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Science Biology

Unlocking the Hidden

History of DNA
Course Guidebook

Unlocking the Hidden

Sam Kean

History of DNA
Science Writer

Sam Kean
Science Writer
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Sam Kean
Science Writer

Professor Biography

Sam Kean is the New York Times best-selling author of The Bastard
Brigade: The True Story of the Renegade Scientists and Spies Who
Sabotaged the Nazi Atomic Bomb; Caesar’s Last Breath: Decoding the
Secrets of the Air around Us; The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True
Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic
Table of the Elements; The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons: The History
of the Human Brain as Revealed by True Stories of Trauma, Madness, and
Recovery; and The Violinist’s Thumb: And Other Lost Tales of Love, War,
and Genius, as Written by Our Genetic Code.

The Bastard Brigade was on NPR Science Friday’s list of Best Science
Books of 2019, while Caesar’s Last Breath was The Guardian’s science
book of the year in 2017 and a runner-up for the 2018 Best Book Award
from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
In addition, The Disappearing Spoon was short-listed for the Royal
Society Winton Prize for Science Books in 2011, and The Violinist’s
Thumb and The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons were nominated
for the PEN/E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award in 2013
and 2015, respectively, as well as the AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for
Excellence in Science Books.

Mr. Kean edited the 2018 edition of The Best American Science and
Nature Writing, and his work has appeared in The New Yorker, The
Atlantic, The New York Times Magazine, Psychology Today, and Slate,
among other publications. He also has been featured on such programs
as NPR’s Radiolab, All Things Considered, and Fresh Air.

Mr. Kean’s books have been translated into 24 languages around

the world, and he hosts a podcast called Disappearing Spoon. He
received BA degrees with honors in Physics and English Literature
from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities as well as a master’s
degree in Library Science from the Catholic University of America in
Washington DC.

Table of Contents
Professor Biography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Course Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1 Genes versus DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 The Quest for DNA’s Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3 The Double Helix Revealed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4 From Genetic Codes to DNA Fingerprints . . . . . . . . . . 35
5 The War over the Human Genome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6 How DNA Controls Itself and Shapes Our Culture . . . . . 54
7 Microbes Manipulate Us, Viruses Are Us . . . . . . . . . . . 64
8 How Epigenetics Turns Genes On and Off . . . . . . . . . . 74
9 Apes, Humans, and Neanderthals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
10 How DNA Reveals History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
11 CRISPR’s Rise, Promise, and Peril . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
12 How DNA Redefines Medicine and Our Future . . . . . . . 117

Multiple-Choice Quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Quiz Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

Unlocking the Hidden
History of DNA
For more than 3 billion years, DNA has been copying down a history
of every species on Earth—including human beings. And thanks to
recent advances in technology, we’re finally able to read these stories
for the first time and uncover that hidden history.

But whatever we know, or think we know, about DNA, our knowledge

is often intimately connected to how we made our discoveries. And
while there are many heroic stories involving the men and women who
illuminated this molecule, there have been rivalries and controversies
and villains as well. DNA has a dark side, too.

This course—a follow-up to the New York Times best-selling book The
Violinist’s Thumb—pulls back the curtain on DNA and reveals the
secrets of this remarkable molecule. It covers not only how DNA works
biologically, but how DNA knowledge has changed our perspective on
human life and history, and even what it means to be a human being.

The course starts with the basics—what genes and DNA are.
Surprisingly, although genes and DNA were discovered almost
simultaneously in the 1860s, scientists didn’t link them for nearly a
century. But once scientists realized that DNA did in fact carry genetic
information, there was a furious race to determine its structure: the
famous double helix. Indeed, the discovery of the double helix remains
one of the most controversial episodes in science history, one that’s still
causing acrimony today.

From the double helix, scientists expanded their horizons. DNA is a

vital blueprint for life, but how do cells actually use DNA to build
and run our bodies? The answer involves using DNA to build RNA
and proteins. And once they understood the genetic code for turning
DNA into proteins, scientists could expand that work to practical
applications like DNA fingerprinting, which helps fight crime.

Course Scope

The biggest recent advance in DNA research was the Human Genome
Project, an effort to sequence all 3 billion base pairs of human DNA.
And given the stakes of the project, it’s no surprise that fierce scientific
rivalries and hatreds arose behind the scenes. But some amazing—and
surprising—science emerged from the project as well. For example, it
revealed that at least 8% of human DNA, and possibly up to 50%,
comes from old, broken-down virus DNA. In fact, thanks to the
project, we can now see the huge role that viruses have played in our
evolution. Even one of the hallmark traits of mammals, the placenta,
probably came from DNA that we stole from viruses.

Another surprising fact to emerge from the Human Genome Project

was that human beings have far fewer genes than expected—only
about 20,000, fewer than some species of onions have! How do so
few genes give rise to creatures as complicated as we are? The answers
involve DNA regulation: the turning on and off of genes or the ability
to turn their activity up or down. Only 2% of our DNA codes for
proteins, while perhaps 10 times as much of the human genome helps
regulate genes. And the exciting new field of DNA epigenetics explores
how our environment affects our genes.

With the basic DNA blueprint of human beings in hand, scientists

soon expanded their horizons to explore how they could use DNA in
fields outside biology, especially archaeology and history. Genetics has
uncovered fascinating new insights into our close hominin cousins,
such as Neanderthals. This includes the fact that in the not-so-distant
past, human beings interbred with Neanderthals, and most people
alive today carry a few percent’s worth of Neanderthal DNA inside
them. Historians have used DNA to investigate and illuminate the
lives and times of people as different as King Tut, Genghis Khan, and
Thomas Jefferson.

The more we understood DNA, the more natural it became to want

to tweak it—to improve crops and even our own bodies. Genetic
engineering has long been a dream of scientists, and new tools like
CRISPR-Cas9 have greatly simplified the process. But the ability to
edit and reprogram embryos evokes fears of a new, modern eugenics

Course Scope

movement, even as those tools also offer the hope of personalized

medicine and possible solutions to complicated genetic diseases like

The history of DNA ultimately reveals a trove of previously hidden

stories about our past, which in turn offer new windows on our
present. The old, standard narratives of history are being expanded and
revised, and DNA discoveries are presenting us with new challenges
and choices as we move into our future.

Genes versus DNA

T oday, DNA is practically synonymous with genes. But genes were

actually discovered independently of DNA. In fact, the person
who discovered genes and the person who discovered DNA made
their discoveries almost simultaneously, in the 1860s, but scientists
had no idea that genes and DNA had anything to do with each other
for nearly a century. Eventually, though, the connection between
them was discovered—that genes really are DNA.

to TOC


At a monastery in what’s now the around. But they also had advantages
Czech Republic, a monk named for his research, because pea plants
Gregor Mendel was trying to solve tended to have binary traits.
the ancient problem of inheritance.
Red hair, baldness, diseases, even In other words, pea plants had either
extra toes—everyone knew that tall stalks or short stalks—nothing
traits like these could be traced in between. Or they had green
up and down a genealogical tree. pods or yellow pods. So he started
But how exactly did those traits breeding different combinations of
get passed down? That’s what plants with each other and seeing
Mendel wanted to know. what their offspring looked like.

In the mid-1850s, Mendel began Mendel’s first important

some deceptively simple experiments conclusion was that some traits
on pea plants. He chose peas partly “dominated” others. For example,
because he liked to have them for crossing purebred tall plants with
dinner and wanted plenty of them purebred short plants produced
only tall offspring in the first
generation. Tall dominated.

Lecture 1 Genes versus DNA

But the short trait hadn’t quite This focus on separate, independent
disappeared. When Mendel mated traits allowed Mendel to succeed
those second-generation tall plants where other scientists1 failed.
with each other, a few furtive Looking at one trait at a time was
short peas popped up: one latent, how he realized that each trait
“recessive” short plant for every must be controlled by a separate
3 dominant tall plants. That 3:1 factor. The separate factors that
ratio held for other traits as well. Mendel called cell elements are the
discrete, inheritable units we now
Equally important, Mendel call genes—the basis of genetics.
concluded that having one trait
dominant or recessive didn’t Mendel presented a paper on his
affect whether another, separate research at a conference in 1865
trait was dominant or recessive. and published his work in 1866,
Each trait was independent. but all he got was silence. He
even ordered 40 reprints of his
For example, even though tall paper and sent copies to famous
dominated short, a recessive- scientists. No one cared.
short plant could still have
dominant-yellow peas. Or a tall After his greenhouse was destroyed
plant could have recessive-green by a storm in 1870, his plant research
peas. In fact, every one of the 7 virtually came to an end. He died in
traits he studied was inherited 1884, and it seemed the world would
independently of the others. never know what he’d discovered. 2

Inside each tiny cell of your body, there is an even

tinier closet, where DNA is packed. Yet the DNA from
just one cell, if stretched out, would be as tall as you
are. Combine the DNA from all your trillions of cells,
stretched out end to end, and that would be roughly
the distance from the Sun to Pluto—and back again!

1 Charles Darwin, who also experimented with pea plants, failed to understand
their heredity partly because he didn’t look separately at each individual trait.
2 Because Mendel brought negative attention to the monastery, his successor
burned all his personal papers—including his work on genes—when he died.
And his published work had been ignored.

Lecture 1 Genes versus DNA


Mendel’s idea of genes was abstract. One test involved washing the pus
He didn’t know what genes were in warm alcohol and then rinsing it
made of, or really even care. He in acid from a pig’s stomach. This
simply used genes as an accounting dissolved the cell membranes and
tool, a way to keep track of traits allowed him to isolate a gray paste.
from generation to generation.
Miescher assumed the paste was a
But if Mendel’s genes were abstract, protein, so he ran tests to identify
DNA is not. DNA is a substance, it. But the paste didn’t behave like
a chemical: deoxyribonucleic acid. a protein. It wouldn’t dissolve in
It appears inside our cells. And it salt water, or in boiling vinegar, or
was first discovered by a biochemist even in dilute hydrochloric acid. His
named Friedrich Miescher. paste also contained phosphorus,
an element that proteins lack.
Miescher3 initially worked at a
scientific institute in Germany. In Convinced he’d found something
the late 1860s, his boss assigned new and unique in the nucleus of
him the task of studying white those cells, Miescher named the
blood cells. Miescher chose to focus substance nuclein—and his discovery
on the nucleus of the white blood contained what we now call DNA.
cells at a time when the function
of a cell nucleus was unknown. Miescher eagerly showed his boss
what he’d discovered. But his boss
To get white blood cells, Miescher didn’t quite believe Miescher. Was
had to visit a local hospital each it possible that a no-name assistant
day. There, he picked up their used, had really discovered an entirely
pus-soaked bandages, since pus is new substance in cells? And even if
swimming with white blood cells. he had, what did this nuclein stuff
do? Another researcher was put to
To see what chemicals were in the work to confirm Miescher’s results.
nucleus of the white blood cells,
Miescher ran some chemical tests.

3 Miescher was completely dedicated to science. In later years, friends had to

drag him away from his lab bench one afternoon to attend his own wedding.

Lecture 1 Genes versus DNA

Miescher finally convinced his to his own lab in Switzerland

boss that he really had discovered on the Rhine River, which is a
something unique. But when spawning route for salmon.
Miescher published a paper with
his results in 1871, the boss tried Salmon were good for studying what
to downplay it. In a condescending we call DNA because, frankly, male
editorial that ran alongside the salmon are sperm-making machines.
paper, the boss said the work During spawning season, their testes
was important mostly because it swell like tumors, reaching weights
enhanced our understanding of of up to 1 pound. Sperm is rich in
pus. Anyway, Miescher still had no DNA, so Miescher would catch the
idea what this nuclein stuff did. salmon, remove the testes, squeeze
them through cheesecloth to isolate
Miescher was a stubborn fellow, the sperm, and then extract DNA
however, and he kept studying. using acids and other chemicals.
He soon moved from Germany

Lecture 1 Genes versus DNA

Unfortunately, salmon sperm did a number on his health, and he

deteriorates at anything close to ended up contracting tuberculosis.4
room temperatures. Refrigerators His health sank quickly in 1895,
didn’t exist then, so Miescher had and he died soon afterward.
to prop open the windows in his
lab, during the Swiss winter, and Miescher never figured out what
let the temperature inside drop to DNA did. There were some
around 35° while he worked. He did hints that he suspected it was
this year after year, suffering chills important in heredity, but at
and exposure while he dissected other times he doubted himself
thousands of salmon. Eventually, this and seemed to reject the idea.

Amino acids are the building blocks of

proteins, just like A, B, C, D, and so on
are the building blocks of words.


Seven years after Miescher’s paper, element that had gotten Miescher
another lab assistant was tasked by excited. But most important turned
Miescher’s old boss with figuring out to be what we call the bases.
out the chemical building blocks of
nuclein. This was Albrecht Kossel, Beginning in 1885, Kossel and
who published an entire book in a partner identified 2 of the 4
1881 showing that nuclein had both bases we now know make up
a protein side and a nonprotein side. DNA. For this work, they went
to a nearby slaughterhouse and
The nonprotein side was later harvested hundreds of pounds
called nucleic acid, and it turned of raw pancreases, which they
out to have several building blocks. boiled in a strong acid.
There is a 5-carbon sugar. There
are acidic molecules, where oxygen
atoms surround phosphorus, the

4 Because of his institute’s stingy budget, Miescher often ran out of glassware
and had to raid his wife’s china cabinet to finish experiments.

Lecture 1 Genes versus DNA

The first base they isolated was While Kossel’s team was figuring
guanine, which was already known out the biochemical building blocks
from bird droppings (a.k.a. guano). of nucleic acids, biologists elsewhere
They soon discovered a second base were using better microscopes to
they called adenine, named for the look at the nucleus. Even before
Greek word meaning “gland.” the biochemistry was worked out,
biologists could see little noodle-
Another decade went by, until a shaped structures they called
researcher under Kossel isolated 2 chromosomes living in the nucleus.
smaller bases, thymine and cytosine,
in 1894. They were still using By watching sperm and egg cells
calves from the slaughterhouse, but under a microscope, scientists
they switched from the pancreas realized that these chromosomes
to a tiny gland called the thymus, got passed down, whole and
which gave us the name thymine. intact, from parents to children.
As for cytosine, that was like
the word cytoplasm, taken from And it just so happened that
a Greek word meaning “cell.” chromosomes contain loads of
DNA. Could it be, then, that DNA
was the hereditary material?

Lecture 1 Genes versus DNA

Most scientists actually thought a small alphabet of just 4 letters to

that it was not, because in work with: A (adenine), C (cytosine),
addition to DNA, chromosomes G (guanine), and T (thymine).
contained proteins.
If you’re trying to write an
This actually made a lot of sense instruction book for all of life—a
then. Think about inheritance as book with enough power to create
a way to pass information, such ants and redwoods and duck-billed
as eye color or height, from one platypuses—then writing in a big
generation to the next. And just book, using an alphabet with 20
like we humans store information letters, seems far more powerful
in words and letters, scientists than writing in a small book, with
deduced that Mother Nature must an alphabet of just 4 letters.
use an alphabet of her own—a
chemical alphabet. So was it a DNA So scientists concluded that proteins
alphabet or a protein alphabet? were the genetic material. DNA was
probably just scaffolding for amino
Proteins are long chains made up acids, or perhaps a way to store
of smaller bits called amino acids. phosphorus for other processes.
During Miescher’s lifetime, 10
amino acids had gradually been It was a logical, commonsense theory.
discovered, and in the 8 years after And it was completely wrong.
he died, 8 more amino acids were
identified. So by 1903, scientists But no one knew that in the late
had discovered 18 of the 20 protein- 1800s. As a result, Miescher’s
building amino acids that are discovery of DNA started to
universal to all life. Clearly, the look less and less important.
protein alphabet had a lot of letters.

But DNA seemed to be a small

molecule—smaller than many
protein molecules. And it had only

Lecture 1 Genes versus DNA


A generation later, in 1929, the This idea that DNA is made of neat
idea that DNA was a pretty small little nucleotide packages turns out
molecule actually hardened. to be correct. This was one step
forward. But since everyone was still
A former student of Kossel named thinking that DNA was a pretty
Phoebus Levene put the building small molecule, Levene then took
blocks together to realize that 2 steps back. His proposal was that
DNA consists of little packages the structure of DNA might be what
he called nucleotides. Each he called a tetranucleotide; that is,
nucleotide has 3 components: one DNA could be nothing more than
of the 4 bases (A, G, C, or T); a one A, one G, one C, and one T—a
phosphorus atom surrounded by grand total of just 4 nucleotides.
oxygens (a.k.a. a phosphate); and
a 5-carbon sugar called ribose But if DNA were merely 4
that lacked an oxygen atom at a nucleotides with 4 bases, that
key spot (hence de-oxyribose). would mean it could never be
the book of life. It would never
be more than a 4-letter word.


While Miescher’s reputation recognized how important it

continued to decline after 1900, was, and the monk’s name was
the reputation of that other suddenly on the lips of every
genetics pioneer, Gregor Mendel, hereditary biologist in the world.
was suddenly taking off.
A new field called genetics quickly
In one of those odd quirks of arose. Just a year later, in 1901,
history, 3 separate scientists all an English medical researcher
rediscovered Mendel’s paper on used Mendel’s ideas to interpret
pea plants in 1900. Each one family histories for a disorder

Lecture 1 Genes versus DNA

called alkaptonuria. This became rotten fruit lying around to feed

the first instance of a recessive the fruit flies, the place reeked,
inheritance identified in humans. and the squalor attracted pests.

And in 1905, geneticists confirmed Along with his talented assistant

that the chromosomes biologists Hermann Muller, Morgan managed
could see in their microscopes to make some amazing discoveries in
were the carriers of genes. That the second and third decades of the
was the year the pioneering 20th century. Their basic process was
biologist Nettie Stevens discovered this: They would first look for flies
the sex chromosomes, X and with unusual traits—for example,
Y, which determine whether stubby wings or white eyes instead
babies are male or female. of the normal red eyes. Then, they’d
breed these flies with normal flies
But many of the biggest advances in and see how often the novel trait
our understanding of chromosomes appeared in future generations.
came from a most unlikely
place: a cramped, squalid, fly- They confirmed that many of the
infested laboratory at Columbia novel traits were recessive, not
University in New York. dominant. They also found that the
traits appeared in later generations
The lab was run by Thomas Hunt in a 3:1 ratio. This proved that
Morgan, who wanted to study Mendel’s work on genes applied
heredity in animals. He began to both plants and animals.
studying mice, guinea pigs, and
pigeons, but they bred too slowly Even more importantly,
for his purposes. So he consulted Morgan’s crew determined
Stevens, who suggested working what chromosomes were.
with fruit flies, which produce a new
generation about every 12 days. Again, biologists knew that
chromosomes were involved in
In 1907, Morgan cut up some heredity somehow, since they
bananas, left them on a windowsill got passed down from parents
to attract some fruit flies, and to children. Some biologists
captured them in a milk bottle to had therefore proposed that
let them breed. Morgan’s team kept
the flies in bottles, but with all the

Lecture 1 Genes versus DNA

chromosomes must be genes And the number of different clusters

and that every hereditary trait of traits ended up being exactly
had its own chromosome. equal to the number of chromosomes
that fruit flies had. In other words,
Yet fruit flies had just 8 chromosomes weren’t single
chromosomes and hundreds genes—they were clusters of genes.
of inheritable traits. So a 1:1
pairing didn’t make sense. So scientists now knew that
chromosomes were bunches of genes
But at the same time, some careful and that genes controlled inheritable
statistical work revealed that certain traits. But they still didn’t know
traits almost always appeared what genes were made of. What
together in the same individual. was their chemical composition?
If one fly had green bristles and a
sawtooth-shaped wing, then another By the 1930s, scientists knew that
one with green bristles almost chromosomes were made of proteins
always had a sawtooth wing as well. and DNA. But because proteins
Those traits clustered together. had 20 main amino acids—20

Lecture 1 Genes versus DNA

Morgan’s team compared chromosomes to pearl necklaces.

Each chromosome was like a necklace, while each pearl
was like a single gene for a specific trait. And because fruit
flies passed whole chromosome-necklaces to their children,
bunches of traits got inherited together in clusters.

letters—compared to the 4 letters as boiling in acid, and apparently

of DNA, proteins still seemed more that had also been breaking DNA
likely to be the genetic material. into unnaturally small pieces.

In the 1940s, scientists started Suddenly, after almost a century,

testing this assumption. And they it was looking like the DNA
began to realize that everyone from molecule’s book of information
Miescher and Kossel onward had could be much bigger than a
been extracting DNA in a very rough protein. In fact, maybe DNA was
and potentially damaging way, such big enough to be the book of life.

Carlson, Mendel’s Legacy.
Endersby, A Guinea Pig’s History of Biology.
Henig, The Monk in the Garden.
Lagerkvist, DNA Pioneers and Their Legacy.

The Quest for DNA’s

B y the mid-20th century, scientists were realizing that DNA, not

proteins, had to be the molecule of life. This realization would
set off a series of discoveries, capped off by a furious competition to
determine the structure of DNA.
to TOC



By 1947, Erwin Chargaff at Hershey and Martha Chase ran

Columbia University had confirmed a startling experiment involving
that DNA was a very long viruses and a kitchen blender.
molecule—at minimum, hundreds
of times longer than it was wide. He The now-famous blender experiment
also showed that different organisms took place at a lab on Long Island,
had different amounts of each of where Hershey and Chase worked
the 4 DNA bases. This suggested, with a type of virus called a phage.
for the first time, that the DNA Just as animals catch viruses, so
“alphabet” was saying something can bacteria, and phages happen
distinct for each kind of organism. to specialize in infecting bacteria.

And the mistaken dogma that Hershey and Chase’s experiments

proteins had to be responsible involved unleashing phages into
for heredity finally died for good 2 petri dishes full of bacteria. The
in the early 1950s, when Alfred viruses locked onto the outside
of the bacteria and injected
something into them—genetic

Lecture 2 The Quest for DNA’s Structure

material, which hijacks the phosphorus. The key point is that

bacteria’s internal machinery DNA contains phosphorus but no
and forces it to manufacture sulfur. Proteins, in contrast, can
more copies of the virus. contain sulfur, but never phosphorus.

Hershey and Chase’s purpose was As a result, the T2 viruses

to prove once and for all that the swimming around in one broth
genetic material being injected had radioactive DNA, because
wasn’t DNA, but proteins. To this the phosphorus in the DNA was
end, they designed a clever test. radioactive. Meanwhile, the viruses
in the other broth had radioactive
They started with 2 flasks that proteins, because the sulfur was
contained a simple virus called radioactive. Hershey and Chase
T2, which consists of just DNA could therefore track the movement
and proteins. The flasks also of DNA or proteins by following
contained a broth full of minerals 2 different trails of radioactivity.
and nutrients that viruses need,
including sulfur and phosphorus. The experiment started when
they withdrew a few drops of T2
But in one flask, the broth contained virus from one flask and squirted
radioactive sulfur. In the other flask, it into a petri dish with bacteria.
the broth contained radioactive

Lecture 2 The Quest for DNA’s Structure

Then, they squirted a drop of Then, they examined the other

virus from the other flask into a bacteria, which had been injected
second petri dish with bacteria. with radioactive phosphorus
and DNA. To their shock, the
The scientists let perhaps an hour Geiger counter began to click.
pass, giving the viruses time to lock It could mean only one thing:
on the bacteria and inject genetic The virus had injected DNA.
material. Then, they used a kitchen
blender to agitate the bacteria and Against all expectations, then,
knock the empty virus husks off. here was the genetic material.
They used a centrifuge after that to Genes weren’t made of proteins.
separate the bacteria for examination. They were made of DNA.

Next, Hershey and Chase waved a After this blender experiment,

Geiger counter over the bacteria that DNA became the hottest molecule
had been infected with radioactive in the world—the chemical basis
sulfur in the proteins. If proteins for all biological heredity.
were the genetic material, the Geiger
counter would have made a clicking But if the blender experiment
sound. Instead, it remained silent. answered one question—that genes
do depend on DNA—it raised
many others, starting with, What
is the structure of this DNA stuff?


Linus Pauling, known as the wizard Chemistry involves atoms forming

of Caltech, was considered the bonds with each other. In H2O,
best chemist in the world at the for instance, the hydrogens (H)
time. His signature achievement, bond with the oxygen (O). As for
dating back to the 1930s, was what bonds were, chemists had
reimagining the chemical bond.

Lecture 2 The Quest for DNA’s Structure

always talked vaguely of atoms the DNA molecule was. However,

sharing electrons, but nobody he was distracted with several
really knew what that meant. other projects and didn’t give
DNA his full attention at first.
Pauling used the new field of
quantum mechanics to explain This created an opportunity for
how electrons behave and how they others, including a graduate student
get shuffled around and shared and a young postdoc in England
between atoms. And since chemistry named, respectively, Francis Crick
basically is the study of atoms and James Watson. Unfortunately,
swapping electrons and shuffling they would nearly blow this
them around, Pauling single- opportunity—because of both their
handedly revolutionized the field. haste and their ignorance about
the chemical nature of DNA.
In the early 1950s, Pauling
decided he wanted to determine
the structure of DNA: what shape

As one colleague said, after Pauling,

“chemistry could be understood rather
than being memorized.”


