Nisrin Binti Zaifulsham - Paper Critique

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NO. MATRICS: BP20110161



Workplace Health & Safety is the title of the entire journal, which was released
in 2013. Meanwhile, Bonnie Rogers, Kathleen Buckheit, and Judith Ostendorf wrote a
paper called Ergonomics and Nursing in the Hospital Environment. The goal of this
study is to find out what activities may cause musculoskeletal injuries, as well as to
find ways to reduce the risks and improve any work-related conditions.


This article discusses a key ergonomics issue that affects nurses in the hospital
setting. To begin with, musculoskeletal injuries and diseases are described as injuries
or disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, and spinal discs.
Because healthcare personnel must use their physical abilities to do their duties, this
injury is fairly common. As a result, this ailment is known as the second most common
work-related injury. As a result, many registered nurses utilise this injury as an excuse
to leave their jobs because they are unable to work while suffering from it. Aside from
that, patients came in a variety of sizes and weights, making it impossible for certain
registered nurses to intend or carry people who were probably bigger and heavier
than them. Because of that, this line of work reported more than average of workers
that faces this injury.

A hospital lift team programme is being implemented to lessen the workload of

registered nurses who must transfer heavy patients. However, because this
programme did not include a manual lift policy, it was rendered ineffectual for a variety
of reasons. Limited access, a lack of usable or storage space, trouble operating the
lift, insufficient employees, or a perceived need for more time than manual methods
are some of the causes. However, the initiative will be sustained because it reduces
danger while not completely eliminating it.


This research used a mixed-methods approach. This design is a method for

combining quantitative and qualitative research and methods in a single study to
better comprehend a research problem. Focus groups, interviews, and observations
of working conditions during hospital walk-throughs are used to collect data. A
professional moderator recorded and transcribed the session for data analysis during
focus group approaches. Ergonomists and occupational health nurses with ergonomist
experience conducted the interviews. Meanwhile, the observational method involved
taking notes on numerous facts. The participants come from five different North
Carolina hospitals. There were 42 registered nurses in eight focus groups, each with
three to nine people.

Questions about the physical environment, organisational conditions, work

activities, and nurse/patient contributors were asked during the focus group
procedure. During the observation, they reviewed the data and discovered a few
common themes. Poor design of nursing stations required nurses to stand and sit
repeatedly to monitor patients, poor design of operated medication systems and
supply stations required continuous awkward torso postures, such as bending,
stooping, and occasionally sitting, leaning or kneeling on the floor to obtain needed
medications, and non-use of patient lift devices resulted in manual lifting of patients.


The majority of injuries are caused by lifting, such as moving large things or
patients, according to this study. This can also occur when lifts or workstations are
not available, indicating that ergonomics conditions are not being considered.
Furthermore, lifting large objects or patients is not appropriate for elderly nurses due
to their reduced strength and mobility. As a result, numerous treatments have been
proposed, including ergonomics education and training in the right technique to lift

and transfer patients to limit risk. It is also necessary to enforce the use of assistive
technology and to follow hospital protocol.


This research focuses on the impact of a lack of ergonomics awareness on the

registered nurse's musculoskeletal injury. The inadequate design of the physical work
environment was consistently highlighted in this study as a major contributor to injury.
As a result, not only do the nurses have difficulty lifting heavy patients, but they also
have difficulty operating the hospital's machines, or their movement is restricted due
to the poorly organised work cabinets and work stations, which prevent them from
doing their job or reaching something properly. This is because they will constantly be
required to bend, kneel, crouch, or be in different awkward positions in order to reach
something that is out of reach. They can cause the nurses to slip or fall, in addition to
physical harm. Because of the tiny hallways and corridors, not only are the working
stations of healthcare personnel badly constructed, but the layout of hospitals might
also be poorly designed. This injury can also occur when a person's body has been in
pain for an extended period of time without receiving care. This can happen when
registered nurses are overworked as a result of patients arriving and leaving,
prompting them to work overtime and have severe workloads. Based on my
observations, they also don't have a lot of expertise about ergonomics, making it
difficult for them to solve the problem.

As a result, in addition to the musculoskeletal injury, the nurse faces a variety

of stressors, both physically and mentally. This is because the nurse is an important
figure in the hospital because they must not only care for the patients but also be
available to the doctors. Because their sufferings may not go away or reduce, having
these effects may have a long-term influence. As a result, workplace remodelling was
required in order to address this issue.

