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1. Summarising Sources
2. Techniques for Identifying Main Ideas
3. Steps for Writing a Summary


[WEEK 9 – 11]

An academic summary is a restatement of main ideas and points. It is a condensed

version of a text which can range from a couple of sentences to a couple of pages. A
summary is an important skill in referencing. You need to show that you have
understood the materials, and that you can use the author’s ideas and findings in
your own way to support your claims in writing. A summary must always be written in
your own words, or if not, should contain direct quotations. You must be careful not
to copy the exact wording of the original source. To ignore this rule is plagiarism.


In academic writing, a summary has four important criteria:

1. A good summary acknowledges the original author.

 It refers to the writer and/or the title of the work in a formal way
 It presents the writer’s idea objectively without your interpretation or

2. A good summary contains only the most important information.

 The topic (the general subject of the article)

 The main point that the author makes about that topic (the thesis)
 The key ideas that support or explain the thesis

3. A good summary is much shorter than the original writing.

 A one-sentence summary describes only the author’s thesis or the

main idea
 A fuller summary explains both the thesis and the main supporting

4. A good summary consists of paraphrases of any information taken from

the original writing.

 A paraphrase shows that you understand what the author is saying


One of the challenges in summarising is that you must choose which information to
include, keeping in mind the principles of being complete and objective. You can
choose one of the two techniques that follow to help you identify the main ideas in an


1. Read the article completely several times to develop a basic understanding of

the main ideas presented.

2. With a highlighter, mark each idea in the article that you believe is important.

 Often, although not always, you will find that each paragraph has a key
sentence. It is often the first or last sentence in a paragraph.
 Look for key words that are repeated throughout the article. These repeated
words and phrases will help you identify main ideas.
 If you find that you have highlighted most or all of the sentences in a paragraph,
you may be highlighting supporting details rather than main ideas.
 If so, go back and underline only the main ideas in the sentences that you

3. When your highlighting is done, read each sentence again to make sure you
understand the ideas.

4. Then you can use the chunking method to paraphrase the highlighted sentences.

5. You can use these paraphrased ideas as your summary.


Sometimes it is helpful to lay out your notes in a visual way. Using a grid is one
way to help organise the information in an article.

1. Use a grid to take notes on each paragraph or a section of a paragraph.

 Writing main ideas and supporting details in separate columns is a good

way to help distinguish between the two

2. Use your notes to create a summary of your article.

 Remember that a summary focuses on main ideas. Details are usually

excluded in the summaries. In some cases, a specific example from the article
might be included

3. Here is an example of a summary grid created by a student after reading an article

on the negative aspects of drinking bottled water.

Example of Summary Grid

Paragraph (s) Main Idea Supporting Details

1 Bottled water may not be any safer
than tap water.

2-3 Bottled water manufacturers do not - Yosemite brand

have to disclose the source of their comes from a Los
water. Angeles suburb
- Everest brand
comes from Texas

4 The EPA requires fewer contamination - The FDA only tests

tests for bottled water than city water. once a year or if
there is a complaint

5 Plastic bottles are a source of water - Bacteria develops

contamination. in bottles
- Chemicals leak
from plastic


1. Write an introductory sentence or two that includes three pieces of information:

 The name of the author(s)

 The year which the information was published
 The author’s thesis or main idea

2. Describe the main ideas in your own words. This may be one or
more paragraphs, depending on the purpose of your summary.


You can choose how you want to arrange the information in your introduction. Below
are two possible styles of writing a summary:

Style 1: One sentence

Author’s name (year of publication) claims (summary).


Pinker (2010) claims that both lab research and actual experience show that people
are incapable of doing several things at once; as an example of this fact, he
mentions the frequent sight of a person driving dangerously while using a cell phone.

Style 2: Two sentences

Author’s name (year of publication) writes about (article topic) in (his/her/their) article
(article title). The second sentence is the summary of the article.


Pinker (2010) writes about the fallacy of multitasking in his article “Mind over Mass
Media”. He says that both lab research and actual experience show that people are
incapable of doing several things at once; as an example, he highlights the frequent
sight of a person driving dangerously while using a cell phone.

Read the excerpt below and summarise Warner’s idea on Writing Successfully in a
University. Add an in-text citation according to the APA style.

