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Agenda Item 65/39 - Annexure - 35

BCSE396J Reading Course
0 0 0 3
Pre-requisite NIL Syllabus version
Course Objectives:
1. The student will be able to analyse and interpret published literature for information
pertaining to niche areas.
2. Scrutinize technical literature and arrive at conclusions.
3. Use insight and creativity for a better understanding of the domain of interest.

Course Outcome:
1. Retrieve, analyse, and interpret published literature/books providing information
related to niche areas/focused domains.
2. Examine technical literature, resolve ambiguity, and develop conclusions.
3. Synthesize knowledge and use insight and creativity to better understand the domain
of interest.

Module Content
This is oriented towards reading published literature or books related to niche areas or
focussed domains under the guidance of a faculty.

Mode of Evaluation: Evaluation involves periodic reviews by the faculty with whom the
student has registered. Assessment on the project – Mark weightage of 20:30:50 – Report to
be submitted, presentation and project reviews.

Recommended by Board of Studies 09-03-2022

Approved by Academic Council No.65 Date 17-03-2022

Proceedings of the 65th Academic Council (17.03.2022) 1062

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