Structurally, each of the DNA readily. Overall, the hydrogen atom
bases—adenine (A), cytosine (C), is simple: It’s just a single negatively
guanine (G), and thymine (T)—is charged electron circling a single
made up of rings of carbon and positively charged proton. It forms
nitrogen. C and T are smaller, more bonds by sharing its lone electron
compact, with only one ring. A with oxygen or carbon or nitrogen.
and G are bulkier, with 2 rings.
But when hydrogens share that
As Pauling showed, atoms form negative electron with an atom on
bonds by sharing electrons. These one side, that also leaves its positive
bonds are called covalent bonds,
and hydrogen atoms form them

Lecture 2 The Quest for DNA’s Structure

proton exposed on the opposite side. covalent bonds between the atoms
In other words, hydrogen now has within the rings of DNA bases are
a negative side and a positive side. quite strong, like screws or bolts.
You can’t pull those atoms apart
And this residual charge—especially without lots of effort. In contrast,
the positive side—creates an the hydrogen bonds between strands
opportunity for a different type of are weaker. Instead of screws or
bonding. In contrast to hydrogen, bolts, they’re more like magnets. A
atoms like oxygen hoard electrons little tug and they can come apart,
and therefore have relatively negative and coming apart is necessary to
patches on their surfaces. With electric copy DNA or build proteins.
charges, opposites attract. So the
positive side of the hydrogen attracts Overall, these hydrogen bonds are
the negative patches on the oxygen the perfect Goldilocks bond for
or nitrogen. This type of attraction holding DNA bases and strands
is called hydrogen bonding. together. These bonds are strong
enough to keep bases from separating
Hydrogen bonding is weaker spontaneously but not so strong
than normal, covalent bonding. to prevent cells from teasing apart
But hydrogen bonds are crucial the bases when it’s time to copy
to understanding DNA. In fact, DNA or use it to build proteins.
hydrogen bonds are what hold Hydrogen bonds are just right.
DNA strands together: The
positive side of the hydrogen But DNA consists of more than
atoms of one base attracts the just bases. It also has a backbone,
negative side of the oxygen or which consists of 2 additional
nitrogen atoms of another base. parts: phosphate molecules1
and sugar 2 molecules.
Mother Nature was quite clever
in using hydrogen bonds to hold
DNA together. For comparison, the

1 These phosphate molecules contain the phosphorus that was the key to the
blender experiment.
2 DNA merely includes sugar as part of a long string. Using chains of sugars
for structural support is actually common in nature. Plants do it all the time,
whenever they’re making carbs or fiber. This is the same idea that’s behind
the sugar backbone of DNA.

Lecture 2 The Quest for DNA’s Structure

In 1953, scientists knew the rough have some other shape? They also
shape of the DNA strands. The didn’t know for sure how many
sugar-phosphate units are stacked strands of DNA were involved.
on top of each other like vertebrae Was there a single backbone,
in your spine. The A-C-G-T bases or were there multiple strands
then stick out from this backbone, coiled around each other?
kind of like the knobs on your spine.
These were questions that
What they did not know was the Watson and Crick at Cambridge
overall shape of this DNA spine. thought they could answer.
Is it straight or curved? Or did it


Watson and Crick’s effort began Franklin’s lecture. That way, they
when Watson attended a lecture in could sweep in and determine
London, where Rosalind Franklin the structure of DNA before
was outlining some preliminary Pauling or anyone else did.
work she’d done on DNA.
Watson and Crick were perfectly
Franklin’s experiments involved within their rights to try this;
firing x-rays at a sample of DNA after all, Franklin had made her
and then capturing the reflected results public during the lecture.
rays on photographic film. From the But this was pretty arrogant,
patterns that appeared on the film, considering neither Watson nor
she then tried to guess the shape of Crick was a DNA expert.
the DNA backbone and determine
how many strands there were. Watson soon convinced Crick to help
him start building the model. To do
When Watson returned to so, they used what Watson described
Cambridge, he sought out Crick as giant tinker toys. The DNA
to build a physical model of DNA backbone of sugars and phosphates
based on the data he’d heard from

Lecture 2 The Quest for DNA’s Structure

was made of metal rods and rings knobs sticking out of the backbone.
fastened together in a 3-dimensional In particular, did the knobs face
spiral that was several feet tall. inward, toward the molecule’s
center? Or did they face outward?

Bases facing inward seemed unlikely

to them. The 4 knobs—the A, C, G,
and T bases—were different sizes. A
and G are bulky molecules because
they have 2 rings; C and T have a
single ring, so they’re skinny. And
when trying to fit all the differently
sized bases in the center, Watson and
Crick ended up with either unsightly
bulges or hollows and dents. The
whole thing just looked ugly and
unstable. So they decided the knobs
couldn’t possibly face inward.

But flipping the molecule around

and putting the knobs on the outside
presented its own troubles. That
arrangement put the phosphate
backbone in the molecule’s center.
There were certain things they knew The problem was that phosphate
for sure about DNA, such as the molecules have negative charges.
fact that it had a phosphate-sugar Like the way opposite charges
backbone and that the A, C, G, and attract, similar charges repel each
T knobs were sticking out. The trick other. Phosphates are strongly
was how those parts fit together. negative, so if you pack a bunch
of negative charges into the
Based on Watson’s half-remembered molecule’s center, the whole thing
data from Franklin’s lecture, they seemed likely to blow itself apart.
decided on a 3-stranded DNA
molecule with the shape of a spiral To solve this conundrum, Watson
staircase—a triple helix. They now and Crick got creative—that is, they
had to decide what to do with the started making things up. They

Lecture 2 The Quest for DNA’s Structure

theorized that cells might have element magnesium caught their

other, positively charged atoms, or eye: Magnesium gives up 2 electrons,
ions, floating around inside. And so it has a positive charge, and cells
maybe all those positive ions could have magnesium. Based on no real
get vacuumed into the center of the evidence, then, they declared that
DNA molecule. These hypothetical magnesium holds DNA together.
positive ions would neutralize the
negative charges on the phosphates They still had to build their tinker-
and make everything stable. toy model after that. It didn’t go
very smoothly; they had to cram to
But as for what those positive ions make everything fit. But by the next
might be, they had no idea. So morning, they’d slapped together
they grabbed a chemistry textbook 3 a snappy-looking triple helix.
and started paging through. The


It was time to get some feedback. of a cow. This DNA came out as
So Crick called Maurice Wilkins, a goopy gel. He gave a talk about
who was researching DNA at his work in 1950 in London and
King’s College in London. Wilkins generously gave a sample to Wilkins.
agreed to come to Cambridge
to see the model, accompanied Wilkins took this DNA goo back to
by Rosalind Franklin. London and developed a way to draw
off very thin strands4 of DNA using
A year earlier, a Swiss biologist a glass rod. These DNA strands led
named Rudolf Signer had developed to Wilkins’s biggest contribution to
a recipe to isolate large, pure DNA DNA research. While examining
molecules from the thymus gland the strands under a microscope,

3 In fact, this chemistry textbook was written by Linus Pauling.

4 In his poetic moments, Wilkins compared the strands to a spider web. In his
sophomoric moments, he said they looked like strings of snot.

Lecture 2 The Quest for DNA’s Structure

he saw that they looked quite admitted he needed help and asked
uniform, with a regular, repetitive his boss at King’s College to find
shape—like a “pile of pennies.” So an expert on x-ray photography.
he decided to investigate that shape The boss found Rosalind
using an already-popular technique Franklin, a 30-year-old physical
called x-ray crystallography. chemist, who accepted the job.

This technique involved firing x-rays The boss who hired Franklin
at molecules and using photographic assured her that she’d be
film to capture the rays as they directing her own research and
bounced off. The rays would leave running her own projects. But
spots on the film, and by studying this promise contradicted what
the patterns of those spots, scientists Wilkins wanted: an assistant.
could work backward and determine
what the shape of the molecule was. Eventually, the work environment
became hostile, and the boss
Wilkins was correct to investigate stepped in and brokered a truce—
DNA’s regular, repeating shape, one that favored Franklin. She
and x-ray photography would got access to Wilkins’s precious
eventually crack the secret of supply of pure DNA and all the
DNA’s structure. But it wasn’t best equipment and cameras.
Wilkins himself who would do so.
As a result of all this, Franklin
That’s because when Wilkins tried and Wilkins were barely speaking
to take some x-ray photographs, he to each other when they arrived
proved clumsy with the equipment. in Cambridge to see Watson
His pictures turned out poorly— and Crick’s DNA model.
too blurry to be useful. After
several months of frustration, he

Franklin’s advantage over Wilkins was that she could

produce much tighter beams of x-rays. As a result,
she got sharper photographs. The advantage Wilkins
had was a background in physics, and he’d been
talking with mathematicians about which shapes could
produce which sorts of photographic images.

Lecture 2 The Quest for DNA’s Structure

Watson and Crick started their The 2 hydrogens have less hold
presentation with enthusiasm. over the shared electrons. So the
But things quickly unraveled. As hydrogen side of the water molecules
theorists, not experimentalists, ends up being more positive.
the duo had very little practical Meanwhile, the oxygen hoards
knowledge about DNA—the more of the shared electrons, giving
kind of knowledge Franklin the oxygen side of the molecule a
had. And she proceeded to more negative charge. And it’s the
tear their model to shreds. positive side of each water molecule
that’s attracted to the negative
For instance, Franklin pointed charges in the DNA phosphate
out their ignorance of how DNA backbones. The phosphates are
interacts with water. DNA is a what actually suck up the water.
thirsty molecule, able to soak up
vast amounts of water. Under And for DNA to absorb or lose water
other conditions, DNA loses so readily, the phosphate backbones
water just as easily. This implied cannot be facing the inside of
something crucial about the the molecule. The phosphate
structure of DNA—something backbones had to be accessible—on
Franklin would figure out that the outside. That’s the only way
Watson and Crick had not. the water could come and go so
easily. In other words, Franklin
Water has 3 atoms: 2 Hs and an O. told Watson and Crick that their
But the electrical charges on the tinker-toy model was inside out.
atoms are not equally distributed.

Chargaff, Essays on Nucleic Acids.
Hager, Force of Nature.
Watson, The Annotated and Illustrated Double Helix.

The Double Helix

I t was almost 1952, and the Cambridge researchers James Watson

and Francis Crick had just built an inside-out, triple-helix model of
DNA. The errors and ignorance of this model were then torn apart by
their rivals at King’s College in London, especially Rosalind Franklin.
As a result, Watson and Crick’s graduate advisor had banned them
from working on DNA—a demand they secretly did not intend to

to TOC


Linus Pauling, the best chemist in

the world, was also looking into the
structure of DNA. At this point,
however, he was effectively being
accused of treason. The problem was
his speeches and articles opposing
atomic weapons. He also spoke out
against loyalty oaths, which were
designed to root out Communist
agents within the government,
and people started thinking he
might be a Communist himself.

In early 1952, when Pauling applied

for a passport to travel to England for
an important biochemical conference

Lecture 3 The Double Helix Revealed

on May 1, the US State Department trying to reconstruct what a flower

refused to renew his passport. As a looks like based on a poorly lit
result, he missed the conference. picture of a dried-up bouquet.

Franklin did attend the conference, But Pauling didn’t know that when
and she talked to one of Pauling’s he started working. The shriveled
assistants there. She even showed DNA seemed tightly packed to him.
the assistant some top-notch x-ray So, after running some numbers on
photographs she’d recently taken of his trusty slide rule, he calculated
DNA. But Pauling himself never saw that there must be 3 strands.
the pictures. After the conference, And given the tight packing, he
Wilkins and Franklin had decided decided that the knobs on the DNA
to stop sharing the pictures with backbone couldn’t possibly fit into
anyone. As a result, Pauling was at the molecule’s center. He decided
a major disadvantage in the race to to flip the knobs outward instead.
determine the structure of DNA.
In other words, Pauling came up
Given all his other scientific projects, with an inside-out triple helix—the
and his political activities, Pauling exact same structure that Watson and
didn’t work on the structure of Crick had proposed a year before.
DNA until the fall of 1952. And
because he hadn’t seen Franklin’s Like everyone else, Pauling knew
pictures, he relied on a few low- that whoever cracked the mystery
quality photographs taken by of DNA’s structure first would be
another colleague. Unfortunately, showered in glory, so he rushed a
the DNA in these pictures had paper into print, submitting it to
not been prepared very well and a journal in December 1952.
ended up dehydrated. That’s a
big problem, because dehydrated
DNA shrivels up and changes
shape somewhat. It would be like

Linus Pauling had a son, Peter, who happened to be in

graduate school in 1952 at Cambridge University. In fact,
he worked in the same department as—and even shared
an office with—Watson and Crick.

Lecture 3 The Double Helix Revealed


Before Pauling’s paper made it to data. And the most likely source to
print, Watson and Crick got ahold try was Franklin. So Watson took a
of it and noticed that Pauling train to London and barged into her
had reproduced the naïve errors lab. Franklin and Watson quarreled
they’d made a year earlier—those about whether DNA was a helix.
that Franklin had corrected them
on. So Pauling hadn’t beaten Then, Wilkins showed up and
Watson and Crick. They were unburdened himself to Watson about
still very much alive in the race. his own frustrations with Franklin.
And then—without Franklin’s
But there was still the awkward permission—Wilkins showed
matter that their advisor had Watson the crucial photograph
banned them from working on Franklin had taken, Photograph 51.
DNA. So they took Pauling’s paper
to their advisor and confessed The photo confirmed Watson’s
that they’d been working on hunch that DNA had to be a helix.
DNA in secret this whole time. He raced back to Cambridge to
tell Crick. And as they worked
To their surprise, their advisor, who over the next few days, other
was Lawrence Bragg,1 didn’t chew clues began to fall into place.
them out. That’s because Bragg was
widely considered Pauling’s top rival Franklin had torn apart their
in the world of experimental science, model of DNA a year earlier for
except Pauling kept beating Bragg to having the bases—adenine (A),
major discoveries. Bragg saw a chance cytosine (C), guanine (G), and
for his lab to humiliate Pauling—to thymine (T)—on the outside,
finally beat the wizard of Caltech. among other reasons. Somehow
the bases had to fit into a very
Bragg ordered Watson and Crick tightly packed space on the inside.
to resume working on DNA
immediately. But to win the race for
DNA, they’d need better clues and

1 Bragg had won a Nobel Prize for x-ray crystallography in 1915, at the
age of 25.

Lecture 3 The Double Helix Revealed

So instead of a triple helix, they Using a double helix also had

started thinking about a double another benefit: It made sense of
helix: 2 strands of DNA coiled some data that Watson knew about
together. With a double helix, the but did not yet understand.
packing problem became easier,
since they had to fit only 2 bases
into the limited space, not 3.


The data came from Columbia A, it was also 22% T. Likewise, the
chemist Erwin Chargaff, who had percentage of C always matched the
discovered that A and T always percentage of G. In other words,
appeared in equal amounts in DNA, those bases always appeared in
even though the total amount pairs. And the existence of pairs
of A and T could vary from one could be explained quite naturally
organism to another. For example, with 2 strands in a double helix.
if some stretch of DNA was 22%

Lecture 3 The Double Helix Revealed

Every time an A appeared on one But it just so happened that each

strand, you simply needed a T on of Chargaff’s pairs contained one
the other strand, and vice versa. skinny base and one bulky base. So
Similarly, every time a C appeared when these bases paired up, there
on one strand, you needed G on the weren’t any bulges or dents. In fact,
other, and vice versa. It’s the simplest when Watson and Crick started
way to get equal amounts of both. building a double helix model, they
saw that A fit with T and C fit with
And when Watson and Crick G as snugly as puzzle pieces. Plus, the
looked at the shapes of A, C, G, extra hydrogens and oxygens lined
and T more closely, their hearts up to give ideal hydrogen bonding.
began racing. Another objection to
having the bases face inward had Along with Franklin’s photograph,
been their awkward shapes. A and Chargaff’s rule 2 for matching
G were bulky bases, having 2 rings; A with T and C with G was
C and T were skinny bases, having the key to solving DNA.
single rings. And pairing different
bases up would leave the DNA
molecule with dents or bulges.



Watson and Crick’s model finally with the bases turned toward the
came together in February 1953. center, in which A always paired
Everything fit: It was a double helix with T and C always paired with G.

2 Chargaff had actually mentioned these results to Pauling years before on an

ocean cruise. But Chargaff could be a loudmouth, and Pauling was annoyed
with him for interrupting his vacation. So Pauling had blown off Chargaff—a
terrible mistake.

Lecture 3 The Double Helix Revealed

The discovery of DNA’s double helix would electrify biology

and give scientists a tool for deciphering the whole history
of life on Earth. On a more individual level, it would also
explain several age-old mysteries of heredity.

The duo was so excited that, during Pauling even helped promote
lunchtime, Crick reportedly burst Watson and Crick’s discovery over
into The Eagle pub in Cambridge the next few months, giving their
and started crowing about how careers a boost and cementing the
they’d just discovered the secret of double helix as one of the most
life. And it really was one of the famous concepts in all of science.
biggest discoveries in science history.
The elegant structure of the helix
Watson and Crick spent the next few told Watson and Crick something
weeks working out some last details important about how DNA
and then hurriedly mailed off a paper worked—specifically, how DNA
to the scientific journal Nature. copies, or replicates, itself.

But before the paper appeared Picture the DNA double helix
in print, Pauling caught wind of as a zipper, with the 2 strands
it. He had serious doubts that 2 enmeshed. The first step in
greenhorn scientists had beaten him. copying DNA is unzipping it. A
He happened to be traveling to a cell breaks the hydrogen bonds
conference in Belgium around that holding the 2 strands together
time, so he scheduled a side trip to and teases each one apart.
Cambridge to meet with the men.
Then, the actual copying starts. A
Watson and Crick showed Pauling special piece of cellular machinery
their tinker-toy model and watched zooms along each strand, kind of
as he cast a critical eye over it. like the pull tab on a zipper. The
But to Pauling’s credit, he quickly machinery reads each DNA base
conceded that they’d beaten him. along the strand one by one. And
The double helix is so elegant and each time it does so, it adds a base
makes sense of so much data that to the new strand being built.
he realized it had to be correct. Specifically, whenever it reads an A
on the original strand, it adds a T
to the one being built. Whenever

Lecture 3 The Double Helix Revealed

it reads a C on the original strand, all the DNA in your body started
it adds a G to the new one— off as a single copy in an embryo
and vice versa, in both cases. 9 months before your birth date.
Several trillion cell divisions later,
In other words, each strand here you are. And each of your
acts as a template for building a cells still has the same essential
new one. And when the process DNA as that first embryo, thanks
finishes, you have 2 exact copies. to this clever copying process.

Cells copy DNA like this right before That’s why Watson and Crick are
they divide. And because the copies so famous. It wasn’t just that they
are exactly the same, each of the discovered the double helix. They
daughter cells inherits a complete also realized that the shape of the
library of the original DNA. In fact, helix revealed how DNA worked.


But however celebrated, that Moreover, Franklin and Wilkins
first paper on the double helix by each published their own papers
Watson and Crick has always been on DNA—right next to Watson
controversial because of Watson and and Crick’s paper in the same
Crick’s relationship to Franklin. issue of the same journal.

Contrary to popular belief, the paper But for various reasons, Franklin
did credit Wilkins and Franklin, and Wilkins have faded somewhat
however tepidly: “We have also been from history. It was probably a
stimulated by a knowledge of the combination of Wilkins’s quiet
general nature of the unpublished personality, Franklin’s gender,
experimental results and ideas of and Watson and Crick’s discovery
Dr. M.H.F. Wilkins, Dr. R.E. of how DNA copies itself.
Franklin and their coworkers….”

Lecture 3 The Double Helix Revealed

As a result, most of the glory fell on

Watson and Crick alone. Franklin
especially has become a scientific
martyr—a cause célèbre about
gender discrimination in science.

In 1968, Watson published a

book called The Double Helix: A
Personal Account of the Discovery of
the Structure of DNA. As he later
admitted, it paints a one-sided,
misleading portrait of Franklin.
Even Crick got upset with parts
of it. Years later, Watson admitted Beyond the way Franklin got
that he didn’t know Franklin very treated, another perplexing issue
well. If he could write the book is why she didn’t solve the double
over, he said, “I would write more helix first, especially since she
sympathetically about the plight had Photograph 51 and other
of both Wilkins and Franklin.” evidence right in front of her.

Despite this, the anger over Like Pauling, Franklin had been
Franklin’s treatment has not working with dehydrated DNA.
died down in the nearly 70 years In fact, it was she, not Watson
since the double helix race. In and Crick, who discovered that
2003, on the 50th anniversary of DNA has both a hydrated form
Crick bursting into The Eagle to and a dehydrated form. And in
announce the “secret of life,” the her lab work, part of the time
pub posted a plaque outside its door she photographed fully hydrated
to celebrate Crick and Watson. No DNA, but part of the time she
other scientists rated a mention. photographed dehydrated DNA.

So in October 2017, someone For technical reasons, photographs

either defaced or corrected the of dehydrated DNA showed
plaque, depending on your up better on film; that is, the
point of view, by writing “+ pictures were sharper, with more
Franklin” across the bottom. structures visible. And to someone

Lecture 3 The Double Helix Revealed

like Franklin, trained to interpret Overall, you could argue that

such photographs, having clearer Franklin missed out on the double
pictures meant better data to study. helix in part because she was
too good of a scientist. She was
So even though she had good a perfectionist and wanted to
pictures of hydrated DNA, too, nail down every last detail of the
Franklin put those pictures dehydrated form before moving on
aside. She concentrated on the to the other one. She also refused
dehydrated form instead. And at to make any speculative leaps until
least at first, the dehydrated form she’d collected all her data and
didn’t look like a helix to her.3 checked everything several times.

Unfortunately, Franklin was wrong Watson and Crick were the opposite
here. Inside the body, DNA is of Franklin. They made no original
surrounded by water and doesn’t discoveries themselves. They
get dehydrated and shriveled. This simply swept in and interpreted
meant that Franklin was studying an other people’s findings.
obscure, misshapen form of DNA,
not the kind surrounded by water But they were also willing to
that cells normally use. As a result, gamble and speculate and even
any conclusions she drew about suffer public humiliation in pursuit
dehydrated DNA missed the point. of a big prize. Franklin was more
cautious. Her attitude is normally
The real question was DNA’s the ideal in science; we don’t want
shape when it was fully hydrated. people spouting off theories half-
Photograph 51 did show fully cocked. But in the race for the
hydrated DNA. And after Wilkins double helix, it cost her dearly.
sneaked the photograph to Watson,
Watson became convinced that the There’s another, sadder reason
DNA in cells was helical, too. Franklin has faded somewhat from
science history. After years of taking
x-ray photographs in her lab, she
developed ovarian cancer in the

3 Franklin sent Wilkins a fake obituary in mid-1952 mocking the death of

the DNA helix. This shows Franklin’s dry sense of humor, something most
historical accounts ignore.

Lecture 3 The Double Helix Revealed

late 1950s and ultimately died of and Wilkins—who split the prize in
it in 1958. As a result, her work on 1962. Wilkins’s Nobel Prize speech
DNA was ineligible for the Nobel did say that Franklin “made very
Prize 4 years later, since only living valuable contributions to the X-ray
scientists can win the prize. analysis.” But neither Watson’s nor
Crick’s speech mentioned her at all.
Had she lived a few more years, the
Nobel committee would have had an But if Franklin was missing from
excruciating decision to make, since the Nobel stage in 1962, there
only 3 scientists can share a Nobel was a surprise Nobel laureate
Prize for a given discovery, and that year: Pauling won the Nobel
Watson, Crick, Franklin, Wilkins, Peace Prize for his work on nuclear
and even Chargaff all had claims. disarmament. The same activities,
then, that had blocked his passport
As it was, the committee awarded the and cost him a shot at solving
prize to the 3 living scientists closest DNA ended up paying off.
to the final result—Watson, Crick,

Maddox, Rosalind Franklin.
Watson, Genes, Girls, and Gamow.
Wilkins, Maurice Wilkins.

From Genetic Codes to
DNA Fingerprints

T he famous and controversial discovery of the double helix of

DNA in 1953 was, in many ways, just the beginning. DNA stores
information. It’s a biological blueprint. But blueprints aren’t the final
product. Our cells have to build things with the DNA blueprint.

to TOC


So if DNA is a blueprint, what does and amino acids into what he called
our body build with it? Primarily, the central dogma of molecular
proteins, which are vital in every biology, which says that DNA
biochemical process. But our produces RNA and RNA produces
bodies don’t make proteins directly proteins—in that order. You
from DNA. Instead, we use an can’t skip a step, and you can’t go
intermediary, which is a chemical backward. It was the new foundation
cousin of DNA called ribonucleic for understanding heredity.
acid (RNA). Overall, DNA makes
RNA, and RNA makes proteins. RNA differs from DNA in a few
ways. Both have backbones made
Scientists in the early 1950s already of phosphate and sugar, but RNA
knew RNA was important, because is single-stranded, not double-
they could see the concentration of stranded. Also, the RNA sugars are
RNA spike inside cells whenever ribose, which are more chemically
the cells started making protein. reactive than the deoxyribose
sugars of DNA. And while the 4
By the end of the 1950s, Francis DNA bases are A, C, G, and T,
Crick had summarized the existing RNA makes one substitution: In
knowledge about DNA and RNA place of T, it uses U (for uracil).

Lecture 4 From Genetic Codes to DNA Fingerprints

The question that scientists And in 1961, Crick led an

could not yet answer was how experiment that proved the code
our cells turned strings of the 4 must use triplets. Crick’s group
RNA letters into amino acids. knocked out single bases and then
knocked out pairs of bases, and
Physicist George Gamow had gotten the resulting proteins were totally
things off to a good start. Our bodies different. But when they knocked
use 20 amino acids. And Gamow out 3 bases in a row, the protein
noticed that a combination of 2 bases was essentially the same, but
would have given only 4 × 4, or 16, with just one amino acid missing.
possibilities—fewer than 20. So he Everything else stayed in place.
suggested a genetic code with 3 bases,
since 4 × 4 × 4 = 64, which was more So the biggest question in genetics
than enough. In other words, the became figuring out the relationship
DNA code probably involved triplets. between those 2 numbers: Why did
64 triplets code for 20 amino acids?
And why not 19 amino acids, or 21?


In 1961, Marshall Nirenberg of the The protein-making apparatus

National Institutes of Health (NIH) read the RNA string and then
ran a clever experiment. He started produced a protein. And this protein
with a long chain of one RNA base consisted of just one amino acid,
uracil; the chain was just U-U-U-U, phenylalanine, over and over.
on and on. He then mixed this
long U string with different amino This was his big clue. Again, the
acids, plus the protein-making RNA here was a long string of
apparatus from a bacterium. Us. And because the genetic code
works with triplets, he therefore
knew that the triplet U-U-U must

Lecture 4 From Genetic Codes to DNA Fingerprints

code for phenylalanine. Similar thought he was full of baloney. But

experiments linked other RNA just in case, Watson dispatched
triplets to other amino acids. a colleague to attend the talk.

