A Chimu-Inka Ceramic-Manufacturing Center From The North Coast of Peru

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A Chimu-Inka Ceramic-Manufacturing Center from the North Coast of Peru

Author(s): Christopher B. Donnan

Source: Latin American Antiquity , Mar., 1997, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Mar., 1997), pp. 30-54
Published by: Cambridge University Press

Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/971591

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to Latin American Antiquity

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Christopher B. Donnan

A Chimu-lnka ceramic-manufacturing center, dating ca. A.D. 1470-1532, has been located in the Jequetepeque Valley of
northern Peru. An analysis of a large sample of molds and over-fired sherds from the site indicates that the potters produced
both local and Inka-derivedforms-primarily mold-made utility wares. Since Inka aryballoid bottles were produced here, their
production, and presumably their use, was more akin to utility wares for commoners than to ceremonialZadministrative ware
for the elite. Although there were numerous potters involved in the production of large numbers of vessels, the production was
not organized with strict division of labor, but rather with each individual potter working on most stages of production.

Un centro de manufactura de cera'mica Chimu-lnka, fechado alrededor de 1470-1532 d. C., fue descubierto en el Valle de
Jequetepeque, en el norte de Peru. El analisis de un gran numero de ejemplos de moldes y material descartado del sitio indica
que los alfareros produefan formas derivadas del estilo Inka y tambieon formas locales-principalmente cera'mica de uso
domeostico, hecha en moldes. Ya que las botellas de tipo arfbalo fueron producidas en este lugar, su produccion y, presunta-
mente, su uso, estaba asociado a la ceramica usada por la gente del comun, mas que al uso ceremonial/administrativo de la
e'lite. Aunque habfan muchos ceramistas trabajando en la produccion de un gran numero de vasijas, e'sta no estuvo organi-
zada con una estricta division del trabajo, pero donde cada artesano trabajaba en la mayorfa de las etapas de la produccio'n.

The north coast of Peru was an important Precolumbian ceramics were manufactured have
area of ceramic production before been investigated (Hayashida 1994; Russell et. al.
European contact. It was the source of 1994a, 1994b; Shimada et. al. 1994; Tschauner et.
some of the most remarkable and well-known al. 1994). Recently, a Chimu-Inka ceramic manu-
Precolumbian ceramic styles, including facturing center was located, and its preliminary
Cupisnique, Tembladera, Moche, Huari-Norteno, investigation provides important new insights into
Lambayeque, Chimu, and Chimu-Inka. During the nature of Precolumbian ceramic production.
the first centuries A.D., molds for producing
The Site
ceramics began to be used in this area, and mold-
making technology subsequently developed here The site is located in the lower part of the
to a degree that surpassed most other regions of Jequetepeque Valley, approximately 15 km north-
the Western Hemisphere before European con- east of San Pedro de Lloc (Figure 1). It is in the
tact. area known as Canoncillo, approximately 100 m
While hundreds of thousands of ceramic east of the Duros of Canoncillo, on a sandy hill-
objects from the north coast of Peru have entered side at the north margin of an extensive algarrobo
museums and private collections, very little is forest. '
known about their production. A few studies have The site covers the ridge of a sand dune
been made of north coast ceramic technology (Figure 2). It is recognizable by the abundant
(Bennett and Bird 1964; Collier 1955; Donnan ceramic sherds, shell, and ash on the surface,
l 965, 197 1, 1 993; Grossman 1969-1970; which contrast sharply with the surrounding sand.
Shimada 1 994b), but only a few sites where The site is oval shaped, measuring approximately

Christopher B. Donnan * Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1549

Latin American Antiquity, 8(1), 1997, pp. 30-54.

Copyright (C) by the Society for American Archaeology


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Figure 1. Map of the lower Jequetepeque Valley showing the location of the ceramic production site.

