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Do you think people can understand the culture of a country with or without speaking the language?

Topic sentence : İt’s commonly known that dud to increase of immigrants there will flection of a
different languages or culture for the newcomers.

Body 1 how the language helps.

Body 2 learning languages also give you the trust of people.

Body 3 my humble opinion.

Concluding sentence : Last but not least, as I described to you need to acknowledge the language
before you involve with culture.

İt’s commonly known that dud to increase of immigrants there will flection of a different languages or
culture for the newcomers. Therefore, since I’m immigrant myself I can gave understanding of how
languages help. In my opinion you can learn the culture without languages. But that does it make it easy
for you and in this eassy I will attend why.

First of all, How does language help us to understand culture?. On one point of looking at it, language is
intrinsic to the expression of culture. As a means of communicating values, beliefs and customs, it has an
important social function and fosters feelings of group identity and solidarity. It is the means by which
culture and its traditions and shared values may be conveyed and preserved.

Another significant point, you Build Trust when you know how to speak the local language, people are
more likely to trust you. As most travelers say, local residents feel that they are closer to a visitor who
knows their language because they feel that you are also a native instead of a foreigner who expects
other people to understand them. Moreover that gave. the trust of people so you can be close to them
and Know there culture. And that’s why people advise you to learn the country languages before visit it.

Third point, it’s about my own experience. Actually I wasn’t planning to stay in turkey. So I didn’t learn
the language. Eventually it was harder for me to involve with the culture because I can’t speak their
languages. Of course now I know there culture and I have Türk friends but it took me long enough to
figure how and that’s called language barrier. In other word you need to improve the language of the
country you in so you can understand the culture.

Last but not least, as I described to you need to acknowledge the language before you involve with
culture. Although you can do that without language but there will be draw back.

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