In August 1961, Nirenberg—who The colleague was blown away. He

was a complete outsider to DNA/ told Watson that Nirenberg was
RNA research1 —presented his the real deal. And to his credit,
findings on the uracil triplets at Watson overcame his skepticism
a conference in Moscow. Only and had Crick organize a much
a few dozen people attended, bigger talk for Nirenberg. As
and the room seemed dead. Nirenberg later said, “The reaction
was incredible. It was a standing
But one of those attendees mattered. ovation…. For the next five years I
Nirenberg had gotten lucky and became like a scientific rock star.”
met James Watson the day before
his presentation. When Nirenberg Over 5 years, Nirenberg built a
explained his results, Watson large team at NIH that cracked
all 64 triplets. And just 2 years
later, he won a Nobel Prize.


Once Nirenberg revealed the an A on one strand, they add a T

genetic code for translating RNA to to the strand being made, and vice
proteins, scientists quickly pieced versa. Whenever cells detect a C
together how the rest of the DNA- on one strand, they add a G to the
to-RNA-to-protein process worked. other strand, and vice versa. This is
called complementary base-pairing.
When cells copy DNA, they unzip
the weak hydrogen bonds of the
double helix. Wherever cells detect

1 A later biography of Nirenberg was titled The Least Likely Man.

Lecture 4 From Genetic Codes to DNA Fingerprints

When building proteins, cells use The tRNA triplet is complementary

the same general process as copying to the mRNA triplet. In the
DNA. It starts with transcription, example, the mRNA was G-U-G,
which involves using DNA as a so the tRNA will be C-A-C.
template to make a string of RNA.
At this point, the tRNA docks with
Consider this strand of DNA: C-A- the mRNA. The ribosome then grabs
C-G-A-T. When cells turn that into the amino acid trailing the tRNA.
RNA, it becomes G-U-G-C-U-A, 2 This becomes the first amino acid in
because RNA uses U instead of T. the protein—the first building block.

Once this RNA string is complete, Then, the process repeats. The
it leaves the cell nucleus, where ribosome shifts down 3 letters and
DNA is stored. Because this reads the next mRNA triplet. A
RNA carries information from complementary tRNA approaches,
one place to another, it’s called towing another amino acid. That
messenger RNA (mRNA). second amino acid gets added to
the first—a second building block.
This mRNA ends up at special
cellular equipment called ribosomes. This process continues. A third
Ribosomes grab the mRNA and amino acid gets added, then a fourth
examine the first 3 letters—each and a fifth, up to several thousand.
triplet is also called a codon. In the
example, G-U-G is the first triplet. The key point is that cells turn
DNA into RNA and then use
At this point, a second type of RNA triplets of RNA to string amino
gets involved: transfer RNA (tRNA). acids together into a protein.
Each tRNA consists of 2 parts: an That’s how information encoded in
RNA triplet and an amino acid that’s DNA gets turned into proteins.
being transferred, or towed behind.

2 In reality, this RNA string could be thousands of letters long.

Lecture 4 From Genetic Codes to DNA Fingerprints


With this understanding in place, Other mutations do make a
scientists in the 1960s could now difference, though. In those cases,
redefine some important ideas in changing one letter to another
genetics, such as what a gene is. leads to a different amino acid,
A gene is a stretch of DNA that with different properties. This can
stores the instructions for making change the shape of the protein or
a protein. It has a starting point disable it completely, sometimes with
and a stopping point, and the terrible consequences for the body.
triplets in between tell you what
amino acids made up the protein. There are other types of mutations
as well. One is called a frameshift
Scientists could also now use DNA mutation. In this case, the mistake
to define what a mutation is. There involves deleting a letter entirely.
are different types of mutations, This was the type of mutation that
but the most common mutations Crick’s team caused in 1961 by
involve a copying mistake. knocking out a letter or 2. Frameshift
mutations can also involve inserting
Cells are amazingly accurate when a letter, shifting the whole sequence
copying DNA; they rarely make down by one. That cascade makes
mistakes. But given that we have frameshift mutations pretty deadly.
trillions of cells, each with billions
of DNA bases to copy, mistakes do In a normal mutation, if you just
happen. Maybe the cell wanted a T swap one letter for another and
in one spot but put a G instead. get a different amino acid, the
resulting proteins can often still
Sometimes these mistakes don’t make function, since other amino acids
a difference. It’s like British versus remain the same. But a frameshift
American spelling—for example, grey mutation messes things up not
versus gray, respectively. Similarly, only at the point of insertion
the triplets G-T-T and G-T-C and but everywhere down the line.
G-T-A all code for the same amino Because cells read RNA in
acid. So a mutation from one triplet consecutive groups of 3, a frameshift
to the other makes no difference. mutation can affect dozens, if
not hundreds, of amino acids.

Lecture 4 From Genetic Codes to DNA Fingerprints

Overall, this insight into different But it turns out that there is one
types of mutations allowed scientists type of mutation that takes place in
to understand genetic disorders every human being at conception,
at a root level, revolutionizing one that makes no medical difference
our knowledge of cystic fibrosis, at all. Even more surprising, these
hemophilia, Huntington’s seemingly irrelevant mutations
disease, and other ailments. offered a new way to fight crime.


In Leicestershire, a county in death. Forensic tests once again

England, in November 1983, a found blood type A and the
15-year-old girl named Lynda same sperm proteins as before.
Mann was found beaten, raped,
and strangled to death. There was This time, however, the police did
semen inside her, and forensic track down a suspect: a 17-year-
tests determined that the murderer old named Richard who matched
had blood type A. Other tests on the blood type and protein profile.
the sperm found that the killer’s And after some harsh interrogation,
proteins were somewhat unique. Richard confessed to the crime. But
The police could rule out 90% Richard denied committing the first
of the male population. But that murder, when he would have been
still left thousands of suspects in just 14. Also, Richard was somewhat
the county. And with zero other mentally handicapped, and his
leads, the investigation stalled. confession might have been coerced.

Sadly, history repeated itself 3 So at this point, the police

years later, in July 1986. In another turned to a new tool called
town in Leicestershire, 15-year-old DNA fingerprinting.
Dawn Ashworth was also found
beaten, raped, and strangled to DNA comes packaged in
chromosomes, which Thomas
Hunt Morgan’s team at Columbia

Lecture 4 From Genetic Codes to DNA Fingerprints

University had likened to a pearl gene, the protein might be misshapen

necklace, with each gene on or broken, and the person could
the chromosome being a single die. But if a mutation pops up in a
pearl. The assumption in their noncoding stretch, so what? The cell
necklace metaphor was that genes isn’t doing anything with that DNA.
were tightly packed together. As a result, these mutations often get
passed down from parent to child.
Chromosomes do contain genes, but
the pearls are not tightly packed. That’s especially true of one type
The genes are strung far, far apart. of mutation. For unknown reasons,
So what’s in between genes? Those our cells sometimes copy and paste
in-between stretches are still made of the same few DNA bases over
DNA, but this so-called noncoding and over, such as C-A-G, C-A-G,
DNA doesn’t make proteins. C-A-G. Sometimes it’s 5 or 6 times;
sometimes it’s 5 or 6 dozen times.
In stretches of noncoding DNA, These repeated sections are called
mutations can accumulate more satellites—either minisatellites
easily than inside coding stretches or microsatellites, depending on
that get turned into proteins. That’s how many bases get repeated.
because if a mistake pops up inside a


The Leicestershire murders took Jeffreys was focused on satellites

place just a few miles from the in the paternity tests he created.
University of Leicester, where a Like all our DNA, we inherit
geneticist named Alec Jeffreys was some satellites from our mothers
working. He studied paternity. He and some from our fathers.
wanted to see whether he could
tell who someone’s parents were So in 1984, he asked a technician in
based solely on their DNA. his lab for some blood and got some
blood from the technician’s mother
and father as well. He then examined

Lecture 4 From Genetic Codes to DNA Fingerprints

the DNA for all 3. The results were was a relief for Richard, but it left
a mess. Some of the repeats linked the police in a bind: Who, then,
the technician to her mom, while had killed Lynda and Dawn?
some repeats linked to her dad.
But she also had other repeats that The police decided to take a brute-
were unique to her. How was he force approach to solving the case.
supposed to sort through all this? In early 1987, they solicited blood
or saliva from thousands of men
Eventually, he realized that he in Leicestershire who had no alibis
could see both her parental DNA for the nights of the murders. They
and her own, unique DNA. But spent the next 6 months trying
if her DNA pattern was unique, to find a match to the killer’s
then it could distinguish her from DNA. Accounts vary, but after
every other person in the world. examining at least 4000 cases,
She had a unique DNA identifier. they still had no DNA match.

Furthermore, there was nothing And there the case might have
special about his technician. Jeffreys remained—unsolved—if not for
realized that all of us must have criminal stupidity. In September
unique DNA identifiers inside us. He 1987, a woman at a pub in
could therefore determine whether Leicestershire overhead a man named
someone had been at a crime scene Ian Kelly bragging that his friend
by extracting DNA from any cells Colin had paid him 200 pounds to
or bodily fluid collected there. submit a DNA sample in place of his
friend. Colin supposedly didn’t want
Before long, someone on the the police harassing him about some
Leicestershire police force suggested burglary charges from his youth. The
using DNA fingerprinting on the woman reported the conversation
murders. Scientists first tested to the police, who quickly arrested
17-year-old Richard, and his DNA the friend, Colin Pitchfork.
ruled him out—in both cases. This

Genetics came a long way in the first 3 decades after

the discovery of the double helix. Scientists cracked
the genetic code in the 1960s, and this opened the way
for DNA fingerprinting in the 1980s.

Lecture 4 From Genetic Codes to DNA Fingerprints

Even after his arrest, Pitchfork about 400 US inmates falsely

denied the crimes. But when convicted of felonies, including
police got a DNA sample from more than 20 on death row.
him, his satellite repeats matched
the repeats in the killer’s DNA And while the basic idea behind
perfectly. The Leicestershire DNA fingerprinting remains the
murderer had finally been caught. same, forensic scientists have also
expanded how they leverage DNA
Pitchfork was the first person fingerprinting to track down
ever convicted using DNA criminals. In particular, police used
fingerprinting. Equally important, genealogy data 3 to hunt down
Richard was the first person ever Joseph James DeAngelo, the so-
exonerated using the technique. called Golden State Killer, who had
committed at least 50 rapes, 12
Police have been using DNA murders, and 120 burglaries around
fingerprinting for both purposes Sacramento, California. His crime
ever since, collaring criminals and spree started in the mid-1970s and
absolving the innocent. By 2020, lasted roughly 10 years. Investigators
DNA fingerprinting had exonerated announced DeAngelo’s arrest on
April 25, 2018—National DNA Day.

Portugal, The Least Likely Man.
Wambaugh, The Blooding.

3 Starting in 2018, the police turned to DNA databases found on publicly

usable genealogy sites like GEDmatch. And while there were no exact hits
on the killer, the police did find the killer’s relatives. They determined the
identity of the relatives and then built a family tree from birth certificates
and other public records. From there, they looked for a male who had lived
in Sacramento in the 1970s and 1980s. They eventually zeroed in on a former
police officer named Joseph James DeAngelo. After acquiring DeAngelo’s
DNA, they compared it to DNA taken from the crime scenes. It was a
perfect match.

The War over the Human

T he Human Genome Project was a multidecade, multibillion-

dollar effort to sequence all 3 billion bases of human DNA. It’s
sometimes called the Manhattan Project of biology—partly for its
scope and scale, but also for the moral ambiguities involved. There
were complex characters and ethical quandaries, heroes and villains.
But along the way, some pretty amazing science got done that
revolutionized the entire field of genetics.

to TOC


The Human Genome Project traces Cleverly, though, Sanger used

its pedigree to the 1970s, when a specially made bases with radioactive
British biologist and previous Nobel atoms in them, so these radioactive
Prize winner named Frederick Sanger bases got incorporated into the
invented a method to sequence complementary strand. He could tell
DNA. In other words, he figured whether A, C, G, or T was producing
out a way to record the order of the radioactivity at any point
the As, Cs, Gs, and Ts in DNA. along the complement. He could
therefore deduce which base resided
Sanger’s sequencing method involved there and record the sequence.
3 basic steps: heating the DNA until
the 2 strands separated, breaking Unfortunately, Sanger had to read
each of the 2 strands into fragments, these bases one by one—a tedious
and using individual A, C, G, and T process. Nevertheless, the process
bases to build new strands that were allowed him to sequence the full
complementary to the fragments. genome of a virus: a single strand of
nearly 5400 bases grouped into 11

Lecture 5 The War over the Human Genome

genes. This was the first full DNA In April 1987, the US Department
genome ever sequenced, and the of Energy started the world’s first
work won Sanger his second Nobel human genome project, a proposed
Prize, in Chemistry, in 1980. $1 billion effort. In September 1988,
the National Institutes of Health
In 1986, a few biologists in (NIH) set up a rival institute to
California automated Sanger’s sequence the genome in 15 years
method to speed it up. And instead and secured James Watson of double
of using radioactive bases, they helix fame as the project’s chief.
substituted fluorescent versions of Meanwhile, in London, a research
A, C, G, and T. Each one produced charity called the Wellcome Trust
a different color when struck by also got involved via the Sanger
a laser beam. This machine, run Institute, which had been founded
by a computer, suddenly made in honor of Sanger in 1992.
large-scale sequencing feasible.


Watson helped the NIH wrestle But for all of Watson’s early
most of the Human Genome leadership on the Human Genome
Project away from the Department Project, he didn’t last long as its
of Energy. Watson and his allies leader. In year 3 of the project,
also made several big promises to Watson found out that the NIH
Congress to ensure funding. In planned to patent some genes that
fact, critics later accused them of one of its scientists had discovered.
overpromising. Some scientists The idea of patenting genes
claimed that sequencing the nauseated most biologists then.
human genome would eliminate They felt that patents interfered
most diseases; some went so far with basic research and distorted
as suggesting that we could end science by making it all about profit.
hunger, poverty, and crime.

Lecture 5 The War over the Human Genome

stink behind the scenes, and she

created conditions, he alleged,
that forced him to resign.

But Watson couldn’t go quietly.

The NIH scientist who wanted to
patent the genes had discovered them
with an automated process that—
unlike Sanger’s patient approach
by hand—involved computers
and robots. Watson didn’t like
the process because it lacked style
and craft. So in a hearing before
Watson lit into his boss at the Congress about the patents, Watson
NIH and went behind her back dismissed the operation as something
to tell reporters that the policy that “could be run by monkeys.”
was moronic and destructive.
A power struggle ensued. This didn’t exactly endear him
to the “monkey” in question,
Unfortunately for him, Watson’s NIH biochemist Craig Venter.
boss proved the better bureaucratic In fact, partly because of
warrior. And it turned out that Watson, Venter soon became a
Watson privately owned stock in scientific villain—perhaps the
some biotech companies, which only scientist alive who was even
raised concerns about conflicts more polarizing than Watson.
of interest. So his boss raised a


At the NIH, Venter was studying about a shortcut. A colleague had

the genes that brain cells use but developed a way to identify the
despaired over the tedium of finding messenger RNA that cells use to
genes by hand. Then, he heard make proteins. Because messenger

Lecture 5 The War over the Human Genome

RNA comes directly from DNA, dedicated to patenting genes. Venter

Venter could work backward himself got tons of stock in the new
from that RNA and eventually company, making him a very rich
learn the full DNA sequence. man. This side of Venter seemed
ominous to many scientists.
Before he fully sequenced any
genes, however, Venter focused on Venter’s approach to sequencing
simply finding and cataloguing DNA resembled the NIH’s approach
new genes. To do so, he sequenced in some ways. But in other ways,
just a short segment of each— it was radically different.
enough to establish that it was
new. Then, he submitted patent The NIH planned to spend its
applications for each new gene, first few years and its first billion
without any idea what it did. dollars constructing a map of each
chromosome and determining
To move as fast as possible, he also where each gene started and
automated the RNA-detection stopped. It’s similar to mapping
technique with tabletop robots an unknown continent. You start
and computers. In doing so, he with the coasts and the outline
cut down the price for detecting a and then fill in the interior later.
new gene from $50,000 to $20.
With the map complete, NIH
At its peak, Venter’s group was scientists would divide each
patenting 1000 partial gene chromosome into segments and send
sequences each month. And it each segment to different labs around
was Venter who announced the the country. Each lab would then
patents at a Congressional hearing, shotgun the DNA: They’d make
setting off the firestorm. lots of copies of the chromosome
segments and then use intense
But, love him or hate him, Venter sound waves to blast this DNA
got results. And after feeling into tiny overlapping fragments.
wounded by Watson’s “monkey” Scientists would then sequence every
comments, Venter quit the NIH individual fragment and use the
in 1992 and joined an unusual overlaps to piece the small sequences
hybrid organization that had a together into a larger sequence.
nonprofit arm dedicated to pure
science but also a for-profit arm

Lecture 5 The War over the Human Genome

Imagine dividing a novel into And because the NIH already

chapters and then dividing each had a chromosome map complete,
chapter into paragraphs. Scientists scientists then knew where each
would photocopy each paragraph gene fit on its chromosome.
and then blast it into random
phrases, such as “Once upon a Overall, the NIH’s method—
midnight,” and “midnight dreary, map things first and then
while I pondered,” and “pondered, shotgun small pieces—was a
weak and weary,” etc. Based on patient approach to sequencing
the overlaps, scientists could then a genome, going paragraph by
reconstruct the original sentence: paragraph, chapter by chapter.
“Once upon a midnight dreary, while
I pondered, weak and weary …” It Venter, in contrast, wasn’t patient.
worked the same way with DNA. His team loved the shotgun idea
so much that they decided to
skip the slow mapping step. In
other words, instead of dividing

Lecture 5 The War over the Human Genome

a chromosome into chapters and NIH scientists were begrudgingly

paragraphs, they wanted to blast impressed. They doubted, however,
the whole book into overlapping that what worked for bacteria
smithereens right away. Then, they’d would work for the much more
whirlwind everything together all complicated human genome.
at once using banks of computers.
But computers and DNA sequencers
The NIH had considered this just kept getting faster. And Venter
whole-genome approach but gambled that if his team gathered
dismissed it as slapdash—too enough overlapping data and hired
prone to leaving gaps and putting top data scientists to run their
segments in the wrong place. computers, they could beat the NIH.

Venter dismissed this concern. So, in May 1998, Venter started a

After all, this was the 1990s, when company called Celera to sequence
computers and DNA sequencers the human genome in just 3
were getting exponentially faster. years—4 years before the NIH
And he soon had the opportunity to would finish. And Celera would
show off the power of his approach. do it for $300 million, 1/10 of
the NIH’s $3 billion budget.
By 1994, a biologist in Wisconsin
had been working 8 years to To do this, Celera would rely on 300
sequence the first genome of a state-of-the-art DNA sequencers.
fully living creature: a bacterium. Each one cost $300,000 and was
Suddenly, though, Venter’s team capable of sequencing 900,000
jumped into the game. They began base pairs every 24 hours. This
zooming through the 2 million base gave Celera more sequencing power
pairs of a different bacterium and than the rest of the world’s biology
ended up finishing in just 1 year, labs combined. In partnership
blowing by the Wisconsin group. with Compaq and Sandia National

Former Human Genome Project leader James Watson

compared Craig Venter to Hitler invading Poland. And
most NIH scientists feared they’d fare about as well as
Poland had.

Lecture 5 The War over the Human Genome

Laboratories, Celera would also However, a few key NIH scientists

build the world’s largest nonmilitary refused to back down from Venter.
supercomputer to process data. This included Francis Collins, who
had taken over the project after
Despite their years-long head start, Watson. Collins had previously
the NIH genome project was behind done outstanding work at the
schedule and over budget. By 1998, University of Michigan, discovering
the eighth year of the project’s the genes responsible for cystic
15-year timeline, the NIH had fibrosis and Huntington’s disease.
sequenced just 4% of human DNA.


In announcing Celera’s plans,

Venter thought his company had
an exclusive deal on using the
$300,000 DNA sequencers. But
shortly afterward, Collins found
himself on a flight with an executive
from the company that made the
sequencers. Collins switched seats
to sit next to him. And by the
time they’d landed, Collins had
sweet-talked the executive into
supplying the NIH with the same
sequencers. Venter was livid.

Collins was also merciless about

keeping on schedule. Again,
the NIH was sending DNA
paragraphs out to different labs to

Lecture 5 The War over the Human Genome

sequence them. But some labs fell And once the human genome
woefully behind. So Collins cut work started in earnest, the pace
them out of the project entirely. was breathtaking. Running neck
and neck, the NIH and Celera
And so, the genome war began: each soon passed 1 billion base
Venter and Celera versus Collins and pairs of human DNA—and then 2
the NIH. Naturally, the nastiness billion. The NIH had once blasted
of the war titillated the public and Venter for trying to sequence
dominated the headlines. But all the DNA too quickly, but everyone
while, solid science was emerging. was playing Venter’s game now.

Despite their earlier success with Amid the science, however, the
bacteria, Venter and Celera felt drama continued—both behind
they still had to prove that whole- the scenes and in public.
genome shotgun sequencing would
work on animal genomes, which In March 2000, President Bill
were much bigger and had far more Clinton and British Prime
satellite repeats. And there was a Minister Tony Blair made joint
real worry that shotgun sequencing announcements that the human
would struggle to put all the genome belonged to all human
repetitious bits in the right order. beings worldwide. Understandably,
people assumed that this coordinated
So, in 1999, Celera teamed up with announcement was possibly
a group of academics to sequence foreshadowing the elimination of
the 120 million base pairs of the gene patents. As a result, investors
most important lab animal in with money in biotech companies
genetics: a fruit fly. To the shock of stampeded. Celera alone lost $6
many, Celera produced an absolute billion in stock value in just weeks.
beauty of a genome, and did so Venter himself lost $300 million.
amazingly quickly. At a scientific
meeting shortly afterward, geneticists
gave Venter a standing ovation.

In just a few months, scientists had sequenced

more DNA than they had in the previous 2
decades combined.

Lecture 5 The War over the Human Genome

The NIH and Celera also continued This was an incredible achievement.
to publicly bicker. This appalled It was less than a century since the
President Clinton, as the Human first gene for a human trait was
Genome Project was supposed to be discovered and less than 50 years
a milestone scientific achievement, since the discovery of the double
not a soap opera. So he told his helix. Now, at the threshold of the
top science advisor to find a way millennium, we could finally read
to make them work together. the full A-C-G-T blueprint of our
human heritage for the first time.
The burden for this task fell on
a biologist named Ari Patrinos,1 The 2 rough drafts of the human
who brought the 2 adversaries genome appeared in early 2001.
together to broker a truce on May And despite the so-called tie,
7, 2000. The meeting did not go scientists continue to debate who
well. Both sides mistrusted each won the genome war, if anyone.
other, and there was lingering
anger. Yet after more meetings, the Rather than patent genes, the NIH
anger dwindled. The men agreed had been releasing all its DNA data
to stop taking shots at each other into a public database for anyone to
in public. More importantly, they use, including Venter and Celera. In
decided to end their competition, fact, Celera acknowledged in their
which had deteriorated into rough draft that they’d been quietly
a wasteful distraction. using the public data the whole time
to assemble their genome. Venter
The best way for everyone to wasn’t quite the independent rebel
save face was to declare the race he claimed to be. Additionally,
a tie. Each team would also NIH scientists argued that Celera
publish a so-called rough draft never could have finished its rough
of the human genome based on draft without the NIH maps to tell
what they’d sequenced so far. them where to put the millions of
They agreed to announce the randomly shotgunned phrases.
tie at a joint press conference at
the White House on June 26.

1 Patrinos worked at the Department of Energy, which had started the first
iteration of the Human Genome Project in 1987 and still had a small team

Lecture 5 The War over the Human Genome

Venter’s team angrily denied these However, Venter was no longer

charges. Then, they made some around to bother the NIH. After
countercharges of their own. They various tussles with management,
argued that the NIH never would Celera more or less fired Venter in
have pushed to finish so quickly if January 2002. When Venter left,
not for the threat of competition, Celera lost interest in sequencing,
which is probably true. Furthermore, and the NIH claimed victory, loudly,
the NIH had always portrayed when it alone produced a final draft
itself as the ones who didn’t care of the human genome in 2003.
about speedy sequencing, just
accuracy. But most scientists who And the jockeying for status never
examined the 2 rough drafts side really ended. Someone will almost
by side proclaimed that Celera certainly win a Nobel Prize someday
did a much better job. The NIH for the Human Genome Project—
also ended up copying Venter’s but who? Only 3 people can win a
whole-genome shotgun approach Nobel Prize for any one achievement,
for later sequencing projects. and the public consortium led by
Collins included 249 authors on its
initial paper, whereas the Venter-
led paper had 285 coauthors. 2

Shreeve, The Genome War.
Sulston and Ferry, The Common Thread.
Venter, A Life Decoded.

2 Some of Collins’s top deputies could make legitimate claims for the Nobel
Prize, as could top figures on Venter’s team.

How DNA Controls Itself
and Shapes Our Culture

W hen the race to sequence the Human Genome ended in the

early 2000s, scientists located the roughly 20,000 genes that
make the proteins that run our bodies. But in reality, those 20,000
genes represent only 1% to 2% of all human genetic material.
And scientists still had to figure out what that remaining 98% did.
That ambitious goal has been the focus of another project, called
ENCODE (“Encyclopedia of DNA Elements”), whose purpose in
some sense is to finish the Human Genome Project by determining
what, if anything, most of our DNA does.

to TOC


In the 1960s and 1970s, there 20% of the human genome

was a mistaken idea that all the regulates the 2% that produces
non-protein-coding DNA was proteins. That’s 10 times more.
“junk DNA.” Work with forensic
DNA showed that even apparent And more than 80% of our
junk could be useful, since the noncoding DNA is biologically
seemingly nonfunctional satellite active, with most of that 80%
repeats provided markers of unique getting transcribed into RNA.
identity in DNA fingerprinting. ENCODE scientists argued
that this meant that as much
But by 2012, the ENCODE as 80% of the human genome
project had offered evidence may turn out to have functional
that at least some noncoding roles—roles not yet identified.
DNA was biologically useful as
well. It suggested that at least

Lecture 6 How DNA Controls Itself and Shapes Our Culture

The 80% claim proved controversial, This deeper, more complete

however. Just because some mapping of our genome also
DNA gets turned into RNA allows us to expand our horizons
doesn’t mean that this RNA has a even further, by considering the
biological function. It could be the interplay of DNA with things like
equivalent of cell busywork—labor language and human culture.
that does nothing productive.
To be sure, other animals do have
It remains an open question basic forms of culture and language.
whether the 80% figure is accurate. But the richness and intricacy of
Regardless, we now know that our languages and cultures make
some noncoding DNA does have a them especially interesting, both
purpose—namely, to regulate the scientifically and practically.
expression (or nonexpression) of
normal, protein-producing genes. At first glance, language and culture
might not appear to have much to
And whereas early waves of do with DNA and genes. But there
genetics allowed us to understand are profound connections there.
only diseases caused by single Genes drive culture in all sorts
point mutations, this next wave of ways. And sometimes, culture
opens the way to understanding can even change our genes.
the on switches and off switches
that contribute to more complex
diseases, including cancer.


