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Report - About Steve Jobs Resigns as

Apple CEO and Elon Musk

Frank Samuel Tejeda Ruiz

Technical English II
What will be exposed in this work, is to see the ingenuity of two great characters
of the modern world, which one of them let his product speak for him, how good
it was, how efficient it was and how optimal it was, the other was more visionary
in how to create an energy that is clean or that is not so harmful to the
environment, as we have today that cars can be mobilized with this energy and
can be recharged as we can also leave the planet and meet other planets and
be interplanetary people.
In the first video you will observe the various topics that Steve Jobs touches on
starting with a phrase he said that once people don't know what they want until
they are taught it and with incredible consistency almost creepy. They have
produced new product that consumers discovered they really wanted now just
hours ago, Apple announced astronomical third quarter profits of over $7 billion.
Steve Jobs is not just a CEO he has been called one of the great visionaries of
our time a man on par with Thomas Edison for a new generation. Whether you
have a cell phone, whether you listen to music, whether you use a computer at
all Steve Jobs has made a difference in the middle of all jobs. Steve Jobs is was
a micromanager, he is an authoritarian boss with a reputation as a boss with a
reputation like no one you have ever heard of in your life and he is part of the
reason why Apple is what it is most of the reason why Apple is what it is today
hello most of the reason why Apple is what it is today.
Steve Jobs always let his products do the talking that's the signature, build
products that we think are really wonderful in people might want and sometimes
we're right and sometimes we're wrong, but I think we're going to hit a grand
slam with this. only a couple of people in the last hundred years that can really
be analogous so you have Walt Disney, Henry Ford and Steve Jobs and you
know those companies still thrive not doing it the same way they did when their
leaders were around, but they still managed to do it.
In the second video we look at the information given Elon Musk, on the topics
the use of solar energy and how it will change history, the advances using of
this type of energy, you will see several companies. How to reduce the
environmental pollution of energy and how to opt for other types of energy and
make it accessible to people. The use of this energy is mainly in the automotive
industry with the industry or company Tesla, which is dedicated to producing
electric cars using renewable energy and exclusively, solar energy.
He also talked about Tesla Model which is a sports car or high-end, one of
models was beaten a record with the maximum speed achieved, there are also
types of rocket recycling, and that the rocket is fully recyclable. The goal of his
plan is to settle on Mars and that people are multiplanetary to disperse
humanity on different planets, also innovated in the vertical landing of rockets
this never seen before.
We see that these two great exponents of their product or brand gave their all to
make it the best it could be, that they gave their all to make it what mankind
needs and to make people more comfortable or feel more comfortable with their

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