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U.S. CUSTOMS & BORDER PROTECTION Washington D.C, United States of America This is to inform the personnel / Service concerned that Parcel (1 Truck Box) is currently detained and in the United States Customs and Border Protection Agency Custody and shipment of the aforementioned parcel has been brought to a STOP ORDER until the required Customs Clearance DUTY and Vat fees are remitted, according to the weight and original shipment location of the parcel. With reference to your parcel with the Tracking Number 393673910437, you are hereby required to remit the following clearance charges within 7 business days so that your parcel can be released and cleared from the U.S Customs and Border Protection custody, for the continued progress of this shipment. Customs Duty | $3,275.00 | Invoices & Receips $320.00 Airport Authority Charges $1,905.00 Total $5,500.00 (Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars) NB: Required fees should be made to the Custom Department/Agent as authorized by the Carrier/dispatcher of the parcel. ANGELA C. CUSTOM BORDER PROTECTION STATE DEPT.

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