Defects were discovered in this study, and improvement measures were

adopted to address the badly designed workplace. Some of the considerations include

building rooms with wider entrances, elevating or lowering the location to reduce
excessive bending, kneeling, or standing on furniture, and designing an ergonomically
designed workplace, among others. They not only improve the health of healthcare
workers and minimise musculoskeletal injury, but they also save money on staff injury
costs. Aside from that, any lifts or devices utilised will comply with policy and will be
widely used so that nurses are familiar with how to use the lifts and other relevant
equipment securely.



This study has three different purposes which is to research what activities that
may contributes to musculoskeletal injury, identifying solution to decrease risk and
improving work-related condition. These purposes are a good idea or theme to study
and research since as many registered nurses are having this injury, they need to
identify what activities or movement is the biggest contribution and cause of this
injury. By identifying the cause, they then can search any suitable solution that can
decrease the risk. Lastly, since this injury has a negative effect to the work
environment and condition, a way to improve the work-related condition.


This study really focuses on ergonomics weakness that causes musculoskeletal

disorders which is its strength since the delivery of information is straight forward and
loaded with knowledge about this injury. Thus, this study is limited to only about this
injury and it shows consistency of the topics. Although, the reader might not see or
know the details of different issue since there is a various ergonomics issue, the details
of this topics show directness, focus on specific domains and since it is written by
experienced and professional professors, it is also a trusted and reliability research.

The authors clearly and repeatedly mention the cause and reasons of the injury which
is the staff needs to carry heavy obese patients, heavy workloads, poorly designed
workplace and hospitals area that needed the nurse to bend, kneel or reach high
places. In the point of a view as a reader, the author did a good job in composing a
verse since I don’t have any trouble understanding what is written.

This articles also fulfil the purpose stated of the study. However, in my outlook
it focuses more on the reason and activities that causes the injury. Only a quarter of
the study touches the solution to decrease the risk and how to improve work-related
condition. However, it still did not flaw the real writing since the authors still touches
those objectives just not as much as the first objectives. Thus, it shows that this article
is not inadequate and have unfocused topic purposes since there are three different
purposes of research.


As written before, this study used mixed methods design. This design is a good
choice since it is a mixture of qualitative and quantitative study. Thus, different
information with different ways can be required. In this study, focus group and
interview represents qualitative method meanwhile observation represent quantitative
method. The participants of this study also involve five different hospitals in North
Carolina which allow comparison of how ergonomics in each hospital being used to be
done. Because of this, the reliability and validity of the research are guaranteed.
Besides that, the method used are consistent with the purpose since detailed
information can make the research much more understandable and fits the purpose.

The questions asked are also consistent with related topic such as asking the
participants to describe the specific work activities that lead to musculoskeletal injury.
Based on the questions, it can be seen that the author asked a direct question making
sure there are no confusion to the participants. Next, the selection of participants is
through response to a flyer that are given through the hospitals. Since the author,
Bonnie Rogers is a Director from North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health

Education and Research Centre (NC OSHERC), the possibility of selection bias might
happen since she can ask any healthcare workers that she knows to sign up the flyer.
Next, healthcare area has many branches however this research only focuses on
general medical or surgical units. This shows that the healthcare branch of nurses is
not widespread. Hence, the issues of ergonomics on this study cannot represent
nursing in many departments since different departments requires different workload
and activities that are done.


The study discovered many more effects of inadequate ergonomics application

using the method mentioned previously. The size of the patient rooms was
inadequate, the hospital plan had a narrow hallway, and so on. However, as a result
of these issues, remedies are sought promptly, and some idea or proposal to become
more ergonomically friendly is suggested. These suggestions are closely related and
may aid healthcare workers, particularly registered nurses, in reducing the risk of
musculoskeletal injury and increasing efficiency. Aside from that, any software that is
completed will be maintained to ensure long-term use and to reduce the cost of any
additional charges. Aside from that, I agree with the study's findings because the
authors focus more on the solution and what will be done so that ergonomics
difficulties can be lessened and addressed quickly. If the findings of this study are
adopted immediately, musculoskeletal injury will almost certainly be decreased or

Finally, the implications for practise are critical since these work-related acts
have the potential to decrease or eliminate hazards and risks. The primary approach
is to raise awareness by training healthcare professionals about ergonomics on a
regular basis so that they are aware of any burden that they should avoid since it is
harmful to them. Aside from that, the hospital administration plays a crucial role in
ensuring the well-being of the employees.

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