One example of genes interacting as a dominant gene, since people

with culture involves music. A few with perfect pitch passed the
studies have found that one key trait to 50% of their children.
musical trait—perfect pitch—
shows the same inheritance pattern

Lecture 6 How DNA Controls Itself and Shapes Our Culture

But other studies have found smaller From a modern perspective, it’s
and subtler genetic contributions almost certain that Paganini had a
for perfect pitch. They’ve also genetic abnormality of some sort,
found that this DNA must act in possibly Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
concert with environmental cues, Different mutations can cause
such as music lessons, early in life different variants of this syndrome,
or people won’t develop the gift.1 but all of them leave people with
highly pliable connective tissue
Beyond the ear, physical traits and hyperflexible joints. In fact,
can also help boost individual Paganini could bend his elbows the
musicians. 2 A profound example wrong way and his knees backward.
of gene-music interaction involves
the 19th-century Italian violinist Paganini’s life is a wonderful way
Niccolò Paganini, widely considered to expand how we normally think
the greatest violinist who ever lived. about genetics. Science is usually on
one end of a spectrum, while music,
There were some scientific reasons a fine art, is usually at the other end.
why Paganini was amazing—
especially his hands, which were But science and fine art are
unusually flexible. And because of intertwined here. If you learn a little
these unusual hands, Paganini had about the music and a little about the
a big advantage over other violinists. genetics, you can see a connection
He could stretch his hands incredibly between them. Knowledge of
wide and perform unusual fingerings music enhances our knowledge
that his peers struggled with. As a of genetics, and vice versa.
result, he could play certain music
effortlessly, music that took his Paganini’s life also offers a great
peers ages to learn and that they scientific lesson about the importance
often couldn’t perform adequately. of genes interacting with culture.

1 One study even suggested that all babies might be born with an ability to
process absolute pitch in some circumstances. But perhaps most babies
genetically switch off this predisposition early in life.
2 The Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff had gigantic hands—possibly
the result of a genetic disorder called Marfan syndrome—that could span 12
inches, a full octave and a half on the piano. This allowed him to play music
that would tear the ligaments of lesser-endowed pianists.

Lecture 6 How DNA Controls Itself and Shapes Our Culture

Imagine that Paganini had lived So it wasn’t just his amazing hands
100,000 years ago. He still might that made him the best. Several
have had superflexible hands, but components had to come together:
because stringed instruments didn’t his unique genes, the right culture,
exist then, his amazing hands and a temperament to take advantage
wouldn’t have been useful in the of those genes and culture.
way that made him famous in the
19th century. He became a legend People often want to draw a sharp
only because he grew up in a culture distinction between nature and
where string instruments existed and nurture—between genetic influences
were revered. Without that cultural and cultural-environmental
component in place, the genetic influences. But Paganini’s story
mutation wouldn’t have mattered, shows that we can’t separate the
at least not in the same way. 2 so easily. Good scientists know
that nature and nurture work
Furthermore, Paganini had the right together to make us who we are.
temperament to take advantage
of his amazing hands. He was an
extremely hard worker, and he loved
playing and practicing music.

Genes don’t rigidly determine who we are. Our

personalities and traits and preferences depend
on our environments and cultures, too.


Another aspect of cultural genetics bits that contribute to human
is language—and more broadly, intelligence. But we can say
intelligence, since language is something about what makes human
one of the key tools that makes beings in general smarter than other
us intelligent creatures. animals by comparing our DNA
with the DNA of chimpanzees
It’s still very hard to sort through and other close primate relatives.
and understand the hundreds,
or perhaps thousands, of genetic

Lecture 6 How DNA Controls Itself and Shapes Our Culture

One key aspect of human just 3 amino acid differences in

intelligence is language, and one our FOXP2 protein out of 715
key gene involved in language amino acids total. Intriguingly,
production is the FOXP2 gene. however, humans picked up 2 of
our 3 amino acid changes after our
FOXP2 is the gene for a transcription evolutionary split away from other
factor called forkhead box P2 great apes like chimpanzees. And
(FOXP2). Transcription factors these changes allow the FOXP2
are proteins that bind onto protein to interact with new genes.
DNA and help control how
quickly DNA gets transcribed
into RNA. Transcription
factors can also silence DNA
sometimes, turning it off.

As far as transcription factors go,

the protein created by the FOXP2
gene is quite busy. It seems to
regulate hundreds of different
genes. In particular, it’s active Even more intriguingly, when
in fetuses and helps control fetal scientists created mutant mice with
development in the jaw, gut, lungs, the human version of FOXP2, the
heart, and especially the brain. mice had neurons that were shaped
differently, with more branches
All mammals have some version and longer axes—especially in
of the FOXP2 gene, 3 and despite a brain region that in humans
millions of years of diverging helps process language. This
evolution in mammals, all versions showed that FOXP2 influences
of the gene and the protein it makes brain structure and function.
still look pretty much the same.
Mutations in FOXP2 also have a
Remember that proteins are profound effect on people’s ability to
made of amino acids. Compared speak. In the 1990s, linguists began
to the FOXP2 protein in mice, studying 3 generations of a London
human beings have accumulated family known only, for privacy, as

3 Bats seem to depend on the FOXP2 gene for echolocation.

Lecture 6 How DNA Controls Itself and Shapes Our Culture

the KE family. In a simple pattern This tiny substitution altered just

of single-gene dominance, 50% of one of the protein’s 715 amino
the KE family members suffer from acids, but it was enough to prevent
a suite of language malfunctions due the protein from binding to DNA
to a mutation to their FOXP2 gene. properly, which means the protein
can’t turn genes on or off at the right
Because of the mutation, they have moment during fetal development.
trouble coordinating their lips, jaws, The result is language deficits.
and tongues when speaking, so they
stumble over most words. They But it’s too simplistic to say that
also struggle when asked to copy a FOXP2 is the language gene.
sequence of simple facial expressions, Many genes contribute to brain
such as opening their mouths development, and many of them
and sticking out their tongues. probably contribute to linguistic
fluency, too. If nothing else,
Some scientists even argue that the FOXP2 can’t be the only language
KE family’s problems extend beyond gene, because even the most
motor skills to grammar. When afflicted members of the KE clan
tested, most of them know that the can still speak some. They’re not
plural form of book is books, but completely devoid of language.
seemingly because they’ve memorized
that fact. When given invented Overall, then, while FOXP2 may
words like zoop, they can’t figure out play an important role in the
the plural. They see no connection genetic basis of language, there’s
between book/books and zoop/zoops, more of this story to be written
even after years of language therapy. in the years ahead as new things
about our DNA are learned.
In the brains of affected members
of the KE family, the regions For instance, Neanderthals have a
that help produce language were version of the FOXP2 gene that’s
stunted and had low densities of very similar to that of humans. That
neurons. Scientists have traced might mean nothing—or it might
these deficits to a single A-for-G mean that Neanderthals also had
mutation in the FOXP2 gene. the fine motor skills for language
or the cognitive wherewithal, or
perhaps both. Thus, although
Neanderthals disappeared tens of

Lecture 6 How DNA Controls Itself and Shapes Our Culture

thousands of years ago, thanks to Two separate times since the

regulatory DNA, Neanderthals can evolutionary lines of human beings
still speak to us in profound ways. and chimpanzees split, the human
APOE gene has mutated, which
Beyond FOXP2, other individual is how we got a total of 3 distinct
genes seem to have contributed to versions. Without the right APOE,
our intelligence. For example, the the brain gets less cholesterol
APOE gene is best known for its bad than it needs. And without that
variants, which increase the risk of cholesterol, brain signals running
Alzheimer’s disease, but APOE4 down neurons can go awry.
plays a vital role in the normal
function of the body. In particular, Beyond APOE, some genes lead
the APOE protein combines with to structural changes in the brain.
cholesterol and helps cholesterol A gene named LRRTM1 helps
move through our bloodstreams. determine which exact patches of
But that’s not all this protein does. neurons control speech, emotion,
and other mental qualities. This
To function properly, neurons in in turn helps the human brain
the brain need to coat themselves establish its unusual asymmetry
in fatty sheaths of cholesterol. This and left-right specialization. Some
cholesterol acts like rubber insulation versions of the LRRTM1 gene even
on wires, preventing the neurons reverse parts of the left brain and
from short-circuiting or misfiring. right brain, which also increases
your chances of being left-handed.

There are certain inheritable DNA mutations

that can cross-wire the sneeze reflex with
other parts of the brain, leaving people
sneezing uncontrollably—up to 43 times in a
row in one case.

4 Its full name is the apolipoprotein E gene, where apolipo means that it makes
a protein that binds to the fats, or lipids, in food.

Lecture 6 How DNA Controls Itself and Shapes Our Culture

Beyond individual genes, certain of mammals show more aptitude
functional changes to our DNA here. We can sift through page
also gave our brains a boost. One of after page of needless introns
these functional changes involves and never lose the thread of
what’s called gene splicing. what RNA we need to keep.

Remember that when making Dealing with excess RNA does

proteins, cells first turn DNA into have disadvantages—namely, the
RNA. And that DNA-to-RNA RNA-editing equipment in mammal
conversion is pretty rote. Cells cells has to work lots of overtime.
transcribe the DNA base by base,
skipping not a single A, C, G, or T. The average human gene contains
8 introns to remove, each one an
But with the full RNA manuscript average of 3500 bases long. That’s
in hand, cells narrow their eyes, lick 30 times longer than the exons they
a red pencil, and start editing. This surround. The gene for the largest
editing consists mostly of chopping human protein, titin, contains
out unneeded RNA. Cells then 178 exon fragments, totaling
stitch the remaining bits together to 80,000 bases, all of which must
make the actual messenger RNA. be stitched together precisely.

Because the parts that are removed The largest known human gene,
were originally thought of as DMD, makes a protein called
intruders, the stretches of RNA dystrophin, which helps muscles link
that get removed and discarded with other tissue. Its gene contains
are called introns. Meanwhile, the 14,000 bases of coding DNA among
stretches that get exported to the 2.2 million bases of apparently
final RNA are called exons. Overall, useless introns. An average human
the exon parts within your genes gene can get turned into RNA and
that actually get translated into then a protein in under an hour.
proteins are called the exome. But with dystrophin, getting the
right RNA alone takes 16 hours.
While animals like insects and
worms contain only a few short
introns in their DNA, the cells

Lecture 6 How DNA Controls Itself and Shapes Our Culture

There’s a genetic splicing disorder in human skin

cells that can wipe out the grooves and whorls
of fingerprints, rendering people’s fingertips
completely bald.

Overall, all this extra splicing Neurons are also unique in other
expends incredible amounts of ways. Our neurons allow much
energy, and any mistakes can ruin more free play for mobile DNA bits,
important proteins. For example, such as so-called jumping genes
mistakes in the dystrophin gene that wedge themselves randomly
can cause muscular dystrophy. into our chromosomes, to move
around. Neurons remix DNA so
So why do mammals have so many much, in fact, that some scientists
long introns, despite the apparent think that neurons have upended
waste and danger? It’s because having one of the oldest dogmas in genetics:
introns gives our cells versatility. that all cells in your body have
Different cells leave different the same basic DNA, apart from
combinations of exons and introns a few mutations. Neurons seem
in place, and each variation makes to have much more variety.
the final protein a bit different.
And these tweaks allow the protein Allowing jumping genes to freely
to work a bit better in different insert themselves changes the
environments within the body. In DNA patterns in neurons, which
other words, introns and exons can change how they work. The
allow us to customize proteins, and effect of these changes will vary:
that gives our cells flexibility. Some might be for the worse, and
some will make no difference.
Human cells seem especially But some will be for the better.
reliant on DNA splicing. One big
difference between human DNA Again, this provides variety. In fact,
and the DNA of other primates is the remixing of DNA in neurons
that our brain cells splice DNA far provides another source of the raw
more often, chopping and editing variety that natural selection works
the same string of bases for many on: Neurons that function better
different effects. This appears end up thriving and help our brains
to help our brain cells specialize run faster or more efficiently.
even more than other primates.

Lecture 6 How DNA Controls Itself and Shapes Our Culture

Campbell, Waud, and Matthews, “The Molecular Basis of Lactose
Nudel and Newbury, “FOXP2.”
Sugden, Paganini.
Wade, Before the Dawn.

Microbes Manipulate Us,
Viruses Are Us

T he completion of the Human Genome Project led to 2 shocking

realizations. First, biologists realized that less than 2% of the DNA
in the human genome actually codes for the proteins that make and
run the human body. Second, it turns out that 8% of our genome is
not human at all; 250 million base pairs of our DNA are just old virus
genes that got inserted long ago and never got weeded out.1 Put
the 2 findings together and our “human” genome might look like it’s
4 times more virus than human.

to TOC


Unlike everything else in nature, COVID-19 coronavirus, which is

there are many viruses that use RNA at the upper limit of stability for an
instead of DNA to store genetic RNA virus, is only 30,000 bases.
information, including influenza,
polio, coronavirus, and Ebola. But among RNA viruses, there’s
also a more devious group,
Because RNA is typically single- including HIV, that infects a cell
stranded, it’s far less stable than the differently. Most viruses do not
double helix of DNA. As a result, work this way, but these special
the genomes for RNA viruses RNA viruses can coax the cell
never get very large. For example, into turning the virus’s RNA back
polio is just 7000 bases. Even the into DNA! For this reason, we call

1 Some rogue virus infiltrated our distant ancestor’s sperm or egg cell, which
produced a baby. And the lucky virus got to hitch a ride around indefinitely in
all of that baby’s descendants, including us today.

Lecture 7 Microbes Manipulate Us, Viruses Are Us

these retroviruses. Even scarier, copied viruses burst free into the
the retrovirus then tricks the cell rest of the body, where they infect
into splicing that new viral DNA other cells and restart the process.
into the host cell’s own genome.
However clever, this strategy for
In short, these retroviruses fuse infecting cells might seem overly
their virus genetic material with elaborate. Why would an RNA
the cell’s nonvirus genetic material. virus like HIV bother converting
This is the world of microbes, where itself into DNA first, when the
viruses can manipulate the DNA cell has to transcribe that DNA
of animals for their own ends. In back into RNA later to make
fact, some Machiavellian microbes proteins? It seems convoluted.
can even manipulate the minds of
animals to make us do their bidding. This seems even more baffling when
you consider how nimble RNA
But cells don’t “know” that the DNA is compared to DNA. Free RNA
that’s been spliced into them is virus inside a cell can build rudimentary
DNA and not their own DNA. They proteins all by itself, whereas lone
just see a string of As, Cs, Gs, and DNA sort of just sits there. RNA
Ts, so when it comes time to make can also build copies of itself.
something from this DNA, the
cell’s machinery zips right along and For these reasons, most scientists
makes whatever the instructions say. believe that RNA probably predated
DNA in the history of life, since
Unfortunately, these are actually early life would have lacked the fancy
instructions to make more copies of machinery that cells have today.
the virus. That’s how these viruses
reproduce—by tricking cells. And Why the change? RNA does have
they keep reproducing like this until some disadvantages compared to
they kill the cell, at which point the DNA. Most importantly, RNA is
flimsier. DNA is double-stranded,

Retroviruses show no respect for the line we’d

prefer to draw between “their” DNA and “our”
DNA. They rezone our genetic neighborhoods to
make room for themselves, and they never leave.

Lecture 7 Microbes Manipulate Us, Viruses Are Us

and the crucial A-C-G-T bases In a way, it resembled the transition

are protected on the inside of in human cultures away from, say,
the double helix, with sugar and the spoken poetry of Homer to
phosphate on the outside. RNA written texts. With DNA, you don’t
is a single strand. As a result, its get the RNA-like versatility—just
bases are exposed to assaults. like written works lack nuances of
voice and gesture. But we wouldn’t
Also, RNA is ribonucleic acid, which even have the Iliad and the Odyssey
has an extra oxygen atom compared today without papyrus and ink.
to the deoxyribonucleic acid of DNA. RNA is flimsy and temporary.
Oxygen is a reactive element, and if DNA lasts much longer.
an RNA strand grows too long and
gets tangled up with itself, oxygen So the advantage for retroviruses
can react and cut the strand to bits. that convert RNA into DNA after
infecting cells is that DNA is
Ancient cells that could switch to sturdier, more enduring. Once that
DNA suddenly had a perfect way to DNA from the retrovirus gets inside
store information. This switch from the host cell’s genome, it becomes
RNA to DNA was one of the most a permanent part of the cell.
important steps in the history of life.


A closer examination of the human In the 1950s, a geneticist named

genome suggests that it might be Barbara McClintock made the
even more than 8% virus. After all, first observations of what are now
so far, we’ve only been discussing called mobile genetic elements
the 2% of our DNA that is coding or transposable elements. These
DNA for proteins, plus another 8% are bits of DNA that can float
we get from viruses. What about around on their own and burrow
the other 90% of our DNA? into chromosomes at random.
They can even move from one
chromosome to another.

Lecture 7 Microbes Manipulate Us, Viruses Are Us

In all, mobile genetic elements make Across the animal kingdom,

up roughly 50% of our genomes. placentas are practically a defining
These mobile bits linger inside every trait of mammals. 2 Of the roughly
cell we have, burrowing into our 6400 species of mammals alive
DNA at random, like little ticks. today, more than 6000 have a
Sometimes they’re simply genetic placenta, including the most
parasites, consuming resources and widespread and successful mammals,
doing nothing useful; sometimes such as bats, rodents, and humans.
they regulate other genes or take Placental mammals have also
on some other useful job. colonized diverse niches on Earth.
This suggests that placentas gave
In fact, they may have been virus mammals a big survival boost.
parasites of some sort in the past and
got stripped down so far that only In particular, the placenta allows
a bit of DNA remains. Or perhaps a mammal mother to keep her
mobile genetic elements first gave rise children warm inside her and gives
to viruses. Either way, they’re now a her the chance to run away from
permanent part of human beings. danger with them. Growing fetuses
inside us also allows them to gestate
Of all the old virus genes lurking longer and develop energy-intensive
inside human DNA, very few of organs, such as a bigger brain.
them still function. The vast majority
of these genes have accumulated And because mammals invest so
fatal mutations and have been much energy in fetuses, many
disabled. But in some cases, these mammal mothers feel more
virus genes still function inside us, incentive to nurture their children,
though perhaps with a new purpose. sometimes for years. The length of
In fact, some virus genes do vitally this investment is rare among other
important things inside our bodies. animals. And mammal children
reciprocate by forming unusually
For example, there’s strong evidence strong bonds to their mothers. In
that the placenta—the interface one sense, then, by enabling all
between a mammal mother and this, the placenta helped make
her fetus—originated in viruses. mammals caring creatures.

2 One exception is duck-billed platypuses, which are warm-blooded mammals

that still lay eggs.

Lecture 7 Microbes Manipulate Us, Viruses Are Us

What makes it even stranger is And the DNA that mammals use to
that the placenta, in all likelihood, make fusion proteins for clamping
evolved from retroviruses. But onto the placenta originally came
from a biological standpoint, here’s from DNA that retroviruses use
how the connection works. to attach onto host cells. The
DNA sequences are nearly letter-
One talent that viruses have is the by-letter identical. This is one
ability to clamp onto cells. They do case where a virus inserted that
so by fusing their outer envelope with DNA in our ancestors, but it
the cell’s surface. This allows them to turned out to be quite useful.
inject genetic material into the cell.
As a bonus, these viral fusion genes
Embryos clamp on in a similar way. seem to provide extra immunity for
An embryo is a tiny ball of cells the fetus. Specifically, the presence
that floats into the uterus. But it of retrovirus proteins seems to
doesn’t just float there. The embryo discourage other, potentially deadly
anchors itself to the lining of the microbes from breaking through
uterus with special fusion proteins. the placenta, either by warning
them off or outcompeting them.

Viruses aren’t the only microbes that can

direct animal evolution. Bacteria can also
hijack the reproductive process, as has been
demonstrated for insects.
The Wolbachia bacteria, which infects insects
like wasps, can reproduce only inside females’
eggs. So Wolbachia scans the eggs it infects
and kills male larvae by releasing genetically
produced toxins. In certain species, Wolbachia
actually manipulates the genes that determine
sex in insects, converting male grubs it cannot
use into females.

Lecture 7 Microbes Manipulate Us, Viruses Are Us


Microbes can also manipulate animal virus. If a pregnant woman contracts
minds by stealing genes that produce T. gondii, it can harm her fetus’s eyes
neurotransmitters and pumping and brain or cause a miscarriage.
those neurotransmitters out. As a
result, they can influence thoughts But T. gondii is more than just a
and direct behavior toward their own harmful parasite. It’s actually one
ends. It’s spooky, but there really are of the most fascinating microbes
Machiavellian microbes out there. we know about, with a fairly large
genome of 80 million base pairs.
Pregnant women aren’t supposed to
scoop kitty litter because doing so T. gondii was originally a feline
puts them in danger of contracting parasite, but it can also infect a
Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), which wide range of creatures, including
is a one-celled protozoan, a living monkeys, bats, whales, and chickens.
organism similar to an amoeba Wild creatures usually ingest T.
but bigger and more complex than gondii through infected prey or feces,
bacteria—and much bigger than a while domesticated farm animals
absorb it indirectly through the feces
found in manure-based fertilizers.

Lecture 7 Microbes Manipulate Us, Viruses Are Us

Humans can ingest T. gondii T. gondii can reproduce sexually or

through food as well, and cat owners asexually4 but can only reproduce
often contract it through their skin sexually in the intestines of cats.
when they handle kitty litter.3 Like most organisms, T. gondii
craves sex. By making mice attracted
When T. gondii gets inside a to cat urine, T. gondii effectively
creature, it swims straight for the lures the mice toward cats. Cats,
brain, where it forms tiny cysts. of course, are fine with this
These cysts are especially common arrangement. They pounce on the
in the amygdala, an almond-shaped mice and eat them—at which point
region in the mammal brain that the mouse morsel ends up exactly
processes emotions, including where T. gondii wanted to be all
pleasure, anxiety, and fear. along: in the cat digestive tract.

This invasion of the amygdala has What made the possible influence
especially profound consequences in of T. gondii more convincing was
mice. Fear of cat urine is instinctive that scientists found that 2 of T.
in mice, even in lab mice that have gondii’s 8000 genes help make
never seen a cat or other predator the chemical dopamine, which
in their whole lives. But mice with helps activate the brain’s reward
T. gondii in their brains are actually centers. It floods our brains with
attracted to cat urine, especially male good feelings. And T. gondii has 2
rodents, whose amygdalas throb and genes for this potent chemical.
testicles swell when they smell cat
urine. This is the same response they When a mouse smells cat urine, a
have to meeting female mice in heat. signal inside the brain goes to the
amygdala, which processes emotion.
These mice still fear the smell Normally, this signal would send the
of other predators. How does T. mouse scurrying for cover. But in
gondii override mice’s instinct mice brains that have been infected
to avoid cats specifically? by T. gondii, the signal prompts

3 Overall, T. gondii infects roughly 10% of the US population and 33% of all
people worldwide.
4 When they’re inside humans, mice, and most other living creatures, T.
gondii reproduce asexually: They divide in 2 and essentially make clones of
themselves—identical copies.

Lecture 7 Microbes Manipulate Us, Viruses Are Us

the T. gondii in the amygdala to other mammal prey toward cats,

start pumping out dopamine. This including big cats. A 2016 study
pleasurable chemical overrides the of 33 chimpanzees in captivity
fear signal and causes the mouse to found that those with T. gondii
move toward the danger, not away. were not repelled by the urine of
leopards, a chimpanzee predator.
In other words, a gene in T.
gondii causes the mouse to do Even with creatures that aren’t
something against its will— normally prey, such as human beings,
something that benefits T. gondii T. gondii might still be manipulating
and leaves the mouse dead. their behavior. For example, perhaps
T. gondii could help explain the
The effect of T. gondii on other phenomenon of cat hoarding. Just
species, besides rodents, is an open like in mice, T. gondii can alter the
question. Dopamine is a common sense of smell in human beings. And
neurochemical in mammals, so coincidentally or not, some hoarders
T. gondii might also be steering reportedly crave the odor of cat urine.


Protozoans like T. gondii responsible for some strains of the

don’t colonize genomes. They common cold in humans—the
just steal a gene. But viruses voles turned into monogamists.
can colonize genomes.

In one variety of voles, a

type of rodent, the males are
usually polygamous. They
mate indiscriminately. But then
scientists infected their brains with
a specially tweaked DNA virus
in the lab. When infected with
this adenovirus—a virus family

Lecture 7 Microbes Manipulate Us, Viruses Are Us

This was a lab experiment, but in their cells that prevent the virus
it proved that a virus can induce from gaining access to cells. And
monogamy, a radical change if an HIV pandemic began, these
in behavior for a species. And HIV-immune people might evolve
if voles—which, like humans, into a new human species.5
are mammals—can become
monogamous due to a virus, what Even more wildly, HIV, as a
does that mean for us humans? retrovirus, could someday insert
its DNA into these new humans
It’s one thing to find broken-down in a permanent way, joining the
virus genes leftover in our DNA. It’s genome just like other viruses have.
quite another to admit that microbes HIV genes would then be copied
might manipulate our emotions and forever in our descendants—who
inner mental life through genetic might have no inkling of the
machinations. But some of them can. destruction that HIV once wrought.

