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“Geoenvironmental Engineering” Reference books used in the lecture:

Schedule of Lecture • Daniel, D. E., (1993), “Geotechnical Practice for Waste Disposal”,
by Jiro Takemura Chapman & Hall, London.
Topics: • Fetter, C. W.(1999) “Contaminant Hydrogeology 2nd ed”,
• Introduction: ground pollution, GTE vs EG, Mutli-disciplinary aspects Waveland Press Inc, Long Grove, IL, USA.
• Hydrogeology: Characteristics of ground water • Bear, J. and Verruijt, A. (1990) “Modeling Groundwater Flow and
• Mechanisms of ground and ground water contamination: Pollution”, Reidel P.C., Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Physical law, Derivation and solutions of advective- dispersive equation • Bedient, P. B., Rifai, H. S. and Newell, C. H. (1994) “ Ground water
• NAPLs (Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids): Basic properties of NAPLs contamination- Transport and Remediation”, PTR Prentice Hall, NJ,
• Remediation of contaminated site: requirement, law and technology USA.
• Waste containment : inland and offshore landfill • Freeze, R. A. and Cherry J. A. (1979)” Groundwater”, Prentice Hall,
• Radio active waste disposal: NJ, USA.
•Problems caused by the GEJE and Tsunami •Webpage of Ministry of environment: source of latest information
Grading system:
Assignment + GWs + Site visit: 60%, Final-exam: 40%, •Webpage of USEPA: more info

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Environmental problems
Geoenvironmental Engineering
- Introduction- in narrow definition
by the Cambridge Dictionary of English
•Pollution of air and surface water
NATURE (the quality of) the air, water and land in or on which •Pollution of soils and ground water
people, animals and plants live. slow expansion of pollution due to low permeability
(K=10-5~10 m/s)
(narrow definition) soil, ground water long term phenomena, accumulation
preserving +“pollution”
improving Use of ground water: How about Globe?
SURROUNDING the conditions that you live or work in and the
(Japan) 2007 12% of water demand
way that they influence how you feel or how effectively you can
work. (28% of industry W, 22% of daily life W, 6% of agricultural W. )
(wide meaning or definition) noise, vibration, smell
(US) 50% of drinking water (from public supply or private wells)
preventing, improving human health + conservation of ecosystem
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1.Prevention of pollution
Four aspects of ground pollution the Basic Law for Environmental
• Regulatory requirement Pollution Control(1967):公害対策基本法
Nation level:
1. Prevention of pollution (Japan): The Basic Environmental Law (1993):環境基本法
conservation of atmosphere
conservation of water environment
2. Evaluation of pollution conservation of soil and ground water environment
policies of waste and recycling
3. Remediation of contaminated ground policies on environmental risk of chemicals
Environmental Standard:環境基準
4. Conservation of environment heavy metals, organic compounds, dioxin
State level: regulations, ordinance (条例)
more strict as additional requirement
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3. Remediation of contaminated ground

2.Evaluation of pollutions
•Methods •evaluation of contamination level
area, concentration
•type of pollutant •Prediction •target level (standard)
•mechanism background value
•Monitoring (original level in nature)
•physical law
•chemical law huge demands or business In 1992, total expenditure on
•site investigation for 20-30 years in developed pollution control in US: $88B (1.5%
countries of GDP(= $6,000B), $345/cap).
much longer in developing

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4.Conservation of environment Ground pollution
•Education on Environment Reported contaminated sites:

•Engineering Ethics German:140,000

•System of waste management The Netherlands:110,000
•Social System: zero emission, recycle, reuse, reduce US: 300,000-400,000
Japan: 232 (1994) =>
Geoenvironment (EG) or Environmental Geotechnics 1,082(2001) as urban type pollution cases
covers wider area than Traditional Geotechnical
Engineering (GTE) and needs many disciplines. real number ??
960,000(as an estimation in 2000)
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Number of soil contamination cases identified in Japan Love Canal in Yew York State
2016:930 • 1890: William Love:
Total number of IV: 24,227 (6,480 by SCPL) (by SCPL:831)
Land development => canal for hydraulic power plant
exceeding EQS: 11,599 • 1893: Recession
Revision of SCP Law April. 1, 2010
•1919: Abandoned and the canal left
•1942: Disposal of drums containing chemicals by Fucker Electric
Number of investigation

