Past of To Be

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 The past of “is” and “am” is always “was”  The contraction of was not is wasn´t
 The past of “are” is always “ware”  The contraction of were not is weren´t

Structure of to be in the past

Subject + was/were + complement was/were + Subject + complement

Subject + wasn´t/weren´t + complement Question word + was/were +Subject?

He was = Él fue, estuvo, era You were = Tú fuiste, estuviste, eras.

She was = Ella fue, estuvo, era We were = Nosotros fuimos, estuvimos, éramos.
It was = Ello fue, estuvo, era You were = Ustedes fueron, estuvieron, eran.
I was = Yo fui, estuve, era They were = Ellos(as) fueron, estuvieron, eran.

Expressions in the past

Present Past
Today Yesterday
Now Yesterday
This morning Yesterday morning
This afternoon Yesterday afternoon
This evening Yesterday Evening
This week Last week or a week ago
This month Last month or a month ago
This year Last year or a year ago
This season Last season or a season ago
I. Rewrite the sentences into YES/NO QUESTIONS. Use the pronouns.
1) Bill was a salesman. Was he a salesman ?
2) He _____ American _________________________?
3) Bill and Philip _____ brothers _________________________?
4) They _____ happy _________________________?
5) I _____ sad _________________________?
6) This _____ a dog _________________________?
7) You and I ____ friends _________________________?
8) Miami _____ in the United States _________________________?
9) You _____ right _________________________?
10) Boston and Chicago _____ cities _________________________?

II. Give a complete affirmative answer. Use the pronouns and contractions.
1) Was Lima in Peru? Yes, it was in Peru__________
2) Was Francis young? _________________________
3) Were Alice and Carmen nurses? _________________________
4) Was Rosa a saleswoman? _________________________
5) Were Linda and Bill friends? _________________________
6) Was Philip short? _________________________
7) Was London in cities? _________________________
8) Were you happy? _________________________
9) Were you and Robert friends? _________________________

III. Answer the questions with the first cue. Use the pronouns and contractions.
1) Was Monique a scientist or a doctor? _She was a scientist__________
2) Were Julia and victor doctors or teachers? __________________________
3) Were Bill and Philip brothers or friends? __________________________
4) Was Bill a salesman or a mechanic? __________________________
5) Were John and Vincent cousins or brothers? __________________________
6) Were you and I friends or cousins? __________________________
7) Were Yoko and I secretaries or lawyers? _________________________
8) Was it a pencil or a pen? __________________________
9) Were dogs friendly or unfriendly? __________________________
10) Were we teachers or nurses? __________________________

IV. Give a negative answer then an affirmative one. Use pronouns and contractions.
1) Was Barbara short or tall? ______________________________
2) Was England big or small? ______________________________
3) Were Lynn and Carlos present or absent? ______________________________
4) Was Boston ugly or beautiful? ______________________________
5) Were they good or bad? ______________________________
6) Was English difficult or easy? ______________________________
7) Was Aki a pilot or a doctor? ______________________________
8) Was the United States aa city or a country? ______________________________
9) Were Victor and Julia nurses or doctors? ______________________________
V. Make an information question according to the underlined words. Use “WHAT, WHERE, HOW” or “WHO”.
1) Philip and Margaret were students. What were they ?
2) Dublin was in Ireland. _________________________?
3) Madrid was the capital of Spain. _________________________?
4) Albert and Linda were sick. _________________________?
5) Ramon was in Mexico. _________________________?
6) The exercises were different. _________________________?
7) Paul Collins was a lawyer. _________________________?
8) Bolivia was a country. _________________________?
9) She was Marita Arteaga. _________________________?
10) They were Ronald and Ralph. _________________________?


 Expresan algo o varias cosas que pertenecen a un sujeto propio o común.

 Agregamos un apostrophe (´) al sujeto y luego una “S” y posteriormente el objeto que le pertenece.
Luigi´s pants are blue. Luigi´s shirt is long.
Luigi´s and Claudia´s shoes are brown Luigi´s and Claudia´s shoes are brown
The teacher´s information is interesting. The men´s information is interesting.
The women´s dresses are long. The women´s uniform is long.

 Cuando el sujeto es plural al terminando en “S” entonces solo colocaremos el apostrophe al sujeto
para indicas un posesivo.
The merchanics´garage is big. The stundents´ bags are expensive.
The doctor´ jobs are difficult. The principles´ offices are beautiful.
_Es la acción que la persona hace a diario
_Para expresar la acción, usaremos los verbos sin la preposición to.

