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Lesson 40 – descriptive essay

Descriptive writing is my favourite. It allows for imagination, and the creation of your own figures
of speech. If you can see or hear it in your imagination, you can put it in writing. Your task today
allows for imagination. Take a look:

Your task:

You are being interviewed. Describe the people conducting the interview, and your thoughts and
feelings as it progresses.

Imagine you are in the position of being interviewed. There is a panel asking the questions. They all
look different; one may have an annoying habit, another may have an interesting facial feature. As
you are trying hard to concentrate on their questions, your mind is filled with thoughts about the
people, thoughts about the questions they are asking you, thoughts about the company you may be
joining. These thoughts invoke feelings – fear, excitement, anxiety, hope…the list goes on. ALWAYS
read the question carefully. You will notice that they say ‘…as it progresses.’ This involves you
‘walking’ your reader (audience) through the interview, from start to finish. Again, remain

descriptive, don’t tell it - describe it. E.g.:

Telling: I was so nervous to be sitting in the chair in front of the interview panel.

Describing: Sitting on the hard, squeaky chair my breathing seemed shallow. My nerves were on
high alert, exacerbated by the hawk eyes that were focused on me. Droplets of sweat popped out at
random on my forehead.

Use as many figures of speech as you can 

Write at least 350 words.

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