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24NV Friday, October 9, 2020 UGANDA@58


By Jacky Achan

n the mid-1980s, Uganda was
making world headlines as a child transmission of HIV.

country severely hit by HIV/ Another study conducted
AIDS. But, when it got to the in Uganda established that Nodding syndrome, a form of epilepsy, had affected about 3,000 children in
late 1990s, the headlines had circumcision in men lowers the northern Uganda.
changed. Uganda had managed risk of contracting HIV.

to reverse the high number of “We did the first HIV vaccine
HIV cases, drawing admiration
from the world.
trial in Africa, these were all
important contributions,”
1960s), including Makerere
University Medical School, When it got to the late 1990s, government funding for
agricultural research, but not
“It was HIV that revived Kaleebu says. Uganda has Mulago Hospital and Uganda much in health,” he says.
medical research in Uganda,”
Prof. Pontiano Kaleebu, a
performed well in HIV research
and Uganda’s contribution in
Virus Research Institute (UVRI),
did an excellent job, he says.
the headlines had changed, HOW MEDICAL RESEARCH
physician, clinical immunologist,
HIV/AIDS researcher, academic
the area of HIV research is very
According to Kaleebu, at
the time, Makerere University
Uganda had managed to WAS REVIVED
A lot of medical research started
and medical administrator, says.
Kaleebu is the executive director FIELD OF EXCELLENCE
Medical School was recognised
and known for work and
reverse the high number of coming back, especially with
the restoration of peace by the
of the Uganda Virus Research
Institute (UVRI).
When it comes to medical
research, Uganda has always
research that, among others,
focused on cancers and HIV cases, drawing admiration Government in the late 1980s,
but also HIV played a big role in
One of the outstanding
researches on HIV conducted in
ranked high in Africa, Kaleebu
malnutrition and that they
excelled. from the world. the revival of medical research
in Uganda, Kaleebu says.
Uganda, found that the use of Institutions built in colonial “The medical professionals or “There was a lot of interest in
Nevirapine stopped mother-to- times (the late 1950s and researchers in the colonial times, HIV. It was a big challenge in
did what they could. Uganda is Africa, including Uganda. Many
recognised for its contribution Foundation, who also Uganda, Kaleebu says. international organisations came
in medical research, especially contributed to the success of “The 1970s and early 1980s for research, many funders and
through Makerere University medical research in Uganda,” he was a total collapse.” “Things collaborations started again, to
Medical School and UVRI.” said. However, there were also collapsed, many of our medical work on HIV.”
The Management and Staff of Akhcom Ltd “Government largely funded low moments. researchers left the country. “Later, of course, there was
Congratulate the President of the republic of Uganda the research and there were That was in the 1970s and There was little funding and more funding to tuberculosis
HE Y. Kaguta Museveni and the People of Uganda upon other international partners, early 1980s due to the political little interaction with the (TB) and malaria and,
the occasion of Uganda’s such as the Rockefeller instability that existed in international community. then, recently, on emerging
58th Independence Anniversary Research is funding and infections,” Kaleebu says.
collaboration, so things went What the government has
down,” he says. also tried to do recently is
Plot M-259, Ntinda Industrial Area P. O. Box 12541 Kampala - UGANDA BAVIMA But that is not all, despite
medical research presently going
creating the Uganda National
Health Research Organisation
Tel:+256 772 711490, +256 712 111470 ENTERPRISE & on, the current government has
not invested enough money
It was also until recently

BAVIMA STEEL LTD in health research, Dr Richard

Idro, a clinical research scientist,
senior paediatric neurologist and
when the Government started
giving Makerere innovation and
research funds, which is a new
senior lecturer at the department move,” Idro says.
WISHES TO of Paediatrics and Child Health “Government also created the
CONGRATULATE THE at the College Health of Health Ministry of Science, Technology
GOVERNMENT AND THE Sciences, Makerere University, and Innovation, headed by Dr
PEOPLE OF UGANDA UPON says. Elioda Tumwesigye. It, at least,
He is also the president of the should be able to advance
CELEBRATING THE Uganda Medical Association medical research in Uganda.”
58TH INDEPENDENCE (UMA). “We are doing well in medical
ANNIVERSARY. According to Idro, Ugandan research and we can do more,
scientists have to apply for even though most of the funds
research funding from outside have come from outside.”
0775 549254 / 0712 333286 LONG LIVE UGANDA the country. “Since late last year, at least the
“There has been a lot of Government has been providing
� lJfu1NDAE!58 Friday, October 9, 2020 I\J\J 25


good will from the Government
and the President to support
research and science. Most of
the developing countries have
not reached the declarations
they made on how much of their
budget should go into health/
money to Makerere University, medical research.
through the innovation fund. If "We understand the challenge
the funding can be expanded we need to encourage our
across the country, medical government to move towards
research will improve even those targets and fund more
further," Idro says. medical research," Kaleebu says.
In April 2001, the heads of
OUTSTANDING state of the African Union
OUTCOMES OF countries pledged to allocate at
RESEARCH IN UGANDA least 150/o of their annual budget
For five years now, Uganda has to improve the health sector,
not registered a single new case One of the in what was termed, the Abuja
of the nodding disease. "We outstanding Declaration, but many countries
stopped the nodding syndrome," researches including Uganda, have failed to
Idro says. on HIV meet that goal. In the 2020/2021
Nodding syndrome, a form conducted national budget, only 60/o of
of epilepsy, had affected about in Uganda, the budget was allocated to the
3,000 children in northern found that health.
Uganda. the use of
Last year, the Ministry of Nevirapine WHAT MORE CAN BE DONE
Health said several years of stopped Many times we have asked why
intensive medical research was mother­ Ugandans, the private entities,
closing in on the exact cause of to-child cannot also contribute towards
the mysterious nodding disease transmission medical research, Kaleebu says.
among children in northern of HIV "We have made an effort but
Uganda, following research and still, it has not been successful.
investigations into the disease, treating children who have (TB) and malaria. CHALLENGES "We get some money from the In other countries like South
led byidro. been transfused and preventing The outstanding work of our The challenge we still have is ministries of finance and health, Africa, private companies
"Patients are there, sadly they stroke in children with sickle cell scientists is the reason Makerere that a lot of medical research and the presidential initiative on contribute towards health
will stay with us. But for five anaemia. University Medical School funding is foreign. The local research tries to fill in the gaps, research. This is another area
years now, there has not been These are just a few of the ranks so high on the African funding is still minimal and but still, research, is largely that we, as Ugandan scientists,
a single new case," Idro says. medical research Idro has been continent," Idro says. inadequate, according to internationally-funded," he says. should tap into and try to
There have been tireless studies involved in and plenty of others Last year, Idro was recognised Kaleebu. "But the beauty is that there is advocate this culture," he says.
by Ugandan scientists to bring conducted by various scientists, for his in-depth research on
an end to the disease. in various fields in Uganda. infectious diseases (severe
Idro has also led research on Uganda is one of the countries malaria and nodding syndrome)
understanding effects of malaria which stands out in health or in Africa, winning the
on the brain, understanding medical research on the African Greenwood Africa Award from
severe malaria and developing continent. the London School of Hygiene
treatment guidelines for them. "Ugandan scientists are and Tropical Medicine for
Also set to be released are known. We are unrivalled in contributing towards the control
two research findings on research on HIV, tuberculosis of the diseases.

• ®


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