180 m N-S by 60 m E-W, and slopes downward Chimu, or Chimu-Inka, although some Moche
from north to south. and Moche-Huari occupation also has been noted.
Extensive deflation of the ridge top has left a Our knowledge of the site is based almost
remarkable abundance of sherds on the surface, exclusively on a study of its surface features.
but has removed nearly all depth of midden. With the exception of several shallow holes dug
Although a few areas have up to 10 cm of midden
with a trowel to determine if there was any mid-
beneath the present surface, in most areas the den beneath the surface, and a small exploratory
sherds and shell are now resting on sterile sand. pit excavated into an ash deposit, no excavation
The surface of the site appears to be undifferenti- was conducted. On the other hand, all diagnostic
ated by sector, with an essentia-lly homogeneous sherds (rims, lugs, bases, decorated sherds, and
inventory of material evenly distributed over the mold fragments) were collected from the surface.
entire area. There is no surface evidence of archi- The collection, consisting of 1,359 sherds, pro-
tecture. vides the primary data for this report.2
The area where the site is located has abundant
evidence of Prehispanic occupation, including
concentrations of refuse, adobe and stone archi- The site probably had only a brief period of occu-
tecture, ancient roads, i¢igation canals, and field pation. There appear to be no ceramics earlier
systems (Eling 1986; Hecker and Hecker 1990; than Chimu, nor any with European influence.
Wier and Eling 1986). Most of the material is Moreover, the inventory of ceramic forms is

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32 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 8, No. 1, 19971

Figure 2. The ceramic production site, looking northeast. The fence extends east to west across the southern portion
of the site.

extremely limited, suggesting that it is all rela- throughout the site area. They were clearly the
tively contemporary material rather than the discarded remains of ceramic vessels that had
result of a long period of occupation. been destroyed by excessive temperature during
Although no Cuzco Inka ceramics were found, the Elring process. The excessive temperature
numerous sherds were from vessels with forms resulted in warping of the vessel walls and rims,
and decorations that are clearly Inka derived. blistering and partial vitriElcation of the surfaces,
These indicate that the site was occupied after the and the predominant dark color that characterized
Inka conquest of the north coast of Peru, an event these sherds.
thought to have begun around A.D. 1470. Since No complete over-fired vessels were found,
there were no European-influenced ceramics, nor but 108 of the sherds could be identiEled by ves-
any other European goods (glass beads, iron, sel form or decoration. They included fragments
brass porcelain, etc.), it is likely that the site was of nearly every vessel form and decoration that
abandoned by the early part of the colonial period. was represented in the other ceramics from the
In sum, it would appear that the site was occu- site (see Ceramics below).
pied between approximately A.D. 1470 and Another clear indicator of ceramic production
1535.3 The ceramics produced at that period on was the quantity of mold fragments found on the
the north coast of Peru are generally referred to as surface of the site. Sixty-three mold fragments
Chimu-Inka. were collected. The most common were for mak-
ing olla chambers (Figure 4a, b). These would
Evidence of Ceramic Production
produce the chamber in two parts, with a horizon-
The most obvious indication of ceramic produc- tal seam at the equator. Most were smooth on the
tion at the site was the high frequency of over- interior and would have created either the lower
fired ceramic fragments on the surface (Figure 3). half of the olla chamber or the undecorated upper
Hundreds of these were fairly evenly distributed half. Some molds were incised (Figure 4a, b) to

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. 8 o > sw o m

o 5
, , , . s I


Figure 3. Fragments of over-fired ceramics.

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0 5
I * , . I , e


Figure 4. Fragments of molds for producing ollas (a-b) and jars (c-e).

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create the upper half of an olla chamber decorated Table 1. Frequency of Ceramic Forms and Decoration.

with a low relief design (Figure 50. No molds

were found that would have produced the rims Sherds Over-fired

and handles of ollas-these apparently were hand n % n %

modeled and attached after the chambers were

removed from the molds (see Paste Types below). Molds 63 5.0

At least three of the molds were for the pro- Ollas with recurved rims 346 27.6 42 38.5

duction of jars. These would have produced ves- Ollas with straight or flaring rims 70 5 6 12 11.0

sels with vertical seams. One was a nearly Ollas with handles 27 2.2 1 .9

complete mold for forming one half of a jar cham- Jars 41 3.3

ber with a low relief design depicting anthropo- Strap-handle jars 66 5.3 12 11.0

morphized bird and animal figures (Figure 4c). Strap-handle jars with bird 27 2.2