Action verbs or Routines.

To Wake up despertar To get up levantar To get undress desvestir

To get dress vestirse To brush cepillar To shower bañar

To get dry secarse To comb peinar To have tener

To make hacer To go ir To work trabajar

To study estudiar To do hacer To leave salir

To sit sentar To stand parar To prepare preparar

To cook cocinar To buy comprar To bring traer

To drive conducir To clean limpiar To wash lavar

To watch observar To see ver To look mirar

To walk caminar To ride montar To take llevar

To drink beber To open abrir To close cerrar

To sell vender To send enviar To live vivir

To like gustar To want desear To play jugar

To be ser/estar To become convertir To begin empezar

To start arrancar To change cambiar To end terminar

To include incluir To ask pedir To ski esquiar

To skate patinar To discuss discutir To fight pelear

To shout gritar To cry llorar To laugh reír

To smile sonreír To die morir To talk conversar

To speak hablar To smile sonreír To laugh reír

To fly volar To meet reunir To attend atender

To understand entender To type tipear To chat chatear

To surf surfear To swim nadar To sweep barrer

To mop trapear To dut desempolvar To ir on planchar

To fold doblar To polish lustrar To set arregla

To put poner To record grabar To save ahorrar

To question cuestionar To practice practicar To write escribir

To read leer To receive recibir To sleep dormir

To paint pintar To draw dibujar To reapeat repartir

Oraciones Afirmativas con el grupo de la tercera persona

 Los pronombres que pertenecen al grupo de la tercera persona son: HE, SHE, IT.
 Los pronombres les llamamos el grupo del resto de personaje y son: I; YOU; WE; THEY; YOU.

Regla con tercer a persona

 Agregamos _ES a los verbos que terminan en X, H, S, O, Z sí trabajan con la tercera persona.
 Go ir Angie goes to Paris.
 Watch observar Luisa watches TV.
 Pass pasar Mafer passes the exam.
 Fix arreglar He fixes cars.
 Buzz zumbar The bee buzzes louder.

 Reemplazamos a la “Y” por “-IES” siempre y cuando a la “Y” le anteceda una consonante.
Study estudiar She studies English.
Cry llorar Mafer cries for Enrique.
Play jugar

 El verbo have trabajará como has con la tercera persona.

 Have Tener. She has a boyfriend.
He has a car.
 A todos los demás verbos solo le agregamos “S”.
 Practice. Practicar. She practices tennis.
 Eat. Comer. He eats bananas.
 Run. Correr. It runs fast.
 Play. Jugar-Tocar. The dog plays here.

 Cuando los verbos trabajan con el grupo del resto de personajes, los verbos trabajaran en su forma normal.
 You fix cars in the garage. They pass the exam.
 We watch TV in the living room. Luisa and Sebastian go to school.
 I eat dinner in my house. You and I have a house.

Oraciones negativas en presente simple

 Para negar con el grupo de la tercera persona (he, She, It), colocamos DOESN´T = DOES NOT entre la tercera
persona y el verbo en su forma normal.
He doesn´t go to Paris. The bee doesn´t buzz louder.
She doesn´t study English. She doesn´t have a boyfriend.

 Colocamos DOESN´T = DOES NOT con el resto de personajes para negar.

 You don´t fix cars _We don´t watch TV
 Luisa and Sebastian don´t go school _They don´t pass the exam
 I don´t eat dinner _You and me don´t have a house.

Preguntas básicas
 Colocamos DOES antes de la tercera persona y el verbo en su forma normal para preguntar y DO antes

Does Angie go to Paris? Do I cry for Enrique?

Does Luisa watch TV? Do you fix cars?
Does Mafer pass the exam? Do we watch TV?
Does she have a car? Do they pass the exam?
Does He fix cars? Do I eat dinner?
Does the bee buzz louder? Do you and me have a car?
Respuestas Cortas Afirmativas o Negativas en el Presente Simple
 Estas pueden terminar es: Does o Do y en Doesn´t o Don´

Does Angie go to Paris? Yes, she does / No, She doesn’t

Does Luisa watch TV? No, she doesn´t / Yes, She does

Does Mafer pass the exam? Yes, she does / No, She doesn´t

Do you fix cars? Yes, I do / No, I don´t

Do we watch TV? No, we don´t / Yes, we do

Do Luisa and Sebastian go to school? Yes, they do / No, They don´t

Do they pass the exam? No, they don´t / Yes, They do

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