daily basis in PFMS portal
according to the programme, office and the emolument head. The
AcM should generate, Printed Payment Advice (PPA) for all the
expenditure through PFMS. It should be cleared by the bank within
10 days as the expiry period of PPA is 10 days only. Avoid making
payment in cash or by cheque.

4. Maintenance of bills and vouchers
The AcM should maintain bills and vouchers of all expenditure,
advance and transfer entries. All bills and vouchers should be
verified by the AcM and finally signed by the Director. The supporting
documents like details of item purchased or payment made with
the approval of competent authority should be attached with the
vouchers. The stock register page number should also be mentioned
on bill, where the entries of purchased item are made.

5. Inviting quotations for purchases

The AcM should ensure minimum 3 quotations before purchase of
goods / items up to the value of Rs. 10,000/- from reputed local
dealers. The quotations should be opened before the Purchase
Committee constituted by the BoM and place order for purchase to
the party quoted minimum rates of item. The purchases made above
Rs.10,000/- should be ratified in the consecutive meeting of BoM.

6. Payment of bills, emoluments, honorarium, etc.

The AcM should prepare the emoluments bill and honorarium bills
in consultation with Programme / Assistant Programme Officers.
AcM should verify the attendance of Resource Persons and sessions
taken by them during the month, before making the honorarium
payment. AcM should make the payment of time bound bills like
electricity, water, telephone, etc. before the last date to avoid the
late payment charges. AcM should prepare the emoluments bills of
the staff well in time so that emoluments are received by the staff on
the 1st day of each month in the bank account of staff.

7. Preparation of accounts, UCs

The AcM should prepare the accounts both of JSS grants-in-aid
and development fund account. AcM should also prepare the present
position of funds available in JSS Grants-in-Aid account and
Development Fund account to be presented before the members in

BoM and EC meeting. AcM should also prepare provisional
Utilization Certificate at the end of the financial year.

8. Assist in audit (Internal / CAG)

The AcM should assist in conducting internal and CAG audit. AcM
should provide all the records related to accounts to the audit party,
like cash book, ledgers, vouchers, grant file, cheque register, approval
file, bank detail etc. AcM should provide the terms and conditions
on which the grant got sanctioned to the JSS and other guidelines
issued by GoI from time to time to the auditor.

9. Updating of financial data in JSS portal

The AcM should upload financial data in JSS portal regarding grant
received, emoluments, office expenditure, programme expenditure
made during each financial year and details of receipts and payments
in Development Fund on regular basis.

10. Checking of log book

The AcM should check the log book of driver regularly. AcM should
see the average consumption of fuel. AcM should make sure the
timely insurance and servicing of office vehicle.
11. Maintenance of fee record
The AcM should maintain fee record, collected from the trainees.
AcM should issue the receipt against collection and immediately
deposit it in the bank.
12. Reconciliation of bank accounts
The AcM should reconcile bank account on monthly/quarterly basis.
AcM should make sure that bank entries should match with book
of accounts on a regular basis so that entries in cash book, ledger
should reconcile with the bank account.

13. Maintenance of grants and development fund account
The AcM should receive the instalment of grants-in-aid on PFMS
portal after making sure that the grant has been received in bank
account. AcM should keep the grant sanction letter in record so
that it may be produced before the auditor for audit purpose. AcM
should maintain the development fund account properly and spend
expenditure out of development fund only after the approval of BoM.
14. Maintenance of EPF record (if any)
The AcM should maintain EPF register properly. AcM should deposit
the monthly deductions of EPF well in time to avoid late payment
penalty. AcM should keep all the correspondence received from
EPFC office intact.
15. Maintenance of donations and other income
The AcM should maintain the record of donations and other income
record properly. The donations and other income like sale proceeds
of products disposed by JSS, sale of scrap, etc. should immediately
be deposited in the bank and all details relating to donations or
other income should be maintained properly.
16. Maintenance of movement register
The AcM should properly maintain the movement register. When
machines and equipment are moved from one centre to another
centre or for repair then it should be mentioned in movement register
that how many machines and equipment were taken from the centre
and at what time these sent back to that centre or at any other
centres. So, this type of movement of tools and equipment should
be maintained in movement register. On closing of the centre, all
the equipment and machines which were taken back and its entry
should be made in the movement register. The movement register
should be signed by RPs or field officer at the time of movement of
tools and equipment.

