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Erythromycin is an alternative antibiotic given to patients who are allergic to

penicillin to cure bacterial infections. It was discovered by a Filipino physician, Dr.

Abelardo B. Aguilar in 1949 while studying soil samples from a cemetery in Molo, Iloilo.
He then sent it to U.S. pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and Company. Their scientists
isolated erythromycin from the sample and officially marketed the antibiotic in 1952
under the names Ilosone and Ilotycin, acknowledging where it came from. However,
Aguilar received no further credit or compensation beyond his regular salary and a
promised trip to the company’s manufacturing plant in Indianapolis, which was never
fulfilled. He devoted the rest of his career to providing medical services in Iloilo City and
treating patients who couldn't afford to pay him. In 1993, he reached out to Eli Lilly one
last time requesting royalties to put up a foundation for poor and sickly Filipinos, but his
request was denied. He died in September of that year, without receiving what he

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