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1. Create a webpage to display the following output(use text box,submit button).



<title>TEXT BOX</title>




<h2>This webpage displays name and address TEXT BOX with submit button</h2>

<form >

Name : <input type="text" maxlength="25" size="30"><br><br>

Address : <input type="text" size="30" maxlength="25"><br><br>

<input type="submit">





2.Create a webpage to display the timetable of your class using table.



<title>Time table</title>


<table align="center" border="2">



<th>9:00 am - 10:00 am</th>

<th>10:00 am - 11:00 am</th>

<th>11:00 am - 12:00 noon</th>

<th>12:00 noon - 12:30 pm</th>

<th>12:30 pm - 1:30 pm</th>

<th>1:30 pm - 2:30 pm</th>





<td>Web Technology</td>


<td rowspan="6" align="center">b <br> r <br> e <br>a <br>k <br></td>

<td>Indian Economy</td>






<td>Web Technology</td>


<td>Indian Economy</td>





<td>Web Technology</td>


<td>Indian Economy</td>






<td>Web Technology</td>


<td>Indian Economy</td>






<td>Web Technology</td>


<td>Indian Economy</td>






<td>Web Technology</td>


<td>Indian Economy</td>





3.Create a webpage which accepts user inputs as shown below.



<title>Text Boxes</title>


<body> <form ><center>Name: <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="30"><br> <br>

Address: <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="30"><br> <br>

State: <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="30"><br><br>

City: <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="30"><br><br>

Pincode: <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="30"><br><br>

<input type="submit" value="place your order">




4. Create a webpage to modify the default properties of h1 tag using internal tags.





<body> <h1 style="color: red; text-decoration: overline;">

E-commerce </h1> <br><br>

<h2>It deals with buying and selling of goods and services through online marketing</h2>

<h1>It grows very fastly now a days</h1>


5. Create a webpage to display an ordered list of courses offered in you college.





<body bgcolor="red">

List of courses

<ol type="1"> <br>

<li>UG courses</li>





</ul> <br>

<li>PG Courses</li>



<dd>Master of computer applications</dd> <br>


<dd>Master of business administration</dd> <br>





6. Create a webpage to display a table with 2rows and 2 columnsnand also insert image in the cells
of the table.






<table border="5" align="center">

<caption>text and image</caption><br><br>


<td><img src="star 1.jpeg"></td>

<td>This image shows a star image</td>


<td>This image shows a triangle in oval shape</td>

<td><img src="triangle.jpeg" alt=""></td>





7.Create a webpage to display a hyperlink which when clicked directs you to amazon website.





<body>this page demonstrate hyperlinks <br>

click here on below to go to amazon website <br>

<a href="" target="_blank">Amazon</a> <br>

The above link will navigate to amazon website.


8.Create a webpage to demonstrate various marquee effects over a given text.



<title>html marquee</title>


<body><h1><marquee>this is a basic example of marquee</marquee>

<marquee ="alternate" direction="up"> web technology</marquee></h1>


9.Create a webpage to display the following output.







<table border="2" align="center">


<td colspan="2" align="center"> Title</td>



<td>This image shows a star image</td>

<td><img src="star 1.jpeg" alt=""></td>







a+b=a2 +2ab+b2



<title>Formatting Tags</title>


<body>This page will show formatting tags(subscript and super script) <br><br>

a+b <sup> 2</sup>= a <sup>2</sup>+2ab+b <sup>2</sup> <br><br>

H <sub>2</sub>SO <sub>4</sub> <br><br>


11.Create a webpage for demonstrate the usage of nested tables as shown in the diagram below.



<title>Table tag</title>



<table border="5" align="center" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">

<caption>Fruits names</caption>


<tr><td><table border="3"><tr><td>Mango</td><td>Banana</td></tr>






12.Create a webpage which acts as a homepage where your college name is properly aligned with
the logo of your college followed by address and contact details at the centre of page.






<h2>Megha degree college</h2>

<img src="logo23.png" height="100" width="100">

<h3>Address:Ramanthapur <br>near pragathinagar</h3></center>


13.Create a webpage of application of commerce using dl.



<title>Applications of ecommerce</title>


<body bgcolor="yellow">


<dt><b>1.E-marketing</b> </dt>

<dd>Internet marketing also reffered to as web marketing ,online marketing,emarketing, is the

marketing of products or services over the internet.</dd>

<dt><b>2.E-Advertisement</b> </dt>

<dd>Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the internet and world wide web for
purpose of delivering market messages to attract customers.</dd>

<dt><b>3.E-Banking</b> </dt>

<dd>E-banking allows customers to conduct financial transactions on secure website operated

by their retails or virtual bank.</dd>

<dt><b>4.Mobile commerce</b> </dt>

<dd>Mobile commerce is the use of information technologies of communication technologies

for purpose of mobile integration of different value chains on business processes and for purpose of
management business relationships.</dd>
<dt><b>5.Online trading</b> </dt>

<dd>Online trading is the acr or practice of buying & selling securities over the
internet.Generally speaking ,online trading occur when an invester makes an order to a broker
online ,the broker then executes the order.</dd>

<dt><b>6.E-Learning</b> </dt>

<dd>It is commonly reffered to the intentional use of networked information & communications
technology in teaching and learning. </dd>


<dd>E-Shopping or online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods or
services from a seller in real time without an intermediary service over the internet.</dd>




14.Create a webpage to display a bullet list of subjects available in the current semester.