Another would have produced a face neck jar Bowls with two handles 141 11.3 3 2.8

with a human face (Figure 4d), while a third was Lyre-shaped bowls

for the production of both the chamber and neck Tall-sided 28 2.2

of a jar (Figure 4e). Short-sided 11 .9

Several molds were for the production of stir- Rounded bowls 59 4.7 1 .9

rup spout bottles. Two of these (Figure 6a, b) Straight-sided bowls 9 .7 2 1.8

were exclusively for producing the stirrup spout. Aryballoid bottles

Once the stirrup spout was completed in molds Rim and neck fragments 36 2.9 13 11.9

such as these, it would have been joined to a Chamber fragments and bases 7 .6 2 1.8

chamber that was presumably made in another set Strap handles 21 1.7

of molds. In contrast, the other two molds for Lugs 2 .2

making stirrup spouts (Figure 6c, d) would have Polychrome-painted sherd 156 12.5 21 19.3

produced both the stirrup spout and the chamber Press-molded blackware sherds 59 4.7

in a single operation, thus eliminating the need for Press-molded redware sherds 30 2.4

chamber molds, and the additional step of joining Paddle-marked sherds 3 .2

the spout to the chamber. Miscellaneous sherds 48 3.8

One mold (Figure 6e) was for the production of Total 1,250 109

gambreled plates with lyre-shaped cross sections

(Figure 7a-j). The interior surface of this mold had the fragments are molds to make one half of the
a design created with punctation, and thus would heads of felines (Figure 9a, b, c), llamas (Figure
have produced plates whose bottoms were deco- 9d), and humans (Figure 9e, f).
rated with dots in low relief. One fragment of a The mold fragments collected from the surface
plate decorated in this way was found at the site.4 of the site are remarkably similar to one another
One mold was for producing aryballoid bottles. in appearance. All but one is oxidation fired. They
These bottles are characterized by an oblate cham- are normally very smooth and well finished on
ber with strap handles on opposite sides, a tall flar- the interior, but coarse and irregular on the exte-
ing spout, a pointed bottom, and a lug on the upper rior. The exterior of many of the molds had one or
shoulder of the chamber. They are one of the most more small bumps near the edges, presumably to
typical forms of Inka ceramics and were produced align with similar bumps on the complimentary
both in the Cuzco area and in areas incorporated half of the mold to facilitate alignment of the two
into the Inka empire. The aryballoid bottle mold halves when they were lined with moist clay.
found on the surface of the site (Figure 6f) One lump of unfired clay, weighing approxi-
includes the portion for making the strap handle mately I07 g, was found on the surface of the site.
on the side of the chamber (Figure 8a-e). It appears to be pure clay, without temper added,
There were numerous molds for producing and its light cream color suggests that it may have
heads and/or bodies of humans, birds, and ani- been to create the white slip painted on many oi
mals (Figure 9).5 Among those recognizable from the ceramic vessels from this site.

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36 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 8, No. 1, 19971


9 0 5
, . . . . .

cm h

Figure 5. Ollas with flaring rims (as), handles (d-f), and a bird face (g), and a jar (h).

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0 5
| * * , I |

cm f

Figure 6. Fragments of molds for producing stirrup spout bottles (a4), plates (e), and arybal oid bottles (f).

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38 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 8, No. 1, 1997]

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Figure 7. Bowls.

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4ff _ __

0 5 - i
h I , . . , I


Figure 8. Aryballoid bottle fragments of handles (as) and gambrels of lower chambers (f-i).

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40 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY lVol. 8, No. 1, 1997]



0 5
t I . t . ] f

F;gure 9. Fragments of molds for producing feline heads (as), llama heads (d), human faces (e), and human bodies (f).