Microbes that manipulate our Of course, saying that microbes

DNA might even be driving our infiltrate “our” DNA may be nothing
evolution in various ways—not but a species-centric bias. After
just forcing us to adapt, but also all, we stole the genes for making
directly changing our DNA. placentas from viruses. And the
placenta might not be the half of it.
Some scientists have speculated
about what would happen if HIV, In 2009, scientists discovered
or another deadly retrovirus, ever another well-known virus, called
reached epidemic levels worldwide the bornavirus, that’s active in
and wiped out most people on Earth. various animals, but also the human
brain. Based on its activity in the
There is a small percentage of people brain, some scientists argue that the
who are immune to HIV. The bornavirus could be an important
virus gets inside their bodies but source for adding variety to the DNA
doesn’t kill them, due to mutations that forms and runs our neurons.

5 These immune people couldn’t have sex with any nonimmune survivors
without killing them off, and any children from the union would have a good
chance of dying of HIV, too. These sexual and reproductive barriers would
slowly but inevitably drive the 2 populations apart.

Lecture 7 Microbes Manipulate Us, Viruses Are Us

In the time of Charles Darwin, descent

from apes was a big surprise. Now we are
learning that the immediate ancestors for
some of our cherished traits are viruses.

Such variety is the raw material of sex. In fact, that’s how many viruses
evolution, and lab tests have found get passed around, both the ones
that bornavirus can somehow weave that make us sick and the occasional
itself into human DNA in as few one that benefits our evolution. This
as 30 days. Inadvertently, then, the means that if microbes really were
bornavirus might have given human important for pushing evolution
beings an intelligence boost. forward, then sexually transmitted
diseases could be responsible in
And if that’s true, then consider that some way for making us human.
the microbes responsible for this
boost probably got passed around via

Comfort, “The Real Point Is Control.”
Darnell, RNA.
McAuliffe, “How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy.”
Villarreal, “Can Viruses Make Us Human?”

How Epigenetics Turns
Genes On and Off

T here’s much more to genetics than DNA that codes for proteins.
Many noncoding stretches of DNA turn out to be important
for DNA regulation, which involves turning DNA on or off. Or it
involves turning the volume up and down on genes to vary how
active they are. But there’s also another type of DNA regulation
called epigenetics that’s perhaps especially important in humans. In
epigenetics, the underlying DNA sequence remains constant. What
changes is the activity of that DNA.

to TOC


In epigenetics, unlike other DNA Organisms use epigenetics to
regulation we’ve seen, the genetic turn genes on and off in several
code itself isn’t regulating the DNA. ways, but the most common
Instead, epigenetics uses extra-genetic ways involve attaching small
signals, usually small molecules molecules, such as methyl groups.
that attach to the DNA. These
signals then affect how cells access, Methane gas is a close relative of the
read, and use the DNA. Overall, methyl groups. The chemical formula
you can think about DNA genes as for methane, whether it comes
hardware, while epigenetics is the from cows or natural gas, is CH4:
software that runs on top of genes. 1 carbon and 4 hydrogens. Methyl
groups are almost the same: CH3.
And because the methyl groups are
missing the fourth hydrogen, they

Lecture 8 How Epigenetics Turns Genes On and Off

are very eager to bond to something. Histones are essentially spools. Just
Most often they bond to cytosine, like a tailor wraps thread around
especially when it’s next to a guanine. spools, cells wrap DNA around
histones. But if methyl groups, or
And when cells allow a methyl CH3 other small molecules, bond to
to stick onto a bit of DNA, the the histones, this can alter when
cellular machinery generally ignores or how the cellular machinery
that section of DNA. As a result, that gets at the DNA. So, again, that
methylated DNA won’t translate into DNA might be silenced, which
RNA and won’t make new proteins. would prevent translation into
RNA or the making of proteins.
Another type of epigenetic
change involves modifying In summary, cells turn DNA
the proteins that help bundle off by adding methyl groups
DNA. Remember, chromosomes directly to DNA or by using other
contain proteins as well as DNA. molecules to control how and
Those proteins, called histones, when DNA spools and unspools
carry epigenetic information. around histones, and cells can
turn DNA back on by doing the
opposite: removing methyl groups
or reversing the histone spooling.

Lecture 8 How Epigenetics Turns Genes On and Off

Epigenetic control gives creatures some cells from reading certain

flexibility. One fundamental parts of the instructions. Liver cells
example of this flexibility is the read some passages, brain cells read
fact that we have specialized cells. other passages, and so on. The end
result is specialized cells, specialized
Every cell in your body essentially tissues, and specialized organs.
has the same DNA. But your heart
and liver and brain cells sure don’t In 2015, the NIH completed a
act or look the same. Epigenetics reference map for epigenetic markers
is part of the reason why. in 111 different types of human
cells and tissues. So how cells end
All cells have the same instruction up specializing—becoming liver or
book—the DNA. What’s different kidney or brain cells—is one well-
is that each type of cell in your established aspect of epigenetics.
body has certain genes turned on
inside it and certain genes turned But what really excites scientists
off, based on the patterns of methyl about epigenetics is another
groups and histone spooling. In other aspect: how even the environment
words, epigenetic controls prevent can turn genes on and off.

Lecture 8 How Epigenetics Turns Genes On and Off


Scientists now know that our But there are de facto mutations
experiences and environments can to the genes, which is why we
add or subtract methyl groups; call this epigenetic change.
that is, environments can change
some aspects of how DNA works. And just like with other
mutations, we accumulate more
Epigenetics can also spool or unspool and more unique epigenetic
DNA in ways that affect human changes as we age, based on our
genes. Drugs like cocaine and heroin experiences and environment.
seem to spool and unspool the DNA
that regulates neurotransmitters. Epigenetic changes also explain why
And if drug users continue using, twins turn out differently. Despite
that DNA can become permanently having identical DNA, twins have
mis-spooled, becoming an epigenetic different experiences, which can
contributor to addiction. mark their genes in unique ways and
produce both physical and mental
Again, these are not genetic changes differences. And the twins will grow
to DNA, even though DNA is more and more distinct every year.1
involved, because the underlying
A-C-G-T string remains the same.

Incidentally, the detective-story trope of one

twin committing a murder and both of them
getting away with it—because DNA fingerprints
can’t tell them apart—might not hold true now.
First, whole-genome sequencing can search for
rare mutations. Second, if the life experiences
of the twins have differed sufficiently, a simple
test of the murderer’s epigenome could
condemn him or her.

1 When US astronaut and twin Scott Kelly spent a year on the International
Space Station, he was closely monitored for epigenetic changes. And
researchers were surprised to find the rate of change increased during the
last 6 months, suggesting that astronauts in space for more than a year might
experience even more changes. Just as intriguing, all but about 800 genes
had returned to preflight conditions 6 months after his return to Earth.

Lecture 8 How Epigenetics Turns Genes On and Off

There’s one key difference Sweden. In the 1800s, about 70%

between genetics and epigenetics of households there had 5 or more
that we’ve skipped over. children, and about 25% had 10
children or more. And most of
Again, epigenetic changes involve those mouths had to be fed on just
turning genes off and on in different a few acres of poor farming soil.
cells in our body, such as the neurons
in our brains. But we don’t pass It didn’t help that the weather often
down the DNA in body cells to laid waste to corn and other crops
our children. We pass down only there. During some stretches, such as
the DNA in sperm and egg cells— in the 1830s, the crops died almost
which can also acquire epigenetic every year. But every so often, there
markers. But normally, as soon as was an abundance of food, and even
an egg and sperm unite, the embryo families of 15 could gorge themselves.
erases all epigenetic information
there. This allows you to become This history was fairly typical
you, unencumbered from what in northern Scandinavia, and it
your parents did or experienced. probably would have gone unnoticed
except for one thing. In the 1990s,
At least that’s been the theory. some Swedish scientists started
reviewing birth and death records
But epigenetic changes can in Överkalix to figure out whether
sometimes get smuggled down environmental factors like a lack
to new generations. And because of food for pregnant women could
these epigenetic changes are predispose their children to long-
often the result of environmental term health problems. And because
experiences, that means that famines had happened repeatedly
people can sometimes inherit the in Överkalix during its history, the
biological memories of what their scientists had an opportunity to
mothers and fathers experienced— study these effects on a wide scale.
or even what their grandmothers
and grandfathers experienced. Early modern kings of Sweden
demanded crop records from every
Early in the 21st century, scientists parish to prevent anyone from
reported an example of epigenetic cheating on taxes, so agricultural
inheritance found in a farming data existed for Överkalix from well
village called Överkalix in northern before 1800. The Swedish scientists

Lecture 8 How Epigenetics Turns Genes On and Off

could then compare this crop data Remarkably, this was a far
with the meticulous birth, death, greater effect than deprivation or
and health records that the local abundance had on the grandfather
Lutheran church had always kept. himself. Grandfathers who were
deprived, grandfathers who
Some of what the Swedish team gorged, and grandfathers who
uncovered made sense. For ate just right all lived to the same
instance, there was a strong link average age, 70 years. Only their
between maternal nutrition during descendants were affected.
pregnancy and a child’s future
health. Other findings, however, This multigenerational influence
made them scratch their heads. didn’t make any genetic sense.
Most notably, they discovered a Famine couldn’t have changed
robust link between a child’s future the father or grandfather’s DNA
health and the father’s diet. sequence, since that’s set at birth.
But the influence did make
Obviously, fathers don’t carry babies epigenetic sense, since binging or
to term, so any effect must have near-starvation can easily flick genes
slipped in through a father’s sperm. on and off, masking or unmasking
Even more strangely, the child got a DNA that regulates metabolism.
health boost only if the father faced
deprivation. If the father gorged The real question was how
himself, his children lived shorter these epigenetic marks got
lives with more diseases like diabetes. smuggled between generations.
And scientists found a clue in
The influence of the fathers turned the timing of the starvation.
out to be so strong that scientists
could trace it back to the father’s The health of a man’s future child
father, too; that is, if the grandfather or grandchild was not affected by
had been deprived of food, the a lack of food during puberty, nor
grandson would benefit. These did a lack of food during infancy or
weren’t subtle effects, either. If during peak fertility years make any
the grandfather had binged, the difference. All that mattered was
grandson’s risk of diabetes increased whether a male binged or starved
fourfold. If the grandfather had right before puberty, during what’s
tightened his belt, the grandson called his slow growth period.
lived an average of 30 years longer!

Lecture 8 How Epigenetics Turns Genes On and Off

During this period, from about For example, men who take up
9 to 12 years of age, males begin smoking before the age of 11 are
setting aside a stock of cells that more likely to have overweight
will become sperm. So, if the slow children, especially overweight boys,
growth period coincided with a feast than men who started smoking later.
or famine, the pre-sperm cells were That’s true even if the grade-school
apparently imprinted with unusual smokers quit smoking sooner. 2
epigenetic patterns—patterns that
the actual sperm would carry as well. Such results have forced
scientists to revise their previous
Scientists are still working out the assumption that a zygote wipes
molecular details of what exactly clean all epigenetic makers inside
happened. But a handful of other a newly formed embryo.
studies about paternal epigenetics
have lent support to the idea that
sperm epigenetics has profound
and inheritable effects in humans.

2 Similarly, in Asia and Africa, hundreds of millions of males chew the pulp of
betel nuts, a cappuccino-strength stimulant. And these men have children
with twice the risk of heart disease and metabolic ailments.

Lecture 8 How Epigenetics Turns Genes On and Off

Other lines of evidence also that will grow up fast and pass its
support the idea that zygotes genes on early and often. Mothers,
aren’t completely scrubbed of on the other hand, would want to
epigenetics. Take so-called temper the igf genes. Otherwise,
parent-of-origin effects. the baby might grow too large and
crush her insides or kill her in labor
All of us have 2 copies of every gene. before she has other children.
One copy resides on the chromosome
we inherited from our mother; one So, like a married couple fighting
copy resides on the chromosome over the thermostat, sperms
we inherited from our father. And tend to snap their igf genes into
unless one of those genes contains the on position, while eggs tend
a mutation, in theory they should to snap their igf genes off.
be equal. There’s no real reason for
a cell to prefer one over the other. This epigenetic process is called
imprinting. This is why the offspring
But in practice, cells do have of a male lion and a female tiger,
preferences. Some genes behave a so-called liger, is especially big,
differently, depending on while the offspring of a male tiger
whether they come from our mating with a female lion, called
mother or our father, because a tigon, is not nearly as hefty.
of epigenetic differences.

Consider the igf (“insulin-like

growth factor”) gene, which
makes children in the womb
grow fast and hit their size
milestones earlier than normal.

From an evolutionarily selfish point

of view, fathers would want both
of a child’s igf genes blazing away.
This will produce a big, hearty baby

Lecture 8 How Epigenetics Turns Genes On and Off


Epigenetics can also potentially One team, dubbed Project Jim,
explain one mysterious aspect of decided to sequence James Watson.
certain diseases: why some people Another team, led by Craig Venter,
who have what seem like deadly decided to sequence Venter’s genome.
mutations never actually develop This time, the big science rivalry
the diseases or show symptoms. between Watson and Venter could
not have been more personal.3
Even before the Human Genome
Project ended, 2 teams of scientists Venter’s team had a big head start.
started another race, this time They started their work around 2002
looking at epigenetics and and ended up spending close to $100
other individual differences. million on his genome. The Project
Jim team, meanwhile, didn’t jump
The Human Genome Project had not into the game until 2007. But they
been the genome of any one person took advantage of new, lightning-
in particular. It was a composite fast sequencers and computers to
genome, made of DNA from several catch up to the Venter team quite
different people. It was an average quickly. And they managed to
genome that omitted and smoothed sequence Watson’s genome for 50
over any individual variations. times less money: just $2 million.

The new race involved sequencing Surprisingly, this second competition

the first full genome of an individual, also ended in a tie. The 2 teams
so this meant sequencing twice posted their sequences online
as many bases as in the previous within days of each other, during
race. That’s because this would the summer of 2007. The pure
include both the mother and speed of the Project Jim approach
father’s genetic contributions as wowed the world. But Venter’s
well as every epigenetic mutation sequence proved more accurate,
that makes a person unique. as it had during the original race
to sequence the human genome.

3 By posting their genomes online, both men left their personal biology open
to scrutiny. Scientists across the world could pore through their DNA letter by
letter, looking for genetic flaws or embarrassing revelations.

Lecture 8 How Epigenetics Turns Genes On and Off

Scientists found that Venter So why didn’t they suffer these

had genes that inclined him diseases and ailments? There’s
toward alcoholism, blindness, no reason to think Watson and
heart disease, and Alzheimer’s, Venter are special, either. A naïve
among other ailments. Yet Venter, perusal of anybody’s genome
even in his 70s, had skirted all would probably turn up all sorts of
of these health problems. potential sicknesses and diseases.
Yet most of us dodge the hazards.
Similarly, scientists noted 2 places
in Watson’s genome where he had The answer to this mystery might
2 copies of devastating recessive lie in DNA regulation from within
mutations. One was for Usher the DNA itself. There are huge
syndrome, which leaves victims swaths of our genome that don’t get
deaf and blind, and one was for turned into proteins but that still
Cockayne syndrome, which stunts have biological functions. These
growth and prematurely ages noncoding sections regulate the
people. Yet Watson lived to be more coding sections and contribute
than 90 years old without showing to health and illness in ways we
any hint of these problems. don’t yet understand. Perhaps

According to current estimates, humans have around

20,000 genes coding for proteins. That’s fewer
protein-coding genes than some onions have! So how
do human beings get by with so few genes?
Human beings have deeper and richer cultures than
other animals, and we live in complex, fast-moving
environments. And that culture imprints itself on our
genes in part through epigenetics. In other words,
epigenetics gives us more biological flexibility when
responding to our environments than we’d normally
have. So it’s not just the sheer number of genes, but
how you use them, too.

Lecture 8 How Epigenetics Turns Genes On and Off

they can even pick up the slack histones to help keep us healthy.
for mutated genes and prevent Smoking and exercise can change
negative biological effects. epigenetic markers, too. So perhaps
Watson and Venter escaped what
Similarly, epigenetic controls affect seemed like sure genetic damage
our health in all sorts of ways. One because of their epigenomes.
major source of epigenetic changes
to our DNA is our diet. Eating There’s no question that your
right can add or remove methyl tags genetics influences your health.
and spool or unspool DNA around But so does your epigenetics.

Angrist, Here Is a Human Being.
Epigenetics (series), Nature Reviews Genetics.
Moore, The Developing Genome.

Apes, Humans, and

I n the first 2 decades after the Human Genome Project, several

thousand additional species had their genomes sequenced,
including dozens of so-called reference-quality sequences that
provide a basis for research. For the first time, we are now in a
position to understand, for instance, why most animals have the
same basic body plan. And we could also track differences. Among
the most revealing genomes for humans has been the chimpanzee
genome. The 2005 Chimpanzee Genome Project revealed genetic
differences in how primates transmit nerve signals and hear, for
example. There were also results from studying the Neanderthal
genome, which shocked scientists by providing long-lost evidence of
breeding between humans and Neanderthals.

to TOC


A few key genes in every embryo kingdom explains why most animals
play cartographer for other genes; worldwide have the same basic body
that is, they map out our bodies plan: a cylindrical trunk with a single
front to back, left to right, and top head at one end, an anus at the other,
to bottom. Insects, fish, mammals, and various appendages in between.
reptiles, and other animals all share
many of these genes, especially Scientists refer to DNA that appears
a subset called Hox genes. The in the same basic form in many
ubiquity of Hox genes in the animal species as highly conserved1 DNA.

1 Highly conserved DNA is so named because creatures are very conservative

about changing it. For DNA, being highly conserved is a good indication that
the DNA is vital.

Lecture 9 Apes, Humans, and Neanderthals

Some Hox and Hox-like genes of Charles Darwin’s theory of

are so conserved between species evolution: that human beings had
that scientists can actually remove descended from apelike ancestors.
them from, say, chickens, mice,
or flies and swap them between To test his ideas, Ivanov came up
species—and the genes more or with one of the most unethical
less function the same. Creatures experiments in the history of science.
don’t mess with their Hox genes He decided to mate human beings
because they lead to catastrophic with apes to see if he could produce
birth defects. The vast majority of offspring, “humanzees.” The Soviet
creatures with Hox mutations die. Union supported Ivanov’s work with
a $10,000 grant in 1925 (roughly
Given that most animals have the $150,000 a century later). 2
same basic body plan, why can’t
different animals interbreed? Or At the time, Ivanov had good reason
could they? After all, if you can to think that he could succeed
swap different Hox genes in and in breeding humans and apes.
out and if DNA itself is universal Scientists knew that human and
to life, what’s to stop different ape blood showed a remarkable
creatures from hybridizing, degree of similarity. And Ivanov
especially closely related ones? was already an expert on artificial
insemination in animals; that’s how
These questions occurred to a Soviet he had created antelope-cows, guinea
biologist in the 1920s named Ilya pig–rabbits, and zebra-donkeys.
Ivanovich Ivanov, whose career
included the successful breeding We can find similar cross-species
of antelopes with cows, guinea hybrids in nature as well. Lions
pigs with rabbits, and zebras with can mate with tigers, sheep with
donkeys. And he saw questions goats, and polar bears with grizzlies.
about interbreeding as a new way Some of the resulting offspring are
to test the most controversial aspect sterile—genetic dead ends. But of
the more than 300 mammal species

2 According to documents that a Russian historian of science unearthed, it was

then–secretary general of the Communist Party, Joseph Stalin, who approved
the funding for Ivanov’s work.

Lecture 9 Apes, Humans, and Neanderthals

that “outbreed” naturally, 33% can young female chimpanzees with

produce fertile children. Even mules a syringe full of human sperm.
can have children sometimes. To do so, he and his assistants
had to bind the chimps in nets.
Apes and humans had diverged
millions of years ago, but that The chimps already lived in filthy,
divergence point was not greater crowded conditions, so given all the
than the divergence point for stress they were under, it’s no surprise
other species that had successfully that they didn’t get pregnant. But
crossbred. So Ivanov had high when these experiments failed,
hopes for producing “humanzees.” Ivanov didn’t just give up. He
decided to visit a local colonial
He started the project at a primate hospital and impregnate female
research station in what’s now humans with chimpanzee sperm.
Guinea in West Africa. The first And he wanted to do this without
experiments took place in February telling the women involved.
1927, when Ivanov inseminated 2

Lecture 9 Apes, Humans, and Neanderthals

Thankfully, the director of the For one thing, human sperm can
hospital put the kibosh on that pierce the outer layer of an ape
work, and Ivanov left Africa in egg cell in the lab, the first step in
July 1927. Back in the Soviet fertilization. For another, human
Union, he began seeking out and chimpanzee chromosomes look
Soviet women to volunteer to similar on a macro scale. In fact, if
be inseminated by a 26-year-old you mix human and chimp DNA in
orangutan named Tarzan. a solution and heat it up, the double
helixes will unwind. And when
Incredibly, Ivanov found a volunteer. things cool back down, human DNA
Her name survives today only as strands have no problem embracing
“G.” But before Ivanov could bring ape DNA strands and zipping back
her in for insemination, Tarzan up with them. They’re that similar.
died of a brain hemorrhage. And
before Ivanov could round up That said, there are good reasons to
another ape, the Soviet secret police think that breeding humans with
arrested him for unknown reasons chimpanzees is impossible. Some
and exiled him to Kazakhstan. of this evidence comes from the Y
He died there shortly after being chromosome, which helps produce
released from prison in 1932. sperm in males. In wild populations,
female chimps commonly have
After Ivanov’s arrest and death, sex with several males in a short
his scientific agenda disintegrated. time. Therefore, sperm competition
Few other scientists had the skill is intense, and evolution has
to inseminate monkeys. Plus, no remade the male chimpanzee’s Y
other country but the Soviet Union chromosome from top to bottom.
had been willing to trash ethical In human males, by contrast, the
guidelines and fund such work. Y chromosome has stayed pretty
similar for the past few million years.
As a result, scientists have done
virtually no research on human- This brings up an interesting point:
ape hybrids since the 1920s. Even We humans often think about
today, scientists don’t know for sure ourselves as evolving away from
whether “humanzees,” however chimps—as if we’ve improved since
unlikely, would be possible. the split while they’ve stayed the
same. But with sperm production
at least, chimpanzees have left

Lecture 9 Apes, Humans, and Neanderthals

human beings in the dust. And have retained some genes that
these changes in sperm production chimpanzees lost. Similarly,
might make chimp sperm humans share some snippets
incompatible with human eggs. of DNA with bonobos that we
don’t share with chimpanzees.
In fact, research using the Orangutan
Genome Project in 2011 showed
that both humans and orangutans


Chimp-human hybrids might fail Determining the number of
for other reasons. One big reason chromosomes that humans have was
is that each species has a different pretty hard for scientists for most
number of chromosomes. of the 20th century. But in 1955,
scientists finally nailed down that
humans have 46 chromosomes.

Lecture 9 Apes, Humans, and Neanderthals

But as often happens in science, However, one fusion by itself can’t

solving one mystery only opened explain the drop from 48 to 46. If 2A
up another mystery: While humans fused with 2B, that left the person
have 46 chromosomes, chimps with 47 chromosomes, not 46.
and orangutans and gorillas all And even after the drop to 47, the
have 48. How did humans end person still had to pass on the fused
up with 2 fewer chromosomes? chromosomes—a serious barrier.

It took a lot of research, but we’re Scientists eventually puzzled

pretty sure here’s what happened. out what happened. Let’s go
back a million years, when most
With the exceptions of X and protohumans had 48 chromosomes.
Y, human chromosomes are all But imagine there’s one person with
referred to by a number, where 47. Let’s call this person Jill, although
chromosome 1 is the longest, 2 is it might well have been a male.
the next longest, and so on, down
to the stubs of chromosome 22. Having an odd number of
chromosomes will cripple the
Around a million years ago, in viability of Jill’s eggs. Overall, in
some fateful man or woman, 2 someone with an odd number of
ancient human chromosomes— chromosomes, 66% of her children
let’s call them 2A and 2B— die in the womb and just 16%
accidentally fused together at inherit the fusion. Plus, any child
their ends. It was like buckling who inherits the fusion would
one belt onto another. This fusion then face the same terrible odds
of A with B created the second- trying to reproduce. That’s a low-
largest chromosome for humans, probability recipe for spreading
which we call chromosome 2. the fusion, which is also stuck
at 47 chromosomes, not 46.
Fusions like this are not uncommon.
They occur even today, in roughly What Jill needs is a Jack with
one of every 1000 people. And most the same 2 chromosomes fused
of these fusions go unnoticed because together. The odds of 2 people
they don’t upset anyone’s health.3

3 The ends of chromosomes, called telomeres, often contain no genes, so

nothing gets disrupted.

Lecture 9 Apes, Humans, and Neanderthals

meeting who have the exact As a result, all his children would
same chromosome fusion are be healthy. And if his children
low—except in inbred families. start having their own children—
especially with other relatives who
Relatives share a high percentage have 46 or 47 chromosomes—the
of DNA. As a result, in inbred fusion could start to spread.
families, there’s a good chance of 2
people meeting who have the same Scientists know that this fusion
fusion. And while the odds of Jill and inbreeding scenario isn’t
and Jack having a healthy child just hypothetical, either. In
remain low, every so often—one 2010, a doctor in rural China
in every 36 times—a child would discovered a family with a history
inherit both fused chromosomes, of inbreeding. And among the
giving it 46 total chromosomes. various overlapping branches of
the family tree, he discovered a
And here’s the payoff. Junior and male with 44 chromosomes.
his 46 chromosomes would have
a much easier time having viable In this family’s case, the 14th and
children. Remember that the 15th chromosomes had fused.
fusion itself doesn’t harm your And, consistent with what was
health; lots of healthy people just described, prior generations
worldwide have fusions. It’s only of the family had a brutal record
reproduction that gets tricky, since of miscarriages in their past from
fusions can lead to an excess or fetuses with the wrong number
deficit of DNA in embryos. of chromosomes. But from that
wreckage emerged a perfectly healthy
But because Junior’s 46 chromosomes man with 2 fewer chromosomes
are an even number, he wouldn’t than every other person on Earth.
have any unbalanced sperm cells.
Each sperm would have exactly
the right amount of DNA to run a
human, just packaged differently.

