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Independent University, Bangladesh

COURSE TITLE: Legal & Ethical Issues in Business



DATE OF SUBMISSION: 18th March 2022


Mohammad Mostafa Zubaer

Student ID: 2111414


Dr. Md. Anowar Hossain Bhuiyan

School of Business

Independent University, Bangladesh

Employee Participation in the RMG Sector of Bangladesh (BHUIYAN,

Participation in decision making in industry brings about fulfillment of workers and an

expansion in usefulness and benefit. It enables the business to accomplish the hierarchical
objective. This study was directed to evaluate what is happening, nature and kinds of laborers
interest and inspiration framework in Ready Made Garments (RMG) area of Bangladesh. The
review recognizes the reasons for unfortunate investment of the representatives in direction
and associate between worker interest, inspiration and execution. The review uncovered that
there is a critical positive connection between independent direction, inspiration and
execution. The concentrate additionally distinguished five significant reasons for unfortunate
support in direction, for example, nonattendance of readiness of the administration,
nonappearance of worker's organization exercises, absence of labor force variety, ignorance
of the specialists and political gathering among the specialists.

Participation is the psychological and enthusiastic inclusion of individuals in bunch

circumstances that urges them to add to bunch objectives and offer liability regarding them.
There are three significant thoughts with respect to support in decision making-association,
commitment and obligation. Right off the bat, interest implies significant inclusion - instead
of simple solid action. A second idea in cooperation is that it persuades individuals to
contribute. They are engaged to deliver their own assets and innovativeness to accomplish the
goals of the association. Investment particularly further develops inspiration by assisting
workers with getting their ways towards objectives. At long last, support urges individuals to
acknowledge liability regarding their gathering exercises. It is social cycles by which
individuals become self-engaged with an association and need to see it work effectively.
(Davis, 2004)

Participation can have measurably huge impacts on execution and inspiration (Wagner,
1994). Take an interest practices might give power open doors prior to minority laborers in an
inexorably different labor force, since such specialists need not delay until arriving at higher
hierarchical levels. It additionally assists with fulfilling the enlivening representative
requirement for significance and satisfaction at work. Interest normally brings higher result
and a superior nature of result. It will in general further develop inspiration since workers feel
more acknowledged and engaged with the circumstance. Turnover and unlucky deficiencies
might be diminished assuming the representatives feel that they have a superior work
environment. (Davis, 2004)

Representative inspiration is the degree of energy, correspondence and imagination that an

organization's laborers bring to their positions. One way to deal with worker inspiration has
been to see, add-ins to a singular's occupation as the essential variables in further developing
execution. Vast blends of worker advantages, for example, - medical care, life coverage,
benefit sharing, representative stock possession plans, kid care, organization vehicles and the
sky is the limit from there - have been involved by organizations in their endeavors to keep
up with blissful representatives in the conviction that cheerful representatives are persuaded
representatives. The best worker inspiration endeavors will zero in on what the
representatives consider to be significant. It might happen that representatives inside a similar
division of a similar association with better work plan and prize frameworks will show
expanded life span with the organization, further developed efficiency and better resolve.
Strengthening, innovativeness and development, learning office, personal satisfaction and
different money related impetuses are well known techniques for inspiration. (Encyclopedia,

Worker interest is a vital part of working for the future undertaking. Cooperation is assisting
the board with choosing in choosing the game-plans in big business. It offers the
representative a chance to offer their points of view about activity. Taking part in objective
setting, the workers can assume an imperative part in accomplishing business target. Laborers
can choose their plans for getting work done which guarantee labor force variety in
association. Assuming that the undertaking chooses installment and extra time framework as
indicated by the workers' perspective, it builds usefulness of them. Thus, worker support
positively affects execution and inspiration.

Representative support has a significant impact in decision making for authoritative viability.
Assuming they have interest in this reality, the representatives will feel that they are esteemed
in the venture. They likewise give fundamental ideas and rules to the association for
accomplishing its objective. Subsequently, advancement and vital changes happen
productively in (1) laying out objectives, (2) deciding, (3) tackling issues and (4) planning
and carrying out authoritative changes (et.el., 1993). Representatives are focused on the ideal
objectives of the association assuming they are occupied with navigation and objective
setting by practicing their independent and discretion exercises. They generally look for and
acknowledge liability to include them in dynamic interaction through scholarly, passionate
and actual exertion. Support assists with settling the contention and lessen contrasts between
the representatives and the administration. Assuming significance is given to the workers in
navigation, the expense of control likewise turns out to be least. So the inclusion of workers
in dynamic cycle has been viewed as significant in expanding the usefulness of an

Representative interest in work environment direction is fundamental to persuade the

representatives. Wide cooperation in navigation guarantees superior execution by spurred
representatives. This participative interaction expands limit of representatives in critical
thinking and obligation to the association's prosperity. The hidden rationale is that by
including laborers in those choices that influence them and by expanding their independence
and command over their work, representatives can be made more inspired and more
dedicated to the association, more useful and more happy with their positions (Fottler, 1995).
Giving workers' dynamic power builds their command over the assignments for which they
are considered answerable for. Investment will in general further develop inspiration since
representatives feel more acknowledged and associated with the circumstance. Their
confidence, work fulfillment and co-activity with the board likewise may move along. So
worker support in administration, a significant piece of human relations, is considered to be a
significant instrument to help up their inspiration. RMG area is the biggest unfamiliar cash
procuring area for Bangladesh and it growing consistently. Very nearly 5 million
representatives are occupied with this area and they contribute extraordinarily to our public

A few significant ends rose up out of the current review:

1. Decision making by the administration is generally done in high level and at specialist
level it is the most minimal, just 3%.

2. Direct cooperation in navigation has happened in administrative exercises and objective

setting in a restricted reach.

3. Support in direction has positive relationship with inspiration and execution.

4. The specialists of articles of clothing industry distinguished five significant reasons for
unfortunate cooperation in direction, like shortfall of eagerness of the administration,
nonappearance of worker's guild exercises, absence of labor force variety, lack of education
of the specialists and political gathering among the specialists.

The discoveries might have importance for government, the strategy creators in the RMG
business as well as the administration of the assembling business. The discoveries appear to
have wide ramifications in the current setting of piece of clothing area in Bangladesh. The
executives of an article of clothing industry can benefit monstrously by embracing proper
measures, in the illumination of the current review by diminishing unfortunate cooperation of
the specialists in navigation.


BHUIYAN, M. A. (2010, July 02). Employee Participation in Decision Making in RMG sector of
Bangladesh: Correlation with Motivation and Performance. Retrieved from

Davis, N. &. (2004).

Encyclopedia. (2008).

et.el., G. (1993).

Fottler, F. a. (1995).

Wagner. (1994).

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