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One final piece of evidence for ceramic pro- dots, and scroll motifs forming a continuous hor-
duction at the site was the abundance of charcoal izontal band around the upper chamber. One
on the surface, and the presence of several large example has a bird face modeled into the rim,
deposits of ash. The ash deposits were not sys- with earlike elements projecting out from the rim
tematically excavated, but their surface appear- on two sides (Figure 5g).
ance suggests that they were round or slightly Fragments of jars also were abundant on the
oval shaped with a diameter of approximately 2 surface of the site (Figures 5h, lla-c). These are
m. They contained dense deposits of light gray generally crudely made, with uneven surfaces. A
ash, up to 10 cm deep. Sterile sand beneath the few were painted with an overall red slip, and
ash showed evidence of intense heat that caused some had traces of a thin white slip applied to
the sand to oxidize and become slightly reddish their rims and upper chambers.
orange. The ash deposits are presumably where Numerous sherds of strap-handled jars also
the ceramics were fired. were found (Figure 1 ld-h). They tend to have the
same uneven surface treatment as the other jars. A
few have an overall red slip on their exterior sur-
The ceramics collected from the surface of the face. The handles are generally lenticular in cross
site reflect both the ceramic use and ceramic pro- section, although some have round cross sections.
duction that occurred there. In most instances, it One distinctive form of strap-handled jar has a
is not possible to determine if a ceramic fragment neck modeled in the form of a bird. The smallest
was from a vessel that was broken during or one found is complete and exhibits some organic
shortly after manufacture before it was used- black pigment painted on its chamber and handle
or if it was from a vessel that was used by people(Figure llh). It is 9.4 cm high, but fragments of
working at the site. others indicate that they were normally much
More than 37 percent of the diagnostic sherds larger some as much as 27 cm high.
on the surface of the site were fragments of Bowls with two handles were very common
necked ollas (Figures 5a-g, 10). These can be (Figure 12). Their form is probably derived from
divided into three basic types: those with Inka bowls with two handles (Rowe 1944:Figure
recurved rims (Figure 10), those with straight or 8f). The handles, which project from opposite
flaring rims (Figure Sa-c), and those with handles sides of the chamber near the rim, exhibit consid-
(Figure Sd-g). The most common are those with erable variation in size, form, and placement.
recurved rims. These and the ollas with straight or They can be round, oval, or lenticular in cross
flaring rims tend to be somewhat larger than ollas section. The bowls are generally undecorated, but
with handles, and are generally undecorated. some have the interior of the rim and part or all of
Some, however, have a red slip applied to the rim
the exterior surface painted with red slip (Figure
and upper part of the chamber (Figure Sb, c) or 12a, h). A few have thin white slip applied in an
are decorated with an application of thin white irregular horizontal band on their exterior near the
slip applied in uneven lines or crude dots on the rim (Figure 12e, h) or on the upper part of the
rim and upper chamber (Figures Sa, lOd). Some handles.
ollas had one or more rows of bumps on the upper Bowls without handles also were common.
chamber (Figure lOa, b) created by reaching They exhibit considerable variation in form,
inside the chamber while the clay was still moist although most have either lyre-shaped (Figure
and pressing outward with one finger. 7a-j) or rounded (Figures 7k, 13a-d) profiles.
Some ollas with handles are undecorated or Less common are bowls that have relatively
simply have an uneven application of white slip straight sides and a sharp angle near the base
and/or bumps on their upper chambers. In most (Figure 13e-h). The latter are generally reduction
instances, however, they have low relief press- fired, while those with lyre-shaped profiles are
molded designs (Figure Se, f) a decorative form generally oxidation fired. All examples of bowls
not found on ollas without handles. The press- with rounded profiles are oxidation fired.
molded designs are geometric, consisting of lines, Four fragments of rounded bowls have unusual

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Figure 11. Jars (as), strap-handled jars (d-g), strap-handled jar with bird head (h-i).

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44 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 8, No. 1, 1997]

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Figure 12. Double-handled bowls.

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Figure 13. Bowls (a-h), aryballoid bottle rim (i) aryballoid bottle lug (j).

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46 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 8, No. 1, 19971

