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Lecture 1.1 Course Objective 

Hi there and welcome to the In fact in my opinion the more skills you
have in different areas, the more tools
very first video in this CBT -
you have in the tool box, then the
Cognitive Behavioural better equipped you are to help
Therapy Practitioner people and  the better the service you
course. can provide your clients. So again,
welcome to the course, coming up you
My name is Matt Barnett and I will be will discover why CBT is so incredibly
your guide as you learn, discover and popular and first… Let’s start by going
unwrap the magic of CBT and how to over the objectives of this course. What
practice it with your clients. In this will you be getting out of our time
course I will be providing you with all together, what can you expect and how
of the knowledge you need to practice are you going to help others with your
the life-changing treatment of CBT new skills? So, let's take a look.
professionally, get great results and
truly assist your clients.
Ok… So there are four main benefits
that I want to share with you in this

This course’s core units teach you how

to follow coaching and Counselling
guidelines as set out by the IFGPPA the
International Guild for personal and
professional development. And the
IGCBT   It is essential for your success
that you understand these and know
how to use them. Why? Because these
are agreed standards of good practice
which demonstrate your competence.
By following the standards set out by
the IGCBT and organisations such as
the Acuity Guild, you are working in the
best possible way, as agreed by
One of the good things about CBT is experts and your peers. That is a real
that it can be used by itself or benefit for you and your client even if
combined with other types of you decide not to be registered. With
counselling or therapy that you may the Acuity Guild.
already be using, such as coaching
with NLP, or hypnosis for example.

Lecture 1.1 Course Objective

So, don’t worry, everything you learn I am going to share with you the
from this course will enable you to knowledge about where CBT came
practice CBT effectively and to the high from and how it has developed and
standards expected by the IGCBT and how it has evolved over time. Because
IGPPA and the Acuity Guild. you see, learning the practical uses and
methods of CBT, in a way that you can
understand them fully, in my opinion
requires you to know the CBT
backstory. So, my goal is to give you
the fullest picture of CBT possible from
its beginnings to its applications today.

Just so you know, the line of work we

are dealing with here is unregulated To ensure your understanding of the
here in the UK and that is the same for history and methods of CBT and
a lot of other countries around the depending on which version of this
globe. So, while there is not legal training you have you may have
requirement to register with an assessments to make sure that you
organisation like the IGCBT or the truly understand the content. Relax
Acuity Guild most people who practise ok... These are simple… The
life coaching, stress and anger assessments will be on key learning
management consultancy and Neuro points and case studies and its
Linguistic Programming recognise the information that I will give you. And I
benefits of doing so. fact all the assessments will do is check
that you understand what I have been
telling you. 
However, lets get back on track…
Because this course is about cognitive
behavioural therapy - CBT. There are key points that you need to
know to be successful and I just want to
be sure that you are. Not least because
So, the first benefit you will be getting my success depends on yours. So
out of this course is training in line with again… Relax! There will be no trick
recognised guidelines. The second questions I promise! I want you to
benefit you will receive is a realistic succeed and the assessments will make
historical understanding of CBT and its sure you are on track.


Lecture 1.1 Course Objective

No… Just quickly, this course isn’t all Oh, and while we are on that point m
about what I have to say, even though I for clarity, I’m going to point out that
go on and on sometimes! Look… I therapist, counsellor and coach all
want to hear from you too ok? Now mean the same thing in this course.
again depending on which version of Counselling, CBT and coaching are
this course you have; you will have also interchangeable. And I may say he
access to our amazing community of or she when referring to an imaginary
practitioners, so I encourage you to get client, however male and female labels
involved and interact in the are not used with any particular bias.

Ok, so that is enough my yapping

about this intro! Are you ready to get
going into the meat of the course? I
hope so and with that said, let’s get
started. By looking at the founders of
CBT in the very next lesson. So, keep
an open mind, take a deep breath and
And then finally, your fourth benefit is head on over to the next lesson and I
your freedom of thought. You are not a will. See you there.
parrot. You are a person. And this is
reflected in your answers. In many
ways the CBT guidelines are that, and
an attitude of willing experimentation
is important when you are working with

So, with the IGPPA standards, a full

historical understanding, assessments,
and freedom of thought, I know that
you can achieve the ultimate objective
of becoming a GOOD and certified
cognitive behavioural therapist. Or
CBT Practitioner.


We recommend taking very brief notes and jotting down the key
points from the course in these boxes as you go along

Use the box below to note down the key points from the section

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