Lecture 9 Apes, Humans, and Neanderthals

Something similar probably it is difficult, which means that

happened deep in our past in Africa, Ivanov’s experiments to create
causing the drop from 48 to 46.4 “humanzees” probably wouldn’t
And all of us today are the result. have worked. That said, it’s a
virtual certainty that human beings
Overall, then, it’s not impossible for did breed with another species in
creatures with different numbers the recent past: Neanderthals.
of chromosomes to breed. But


The first Neanderthal skulls skulls for deformed humans, but

were unearthed in Belgium in they eventually realized they had
1829. Similar skulls turned up in something new on their hands.
Gibraltar in 1848 and Germany’s
Neander Valley (or, in German, Initially, Neanderthals were classified
Neander Thal) in 1856. At first, as archaic human ancestors, before
many anthropologists mistook the eventually being shunted off
onto their own, terminal branch
on the tree of life. And that’s

4 While it’s certainly possible that the fusion of 2 chromosomes long ago gave
humans a big survival boost, allowing that DNA to spread widely, a more
plausible explanation is that human beings suffered a genetic bottleneck.
In other words, either some great catastrophe or a series of smaller, but still
bad, events probably wiped out most human beings on Earth, except for a
few small tribes. Inbreeding would have become more common. And when
our population rebounded afterward, whatever genes those lucky survivors
happened to have would spread far and wide—including a chromosome

Lecture 9 Apes, Humans, and Neanderthals

What did we learn by sequencing

Neanderthal DNA?
Neanderthals likely had reddish hair and pale skin.
Sequenced genomes showed type O blood, which
is the most common blood type in humans. And
like most humans around the world, they probably
couldn’t digest milk as adults.

where things stood until around And when these human explorers
2010, when geneticists started pushed onward into Europe and Asia,
examining Neanderthal DNA.5 they carried the Neanderthal DNA
with them in their clan. As a result,
Shockingly, the Neanderthal all people of non-African descent—
genome revealed clear evidence that is, people who trace their roots
that humans and Neanderthals to Europe, Asia, or the Americas—
interbred with each other and have Neanderthal DNA today.
produced viable children. Those
children, in fact, are the ancestors In most people, it’s a few percent
of many human beings alive today. of their total DNA—equivalent
to the amount you inherited from
Here’s how that DNA got inside each great-great-great grandparent.
human beings. After migrating out of
Africa many thousands of years ago, It’s not clear what all the
clans of human explorers eventually Neanderthal DNA does in humans,
wandered into Neanderthal but some of it apparently helped fight
territory in the Middle East. Boys off new diseases. This was necessary
met girls, hormones took over, and then because human beings were
pretty soon, little “humanderthals” moving out of Africa and colonizing
were running around. new lands with new microbes.
Neanderthals had already been living
in those lands for millennia and

5 DNA can survive in bones and other organic remains for tens of thousands
of years, especially in cold climates. To be sure, DNA isn’t as hardy as bone.
It often deteriorates and starts to break down into fragments. But thanks to
technologies developed during the Human Genome Project, scientists can
often piece those fragments together into a coherent genome.

Lecture 9 Apes, Humans, and Neanderthals

had acquired immunity. Getting prominent jaws and wide hips.

Neanderthal DNA through breeding But Denisovans probably had
was therefore a shortcut to gaining wider faces and longer jawbones.
resistance for humans, rather than
enduring centuries of dying off. The Denisovans are sometimes
called cousins of the Neanderthals,
And it’s not just Neanderthal but they remain mysterious today.
DNA that human beings But glimpses of their DNA appear
are carrying around. There’s in modern humans. For instance,
also Denisovan DNA. there are traces in the Melanesians,
the people who originally settled
The Denisovans are named after the islands stretching 2000 miles
a cave in Siberia where, in 2008, from New Guinea to Fiji.
scientists found a knucklebone
of a young girl who died tens of Apparently, as the proto-Melanesians
thousands of years ago. At first, it were making the long haul from
seemed Neanderthal. But DNA Africa to the South Pacific, they ran
extracted from the knucklebone into Denisovans somewhere. And
showed enough distinctions to count just like with Homo sapiens and the
as a separate line of hominins. Neanderthals before, the 2 groups
interbred. Today, Melanesians have
This was the first extinct species up to 8% non–Homo sapiens DNA.
ever discovered almost entirely
through genetic, not anatomical, In addition, people with ancestry in
evidence. Such evidence suggests Tibet have Denisovan DNA. Tibet
that Denisovans probably looked lies in the Himalayan mountains and
somewhat like Neanderthals, with is one of the most elevated regions
on Earth. As a result, Tibetan people

Because Neanderthal DNA exists in so many

human beings today, some scientists argue
that technically, Neanderthals haven’t gone
extinct. In fact, we can currently reconstruct
most Neanderthal DNA based solely on the
bits we find scattered about in different
human beings.

Lecture 9 Apes, Humans, and Neanderthals

have several genetic adaptations As scientists continue to catalogue

for altitude to help them survive. human diversity around the world,
And they inherited some of these DNA memories of other liaisons
genetic adaptations 6 directly from could surface in other groups. The
Denisovans, who had lived in the work of analyzing commonalities
mountains before them. Without and differences among species is
interbreeding, people from Tibet now accelerating. In 2018, the
likely couldn’t have thrived there. Earth BioGenome Project began
efforts to sequence the genomes for
On a genetic level, then, modern some 1.5 million species. As such
human beings are a mix of at least work advances, it seems inevitable
2 other species: Neanderthals and that we’ll assign more and more
Denisovans. And there could be of “our” DNA to ancestors we
more. Evidence began to turn up in share with other creatures.
2020 that native West Africans—
who mostly lack Neanderthal and
Denisovan DNA—had their own
liaisons in the past with other,
now-extinct archaic hominins.

Pääbo, Neanderthal Man.
Reich, Who We Are and How We Got Here.

6 For instance, because there’s less oxygen higher up, people produce more
red blood cells at altitude to deliver as much oxygen as possible to cells.
That’s why endurance athletes train in the mountains. Unfortunately, more
red blood cells can also lead to deadly blood clots. But one adaptation
from Denisovans helps people in Tibet avoid blood clots even with high
concentrations of red blood cells.

How DNA Reveals

G enetics has already rewritten the story of human migration

across the world by showing us that we interbred with species
like Neanderthals. DNA can also shed light on later migrations, on
archaeology, and on more recent human history, including the lives
of historical celebrities like King Tut.

to TOC


Because human beings arose a few most genetic diversity in the land
hundred thousand years ago, it’s of their origin, because that’s where
often difficult to tell what exactly they’ve had more time to accumulate
happened. But examining DNA mutations and new genes.
from ancient humans can support or
refute certain theories or even open And that’s exactly what scientists
up whole new vistas to explore. see in Africa. Humans in Africa
have far more genetic diversity than
Perhaps most importantly, DNA humans in the rest of the world
confirmed that human beings first combined.1 Anthropologists of
arose in Africa. Well into the 1900s, the 19th century used to lump all
a few holdouts had insisted that African peoples into one single race,
humankind actually first arose in but in truth, the rest of the world’s
India or East Asia. But it’s a general genetic diversity is more or less
rule of biology that species show the just a subset of African diversity.

1 African peoples have 22 versions of a particular stretch of DNA that helps

regulate insulin, and of those 22 versions in Africa, the rest of the world has
just 3 versions total.

Lecture 10 How DNA Reveals History

Genetics can also help us understand were becoming hairless. Then,

how human beings spread across a million years later, roughly
the rest of the globe. Our DNA, 200,000 years ago, a genetic
essentially, kept a travelogue. mutation allowed the hair on our
heads to grow indefinitely long,
For Asia, genetic analysis has unlike the hair on other apes.
revealed 2 distinct waves of
colonization. Many scientists think Then, not long afterward, humans
that one wave, which occurred began wearing animal skins as
65,000 years ago, skirted India and clothes. Scientists determined this
led to the settlement of Australia by by studying lice. At first, humans
the aborigines. A second wave then had just one species of louse, in our
filled in the rest of Asia and led to hair. But it eventually split into hair
humanity’s first-known population lice, which live only on scalps, and
boom 40,000 years ago. At that body lice, which live only in the
point, 60% of humankind lived clothing we made from animal skins.
on the newly booming Indian,
Malay, and Thai peninsulas. Because DNA mutations accumulate
at a steady rate over time, by
And eventually, these Asian comparing the DNA of head
populations gave rise to people who lice with the DNA of body lice,
traveled even farther. The first people scientists could work backward
in Oceania had roots somewhere and determine when body lice
near Taiwan, while the first Native and head lice diverged—roughly
Americans have roots in Siberia. 170,000 to 190,000 years ago.
So around then may be when
In addition to understanding we started wearing clothes.
the movement of people, genetic
evidence can help us understand As for farming, it’s widely believed
the emergence of uniquely human that this practice first arose in the
traits as well as cultural innovations Middle East at least 11,000 years
like clothing and farming. ago and spread from there. But
archaeologists always wondered
Roughly 1.2 million years ago, a exactly how farming spread. Did
mutation in a gene called MC1R farmers themselves move into
gave rise to darker skin in humans, new territory and replace hunter-
and darker skin suggests that we

Lecture 10 How DNA Reveals History

gatherers? Or did the technology The most dramatic evidence that

alone spread as hunter-gatherers farming people replaced hunter-
adopted a new way of life? gatherer people comes from Great
Britain. Surprisingly, based on
In Europe at least, the answer is DNA evidence, the first settlers
becoming clear. Preliminary DNA of Great Britain probably had
evidence from ancient bodies— black skin but also bright-blue
some from right before the spread eyes. The famous Cheddar Man,
of farming and some from right for instance, a 10,000-year-old
after—suggests that it wasn’t just skeleton found in a cave in England,
the technology alone spreading. It almost certainly had those traits.
was mostly people moving in and
taking over new lands. We know Although there was some
this because right after the onset interbreeding, Cheddar Man’s
of farming, genes that originated hunter-gatherer people were largely
with people close to the Middle East replaced by light-skinned settlers
suddenly show up in bodies buried whose roots ultimately trace back
in Europe, thousands of miles away. to modern Turkey. These later
people were also the farmers who
built Stonehenge in England.


Perhaps the most dramatic that there are roughly 150,000

information about our past chimpanzees alive and around the
that has been illuminated by same number of gorillas. Compare
DNA comes from reliable DNA that with nearly 8 billion humans.
evidence showing that human
beings very nearly went extinct. Yet human beings have significantly
less genetic diversity than chimps
One thing that stands out about and gorillas. This suggests that in
modern humans is our lack of the past, the worldwide population
genetic variety. Estimates suggest of humans had crashed, bottoming

Lecture 10 How DNA Reveals History

out quite low. Had the Endangered How bad did things get? Answers
Species Act existed way back when, vary, but estimates of a few
Homo sapiens might have been thousand adults are common.
that era’s pandas or condors.
Perhaps our superior brains helped
Some scientists linked the human us survive, through innovations
population crash to a huge volcanic like clothing or fire or tools.
eruption near Lake Toba in Perhaps some of us found hospitable
Indonesia 75,000 years ago. At its climates and weathered any
peak, the Toba eruption was ejecting catastrophes there. Or perhaps
millions of tons of vaporized rock a few of us just got lucky.
into the air every second—up to
2000 times more than the Mount We tend to think about the
Saint Helens eruption of 1980. emergence of modern human beings
as triumphant—something like
Other scientists have argued against that National Geographic sequence
the Toba eruption as the cause of of hairy hominids rising off their
any population crash. They theorize knuckles and standing on their feet.
that other, more localized events But our DNA tells a more humbling
like droughts or diseases might story. Nature may have almost wiped
have devastated our population us out, like so many dinosaurs, with
through a series of smaller blows. very little regard for our big plans.

Lecture 10 How DNA Reveals History


King Tut was the famous teenage the many treasures in Tut’s tomb,
pharaoh of ancient Egypt whose archaeologists found 130 walking
reign marked the end of an entire canes, many showing signs of wear.
line of pharaohs. His father was
another famous pharaoh, Akhenaten. Unable to resist, doctors have
But certain details about Akhenaten retroactively diagnosed Tut and
have always puzzled Egyptologists. Akhenaten with all sorts of ailments,
including elephantiasis and
In particular, public art during Marfan syndrome. 2 But however
Akhenaten’s rein always made him suggestive, each diagnosis suffered
look pretty strange. Archaeologists from a lack of hard evidence.
have noted his almond-shaped
head, spidery arms, chicken legs Both Akhenaten and Tut’s mummies
with backward-bending knees, exist today, and in 2007, Egypt 3
gigantic lips, concave chest, and allowed scientists to withdraw DNA
huge potbelly. No one quite knew from 5 generations of mummies.
what to make of this art—especially This included Tut, Akhenaten,
since other creatures, such as birds, and Akhenaten’s wife, the famous
are usually depicted realistically. Queen Nefertiti, who many people
suspected was Tut’s biological
But some Egyptologists decided mother. When combined with
that these pictures were evidence meticulous CT scans of the corpses,
of a congenital deformity. And this genetic work helped resolve some
frankly, this wasn’t a bad guess, mysteries about Tut’s life and times.
since there was a lot of incest in the
pharaonic line. As further evidence, The study turned up no major
Akhenaten’s son Tut showed signs of genetic diseases in Akhenaten or
physical deformities as well. Among his family. This hints that the
Egyptian royals probably had no

2 This is a disorder marked by elongated connective tissue.

3 The Egyptian government had long hesitated to let geneticists test
Akhenaten and Tut’s mummies. To do genetic tests, you have to drill
into mummy tissue, which destroys a small bit of the carefully preserved
tissue. The study of ancient DNA was also kind of iffy at first, plagued by
contamination and inconclusive results.

Lecture 10 How DNA Reveals History

major physical defects or obvious that he had to inhabit a new type

genetic syndromes. So then what of body in public portraits. Some of
about the art from Akhenaten’s Akhenaten’s features—such as a big
reign, which showed several strange head and a distended belly—also
physical traits? The absence of a call to mind fertility deities. Perhaps
major genetic disease suggested he wanted to portray himself as
that these pictures probably the womb of Egypt’s well-being.
weren’t striving to be realistic.
They were probably propaganda. All that said, the mummies that were
tested did show subtler deformities,
Akhenaten apparently decided that such as clubbed feet and cleft palates.
his status as pharaoh lifted him so And each succeeding generation
far above the normal human rabble had more such defects to endure.

Lecture 10 How DNA Reveals History

Tut, of the fourth generation, soon, this incest compromised

inherited both a clubfoot and a Tut’s immune system—and
cleft palate. He also seemed to have helped end his family dynasty.
congenitally weak bones; he broke
his femur when he was young, and Akhenaten died when Tut was just
bones in his foot atrophied because 9 years old, meaning that Tut was
of poor congenital blood supply. a boy when he assumed the throne.
And he was plagued by illness
Scientists realized why Tut suffered during his reign. We know this
so much when they examined because geneticists found scads of
his genes. Recall that we all have malaria DNA inside Tut as well. He
in our genomes highly repetitive probably had a weak immune system
sections of DNA called satellites. due to his incestuous genes, and he
And because you inherit some ended up dying at the age of 19.
satellites from your mother and
some from your father, they offer Perhaps saddest of all for the royal
a good way to trace lineages. line, Tut died without leaving
any heirs. That’s because he
Unfortunately for Tut, he inherited compounded his own genetic defects
the same DNA satellites from by taking his own half sister as his
his mother and his father. That’s wife. Their only known children
because Tut’s mother and father were stillborn at 5 months and 7
in turn had the same mother and months old—probably because
father; in other words, his mother they were genetically unviable. And
and father were brother and sister. with the death of those babies, 4
Tut’s dynasty came to an end.
So Akhenaten’s most famous
wife might have been Queen
Nefertiti. But when it came time DNA shed light on 14th-
to produce an heir for the throne, century Egyptian art,
Akhenaten apparently turned history, politics, and funeral
from Nefertiti to his sister, and the practices, among other
result was King Tut. And pretty

4 Each child ended up as a small mummy in Tut’s tomb, next to his gold mask
and walking sticks.

Lecture 10 How DNA Reveals History


The American president Thomas of the 4 surviving children when
Jefferson’s DNA revealed some they turned 21, a privilege not
fascinating contradictions extended to other slaves.
about his views on slavery.
However, Jefferson always
denied fathering any children
with Hemings, and many
contemporaries didn’t believe
it, either. Some pointed to other
Jefferson males as the father. To
get to the bottom of this, scientists
in the late 1990s investigated
the family’s Y chromosome.

In males, the Y chromosome gets

passed down intact from father to
son, so it offers a good way to trace
paternal lines. Jefferson himself had
no recognized sons, but male relatives
of his, such as his uncle, did have a
As far back as 1802, hostile family line with an unbroken string
newspapers were suggesting that of sons down to the present day.
Jefferson had fathered several
children with a slave named Sally Similarly, there’s an unbroken
Hemings. Even Jefferson’s friends string of males alive today that
admitted that Hemings’s sons can trace their heritage back to
looked uncannily like him. one of Sally Hemings’s sons. So
geneticists tracked down members
Historians later determined, through of both families in 1998 and
diaries and other documents, compared their Y chromosomes—
that Jefferson was in residence at and they were perfect matches.
Monticello 9 months before the
birth of each of Sally’s children. Of course, the test proved only
And Jefferson emancipated each that a Jefferson male had fathered
Sally Hemings’s children, not

Lecture 10 How DNA Reveals History

which specific one. But given the Yet, like many of the English
additional historical evidence, monarchs he despised, Jefferson
a case for the father being disavowed his bastard children
Thomas Jefferson is strong. in public to salvage his political
reputation. Also typical for his time,
Overall, Jefferson fathered at least 6 Jefferson publicly opposed marriages
children with Hemings, including between black people and white
one in 1808—during the last people, pandering to fears of racial
year of his 8-year presidency and impurity. All in all, it seems like a
6 years after the first allegations damning account of hypocrisy in one
appeared. This reveals either of our most philosophical presidents.
enormous hubris or sincere devotion
to Sally (or perhaps both).


Ever since the revelations from the As for the female ancestors, all
Jefferson research, Y-chromosome humans have a separate collection
testing has become increasingly of DNA in our cells’ mitochondria,
important in historical genetics. For which reside outside the nucleus,
instance, this type of testing has where most DNA is kept. Molecular
revealed that Genghis Khan, head biologist Lynn Margulis first
of the Mongolian empire, is the suggested in the 1960s that this
ancestor of an incredible 16 million separate store of DNA proves that
men alive today. This is because mitochondria—which provide
whenever the Mongols conquered power for cells—actually used to
new territory, they fathered as many be separate, free-living creatures.
children as possible with local women And only over time did our cells
to tie them to their new overlords. tame and colonize them, to the
As a result, central Asia is littered point where mitochondria can’t
with Genghis’s descendants today. live outside our cells and our cells
can’t live without mitochondria.

Lecture 10 How DNA Reveals History

Margulis was eventually proved And because mitochondrial DNA

correct. And today, mitochondrial averages one mutation every 3500
DNA can again provide insights years—almost like clockwork—
into human heritage. In 1987, scientists have used this “molecular
mitochondrial DNA revealed clock” to estimate that every
that Neanderthals were not the human being now on Earth can
direct ancestors of humans. trace their maternal ancestry to a
single woman who lived in Africa
Note that mitochondrial DNA 170,000 years ago. This so-called
gets passed only from mothers to mitochondrial Eve wasn’t the only
their infants, because embryos woman alive then, but she is the
get mitochondria only from most recent common matrilineal
egg cells. Males do not pass ancestor of all people alive today.
on mitochondrial DNA.

Lecture 10 How DNA Reveals History

And just like the Y chromosome geneticists confirmed his identity—

allows us to trace lineages, and a diagnosis of scoliosis—by
mitochondrial DNA does as well. comparing mitochondrial DNA
In 2013, the skeleton of the English from the bones to the mitochondrial
king Richard III was uncovered DNA of a few living descendants
beneath a parking lot, and of his sister, Anne of York.

When it comes to DNA analysis, not everything

that can be done should be done. There are
ethical concerns as well as privacy issues.
For example, many famous people have
descendants alive today who share a large
fraction of their genes, and these descendants
might not appreciate having their own DNA
outed merely because of a famous ancestor.

Hawass, “King Tut’s Family Secrets.”
Monticello, “Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings.”
Reilly, Abraham Lincoln’s DNA and Other Adventures in Genetics.
Sykes, Seven Daughters of Eve.

CRISPR’s Rise, Promise,
and Peril

A recent tool called CRISPR-Cas9 has made DNA editing much

easier and cheaper than it had been previously. We might do
amazing things with CRISPR, such as cure diseases and resurrect
extinct species. But there are also legitimate fears. In 2018, CRISPR
was used to edit human embryos in China. And some people fear
that without careful control, we could see a new version of the awful
eugenics movement that became so influential in the first half of the
20th century.

to TOC


In Spain in 1989, a biologist named letters of the second half are

Francisco Mojica was studying complementary bases. For instance,
bacteria in a salt marsh along the G-A-A-T-T-C would be a 6-letter
coast, collecting the microbes and DNA palindrome, because the other,
analyzing their DNA. He found complementary side of the strand
mostly normal DNA. But one would read C-T-T-A-A-G, which
thing struck him as strange. Next is the original strand backward.
to one gene, he spotted 5 small,
identical stretches of DNA clustered The 30-letter palindromes were
together, each 30 bases long. interspersed among other stretches
of DNA, all 36 letters long. These
What’s more, the identical stretches nonrepeated sections are now
were a DNA palindrome—a word or called spacers. And that’s the
phrase that reads the same forward pattern Mojica found: clusters of
and backward (such as taco cat). In a palindrome-spacer, palindrome-
DNA palindrome, the “backward” spacer, repeating over and over. The

Lecture 11 CRISPR’s Rise, Promise, and Peril

full name that came into use was from lots of different organisms.
clustered regularly interspaced short These included the organisms in
palindromic repeats—abbreviated which Mojica had already found
CRISPR, which became shorthand the palindromes and spacers. But
for any technology making with BLAST, you can also compare
use of palindromic repeats. DNA sequences in one organism
to the DNA of other organisms.
Mojica had no clue what his short
palindromic repeats in the DNA did. After searching in BLAST for spacer
But some quick research revealed sequences for a long time and getting
that a similar palindrome-spacer nothing, Mojica got a hit in August
pattern appeared in dozens of other 2003 for a new organism besides
microbes from around this world. the bacteria he already knew about.
Why would these very different But strangely, the hit he got was
bacteria have the same DNA? in a virus. Apparently, his bacteria
and a virus shared some DNA.
In the 1990s, Mojica every so
often would type the palindrome Puzzled, Mojica searched for some
or spacer sequence into an online other spacers he’d seen in bacteria
DNA search engine called BLAST and got more hits—in more viruses.
(basic local alignment search tool), He searched for more than 4000
which contains DNA sequences different bacterial spacers. Overall,

Lecture 11 CRISPR’s Rise, Promise, and Peril

he got 88 hits from viruses. And immunity in bacteria, they decided

then he noticed something even to investigate: How do bacteria use
more striking—the key to the whole the short palindromic repeats to edit
mystery. In the majority of the cases, their own genes and fight off viruses?
the bacteria that contained the virus
spacers were immune to the viruses They found that the CRISPR
that matched. He realized that he defense system involves 2 steps:
was looking at a virus defense system. recognizing viruses and killing them.

When Mojica reported his results s The key to recognizing

in 2005, he didn’t know how viruses is the spacers between
bacteria did it, but his work the palindromes. Whenever
showed that bacteria edit their own bacteria survive a virus attack,
genes to fight against viruses. they take some viral DNA and
store it as a spacer. It’s basically a
The next breakthrough came from genetic mugshot that helps them
what might seem an unlikely place: recognize the virus next time.
a yogurt plant in Wisconsin.
s To then kill viruses, bacteria use
Bacteria make yogurt by culturing a special enzyme, such as Cas9,
milk to give it a sour tang. But the which can cut DNA like scissors.
bacteria in the vats of the yogurt
plant of the Danisco company However, the enzyme scissors can’t
in Wisconsin kept getting wiped just cut DNA willy-nilly, or else
out by viruses. The Danisco the bacteria’s own DNA might get
company was losing money. shredded. But the mugshots solve
this problem. The bacteria use the
So when microbiologists at the DNA mugshots to build an RNA
company heard that CRISPR
sequences were associated with

Some people hail genetic engineering as an exciting

idea, a way to fix diseases and tackle some of the biggest
problems that humankind faces. Other people, though,
fear genetic engineering, calling it a Pandora’s box that
could plummet us into biological dystopia.

Lecture 11 CRISPR’s Rise, Promise, and Peril

guide, which is complementary to the Once the yogurt team understood

virus DNA. It therefore recognizes how bacteria store viral DNA and
the virus DNA and latches onto it. use the scissors enzyme to kill
viruses, they figured out how to
The RNA guide and the enzyme identify good bacteria for dairy
scissors are now yoked together, with production. They’d sequence the
the guide pulling the scissors along. DNA mugshots and use only bacteria
So whenever a virus invades, the that had a defense against some
guide locks onto the complementary common, troublesome viruses.
virus DNA. And only when the
guide is locked onto that virus Dairy makers had been preselecting
DNA can the scissors start snipping. the best bacteria since at least 1990.
Overall, then, the mugshot-guide But now they understood that the
system is a safety measure. It ensures better strains of bacteria became
that only the virus DNA gets advantageous over other bacteria
snipped, and only at a specific point. by editing their own genomes.