decorative elements on their rims two nearly Although many of the polychrome painted
flat half circles of clay with shallow incisions ceramic fragments could not be attributed to spe-
near the outer edge (Figure 13b-d). It is likely cific vessel forms, it is likely that nearly all are
that they are derived from Inka plates that have from the chamber portions of aryballoid bottles.
this form of decorative element.6 Unfortunately, The variety of color combinations and design
none of the four fragments is sufficiently com- motifs (Figure 14b-l) implies a considerable vari-
plete to determine what may have been present on ation in the decoration of aryballoid bottles.
the rim opposite the decorative elements. Some fragments of press-molded blackware
However, two complete examples of similar and press-molded redware vessels were recovered
Chimu-Inka bowls in the Museo Bruning in from the surface of the site (Figure 17). Mold
Lambayeque have identical pairs of decorative fragments for producing press-molded ceramics
elements on opposite sides of the rim.7 were also recovered. Only three paddle-marked
The bowls without handles generally are sherds were found, and two of these may be from
undecorated, but some have red slip on their inte- the same vessel. This implies that paddle marking
rior surface and on the exterior near the rim was rare in the Chimu-Inka ceramic inventory
(Figure 7k). Others have a rim decoration consist- from the Jequetepeque Valley.
ing of black-slip dots on a white-slip stripe Other miscellaneous ceramic fragments recov-
(Figure 7e), white-slip dots on a red-slip stripe ered include several sherds of large ollas, one of
(Figure 7h), or simply black-slip dots (Figure 7g) which was decorated with circular depressions
or stripes (Figure 7k) on an unslipped surface. (Figure 18a), a miniature jar with double handles
One fragment was decorated with a scroll-and- (Figure 1 8b), and a variety of bottle spouts
line motif in black slip on the unslipped exterior (Figure 18c-f). Also found were two figurine
of the chamber (Figure 7i). fragments (Figure l9a, c), a fragment of a face
One small sherd had a polychrome slip design neck jar (Figure 19d), several grater bowl frag-
painted on its concave surface (Figure 14a). ments (Figure l9e), and miscellaneous lugs and
Although this sherd has no trace of a rim, it must handles (Figure l9f-i). A few fragments of both
have been from an open vessel form presum- stirrup spout and double-chambered whistling
ably a bowl. The design is reminiscent of the fern bottles were recovered, but these were too small
pattern that is characteristic of Inka ceramics and to provide a clear idea of the vessels from which
known to have been painted on the interior sur- they were derived.
face of Inka plates.
Paste Types
Another vessel form that is clearly borrowed
from Inka ceramics is the aryballoid bottle. All of the ceramics are made of terra-cotta clay;
Numerous fragments of this form were recovered, no examples of kaolin paste were found. The tem-
including rim and neck fragments (Figures 13i, per is consistently sand or fine gravel. There is,
15), lugs (Figure 1 3j), chamber fragments however, a remarkable range of variation in the
(Figures 8f-i, 16), and strap handles (Figure size of the temper grain, as well as the amount of
8a-e). Only three sherds of the bases of aryballoid temper used in the ceramics.
bottles were found-each had a small, but dis- Some vessel categories were consistently
tinctly flat bottom. made of clay with fine sand temper. These include
The production of aryballoid bottles clearly all bowls without handles (Figures 7, 13a-h),
involved much more effort and skill than the pro- strap-handled jars with necks modeled in the form
duction of other ceramics at this site. Surfaces were of bird heads (Figure llh), and press-molded
carefully smoothed and painted with polychrome blackware (Figure 17). Cooking ollas (Figures
slip. The slips were of better quality and were more Sa-g, 10), on the other hand, almost invariably
carefully applied than those on the other vessel had coarse temper in the clay that was used to
forms. Some aryballoid bottles were painted with construct the chamber, but a much finer temper in
the fern pattern (Figure 16b-e, g), a typical Cuzco the clay used to construct the rim. If the ollas had
Inka aryballoid decoration (Rowe 1944:47). handles (Figure 5e-g), the handles also were

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z /e

S t: +*y X ,-
- i

s:e i:
d :b:t HS o
j- aVs #j *:


_ f

0 5
l { t l , ,


Figure 14. Polychrome slip-painted sherds.

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48 LATIN AMERICAN ANTlQUITY [Vol. 8, No. 1, 19971

a b c


0 5 i
I , . . I ,


Figure 15. Fragments of aryballoid bottle rims (a-h) and neck (i).

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0 5
| I i j t |


Figure 16. Aryballoid bottle chamber fragments.

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os LATIN AMERICAN ANTlQUITY [Vol. 8, No. 1, 19971

__ h -

g o 5 i
, . . . , i


Figure 17. Press-molded blackware sherds.

a b c
< X i:4:Lo:

f iS t) 04 cm

d e f

Figure 18. Rim of a large olla (a), miniature double-handled jar (b), and bottle necks (c-f).

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c d

0 5
, . . . . ,


Figure 19. Miscellaneous ceramic fragments.

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52 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 8, No. 1, 1997]