<body bgcolor="red"> list of subjects <br>


<li>regulation of insurance business</li>

<li>sectors of indian economy</li>


<li>company law</li>



<li> management accounting</li>





15. Create a webpage to give scrolling effect(preferably ur college logo)


<title>html marquee tag</title>


<body><h1><marquee> this is basic example of marquee</marquee></h1><br>

<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="down"><img src="logo23.png" height="150"

width="150" ></marquee>



16.Create a webpage to display a button which one when clicked directs to your college website.



<title>megha womens degree college</title>



<center> <u>this button is redirect to college website</u></center><br><br><br>

<a href=""><input type="button" value="click"></a>



17.Create a website to display various courses in your college ,the course should be separated by
horizontal rural of wearing sizes and colour.



<title>Style hr tags</title>



border-top: 1px solid red ;


border-top: 1px dashed red ;


border-top: 1px dotted red ;


border-top: 1px solid red ;


border-top: 10px solid green ; border-radius: 5px;





<h2>style hr tags</h2>


<h1>different courses of college</h1>


<hr class="new1 ">

B.COM General

<hr class="new2">

B.Com Computers

<hr class="new3">

B.Com Computers Application

<hr class="new4">

BSc Physical sciences

<hr class="new5">

Bsc Statistics



18.Create a webpage to display 4 vertical frames each frame containing a different colour.

Step 1:





<body bgcolor="green"> <h1>this is first frame</h1>







<body bgcolor="pink"><h1>this is fourth frame</h1>








<body bgcolor="blue"> <h1>this is third frame</h1>








<body bgcolor="red"><h1>this is second frame</h1>


Final step:



<title>vertical frame</title>


<frameset cols="25% ,25% ,25% ,25%">

<frame src="step1.html">

<frame src="step2.html">

<frame src="step3.html">

<frame src="step4.html">



19.Create a webpage to display 4 horizontal frames each frames containing different colours.

Step 1:




<body bgcolor="green"> <h1>this is first frame</h1>








<body bgcolor="pink"><h1>this is fourth frame</h1>








<body bgcolor="blue"> <h1>this is third frame</h1>







<body bgcolor="red"><h1>this is second frame</h1>



Final step:



<title>horizontal frame</title>


<frameset rows="25% ,25% ,25% ,25%">

<frame src="step1.html">

<frame src="step2.html">

<frame src="step3.html">

<frame src="step4.html">


20.Create a webpage to display table containing 2 rows and 2 columns which contains the names
of your friends and each cell fill with different background colour.



<title>table with rows and columns</title>



<table border="5" align="center" height="250" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="5" >

<caption>Friends names</caption><br><br>

<tr><td bgcolor="red " align="center">Swetha</td>

<td bgcolor="blue" align="center">Shaniya</td></tr>

<tr><td bgcolor="green" align="center">Swapna</td>

<td bgcolor="pink" align="center">Priyanka</td></tr>



21.Create a webpage which ask for mode of payment which includes the options-credit card\debit
card\online transfer using radio buttons.







<center> <u> <h1>Modes of payments</h1></u></center>


<form> Select the mode of payments


<input type="radio" name="r1">Credit card


<input type="radio" name="r2"> Debit card

<input type="radio" name="r3"> Online tranfer




22.Create a webpage which asks the user to enter his credit card details .use text boxes drop down





<body><pre> <br> <center><u><h2>Credit card details</h2></u></center>


<form> enter card type: <select name="s1" >


<option>Rupay card</option>

<option>Master card</option>

<option>Visa card</option>



Card number: <input type="text" name="t1" size="16" maxlength="20">


Expiry date(mm\yyyy): <input type="text" name="t2" maxlength="20">


CVV: <input type="Password" name="t3" size="3" maxlength="3">


Name of card: <input type="text " name="t1" size="16" maxlength="20">


<input type="submit" value="submit">&nbsp;

<input type="reset" value="clear">




23. Create a webpage to generate a purchase order as shown below.






<pre><br><center><u><h2>Purchase orders</h2></u></center><br>

<form> Name: <input type="text" name="t1" size="20" maxlength="20">

Address: <input type="text" name="t2" size="20" maxlength="20">

State: <input type="text" name="t3" size="20" maxlength="20">

City: <input type="text" name="t4" size="20" maxlength="20">

Pincode: <input type="text" name="t5" size="20" maxlength="20">

Magazine: <select name="S1">

<option> Computers today</option>

<option> IT Trends</option>

<option> Artificial intelligence</option>


Subscription: <input type="radio">1yr&nbsp;


<input type="radio">2yrs


<input type="submit">




24.Create a webpage to display a hyperlink which when clicked display excel sheet



<title>Excel sheet</title>



<a href="">open excel</a>



25.Create a webpage to display definition list which defines the terms -B2b,B2C,C2B,C2C.



