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»  Cause the enemy between 101 and 150 Army Points in casualties (1 Objective Point).

»  Cause the enemy more than 150 Army Points in casualties (2 Objective Points).

»  Have between 101 and 150 of your Army Points survive the encounter (1 Objective Points).

»  Have more than 150 of your Army Points survive the encounter (2 Objective Points).

»  Loot more tech coffins than you opponent (1 Objective point)

»  Control more tech coffins at the end of the game (2 objective points)

Any troops that have not been deployed by the end of the game are considered casualties.

» Each player has 1 Classified Objectives (worth 1 Objective Points each).

FORCES Side A: 200 points. Side B: 200 points.

DEPLOYMENT Side A and Side B: Both players deploy on opposite sides of the game table, in an area 12 inches deep.

There is an 8” exclusion zone from the centre of the board that extends into each players deployment zone. No troop may deploy in
this area.


TECH COFFINS There are a total of 3 Tech Coffins. One of them must be placed in the center of the table while the other two must be
placed along the central line of the table, at 12 inches from its edge. To open a tech coffin, the player must pass a WIP -3 roll with a
Specialist. Specialist troops with the Hacker special rule do not suffer the -3 to their WIP.
If looted, a specialist troop may roll on Booty Table 1. A tech coffin can be looted more than once, but not by the same troop. Each
time it is looted requires a new WIP roll.
Any troop type can control a tech coffin.

END OF THE MISSION This scenario has a limited time frame: it will automatically end at the end of the third game turn.




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