made of clay with fine temper. marily vessels for cooking and serving food. The
Strap-handle jars (Figure 1 ld-g) are similar to ceramics were generally well made, and emi-
cooking ollas in that the chamber usually was nently functional, but little effort was spent to
made of clay with coarse temper, but the necks smooth and polish the surfaces or decorate the
and strap handles were made of clay with much vessels with carefully incised or painted designs.
finer temper. This suggests that they also may When paint was used, it was normally a thin,
have been made for cooking. The same is true of poorly made white slip that was applied in wide
bowls with two handles (Figure 12), whose cham- uneven lines or irregular, randomly placed
bers are made of coarse-tempered clay but han- blotches. With the exception of the polychrome
dles are made of fine-tempered clay. slip-painted aryballoid bottles, few vessels in the
Aryballoid bottles were distinct from all the sample had a slip-painted decor that would have
other vessel categories in having virtually no con- required even a minute of the potter's time. The
sistency in paste type. To some extent, the larger ceramic production was clearly aimed at quantity
the aryballoid bottle, the coarser the temper, but rather than quality and must have been tied to a
there were many exceptions. Moreover, some ary- large population creating a constant demand for
balloid bottles had coarser temper in their cham- common utility vessels.
bers than in their rim, while others used the same Vessels generally thought to have been used by
paste type throughout. Nor did the temper charac- the religious and administrative elite are notice-
teristics correspond to the complexity or quality ably absent from this site. These include kero-
of the polychrome slip painting. shaped drinking cups, pacchas (ceremonial
One possible explanation for the remarkably vessels), and high-quality blackware vessels with
wide variation in paste type used in the aryballoid elaborate press-molded designs and/or highly
bottles is that the sample may include vessels of burnished surfaces. Presumably they were pro-
local manufacture as well as those made else- duced in other centers that functioned under more
where. While this may account for some of the direct state control. The fact that aryballoid bot-
variation, the fragments of over-fired aryballoid tles were produced at this site, suggests that their
vessels (which presumably are all of local manu- production, and presumably their use, was more
facture) include considerable variation in paste akin to that of utility ware for commoners than it
type. This implies that aryballoid bottles were was to ceremonial/administrative ware for the
made at this site by various potters working with elite.
their own distinctive clay. The wide range of paste types used in the man-
ufacture of the ceramic vessels implies that the
clay was not prepared in large quantities to be
The ceramic-manufacturing center provides new used communally by various potters, but rather in
insights into the nature of Precolumbian ceramic relatively small quantities by individual potters,
production, particularly as it was practiced on the or family units, each of whom prepared the clays
north coast of Peru during the last decades before to their own specifications.
European contact. At that time, the north coast Furthermore, within each vessel form pro-
had been conquered by the Inka, and the ceramics duced at this site, subtle differences between ves-
used in the area included both traditional local sels imply that we are looking at the work of
forms and new forms that were borrowed from many different potters. This is well exemplified
Inka ceramics. Both traditional and new forms by the variation in two-handled bowls (Figure
were produced at this center, with a system of 12). Each example of this vessel has essentially
production that was heavily dependent on the use the same form and would have served the same
of molds for constructing the vessels. function. Yet the subtle differences in shape, rim
Although a great variety of ceramics was pro- form, handle form, and position of the handle
duced at the center, it did not include the full strongly suggest that they were made by different
range known to exist on the north coast at this potters. The same is true of each of the other ves-
time. The emphasis was on utility wares pri- sel forms, including aryballoid bottles, where

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great variation in paste and slip-painted decora- on the north coast of Peru reported by Hayashida
tion has been noted. All this implies that, although (1994) and Tschnauer et al. (1994), indicate that
this site had numerous potters involved in the pro-ceramics in this region also were produced locally
duction of large numbers of vessels, the produc- and were largely for local consumption.
tion was not organized under any central It is hoped that evidence of ceramic production
authority with strict division of labor. will become available from more regions. As
In this regard, it is interesting to consider the
Spurling (1992) concluded in his study of Inka
Inka ceramic-producing site of Milliraya, located ceramic production at Milliraya, the vanations
near the northern margin of Lake Titicaca. have major implications for understanding the
Colonial-period documents indicate that during organization of state-level production, speciEl-
the reign of Wayna Qapaq, the Inka took 1,000 cally in terms of internal task specialization, stan-
weavers and feather workers and 100 potters fromdardization, administrative systems of indirect
neighboring areas and resettled them in Milliraya control, and ultimately, the distnbution of the
to produce for the state (Murra 1978; Spurling ceramics produced.
1992). The ceramic production site at Canoncillo
may have resulted from a similar state-directed References Cited

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1965 Moche Ceramic Technology. Nawpa Pacha Vol 3.
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45 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY lVol. 8, No. 1, 19971

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Coloquio Sobre la Cultura Moche. Universidad 2. The collection is now in a storage facility operated under
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1994b Produccion de ceramica Moche a gran escala en Arco Iris, near Trujillo, Peru.
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Shimada, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. evidence exists to either support or refute this possibility.
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Shimada, pp. 67-120. Pontificia Universidad Catolica The larger (no catalog number) is 8.2 cm high and has a rim
del Peru. Fondo Editorial, Lima. diameter of 20.1 cm. It has a pouring lip on the interior of
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one side of the rim. Its exterior surface has a press molded
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