Source : Article

Author : Morley Warner

Date of publication : February 2011
Title : Academic Writing: A Guide to Writing in a University

To write successfully in a university, students need to have a sense of what the final
product should look and sound like. If possible read model assignments, or if these
are not available, study the way in which journal articles have been written in their
field of study. These articles maybe lengthy and some may be based on research
rather than discussion issues, but from them they will get a sense of how academic
writing ‘sounds’, that is, its tone and how respected writers in their field assemble
information. This will enable the students to build their writing skills.

Warner (2011) writes about methods to have successful writing in university in his
article “ Academic Writing: A Guide to Writing in a University Context”. According to
him, university learners should possess a prediction on how our final work appear to
be. He argues that learners can acknowledge the outline of academic writing by
reading more journal articles.

Warner suggest that for university students to write effectively ,they need to understand the
style of academic writing and how esteemed writiers organize ideas .They also need to read
good sample assignments and journal articles as well as how journal articles are written.

Read the excerpt below and write a summary on The Toxic Danger of New Cars.
Add an in-text citation according to the APA style.

Source : Online article

Author : The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation in Australia (CSIRO)
Date of publication : January 2010
Title : Toxic Danger of New Cars

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in Australia

(CSIRO) warned drivers and passengers of new cars that danger lies within their
brand new vehicles. It is not the soft fabric or leather, the shining new dashboard or
the designs of the sporty steering wheel that harbour the danger. It is the reassuring
smell of the new car that spells danger. The odour actually contains high levels of
toxic air emissions that can make the driver and passengers ill.

CSIRO conducted a comprehensive research on three cars. Drivers were asked to

keep logs on how they felt and reacted to the luxurious interiors of their cars. The
researchers also carried out observations on the reactions of the drivers and at the
same time interviewed them.

Evidence was therefore carefully gathered and analysed. The results revealed that
the very smell of a new car that captivates the new owner contains high levels of
toxic emissions. What is even more alarming is the fact that these toxic emissions
are present in cars even after 6 months or longer of leaving the showroom. The
study also revealed that drivers were becoming ill when they drove their new cars.
The toxic emissions contain many chemicals such as benzene that can cause
cancer and lung failure.


Read the excerpt below and write a summary on The Impact of Cultural Diversity
in the Workplace. Add an in-text citation according to the APA style.

Source : Journal Article

Author : Gillian Coote Martin and Mary Robinson

Date of Publication : December 2014
Title : The Effects of Cultural Diversity In The Workplace

Cultural diversity in the workplace has grown as a trend over the passage of time
with the increase of globalisation in the world. A positive effect of cultural diversity in
the workplace is that employees belonging to different cultures usually have
different ways of thinking and can thus analyse a matter at hand from a variety of
perspectives. This is hard to achieve when employees belonging to the same
culture are asked to analyse the same matter. Employees coming from different
cultures have different experiences which can be beneficial by providing the
organisation with a sound and vast knowledge base. For example, a study
conducted on the impact and scope of cultural diversity in organisations in the UAE
showed that most of the workers agreed that group work with culturally diverse
people helps to overcome cultural differences through shared experiences when
working within a team.

Another positive effect of cultural diversity in the workplace is the increased

tendency of organisational personnel to overcome culture shock as the business
expands in other countries and becomes international. This is a very important
benefit derived from cultural diversity of the employees because many modern
companies have global expansion on their corporate agendas. With expansion into
other countries comes a range of obstacles including, but not limited to, gathering
information about local customs and laws in the foreign country, assessing risks
and designing strategies to overcome those risks. When an organisation has a
culturally diverse workforce, it can use the information and knowledge of the
individual workers to achieve these objectives and overcome the aforementioned
obstacles. For example, an American company trying to expand its business in
India can draw information about the Indian federal and provincial laws that apply to
the business, insurances required and applicable tax regulations from its workforce
of Indian nationality.

In addition, a culturally diverse working environment in organisations can drive

business growth and improve customer service by involving a diverse workforce.
This means making use of language skills, cultural information, knowledge of the
business networks and knowledge of the business market of the employees’ home
countries. With these key assets, organisations will have competitive advantages in
marketing goods and services to a growing migrant community as well as to the
global market. The Avon Company, for example, was able to turn around its
unprofitable inner city markets in the United States by putting African-American and
Hispanic managers in charge of marketing to these populations. Just as ethnic
minorities may prefer to work for employers who value diversity, they may also
prefer to buy from such organisations.














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