In 2011, a microbiologist working the conference whose lab studied

in Vienna named Emmanuelle CRISPR: Jennifer Doudna of the
Charpentier attended a scientific University of California, Berkeley.
conference in Puerto Rico.
Charpentier studied flesh-eating Before their meeting, Doudna and
bacteria and had come across the everyone else had only studied
CRISPR defense system in one CRISPR within bacteria. But
of those bacteria. She realized bacterial DNA is a string of A-C-
that what the bacteria were doing G-T bases, just like any other
could be an amazing gene-editing organism’s DNA. That meant the
tool, and not just in bacteria. So enzyme scissors should be able to
she tracked down a biochemist at cut animal and plant DNA, too.

Lecture 11 CRISPR’s Rise, Promise, and Peril

And instead of relying on the virus When the paper by Doudna and
mugshots to tell the scissors where Charpentier on editing DNA
to cut, Doudna and Charpentier appeared, it was a blow for Zhang.
realized they could swap in their He’d been scooped. But he took
own RNA guide. That way, comfort in one thing: Doudna and
the scissors could cut the DNA Charpentier had succeeded only
at any point they chose. The 2 in test tubes, not living cells.
women agreed to join forces.
So Zhang worked like a maniac
Doudna and Charpentier built their for several months. And in the
own guides and proved in 2012 end, he won the race to edit
that this human-made CRISPR human cells with CRISPR. He
could edit DNA in test tubes. published his results in January
2013, just weeks before Doudna’s
The next question at that point was lab succeeded at the same task.
whether—and how well—CRISPR
would work in the more complicated After this, the competition
environments of living cells. between the labs only became
more intense. Doudna’s lab and
Doudna and Charpentier weren’t Zhang’s lab both filed for patents
the only ones trying to use CRISPR on their CRISPR techniques. In
for editing beyond bacteria. There 2017, Zhang’s lab won the patents.
was also a geneticist named Feng But in 2018, the Patent Office
Zhang. By 2011, which is when reopened the case, and hundreds of
Zhang first heard about CRISPR, other institutions, companies, and
he had been searching for years for a researchers around the world jumped
better way to edit DNA. He plunged in with their own applications.
into more than a year of research
into tweaks to make CRISPR
editing more targeted and efficient.

Because only 3 scientists can win a Nobel

Prize for a particular discovery, several
people will probably get left out of a Nobel
Prize for CRISPR. Scientists who have claims
here include Mojica, the Wisconsin yogurt
scientists, Charpentier, Doudna, and Zhang.

Lecture 11 CRISPR’s Rise, Promise, and Peril



The applications for precise editing CRISPR could also make it

of the genome are almost endless. possible to bring creatures back
Fixing diseases is an obvious one. from extinction. Though you’re
probably familiar with this idea from
Injecting someone with the Jurassic Park, it wouldn’t work with
CRISPR guide and scissors could dinosaurs, who died out so long ago
potentially patch up their genetic that their DNA, even when trapped
mutations and cure them. Most in amber, has long since deteriorated.
modern medicine treats symptoms;
CRISPR could treat root causes. But resurrecting more recent
creatures, such as mammoths, isn’t
Other applications are a little so farfetched. Mammoth remains
wilder. Some scientists are trying are not uncommon in Siberia, and
to grow human organs inside pigs the pelts and bones there contain
to help ease our chronic shortage of mammoth DNA.1 But this
organ donors. We can’t transplant scenario overlooks some ethical
pig organs directly into humans issues. All pachyderms, including
because our immune systems would mammoths, are intelligent and
reject and attack the organs. But highly social creatures, which means
if we could tweak pig DNA with that the first few mammoths would
CRISPR and delete the pig DNA probably be intensely lonely.
that codes for proteins that provoke
an immune response in humans, In fact, although CRISPR is
then the pigs’ kidneys, livers, and a brilliant DNA-editing tool,
hearts could survive in humans. it’s not perfect. It still makes
mistakes sometimes. Some of
these off-target effects may have

1 Getting mammoth DNA is only the first step. Even if you rebuild the entire
mammoth genome in a lab, you would need a mammoth egg cell to put the
DNA into and a mammoth womb to grow it in. Because close relatives of
mammoths are elephants, scientists have proposed starting with an elephant
embryo and tweaking its genes. The result would be a mammoth-elephant
hybrid that would look and perhaps act like mammoths.

Lecture 11 CRISPR’s Rise, Promise, and Peril

no medical consequences, but But would that first Neanderthal

others probably will, including child be an outcast? Could
potentially severe birth defects. a Neanderthal ever find any
place in human society?
These issues become even more
fraught with species closer to CRISPR also makes it possible to
humans. In theory, scientists have revive or edit infectious diseases from
all the genetic information they’d the past. In fact, genetic sequences
need to resurrect Neanderthals, 2 for smallpox and other diseases
too. Scientists could tweak a are already publicly available.
human embryo’s DNA to be more
Neanderthal-like and implant But perhaps most controversially,
the egg in a human womb. Nine CRISPR gives us the ability to
months later, you’d effectively edit our own DNA—which
have the first Neanderthal to for some people brings up the
walk the Earth in 40,000 years. haunting specter of eugenics.


The word eugenics means “good So they encouraged people

birth” or “well born.” Many early who were physically robust and
eugenicists had backgrounds in mentally sound to have as many
breeding farm animals, and they children as possible to help good
wanted to apply the same principles traits spread. Future generations,
to human beings. We take great they assumed, would be smarter,
pains to breed good cattle and horses, healthier, and happier as a result.
they argued. Shouldn’t we be even
more careful with our own kind? Eventually, just like with farm
animals, county fairs started
sponsoring “fitter family”

2 Remember that humans and Neanderthals once interbred—that’s how similar

we are biologically.

Lecture 11 CRISPR’s Rise, Promise, and Peril

competitions, at which parents of inheritance in 1900. Negative

would parade their children across traits suddenly seemed easy to
the stage and be awarded prizes, just explain: Poor people were presumed
like pigs that win a blue ribbon. to have bad genes, and those bad
genes were presumed to pass to
Promoting fitter families became their children. Eugenicists even
known as positive eugenics. built family trees and tried to use
Mendel’s laws of inheritance to
But there’s also negative follow traits they didn’t like, such as
eugenics, which has a much sassiness or poor dressmaking skills,
more sinister history. from generation to generation.

While positive eugenics encouraged Today, the flaws in this work seem
healthy families to have more obvious. There’s no such thing as a
children, negative eugenics tried gene for poor dressmaking, and one
to prevent other families—usually person’s sassiness is another’s spunk.
poor and minority families—
from having children at all. In addition, the traits that eugenicists
condemned reflect an upper-class
Supporters framed negative eugenics bias against the poor. Even more
as a way to improve society. They importantly, in attempting to make
claimed that poor people committed everything genetic, eugenicists
more crimes, drained resources completely neglected the role
from the government, and spread of the environment and society
diseases. Eliminating such people in shaping behavior—and we
would therefore benefit everyone. now know that the environment
can even affect our genes.
The eugenics movement was already
underway in the late 1800s, but But the eugenicists built their family
negative eugenics took off with the trees anyway. And once they’d made
rediscovery of Gregor Mendel’s laws up a supposed genetic basis for a bad

Prominent eugenics supporters included the

inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham
Bell, who helped organize the First International
Conference on Eugenics in 1912.

Lecture 11 CRISPR’s Rise, Promise, and Peril

trait, the next step was obvious to But at the Nuremberg trials
them. They wanted to eliminate the after the war, when American
trait—by preventing people from prosecutors went after Nazi doctors
having babies. This led to a series for sterilizing people, the Nazis
of notorious sterilization laws.3 flung the charges back in their
faces: If your own Supreme Court
By the mid-1920s, doctors had declared sterilization legal, they
already sterilized a total of 3000 US said, how can you charge us with
men and women. Even the Supreme crimes? The Americans didn’t have
Court gave its blessing to eugenics in a good answer, but they convicted
1927 with the Buck v. Bell decision, 4 several of the Germans anyway.
which opened the floodgates for
negative eugenics. Eventually, 33 Many people fear that precision
states passed eugenics laws, and genome editing could kick off
more than 60,000 American men another eugenics movement. Even
and women were sterilized.5 attempts to engage in positive
eugenics leave some people feeling
And the United States was only queasy. This is especially because
the start. When Adolf Hitler rose CRISPR could greatly accelerate
to power in Germany in 1933, the whatever changes are selected. Rather
Nazi Party looked to the American than rely on the slow process of
eugenics movement for inspiration. selecting who breeds with whom,
In particular, they used American new eugenicists could alter an
sterilization laws as models in their embryo’s genome in a few hours.
crusade to sterilize hundreds of
thousands of Jews and other groups Plus, genome editing could do active
they regarded as “undesirable.” harm. A study of CRISPR in 2018
found deletions of many thousands
of bases and complex rearrangements

3 Indiana passed the first sterilization law in 1907, followed by several other
4 Speaking for an 8-to-1 majority, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., a believer
in eugenics himself, argued that a young woman named Carrie Buck should
be sterilized for the good of society. He based this decision in part on
arguments that Buck’s mother and baby were also low-functioning.
5 Many victims didn’t even know they were being sterilized. In some cases,
doctors lied and told them they were having their appendix removed.

Lecture 11 CRISPR’s Rise, Promise, and Peril

of bases not removed—either Some people also object to

of which might have adverse CRISPR gene editing because
medical effects, depending on they fear a human monoculture;
which bases were affected. that is, they fear that if people are
allowed to choose from a menu
Many argue that we should subscribe of features regarded as desirable,
to the precautionary principle: that then everyone in the future will
in the face of uncertainty, avoiding end up looking much the same.
irreversible changes is best.
But human beings find a huge range
But it’s also important to avoid of things appealing and attractive.
scaremongering. CRISPR-Cas9 has So why would we all suddenly
kick-started a search for even better want our children to look alike?
techniques. Some may be a more
precise form of the enzyme scissors. For some of the more complex traits
Some may insert desired genes into humans might want to promote,
DNA without cutting, instead using such as intelligence,6 there are more
bacterial “jumping genes.” Other practical obstacles. DNA editing
techniques may even skip DNA has certainly become easier. But you
entirely and instead modify the RNA still have to know what DNA to
that is downstream from DNA. target and what you want to swap
in. And in many cases, we simply
don’t know what DNA to swap in.

Black, War against the Weak.
Doudna and Sternberg, A Crack in Creation.
Lander, “The Heroes of CRISPR.”
Okrent, The Guarded Gate.

6 A 2018 study estimated that more than 500 genes are linked to intelligence.
And even if we understood the connections between the relevant genes,
we would still be a long way from being able to reprogram intelligence into
someone’s DNA.

How DNA Redefines
Medicine and Our Future

S ome of DNA’s most hidden stories involve disease. Despite

the hype and hope surrounding the Human Genome Project
in 2000, scientists now know that curing diseases takes a lot more
than just sequencing DNA. Only a few genetic disorders, such as
cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia, can be traced to a simple, well-
understood mutation in a single gene. Most diseases have far more
complex genetic components. And when we look beyond diseases
caused by a single gene, the biggest genetic disease is probably

to TOC


At a cellular level, cancer is a too much for any one cell. If one
problem of the individual versus individual cell gets selfish and tries
the collective—of individual cells to grow and divide as fast as it can
versus the trillions of cells that and make a billion copies of itself,
collectively make up a human body. that will harm the rest of the body
by diverting nutrients and resources
To be healthy, cells need to ingest away from all the other places
nutrients and grow. Most cells also they’re needed more. In fact, when
divide and make more copies of cells do start multiplying out of
themselves. Ingestion, growth, and control, they can turn into tumors.
division are basic biological drives.
We normally don’t think about
However, healthy cells strike a cancer as a genetic disease. But
balance with those drives—some in fact, all known types of cancer
growth, some division, but not

Lecture 12 How DNA Redefines Medicine and Our Future

involve flaws in our genes, whether The life of an average chimney

inherited flaws or flaws in DNA sweep was nasty, brutish, and short
caused by our environment. on hygiene. Most sweeps were
paupers, and they usually started
Sometimes people inherit genetic their careers very young, sometimes
flaws from their parents, and some at 3 or 4 years old. Chimneys had
of that inheritance can contribute become mandatory after the Great
to cancer. Probably the best- Fire of London in 1666. But most
known example of inherited genes people couldn’t afford a big, grand
contributing to cancer are the chimney, just a small one. Some
BRCA genes, mutations in which were just 9 inches by 14 inches. And
increase a woman’s risk of breast the only people who could fit inside
cancer.1 BRCA cancers tend to such tiny chimneys were children.
attack women early in adulthood
in a way that’s aggressive and often Chimney sweeping was awful
deadly. Also, these cancers often hit work. The sweeps would spend
3 or 4 women in a single family. all day, every day, climbing up
and down chimneys to clean soot
But while BRCA mutations are and grime. They often wore no
inborn, for other cancers, the DNA clothes. Sometimes they even
flaws are not inborn, as far as we had to put out fires inside the
know. They’re primarily caused by chimneys—at 4 years old!
something in the environment.
But perhaps the worst part about
This discovery—that someone’s being a chimney sweep, on top of all
environment can cause cancer— the hardship and indignity, was that
traces back to the chimney sweeps child sweeps often got cancer later
of 18th-century London. And while in life. They’d get tumors on their
the type of cancer they came down scrotums. This is such an extremely
with was rare, understanding this rare form of cancer that doctors used
one type of cancer reveals a lot to call it chimney-sweepers’ cancer.
about how cancers work in general.

1 The BRCA genes help repair breaks in the DNA double helix. But when those
genes can’t function properly, cancer happens.

Lecture 12 How DNA Redefines Medicine and Our Future

The scrotal tumors looked like among chimney sweeps. Even

small warts. Sweeps called them worse, the cancer often metastasized
soot warts. And because of the and migrated into the abdomen,
shame and embarrassment of scrotal where it attacked other organs. 2
cancer, it took a long time for
doctors to figure out the cause. Pott guessed—correctly, we
now know—that something in
Not until the 1770s did a soon-to- chimney soot was causing the
be-famous British doctor named cancer. After all, very few men
Percivall Pott finally piece together aside from chimney sweeps ever
what was going on. While treating came down with scrotal tumors.
the poor in London, Pott noticed
an outbreak of scrotal tumors

2 The pain got so bad that patients sometimes cut off parts of their own
scrotums with a knife or razor, just for some relief.

Lecture 12 How DNA Redefines Medicine and Our Future

Unfortunately, when Pott sounded This discovery about chimney sweeps

the warning about soot and scrotal added to a growing awareness among
cancer in 1775, most treatment doctors at the time that cancer could
options were crude. One option be tied to someone’s lifestyle and job.
involved spreading arsenic paste Studies like this are now part of a
over the scrotum, which killed skin field called occupational medicine,
cells and caused the skin with the which investigates how your career
warts to slough off. The other main and livelihood can affect your health.
option was genital surgery, which And Pott’s work became one of the
in the days before anesthesia was foundational studies in the field.
painful, crude, and unpopular.
The Pott study was also the first
As for prevention, doctors told time that anyone had ever linked
chimney sweeps that they should cancer to a specific chemical: soot.
bathe regularly. Or even better, But what exactly in the soot caused
English chimney sweeps could have cancer? Why was there a decades-
copied their colleagues in continental long gap between when the sweeps
Europe, who wore special clothing were cleaning chimneys as children
to work. People also began inventing and when they got cancer as adults?
mechanical devices to clean And why didn’t all chimney sweeps
chimneys in place of young boys. get cancer? In other words, why did
some of them avoid this disease?
Unfortunately, like with most
reforms, change was slow to come. The answers to all of these
Sweeps ignored the guidelines mysteries can be found in our
about bathing. The use of boys DNA—specifically, a stretch of
under 8 was not outlawed until DNA on human chromosome 17.
the late 1700s, and many bosses
ignored the rules, especially in rural
England, until the mid-1800s.

Even by the standards of the 1700s, chimney

sweeps were pretty lax about bathing. They were
going to get filthy dirty tomorrow, too, so why
bother bathing today, or wearing clean clothes?

Lecture 12 How DNA Redefines Medicine and Our Future


There are 2 types of mutations the stretches of growth-curbing
that drive cancer. DNA for damage. One protein in
particular is a vital watchdog: p53.
s The first are mutations that
promote cell growth—and rapid If p53 finds some moderate damage
multiplication. And a mutation to to the growth-curbing DNA, it
this promoter DNA is like holding emits a signal that summons certain
down the accelerator on your car. handyman proteins, which fix the
damage to eliminate the potential
s The second are mutations that for out-of-control growth.
undercut the system of checks
and balances that limits excessive Sometimes, however, the p53
growth and sets rules for how protein finds massive amounts of
often cells are allowed to divide. damage—something that’s not
Normally, these rules are also easy to fix. In this case, p53 doesn’t
encoded in certain stretches of summon a handyman. Instead,
DNA. A mutation to this checks- it kicks off a series of chemical
and-balances DNA is like having reactions that force the cell to kill
your car’s brakes cut; there’s itself.3 Because p53 is so vital to
no way to slow down. Growth our DNA health, it’s sometimes
is no longer curbed, and cells called the guardian of the genome.
can multiply out of control.
Overall, the p53 protein works quite
Because out-of-control growth is so well in monitoring our DNA for
deadly, evolution has added another damage and eliminating the potential
layer to the system of checks and for out-of-control cell growth. But
balances as an extra precaution. We there’s also a huge security flaw.
all have certain watchdog proteins Because our bodies manufacture
inside us that scour cells and monitor the p53 protein, this means that our
bodies need to store the instructions

3 Cells really do commit suicide, especially when they’re already damaged.

Within the body, no one cell is more important than the collective. And p53
is the protein that makes the call about when to sacrifice an individual cell for
the greater good.

Lecture 12 How DNA Redefines Medicine and Our Future

At different points in our evolutionary history, human

beings have even benefitted from excessive cell growth.
Most great apes have a certain stretch of DNA that’s
roughly 3200 base pairs long. Chimpanzees have it,
for instance. But at some point after the human and
chimpanzee lines split several million years ago, humans
lost that DNA.
What probably happened was that our cells made a
mistake one day and forgot to copy that stretch of DNA.
The stretch of DNA that didn’t get copied in humans
seems to stop the excessive growth of brain cells, which
can help prevent brain tumors. But when that DNA
disappeared and that constraint was lifted, we humans
ended up with lots more brain cells than before and
much bigger brains overall.

for making p53. And our bodies the benzo[a]pyrene in the soot
store these instructions in the form would get rubbed deep into their
of DNA—on chromosome 17. skins and get inside their bodies.

But what happens if the DNA for Benzo[a]pyrene wouldn’t do much

making p53 suffers a mutation? In damage by itself, but unfortunately,
other words, what happens if the our bodies metabolize it into another,
watchdog for DNA damage itself related chemical called benzo[a]
gets damaged? In that case, the body pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE ). If
won’t produce any p53 protein, and BPDE finds its way into your cells,
that vital security check falls apart. it goes straight for the cell nucleus,
where DNA is stored. It then
And here’s where we get back to shoulders its way into the double
the chimney sweeps. Soot contains helix, breaking apart the rungs of the
a chemical called benzo[a]pyrene, ladder. A kink forms that damages
which is also found in tobacco smoke the DNA and prevents the cell from
and many grilled or overcooked reading it and making whatever
meats. When the sweeps were protein it’s supposed to make.
scrambling up and down inside the
tiny chimneys and getting dirty,

Lecture 12 How DNA Redefines Medicine and Our Future

And even with the p53 gene

damaged, you still have the rest of
the system of checks and balances to
monitor your cells for out-of-control
growth. There’s redundancy built in,
and the brakes aren’t quite cut yet.
You still have a fighting chance.

But losing p53 is a huge blow.

That’s because a cell loses much of
its ability to fix major mutations.
The loss of p53 also decreases the
odds of a highly damaged cell
committing suicide, which can
shut down potential tumors4 early
on. Half of all human cancers are
known to involve damage to this
This BPDE damage would be bad one guardian of the genome.
enough on its own, no matter where
it appeared in the genome. But Overall, then, chimney sweeps
for some reason, BPDE prefers to got cancer because a chemical
shoulder its way into the gene that in chimney soot disabled a vital
makes p53. As a result, in people cancer-fighting gene called p53.
exposed to BPDE—such as the
chimney sweeps—the guardian of We can also now explain the decades-
their genome gets knocked out. long gap between when chimney
sweeps were exposed as boys and
But getting p53 knocked out didn’t when they came down with cancer as
instantly lead to cancer. In fact, adults. That’s because even after p53
you virtually never get cancer got knocked out, other mutations
from a single mutation. Some needed time to accumulate.
of the positive mutations need
to be flipped on—the ones that
promote too much cell growth.

4 Not all tumors are malignant. Some are benign, meaning that they won’t
invade nearby tissue or spread to different parts of the body.

Lecture 12 How DNA Redefines Medicine and Our Future

In fact, this need for the These other substances don’t target
accumulation of mutations can specific DNA the way that BPDE
also explain why some women targets the p53 gene. There’s a wider
who inherit BRCA mutations range of possible targets. But what’s
develop breast cancer and some the same is that if you’re exposed,
don’t.5 All women born with things in your genome will start
BRCA mutations are vulnerable to breaking, and eventually some
cancer. But other mutations also cancer-fighting genes might get
need to accumulate, which takes disabled and a tumor could result.
time. And if other mutations don’t
accumulate, a woman can get By contrast, genetic diseases with
lucky and avoid breast cancer. only a single mutation involved are
likely to be much simpler to treat.
The same goes for genes linked to In 2020, for instance, scientists
other types of cancer, too. This is used CRISPR to delete a single
an area of active research, and the large genetic mutation in a patient
number of necessary mutations with an inherited form of blindness.
varies by cancer type. Some cancers Drops containing the CRISPR
require just a few mutations. Others gene-editing machinery were inserted
seem to require a dozen—some just beneath the patient’s retina.
inborn and some accumulated over If the treatment works, that’s also
your lifetime. And environmental very encouraging news for other
factors often drive those mutations. ailments that arise from single
genetic mutations, such as cystic
For example, radon and other fibrosis and sickle cell disease.
radioactive substances bombard
cells with radiation and increase Scientists would probably package
the risk of cancer by shredding the a CRISPR guide and scissors into a
double helix of DNA. Similarly, virus that’s been doctored to make
chemical substances, such as it harmless. They’d inject the virus
those in cigarettes, can also cause into the person’s bloodstream, and
cancer by breaking DNA. the virus would penetrate cells and
deliver the guide and scissors.

5 Like the p53 gene, BRCA genes help repair DNA breaks. This includes
fixing breaks in the DNA that helps suppress tumors. So when BRCA genes
malfunction, tumor suppression is weakened, and tumors are more likely.

Lecture 12 How DNA Redefines Medicine and Our Future

And in cases where the DNA healthy DNA to insert. After the
mutation needs to be replaced scissors cut the bad DNA out,
with a healthy sequence, the virus the cells’ own machinery would
would also contain copies of the then patch the healthy DNA in.


For many other diseases, including Genomes are complicated. Changing

cancer, this is one realm where bases in one location can have effects
personalized medicine could make a elsewhere in the DNA. Tweaking
huge difference. Rather than give the one gene will almost certainly lead
same drug to everyone, doctors could to unintended consequences.
fix your specific DNA. The patch
would be tailored and unique to you. And for diseases that have strong
environmental components or aren’t
In fact, we can see signs of such wholly genetic, it’s less obvious how
personalization already. Many CRISPR-style edits would help.
women with breast cancer have For example, ailments like diabetes
certain genes sequenced to determine and heart disease are similar in
exactly what type they have in that we know there must be genetic
order to tailor their treatment, components—family trees tell us
since not all types of breast cancer so. But it’s been very difficult to
respond to the same drugs. We’ll pin down exactly which genes are
likely see more and more tailoring to blame and also to determine
of drug use in the future. how lifestyle or environmental
factors might contribute to
Still, things might not be as simple harmful genetic change.
or rosy as that. The scenario of
viruses delivering CRISPR scissors Also, many processes in the body
assumes that everything will go involve dozens, or hundreds, of
perfectly—which it probably genes. A mutation in any one of
won’t, especially not at first. those genes could cause problems.

Lecture 12 How DNA Redefines Medicine and Our Future

And again, things like diet and In December 2015, a summit

exercise and smoking can all organized by the US National
contribute to your susceptibility, too. Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine declared that
So in these cases, with diseases that “modified cells should not be used to
are both genetic and environmental, establish a pregnancy.” But by 2017,
gene-editing tools like CRISPR the academies had begun to open
might not be a magic fix. the way for exceptions for medical
conditions with no other options.
And, as with any powerful new
technology, patching—or even And while fixing diseases might be
trying to improve DNA—can have noble, some of CRISPR’s nonmedical
serious ethical ramifications. uses have murkier justifications.
What about using gene editing to
There’s a big difference between produce babies with a certain eye
altering the DNA of an adult and or hair color or to make babies
altering the DNA of an embryo. taller or significantly smarter?
With an embryo, the changes have
an entire lifetime to operate. Those And even though we’re nowhere near
changes can also be passed on to being able to produce genius babies
any descendants. With the adult, with gene editing, we’re much closer
you’re just fixing body cells, not now than we were before CRISPR.
the sperm and egg cells, so any
changes won’t counteract past life
experiences and won’t get passed
along to the next generation.

Dronsfield, “Percivall Pott, Chimney Sweeps and Cancer.”
Mukherjee, The Emperor of All Maladies.
Shapiro, How to Clone a Mammoth.

Multiple-Choice Quiz
1. Why did Gregor Mendel succeed in
discovering the gene while other scientists
(including Charles Darwin) failed?
a. He used pea plants, which had binary traits.

b. He made tens of thousands of observations of plants

grown in his greenhouse.

c. He studied each trait independently.

d. All the monks at Mendel’s abbey were devoted to helping

Mendel understand the gene.

2. Genes and DNA were both discovered in

the German-speaking area of Europe in the
1860s. So why did it take scientists nearly a
century to link them and realize that DNA
was the hereditary material?
a. Chromosomes contain both proteins and DNA.

b. Proteins originally seemed like smaller molecules than

DNA molecules.

c. The protein “alphabet” seemed smaller than the DNA


d. Techniques for finding the building blocks of DNA had

made DNA seem like a very small molecule.

to TOC

Multiple-Choice Quiz

3. What did the Hershey-Chase blender

experiment reveal?
a. That proteins contain phosphorus

b. That DNA contains sulfur

c. That viruses can infect bacteria

d. That DNA is the genetic material

4. What was wrong with Watson and Crick’s

initial DNA model?
a. It was upside down.

b. It was inside out.

c. It used 3 helixes.

d. It didn’t have enough water molecules attached.