17. Maintenance of Income Tax, TDS, GST, etc.
AcM is responsible for Income Tax, TDS, GST and filing of its returns
to the concerned departments. ACM is the custodian of PAN card
and TAN card of JSS. AcM should maintain the proper records of
income tax, TDS, etc.

18. Maintenance of staff service record

AcM should maintain the staff service record properly. The details
of staff members like name, address, date of birth, age, qualifications
etc. may be recorded.

19. Maintenance of fixed assets of JSS

The AcM should maintain register of fixed assets purchased. If there
is any sale of fixed assets that entry should also be made in this
register. The AcM should be responsible for the repair and
maintenance of fixed assets.

20. Maintenance of rent agreement

The AcM should maintain rent agreement, if any, properly. If there
is renewal in rent agreement the AcM, then AcM should ensure that
the terms and conditions of the rent agreement are in JSS’s interest.
AcM should make payment to the party as per rent agreement
through PFMS.

21. Visit of training centres

The AcM should visit 5-10 training centres in a month as allotted by
Director. During the visit he/she should check the record of centre
like attendance register, availability of teaching / learning material
and sort out the problems of centre, if any.

22. Assist the Director in day-to-day affairs.
The AcM should assist the Director in day-to-day affairs like
preparing financial details for important meeting, present position
of funds or any other work assign to him/her on priority basis.

23. Any other work related to accounts

AcM should also act as caretaker of JSS. AcM should assist the PO
and other field staff from time to time. The maintenance/repair of
tools and equipment, repair of JSS building/centres etc. should be
taken care by AcM.

6 Tasks of Computer Operator (CO)

The Computer Operator (CO) is also a key staff member of the

Sansthan and he/she should perform the following tasks:

1. Batch creation on JSS portal

The CO should ensure that before the batch creation on JSS portal,
the file should have 20 enrolment forms of the trainees, Aadhaar
details, photos, caste certificate and other required documents. CO
should ensure the creation of batch on JSS portal as per the batch
file. The number of the batch created should be mentioned on batch
file for future reference.

2. Uploading of enrollment data on JSS portal on daily basis

The CO should verify the enrolment data of the trainees before
uploading on JSS portal. CO should check the spelling of name of
the trainees, father/husband name, address, aadhaar number, date
of birth etc.

3. Uploading of the fee record on JSS portal

The CO should upload the fee details of each trainee on JSS portal
well in time. To get the fee details CO should coordinate with the PO
and AcM. CO should upload fee details on the JSS portal on the
basis of receipts issued.

4. Uploading the assessment data

The CO should upload the assessment data along with scan copies
of result sheet, question paper, geo tag photographs etc. CO should
ensure that the result must be uploaded before or till the prescribed
assessment date on the JSS portal. CO should regularly check the

‘assessment due’ section on the portal and inform the PO/APO about
the batches whose assessments are due.

5. Downloading the certificates

On the basis of assessment data uploaded on JSS portal the
certificate of each trainee is generated on the portal. The CO should
download/print the certificates batch-wise and hand over to the
Director/PO for distribution to the trainees.

6. Uploading of success stories

The CO should upload the success stories of the beneficiaries of the
Sansthan on the JSS portal. CO should coordinate with PO/APO
for collecting respective details.

7. Managing SHG’s /JLG’s records

The CO should also keep the details of SHG’s /JLG’s formed by the
JSS. It should include name of the SHGs /JLGs, name and contact
number of its key members (President, Secretary and Treasurer)
name of the bank, account number etc.

8. Checking the day-to-day emails and other correspondence

CO should check the day-to-day emails and other correspondence
received from DJSS/ Ministry, NGO’s, collaborating agencies, other
Government Department etc. The letter/emails received should have
receipt number in the diary register.

9. Field visit
The CO should also assist the PO in field work for the proper
functioning of the training centres. CO should also visit 5 to 10
training centres in a month assigned to him/her by Director/PO for
their monitoring etc.

10. Maintenance of the files of BoM/EC
The CO should maintain the files of the meetings of BoM/EC held
from time to time.

11. Maintenance of portal reports

The CO should properly maintain the portal reports as it is a database
of JSS’s progress. The CO should summarise the data related to the
courses and beneficiaries for analysing, planning and decision
making i.e. number of batches covered trade-wise, pending batches
trade-wise, total number of beneficiaries trained gender-wise,
education-wise, age-wise, category-wise etc.