<title>Types of E-Commerce</title>


<body bgcolor="Pink">



<DD>Website following B2B business model sells its products to

an intermediate buyer who then sells the product to the final customer.</DD>


<dd>Website following B2C business model sells its products directly to a customer.</dd>


<dd>In this model,a customer approaches website showing multiple business

organisations for a particular service.</dd>


<dd>Website following C2C business model helps consumer to sell their assets like residential

property,cars , motercycles etc or rent a room by publishing their information on a






26.Create a webpage which displays four buttons containing text B2B,B2c,C2b,C2c.Also when a
button is clicked details about the clicked subjects should display on separate page.

Step 1:

< html>


<title> ECOMMERCE</title>



<center><u>Types of Ecommerce</u></center>

<dd>Business to business is a situation where one business makes a commercial

transaction with another




Step 2:





<body><center><u>Types of Ecommerce</u></center>


<dd> The business to consusmer type of ecommerce is distinguished by

the establishment of electronic business relationshis between businesses

and final consumers





Step 3:





<body><Center><U>Types of Ecommerce</U></Center>

<dd>In C2B there is a complete reversal of the traditional sense of exchanging goods.

This type of ecommerce is very common in crowdsourcing based projects.





Step 4:

< html>




<body><Center><U>Types of Ecommerce</U></Center>


<dd>Consumer to Consumer type of ecommerce encompasses transactions of goods

or services conducted between consumers.





Final step:







<a href="26B2b.html"><input type="button" name="button" value="B2B"></a>


<a href="26b2c.html"><input type="button" name="button" value="B2C"></a>


<a href="26c2b.html"><input type="button" name="button" value="C2B"></a>


<a href="26C2c.html"><input type="button" name="button" value="C2C"></a>



27.Create a webpage to modify the default properties of h1 tag external style sheet.

Step 1:Stylesheet.css


color: red;

background-color: yellow;


text-transform: uppercase;

Step 2:




<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css">



<h1>Best degree college</h1>

<p>located in Hyderabad</p>

<h1>Affiliated to OU</h1>



28.Create a webpage to scroll the text “Ecommerce” for exactly 5 times from left to right of the







<center><u>Scrolling text</u></center>

<Marquee style="color: red; background-color: yellow;" scrollamount="5" loop=5



29.Create a webpage to insert an image which when clicked is redirected you to your college

< html>






<center><u>Click on the image to redirect to college website



<a href=""> <img src="logo23.png" height="100"

width="100" ></a>


30.Create a webpage to display the name of your college in H6 size with blue as font colour and
background colour yellow separated by a thick line and below which a paragraph about the
facilities offered by your college is described.






<center><u><h6 style="border: 10px solid green;"> Megha Womens degree college


<p>facilities of college</p>

<ol type="1">

<li>Experience faculty</li>


<li>clean and green premises</li>

<li>lab and library facility</li>




31.Create a webpage with Osmania University as the title and 5 buttons lablled as home,about
us,courses,feedback and contact us as shown in the diagram which when clicked display details
on a separate page.

Step 1: Homepage





<h1>This is a homepage</h1>

<a href="31final.html"> back </a>



Step 2:About us






<h1>This is About us page</h1>


<a href="31final.html"> back </a>



Step 3: Courses






<h1>This is Courses page</h1>

<a href="31final.html">back</a>



Step 4: Feedback






<h1>This is feedback page</h1>

<a href="31final.html">back</a>



Step 5: Contact us






<h1>This is Contact Us page </h1>

<a href="31final.html">back</a>



Final step:






<center><h2>Osmania University</h2>


<h4>Telangana University</h4> </center>


<a href="31homepage.html" ><input type="button" value="Homepage" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>

<a href="31aboutus.html" ><input type="button" value="About Us" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>

<a href="31course.html" ><input type="button" value="Courses" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>

<a href="31feedback.html" ><input type="button" value="Feedback" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>

<a href="31contactus.html" ><input type="button" value="Contact Us" ></a>


32.Create a webpage to demonstrate a pull down menu. The menu should contain list of your
favourite south indian dishes.

< html>


<title>Select Menu</title>


<body bgcolor="Pink">List of Favourite South Indian Foods<select name="dropdown" >

<option value="List">Dosa</option>

<option value="List">Chicken Biryani</option>

<option value="List">Idli Sambar</option>

<option value="list">Vada chutni</option>

<option value="list">Special Masal Dosa</option>

<option value="list">Onion paneer Dosa</option>

<option value="list">Butter Masala Dosa</option>

<option value="list ">Egg Fried Rice</option>

<option value="list">Veg Gravy</option>

<option value="list">Egg Biryani</option>

<option value="list">Veg Pulao</option>





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