5. What was Erwin Chargaff’s contribution to

the discovery of the double helix?
a. He championed Watson and Crick as brilliant and
promising young scientists.

b. He denied Linus Pauling a passport to attend a scientific


c. He took crucial x-ray photographs of DNA.

d. He determined that DNA always contains equal amounts

of A and T and of C and G.

Multiple-Choice Quiz

6. Why is the discovery of the double helix so

controversial, even today?
a. Because Maurice Wilkins showed James Watson a
photograph that Rosalind Franklin had taken without
Franklin’s permission

b. Because Franklin was denied a Nobel Prize on account of

her sex

c. Because Watson later made nasty comments about

Franklin’s personality and appearance

d. Because Watson and Crick won most of the glory for the
discovery and Franklin was neglected

7. What did Marshall Nirenberg discover?

a. That DNA is a double helix

b. That sickle cell disease is caused by a point mutation

c. That cells read DNA in triplets

d. That specific triplets code for specific amino acids, with

no apparent rhyme or reason to it

8. Which of the following are mutations?

a. Substituting one base for another

b. Inserting bases

c. Deleting bases

d. Accidentally repeating a stretch of bases several times in

a row

Multiple-Choice Quiz

9. Which of the following was a step in

sequencing DNA during the US federal
government’s Human Genome Project?
a. Mapping chromosomes

b. Blasting DNA in overlapping fragments

c. Reading the order of the A, C, G, and T bases

d. Figuring out what the DNA does inside living creatures

10. Why was Craig Venter so controversial?

a. His flamboyance and media-hungry personality rubbed
people the wrong way.

b. He worked for a private company that wanted to patent


c. He recklessly proposed shotgunning DNA.

d. He refused to meet with Francis Collins at first to broker

a truce.

11. What does Niccolò Paganini’s story help

illuminate about genetics?
a. That having flexible hands will instantly make you an
amazing violin player

b. That some people are more naturally gifted than others

c. That both our genes and our environment work together

to make us who we are

d. That nurture is more important than nature

Multiple-Choice Quiz

12. What can studying the FOXP2 gene teach us?

a. That we’ve finally discovered the language gene

b. That language has at least some genetic basis

c. That highly conserved DNA never changes

d. That Neanderthals could speak language just like us

13. What is (are) the difference(s) between RNA

and DNA?
a. RNA is double-stranded; DNA is single-stranded.

b. RNA lacks an oxygen molecule on its sugar backbone

whereas DNA doesn’t.

c. DNA is more versatile at building things than RNA.

d. DNA almost certainly predated RNA historically.

14. What have viruses contributed to the human

a. Genetic switches that help us digest starch in our mouths

b. Genes that make us attracted to cat urine

c. Genes that help produce a placenta during pregnancy

d. Lots of old, broken-down DNA with no apparent purpose

Multiple-Choice Quiz

15. What are some ways that cells turn DNA on

or off?
a. Spooling it around histones

b. Chopping up the DNA and throwing it away

c. Spitting DNA outside their membranes to be excreted in

the urine

d. Sticking propane-like molecules on DNA.

16. What things can epigenetics help us explain?

a. Why cells with the same DNA behave differently

b. Why parents’ lifestyle and choices can affect a future

child’s health

c. Why identical twins usually aren’t totally identical

d. Why the environment can permanently alter DNA in

future generations

17. What are some features of the Hox genes?

a. They’re highly conserved between plants and animals.

b. They build our bodies directly, much like construction

workers would.

c. They appear in a sequence, with the first Hox genes

building our most important structures, such as the brain,
and later Hox genes building less vital structures.

d. Mutations in the Hox genes often give rise to wild

creatures like chimeras with extra heads on their bodies.

Multiple-Choice Quiz

18. Why would it be unlikely for humans and

chimps to interbreed?
a. We’re different species, so it’s impossible.

b. The chimpanzee Y chromosome and chimpanzee sperm

differ markedly from human sperm, making conception

c. We have different numbers of chromosomes.

d. We’re much smarter than them, and it’s gross anyway.

19. What are some things we’ve learned from

genetics about the deep history of human
a. That farming spread in Europe more through people
replacement than the diffusion of technology

b. That humankind’s first-known population boom

happened in Europe, thanks to farming

c. That human beings have a large worldwide population

and high genetic diversity

d. That human beings have been wearing clothes for

millions of years, based on evidence from lice

Multiple-Choice Quiz

20. What did scientists learn from sequencing

King Tut’s DNA?
a. That his father had bizarre genetic diseases, due to incest
in pharaonic lines

b. That Tut suffered from malaria

c. That Tut was sterile

d. That DNA testing ancient remains can replace most

archaeological work

21. Who should win the Nobel Prize for CRISPR?

a. Francisco Mojica, who more or less discovered the
CRISPR defense system in bacteria

b. The Wisconsin yogurt scientists who figured out how

CRISPR worked by cutting DNA

c. Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna, who

proved that CRISPR could edit DNA in test tubes

d. Feng Zhang, who showed that it could work in actual


22. What were some of the flaws of eugenics as a

supposed science?
a. Practitioners often let their biases against poor and
minority people cloud their judgments.

b. Practitioners had a simplistic view of genes and genetics.

c. Practitioners genetically engineered people to become


d. Practitioners claimed that intelligence has a basis in

genetics, which is completely false.

Multiple-Choice Quiz

23. What are some of the genetic hallmarks of

a. Mutations to a single gene like p53 often cause cancer.

b. Cancer is often driven by promotor DNA that promotes

out-of-control cell growth.

c. Cancer is often driven by damage to checks-and-

balances DNA that slows cell division.

d. Cancer always runs in families.

24. How does p53 help protect us against

a. It repairs mild to moderate breaks in the DNA double

b. It produces toxins similar to chemotherapy drugs and

poisons tumors.

c. It helps expel nasty carcinogens like chimney soot from

the body.

d. It forces cells with massive DNA damage to commit


Quiz Answer Key
1. a, b, and c. Despite working alone, Mendel succeeded in
discovering the gene for 3 reasons: He picked an organism—
the pea plant—that had binary traits; studied each trait
independently (unlike Darwin); and carefully recorded
many observations over multiple plant generations.

2. a and d. Scientists knew that chromosomes were

involved in heredity since they got passed down from
parents to children in sperm and egg, but chromosomes
contain both DNA and proteins. Boiling DNA in acids to
discover a DNA “alphabet” of just 4 bases (A, C, G, and
T) had also inadvertently resulted in fragments of DNA
that were smaller than known protein structures, and
proteins were also gradually revealed to have a much
bigger “alphabet” (20 amino acids) compared to DNA.

3. d. Scientists already knew that viruses can infect

bacteria before Hershey and Chase. The duo simply took
advantage of that fact to set up a clever experiment. By
using DNA with radioactive phosphorus and proteins
with radioactive sulfur, they determined that viruses
inject only DNA as genetic material into bacteria.

to TOC

Quiz Answer Key

4. b and c. Watson and Crick’s initial model was an inside-

out triple helix, with the DNA bases (A, C, G, and T) on
the outside. We now know that DNA is a double helix and
that the bases are protected on the inside. Also, Watson
and Crick didn’t know enough about DNA to even take
water molecules into account; they had to learn that
fact (among other things) from Rosalind Franklin.

5. d. Chargaff actually thought Watson and Crick were kind of

buffoonish; he called them a “variety act.” But his discovery
that DNA always contains equal amounts of A and T, and
of C and G, proved crucial to the duo. This implied that
DNA comes in pairs—hence a double helix. It also hinted at
the complementary base-pairing that’s so crucial for DNA.
Chargaff had actually told Pauling this information before
Watson and Crick learned about it, but Pauling blew him off.

6. a, c, and d. Watson and Crick would not have made

their discovery without Franklin, but at least initially, they
alone won all the glory. (Historians have since rectified
things.) And Watson’s portrayal of Franklin was so one-
sided that he later apologized for it. Franklin did not
share in Watson, Crick, and Wilkins’s Nobel Prize, but not
because of her sex. She had actually died a few years
before the prize, and only living scientists are eligible
for it. But her death contributed to her initial neglect.

Quiz Answer Key

7. d. The double helix nature of DNA was discovered

without Nirenberg. Linus Pauling discovered that sickle
cell disease is caused by a point mutation, while a
team led by Francis Crick proved that cells read DNA
triplets. Nirenberg’s contribution was mapping out
which specific triplets coded for which amino acids.

8. All of the above. Any change to the DNA sequence

is technically a mutation, although some mutations have
little to no effect, while others are deadly. Substituting
one base for another is a point mutation. Inserting or
deleting bases is a frameshift mutation. Repeating
stretches several times in a row leads to the so-called
satellites that are used in DNA fingerprinting.

9. a, b, and c. Unlike Craig Venter’s Celera company, the NIH

invested time and effort into mapping chromosomes—
determining where genes stopped and started on each
chromosome. They then divided each chromosome in
segments and sent the segments to different labs. The labs
would break the segments into overlapping fragments and
then sequence the order of the A, C, G, and T bases. But the
Human Genome Project did not attempt to figure out what
the DNA inside us does. That work is ongoing even now.

Quiz Answer Key

10. a and b. Venter was certainly flamboyant and loved

attention, and many scientists viewed his company’s
choice to patent genes as a threat to basic research—
they wanted all data freely available. Venter did
propose shotgunning DNA, but so did the NIH. Venter
simply wanted to shotgun the whole genome right
away and skip the NIH’s slow, cautious chromosome-
mapping steps. And it was actually Collins who
refused to meet with Venter at first, not vice versa.

11. c. Paganini’s genetic disorder gave him amazingly flexible

hands, but that alone didn’t make a legendary violin player.
He also worked very hard and lived in an environment that
nurtured and rewarded his gifts. Contrary to popular belief,
it doesn’t make much sense to talk about nature versus
nurture with DNA and genetics—that’s an outdated belief.
Scientists now speak about nature and nurture: how specific
DNA gets expressed (or doesn’t) in specific environments.

12. b. Mutations in the FOXP2 gene leave people with

huge language deficits, suggesting at least a partial
genetic basis for language. But there’s no such thing
as a single “language gene.” Many genes contribute.
FOXP2 is indeed highly conserved in mammals, but it
does change sometimes. Neanderthals had a humanlike
version of FOXP2, and they were a lot smarter than
scientists traditionally gave them credit for. But we
can’t know for sure whether they could speak.

Quiz Answer Key

13. None of the above. DNA is a double-stranded

molecule that lacks an oxygen atom at a key point
on its sugar (hence the name de-oxyribose nucleic
acid). And while DNA simply stores information,
RNA is far more versatile and can do things like
build proteins. That versatility explains why most
scientists think RNA predated DNA in life’s history.

14. a, c, and d. Viruses did give us DNA that helps us break

down starches and that helps us construct a placenta.
Certain retroviruses have also inserted many long stretches
of broken-down DNA that appears to do nothing but take
up space—up to 8% of our DNA overall. But the cat urine
connection involves not a virus but a protozoan, Toxoplasma
gondii. Plus, T. gondii appears to have stolen the dopamine-
producing gene from animals, not vice versa, and its
overall effect on human behavior remains speculative.

15. a. Cells don’t normally chop up DNA and throw it

away, nor do they spit out the DNA. Cells do wrap
it around histones to silence it. And they do tag it
with methane-like molecules (called methyl groups),
but not with anything resembling propane.

Quiz Answer Key

16. a, b, and c. Epigenetic tags and spools silence some DNA

in embryonic and fetal cells. That’s why liver and kidney
and brain cells, despite having the same DNA, all behave
differently. Lifestyle choices and environmental experience
(e.g., smoking or starvation) can also flip genes on and
off with epigenetic tags—and in some cases, alter the
expression of genes in future children. However, there’s no
evidence so far that epigenetic tags (unlike, say, a mutation)
can permanently alter DNA in all future generations.

17. None of the above. Hox genes are highly conserved

within animals; plants lack them. Hox genes do not build our
bodies directly, like construction workers; rather, they act
as managers, instructing other genes on what to do. The
Hox genes do appear in a sequence, but the first ones build
things near the top of the body, with each subsequent gene
building something a bit lower; they’re arrayed spatially, not
in order of importance. And while mutations to these genes
can lead to awful birth defects, extra heads are not common
and most creatures with Hox mutations die in the womb.

18. b and c. Differences to chimp sperm and the different

number of chimp chromosomes, among other reasons,
make “humanzees” unlikely. But while different species
often can’t interbreed, it’s not impossible. Tigers and
lions can have children, for instance. And however
gross it seems, that has nothing to do with reproductive
biology—nor does the potential parents’ intelligence.

Quiz Answer Key

19. a. Farming did spread in Europe several thousand years

ago mostly due to human beings moving in and taking
over land, but the world’s first-known population boom
happened much earlier, roughly 40,000 years ago, in
Southeast Asia. The lice evidence revealed that human
beings adopted clothes less than 200,000 years ago,
not millions. And while human beings do have a high
population, we actually have very little genetic diversity
overall, thanks to genetic bottlenecks in our past.

20. b. DNA testing revealed that Tut’s father did not have any
known genetic diseases. But due to incest in the pharaonic
lines, Tut himself did seem to have a compromised
immune system, which probably reduced his ability to
fight off malaria. And while Tut was not sterile—he got
his half sister/wife pregnant at least twice—the incest
probably did harm the viability of those children. DNA
testing can reveal amazing things about an era, but
it’s just one tool of many that archaeologists have.

21. All right, this was a trick question. Any or all of these
answers are viable, since every one of these scientists
made valuable contributions and helped CRISPR become
a vital tool. The real problem, as most scientists see
it, is that only 3 scientists can win a Nobel Prize for a
given discovery—a stricture that’s a relic of an older,
much-less-collaborative era. In fact, many scientists
would prefer to see that limitation dropped, but so
far, the Nobel Prize Committee has refused.

Quiz Answer Key

22. a and b. In retrospect, eugenicists were clearly prejudiced

against certain classes of people and pushed for their
sterilization (but they sterilized them with medical
procedures, not genetic engineering). Eugenicists also
constructed bogus family trees that claimed to find genes
for traits like shiftlessness and poor dressmaking skills.
Complex cultural traits and skills might have a genetic
basis, but not always, and they’re rarely traceable to
one gene. As for intelligence, it does have something
of a genetic basis, though scientists debate about how
big the contribution is. Regardless, intelligence is only
moderately correlated with success in life, with factors
like perseverance being equally, if not more, important.

23. b and c. Cancer usually results from a combination of

mutations that both push down the accelerator on out-
of-control growth and cut the brakes on the checks and
balances that stop excessive cell division. But cancer
never results from a single mutation, even to an important
gene like p53. Cancer can run in families, and ultimately
cancer is a genetic disease, but lifestyle and environmental
factors—or just plain bad luck with mutations—can
lead to cancer in people with no family history of it.

24. a and d. Often called the guardian of the genome,

p53 prevents cancer mostly by repairing damaged
DNA and initiating suicide among cells whose massive
DNA damage might lead to tumors one day. It cannot
produce toxins or expel potential carcinogens.

This course is substantially based on portions of the book The
Violinist’s Thumb: And Other Lost Tales of Love, War, and Genius,
as Written by Our Genetic Code (Little, Brown and Company,
2012), supplemented by later research and the newer books in
this bibliography. Different from the course, The Violinist’s Thumb
is organized to answer 16 major questions, such as, Why did
life evolve so slowly and then explode in complexity? How did
humans get such grotesquely large brains? and What’s our most
ancient and important DNA? But like this course, the book takes
a sweeping look at the history of DNA, considering everything
from the genes we share with microbes to how DNA can influence
music and language and culture today, taking a narrative, story-
driven approach to illuminating the most important molecule in

For a cutting-edge and often controversial take, try David Reich’s

Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New
Science of the Human Past (Vintage Books, 2019). Reich has been
at the forefront of the field of paleogenetics: the delicate process
of extracting DNA fragments from old specimens and using this
DNA to infer things about deep human history. Paleogenetics has
reinvigorated, if not reinvented, several branches of archaeology.
And while Reich has come under fire at times for his claims, his
deep knowledge of the field makes his views worthwhile.

Though less directly about DNA, one book that repays close
attention is Jim Endersby’s A Guinea Pig’s History of Biology
(Harvard University Press, 2007). Each chapter focuses on a
different model organism for study—from the fruit flies and corn
of early genetics to the zebra fish and genetically engineered
oncomouse of today—and details why exactly that organism led
to each specific breakthrough. It’s also chock-full of lively details
about the scientists involved in each case.

One other book that’s especially recommended is James

Shreeve’s The Genome War: How Craig Venter Tried to Capture
the Code of Life and Save the World (Ballantine books, 2004).


In writing this book, Shreeve got full access to the inside players
on the Human Genome Project, especially the flamboyant Craig
Venter. It has great breakdowns of all the science involved—
both the genetics and biochemistry—but also the computing
breakthroughs that enabled scientists to sequence more DNA
in a few years than had been sequenced in the previous century
combined. But really it’s the unforgettable characters, the heroes
and villains alike, that drive this book.

Angrist, Misha. Here Is a Human Being. HarperCollins, 2010.

Talking about the human genome can get abstract sometimes. But
Angrist brings it all home, on the level of human beings.

Black, Edwin. War against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s

Campaign to Create a Master Race. Dialog Press, 2012. Eugenics
remains a black eye on American history. Here’s how the science of
so-called racial betterment advanced as far as it did.

Campbell, Anthony K., Jonathan P. Waud, and Stephanie B.

Matthews. “The Molecular Basis of Lactose Intolerance.” Science
Progress 88, no. 3 (2005). Fills in gaps about how a swath of
humankind came to embrace one of the most unlikely mutations in
evolutionary history: the ability to digest the milk of other species.

Carlson, Elof Axel. Mendel’s Legacy. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Press, 2004. Fully detailed dive into the history of genetics.

Chargaff, Erwin. Essays on Nucleic Acids. Franklin Classics, 2018. A

direct peek into the mind and work of one of the key players of early
DNA research, but someone who’s often forgotten from that era.

Comfort, Nathaniel C. “The Real Point Is Control.” Journal of the

History of Biology 32 (1999): 133–162. Barbara McClintock won
a Nobel Prize in 1983. Yet her contributions are still somehow
underrated. Comfort lays out all the scientific details.


Darnell, James. RNA: Life’s Indispensable Molecule. Cold Spring

Harbor Laboratory Press, 2011. A full account of how RNA makes
life run—and why it is truly the indispensable molecule for life.

Doudna, Jennifer A., and Samuel H. Sternberg. A Crack in Creation:

Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017. We wouldn’t have CRISPR
without Doudna. Dive in to a future Nobel Prize winner’s account
of her vital contributions to CRISPR.

Dronsfield, Alan. “Percivall Pott, Chimney Sweeps and Cancer.”

Royal Society of Chemistry, February 28, 2006,
Percivall Pott’s investigation of chimney-sweepers’ cancer remains a
sad monument today—a pioneering exploration of cancer, yet a sad
monument to the limits of medicine in previous ages.

Endersby, Jim. A Guinea Pig’s History of Biology. Harvard University

Press, 2007. A history of biology in general, but wonderful chapters
on the filthy fruit fly room at Columbia.

Epigenetics (series). Nature Reviews Genetics, January 1, 2018. https:// If you’re into the nitty-
gritty details, here’s how epigenetics works, top to bottom.

Hager, Thomas. Force of Nature: The Life of Linus Pauling. Simon

& Schuster, 1995. The definitive biography of perhaps the greatest
scientist that no one knows about—a double Nobel Prize winner and
brilliant thinker.

Hawass, Zahi. “King Tut’s Family Secrets.” National Geographic,

September 2010,
magazine/2010/09/tut-dna/. The godfather of Egyptology explains
what DNA evidence can reveal about perhaps the most famous
pharaoh in history, King Tut.


Henig, Robin Marantz. The Monk in the Garden. Houghton Mifflin

Harcourt, 2001. A definitive biography of one of the most unlikely
scientists in history. Both entertaining and insightful.

Lagerkvist, Ulf. DNA Pioneers and Their Legacy. Yale University

Press, 1999. Details the story of many lesser-known, but still vital,
figures in the history of DNA research.

Lander, Eric S. “The Heroes of CRISPR.” Cell 164, no. 1–2 (January
14, 2016): 18–28.
S0092867415017055. An insider on the Human Genome Project lays
out the main players in arguably the most fundamental advance in
genetics since the discovery of the double helix.

Maddox, Brenda. Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA.

HarperCollins, 2003. Few figures in science history have sparked
as much scientific controversy as Rosalind Franklin has. This book
looks beyond the icon and brings the complex woman to life.

McAuliffe, Kathleen. “How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy.” The

Atlantic, March 2012,
archive/2012/03/how-your-cat-is-making-you-crazy/308873/. OK, it
sounds crazy—how could a little microbe so deeply affect the human
mind? But Toxoplasma gondii is a unique critter, and even if you
don’t buy it all, this account will make you think twice.

Monticello. “Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief

slavery/thomas-jefferson-and-sally-hemings-a-brief-account/. The
Jefferson estate at Monticello long resisted the idea that a beloved
president almost certainly fathered children with his slave. But it
finally accepted this notion—and laid out all the details of Thomas
Jefferson and Sally Hemings’s long affair.


Moore, David S. The Developing Genome: An Introduction to

Behavioral Epigenetics. Oxford University Press, 2017. How will
epigenetics affect you as an individual? Here’s a great guide to sort
all that out.

Mukherjee, Siddhartha. The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography

of Cancer. Scribner, 2011. The definitive biography of cancer. If you
want to understand human genetic diseases, read this book.

Nudel, Ron, and Dianne F. Newbury. “FOXP2.” Wiley

Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 4, no. 5 (2013): 547–560. The
FOXP2 gene has entered the pantheon as one of the vital genes that
might have made us human. It’s not the only language gene, but it
did appear to play an important role in quickening our language

Okrent, Daniel. The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics and the Law
That Kept Two Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European
Immigrants Out of America. Simon and Schuster, 2019. Okrent is
a gifted writer on all sorts of vitally American topics. He brings a
keen eye and his sharp critical pen to this account of how eugenics
reshaped American immigration.

Pääbo, Svante. Neanderthal Man: In Search of Lost Genomes. Basic

Books, 2015. Pääbo pioneered the study of ancient genomes. He’ll
almost certainly win a Nobel Prize someday, and here’s his personal
account of navigating the genomes of our lost hominin cousins.

Portugal, Franklin H. The Least Likely Man: Marshall Nirenberg and

the Discovery of the Genetic Code. MIT Press, 2016. The title says it
all. No one would have guessed that Marshall Nirenberg would go
down in history. But every cell in your body obeys the DNA/RNA/
protein rules he discovered.


Reich, David. Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and
the New Science of the Human Past. Vintage Books, 2019. A sweeping
overview of what we can discern about human beings based on all
the little details in our genomes.

Reilly, Philip R. Abraham Lincoln’s DNA and Other Adventures in

Genetics. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2000. Reilly sat on
the board that ultimately decided not to test Lincoln’s DNA. His
essay on the behind-the-scenes discussions is illuminating. And the
rest of the book reflects his deep place in the early days of genetic

Shapiro, Beth. How to Clone a Mammoth: The Science of De-

Extinction. Princeton University Press, 2016. What will genome
research bring us in the future? How will we handle the power
we’ve given ourselves? Shapiro lays out the consequences of what we
can—and should or should not—do with our newfound genome

Shreeve, James. The Genome War: How Craig Venter Tried to

Capture the Code of Life and Save the World. Ballantine books, 2004.
A funny, embarrassing, riveting account of the legendary battle
between Celera and the government’s Human Genome Project.

Sugden, John. Paganini: The Illustrated Lives of the Composers.

Omnibus Press, 1986. As long as people play violins, we’ll revere
Niccolò Paganini. Here’s his strange, painful life, laid out in full.

Sulston, John, and Georgina Ferry. The Common Thread. Joseph

Henry Press, 2002. Sulston directed the British branch of the
Human Genome Project and was something of a wild man—
hacking into DNA decoders and fighting back Craig Venter at
every turn.


Sykes, Bryan. Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science That Reveals Our
Genetic Ancestry. W. W. Norton, 2002. A classic text on the deep
history of human beings and how we can all trace our ancestors back
to a few unknown but pivotal women in history.

Venter, Craig. A Life Decoded. Penguin Books, 2007. Venter’s

biography. He uses his own genome to try to illuminate different
aspects of his personality and life. A book as unconventional (and
uneven!) as Venter himself.

Villarreal, Luis. “Can Viruses Make Us Human?” Proceeding of

the American Philosophical Society 148, no. 3 (2004). http://www. It’s hard to think that
viruses are as much a part of our genetic heritage as anything else is.
But Villarreal’s account proves just how important they have been.

Wade, Nicholas. Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our
Ancestors. Penguin, 2007. Wade has plowed into some trouble for
controversial views, but this book blends archaeology and genetics
insights in a most inspiring way.

Wambaugh, Joseph. The Blooding: The Dramatic True Story of

the First Murder Case Solved by Genetic “Fingerprinting.” Random
House, 1995. A riveting account of one of the first practical uses of
DNA technology: the inside story of how British scientists tracked
down a killer using a revolutionary new technology called DNA

Watson, James. Genes, Girls, and Gamow: After the Double Helix.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2002. Watson’s follow-up to
his first, seminal book (The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the
Discovery of the Structure of DNA). A look at the wild, confusing,
fruitful era shortly after the discovery of the DNA double helix.


———. The Annotated and Illustrated Double Helix. Simon &

Schuster, 2012. One of the most controversial scientific books ever
written. Watson later apologized for parts of it, but it remains one of
the canonical works about the discovery of DNA.

Wilkins, Maurice. Maurice Wilkins: The Third Man of the Double

Helix—An Autobiography. Oxford University Press, 2003. Watson
and Crick are legends, but few people remember Wilkins, who
shared the Nobel stage with them. A book that gives a complex but
important scientist his due.

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