12. Assist in maintaining social media platforms

CO should assist the PO/APO in maintaining social media activities.

13. Any other work assigned by the Director

The CO should assist the Director in conducting meeting on Google
meet/Zoom. CO should also prepare the important details relating
to the training centres for important meeting or any other work
assigned by Director on priority basis.

7 Tasks of Field Assistant-cum-Clerk (FAC)

The Field Assistant-cum-Clerk (FAC) shall perform the following


1. Assist programme staff in implementation of programme

Field Assistant-cum-Clerk should assist the PO in day-to-day work.
FAC should assist the field staff in conducting survey and capacity
building programmes. FAC should assist field staff in documentation
of records of the centres.

2. Maintenance of stock register

FAC should maintain stock register of all purchases. The entries
should be made in stock register with all details like name of party,
address, bill no. date of purchases, address of the dealer, etc. The
stock register should be signed by the person to whom items were
issued. It should clearly show the balance items in the stock.

3. Issue of TLM / office stationery

FAC must take the initiative for issue of TLM as per demand of the
trade. FAC should also issue the stationery item as per requisition
of items duly approved by the Director. FAC should properly maintain
the record of teaching learning material and office stationery. The
final products (if any) received from the training centres must be
recorded in the register.

4. Maintenance of office files/record/batch files

The FAC should maintain office files/records/batch file, application
forms, syllabus, exam paper, beneficiaries’ details, etc. All the files
should have file number and subject mentioned on it. On demand
the file should be easily available.

5. Assist the Accountant-cum-Manager
FAC should assist the AcM in maintaining stock register and other
bills files, etc. FAC should assist the AcM in day-to-day banking
work like deposit of cash and Printed Payment Advice (PPA).

6. Field visits
The FAC should maintain the record of field visit of different centres
and keep record of newspaper cutting and media coverage of centres.
FAC should also keep the record of activity conducted by the
Sansthan in the field.

7. Any other work assigned by the Director

FAC should maintain the dispatch and receipt register. FAC should
also maintain the correspondence files with the GoI/NGOs and local
administration. FAC should keep the details of resource persons,
social activists and heads of the collaborating agencies. Visitors
register may also be maintained.

8 Tasks of Driver-cum-Attendant

Driver of the Sansthan shall perform the following tasks:

1. Vehicle maintenance
Driver should be responsible for the vehicle maintenance, cleanliness
of vehicle regularly, minor repairs etc. and inform the Director for
any major and minor repair.

2. Log book
Driver should fill the log book on daily basis and get signed from the
official who uses the vehicle.

3. Assist the office staff

Driver should assist the office staff in day-to-day work.

4. Transportation of tools, equipment & TLM

Driver should transport the tools, equipment and TLM to the training
centres and vice versa.

5. Any other work assigned by the Director

Driver is required to do any work assigned by Director in connection
with the training programmes and activities of JSS.

9 Office Records / Registers

1. Staff attendance record

There should be proper record of staff attendance in the office. The
attendance should be maintained in biometric machine. In case of
defect/error in the biometric machine, the attendance should be
maintained in attendance register. The attendance registered should
be placed at the reception, so that every employee mark his/her
attendance while entering the office.

2. Stock register
In Sansthan two separate registers should be maintained one for
each consumable and non-consumable items. It must reflect details
of supplier, bill no., date, stock item, quantity, number of items
issued and balance items in stock
Table 1: Stock Register
Name of Article :
Date Particulars Bill No.& Receipt Issued Balance Signature

3. Vehicle log book

The driver should maintain log book of office vehicle properly. In the
log book all the details related to visits should be furnished in proper
manner i.e., date of visit, place of visit, starting meter reading, end
meter reading, persons in the vehicle, and purpose of visit. Driver
should also specify the details of refilling of the vehicle fuel i.e.,
receipt number, date and quantity of fuel refilled etc.

Table 2: Vehicle log book
Date From To From To KM Purpose of Time of Time of Fuel Name of Signatures
Journey Departure Arrival Receipt Details Official
who Travelled

4. Cash book (Physical & Computerized)

The Sansthan should keep the record of cash book for every financial
year, in physically as well as in computerized format. The details of
every transaction should be mentioned properly i.e., opening balance,
bill No, date, amount etc.
5. Record of ledger
The Sansthan should maintain proper record of ledgers. It should
be computerized preferably.
6. Emoluments register
In emolument register, details of employees working in JSS and
emolument paid to them every month during the financial year must
be shown.
7. Diary dispatch register
The Sansthan should have well maintained diary dispatch register.
The details of the letters received like date of letter, its subject, from
which department it came etc. should be mentioned in the diary
register. All the letters and emails received should be marked by the
Director to the concerned person for further action. Similarly, in
the dispatch register date and dispatch number of letter with
complete address and the subject should be mentioned properly.
The details of stamps should also be mentioned in the register.
Table 3: Letters Received Register
S.No. Date No. Letters From Subject File Head Disposal Remarks
Month & Whom
Date Received

Table 4: Letters Dispatched Register

Issue Month & Name & Place Subject File Head Stamps Stamps Remarks
No. Date Designation & No. Received Used

d 40
10 Programme Registers

1. Batch file
The Sansthan should create and maintain batch files systematically.
After the creation of batch file the CO make sure that the details of
the beneficiaries are uploaded on JSS portal.

2. Trainee’s attendance register

The RP of each centre should maintain Trainee’s attendance register
properly. They should take attendance on daily basis. The attendance
register should be made readily available by the Resource Person at
the time of visit of field staff. At the end of each month the RP should
calculate trainee attendance i.e., total sessions taken during month,
total attendance of each trainee and finally the total attendance
after completion of the course. The RP should sign the attendance
register daily.
3. Training center stock register
The Sansthan should maintain stock register for keeping record of
teaching and learning material provided to each centre. It should
have details of items, quantity and date of issue etc. It should have
details of consumable and non-consumable items provided to the
centre. It should also be signed by the concerned RP to whom the
stock was issued.

4. Visitor register
The Sansthan should maintain visitor register in which the details
related to the visitors should be mentioned i.e., date of visit, name
& address of visitor, contact number, purpose of visit, in-time and
out-time, remarks etc. The register should be placed at the reception.

Table 1: Visitor Register
S. Date Name & Contact Time Purpose To Whom Time Signa Rema
No. Address No. In of Visit Visit Out ture rks
of Visitor

5. Fee collection register / online payment

The Sansthan should maintain fee collection register. It is suggested
that Sansthan may use digital means to receive course fee. It will
facilitate the beneficiaries in paying their course fee. The fee collection
register should comprise the columns like S.No., date, name &
address of beneficiary, course name, batch ID, fee collected, mode
of collection etc. The AcM should ensure that the fee received in
cash should be deposited in the bank well in time. He should also
make sure the payment received in digital mode should tally with
the bank details and after that issue receipt to the trainee.
Table 2: Fee Collection Register
S.No. Date Name & Course Batch ID Fee Mode of Remarks
Address of Name Collected Collection
Beneficiary (in Rs.)

6. Feedback register of ex-beneficiaries

The Sansthan should maintain feedback register of ex-beneficiaries.
In this register ex-beneficiaries can express their views in respect of
Resource Person/staff behaviour, infrastructure provided, learning
environment and all other activities organised by Sansthan for the
uplifting and grooming of beneficiaries. The feedback register should

comprise the columns like S.No., name and address of beneficiary,
contact no., name of course completed, remarks etc. There must be
one column for the suggestion to improve the training procedure.

Table 3: Feedback Register

S.No. Date Batch ID Name & Contact Course Remarks Suggestion
Address of Number Name

7. Success Stories
The Sansthan should collect and keep record of success stories of
the beneficiaries. It must include all details i.e., name of beneficiary,
age, photo, how he/she was able to enrol in JSS, special
circumstances which made the beneficiary to avail training from
JSS, course in which he/she got training, details of enterprise set-
up by the beneficiary, No. of employees employed, total monthly/
annual income, place of work etc. If possible the Sansthan should
collect his/her salary slip, appointment letter etc. and keep it in

11 Sample Form & Other Records
1. Beneficiary registration / enrolment form

2. Question bank
The Sansthan should have question bank for each course with their answer
keys. To create question banks the Sansthan should organize workshops of
Resource Persons trade-wise to create a question bank under the supervision
of subject expert. The question banks should be as per the course curriculum
provided by the Ministry. The question bank should also include the
questions related to LEE component of the curriculum.

3. Assessment sheet
The Sansthan should keep proper record of assessment sheet as per the
formats provided by the Ministry. It should include internal assessment
sheet and practical result sheet. The internal assessment sheet should be
signed by the RP and practical result should be signed by the external

Table 1: Internal Assessment Sheet

S. Batch ID Trainee Regularity & Handle the Learn Practical Awareness Total
No. Name Punctuality specific job New Skills on Work on Lee Marks
effectively his/her Documents Component
initiative / soft skill

Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

2 6 6 4 2 20

Table 2: Practical Result Sheet

S. Batch ID Trainee Major Skill 1 Major Skill 2 Minor Skill 1 Minor Skill 2 Total
No. Name Competency Competency Competency Competency Marks

Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

20 20 10 10 60

4. Result sheet
The result sheet should be a consolidated final sheet of Internal
Assessment and Practical Sheet. The result sheet should be signed
by the Internal, external examiners and by the observer. The result
sheet and other document should be signed by the assessor, RP
and field staff of the Sansthan and same will be submitted to the
Table 3: Result Sheet
Marks Obtained

Batch Enrolment Trainee Father’s / Aadhaar Theory Practical Viva Internal Total Grade Remarks
ID Number Name Husband’s Name Number Marks Marks Marks Assess Marks (Dropout
ment or
Marks Absent)

Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

15 60 5 20 100

5. Certificate register
The Sansthan should maintain certificate register properly. It should
have information like certificate number, name of student, father’s/
husband’s name, course name and signature etc. The Sansthan
should download the certificates of the beneficiaries from the JSS
portal and keep them in record.

Table 4: Certificate Register

S. Date Certificate Batch ID Trainee Father’s/ Contact Course Signature
No. Number Name Husband’s Name Number Name

6. Weekly report – programme functionaries
Various activities related to skill training programmes should be
reviewed in every week. Weekly action plan should to be circulated
to Programme Officer and field staff and accordingly it is necessary
to follow up daily work and get weekly report regarding programme

7. Monthly report
On the basis of weekly reports the Sansthan should prepare a
consolidated report every month. The report should be based on
regular attendance, progress of courses etc. It should also reflect
expenditure details under Programme Head.

8. Quarterly report
The quarterly report should be prepared by Sansthan, it should
have action photographs of activities, capacity building programmes
and skill development courses conducted during the quarter. In
this report the financial details i.e., position of funds of Sansthan
should also be reflected. It should also be presented in the BoM

9. Half yearly report

The half yearly report should be prepared by Sansthan based on
the quarterly reports. It should have action photographs of activities,
capacity building programmes and skill training courses conducted.
In this report the financial details i.e., position of funds of Sansthan
should also be reflected. It should also be presented in the BoM

10. Annual report

The annual report should be prepared and kept in record of the
Sansthan. This report must be as per the format given by DJSS. It
should also be presented in the BoM meeting.

d 47

Directorate of Jan Shikshan Sansthan,

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
1. Dr. Ramakrishna Sura, Additional Director
2. Ms. Shashi Pathak, Programme Officer
3. Shri Amarjit Singh Vohra, Consultant
4. Shri Mahesh Kaushik, Executive Assistant

Jan Shikshan Sansthan

1. Dr. K.B. Sowdhager, Director, Ananthapur, Andhra Pradesh
2. Shri Diganta Gogai, Diretor, Jorhat, Assam
3. Dr. Shyam Yadav, Director, Muzaffarpur, Bihar
4. Shri Arjun Kamboj, Director, Chandigarh
5. Smt. Kulvinder Kaur, Director, Peeragarhi, Delhi
6. Smt. Sadhana Srivastava, Director, Jahangirpuri, Delhi
7. Shri V. Ummer Koya, Director, Malappuram, Kerala
8. Ms Nidhi Tiwari, Director, Datia, Madhya Pradesh
9. Ms Jyoti Vilas Landge, Director, Nashik, Maharashtra
10. Shri Vijay Hariman Kokane, Director, Raigad, Maharashtra
11. Dr. (Smt.) Racheal Raykumari, Director, Koraput, Odisha
12. Shri Uday Bhan Singh, Director, Jhalawar, Rajasthan
13. Shri N. Panneer Selvam, Director, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu
14. Shri Rajesh Kumar Bajpai, Director, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
15. Shri Akhilesh Kumar Shukla, Director, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh


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