Enforcement of Soil Contamination

Prevention Law Feb. 15, 2003 and Chemical Ltd., for 10 years
Items added to EQSs for soil •1953: Covered by clay material and sold to education council
Number of cases
(15 items including VOCs,
below EQS
=> school and residential
Feb. 21 1994)
(Fluorine and boron,
the chemical slowly seeped out of the cover
Mar. 28, 2001) •1970s: rainfall, bad smell, health impact
Enforcement of EQSs for soil
Number of cases
•1977 :investigation and all residence evacuated
August 23, 1991
exceeding EQS 1980: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation,
and Liability Act (CERCLA) = “Superfund”
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
cleanup the contaminated site, Polluter Pays Principle,
but provide monies if the responsible party cannot be identified or is
incapable for cleanup
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EnvGeo_Eng Dr. Jiro Takemura 2019/6/14
Case histories Ground contamination of MGT
late 1950s, oil refinery in Texas Benzene rich wastewater 2001 the Tokyo Metropolitan Environmental Security Ordinance
with 600 ha evaporation pond (carcinogen:発がん物質) 東京都環境確保条例 < 3,000m2
Conditions of Contamination at the Conditions of Contamination at the Time of
Time of Closing Factories (Article 116) Land Reform (Article 117)
In 1980, regulatory Geotech. investigation (Period: October 2001–March 2017)
Mound of contam (Period: October 2001–March 2017)
agency directed the => K<10-8cm/s
Groundwater “impermeable”
company to install Contaminated Possibility of
35% No possibility of contamination
ground water 100m 29%
monitoring Not contaminated 【35%】 contamination 【29%】
[34%] [28%]
system. 【1,082] (35.0%) 【1,877】
1600m [1168] (27.7%)
【1975】 (505) 【4,655】 (865)
Enormous pool of [2290]
contaminated liquid Total:4,275 Total 10,022
Aquifer (936) (2,262)
was found. 【3,057】 【6,532】
Low hydraulic conductivity layer [2,067] 【March 2013】 [4,158]
Pond operation was stopped and Remediation by 25 recovery well (1,441) [March 2009] (3,127) 東京都の環境白書2018
taking more than a decade. (March 2007) (Environment White paper of Tokyo 2018)
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Why geotechnical engineering Multi disciplinary field

can play important role?
More than traditional geotechnical engineering
Site investigations
• surface sampling More than environmental geotechnical engineering
• soil vapor
• boring
• ground water
Remediation techniques -Political science: law, regulation;
• degradation and changing non hazardous material -Economics , e.g., environmental economics:
• separation and collection (pumping) environmental business
• solidification and stabilization (ground improvement)
• etc. Local, Regional <=> natural and social conditions

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Ambient Level of Sulfur dioxide for six major cities Environmental indicators for selected OECD countries in
recent years 1999data (Environmental Economics: B.C. Field &M.K. Field)

(percent of population
served) 下水道普及率
(2011 70.6)


negligible negligible

(Environmental Economics: B.C. Field &M.K. Field)

* waste from spent fuel arising in nuclear power plants, in tons of heavy metal per
million tons of oil equivalent of total energy supply.
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Environmental indicators for selected OECD countries in

recent years (cont.) (Environmental Economics: B.C. Field &M.K. Field) Environmental indicators in relation to country income level
(Environmental Economics: B.C. Field &M.K. Field)

Urban population without

(%) Population without safe water (%) adequate sanitation

improvement of environmental conditions with IC

technology, education
**: million inhabitants exposed to Leq> 65dB
Source: OECD, Environmental data, 1999
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Environmental indicators in relation to country income level Environmental indicators in relation to country income level
(cont.) (cont.) (Environmental Economics: B.C. Field &M.K. Field)
(Environmental Economics: B.C. Field &M.K. Field) kg/y Municipal waste per capita Carbon dioxide emission per capita*
Urban concentration of Urban concentration of
particulate matter sulfur dioxide
g/m3 of air g/m3 of air

*:emission from fossil fuels

Steady increase with IC,

showing material demand and energy demand both increasing
environmental conditions in the process of nation development with development level of nation.
first industrialization, urbanization, This needs more technology, education and social system!!
later technology + regulation => Serious demands promote technology and education.
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Municipal solid waste Generation Optimum level of environmental quality

in Japan, Thailand, Tokyo, Bangkok using marginal cost - damage (benefit)
chronogical variation of municipal solid waste generation
(per capita/day)
Marginal Abatement Cost: cost reducing the pollution level
per capita waste generation

1.40 Tokyo
1.20 optimum

Japan Marginal
Thailand Damage
0.40 Thailand
0.20 Tokyo 23 wards
0.00 Japan

1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

technology social and natural conditions,
Data: MOE, MPGT, Bureau of Environment, TMG, 2006 method or accuracy of evaluation
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Group Work Example of exposure pathway
(Four or five students each group)
1st objective: Problem statement or finding in environmental issues
in your own county and similar one in Japan;
Similarity and Difference
Last Year Common problems: Toyosu new market
2nd objective: Summary of Key issues to solve the problems
specific conditions in the country/ the experiences in other
country including Japan/ technological action/ legal action

Presentations by PPT in the beginning of Lecture (15mins).

Submitted material: PPT files for presentation and written report

for each objective

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2019/6/14 EnvGeo_Eng Dr. Jiro Takemura

Home page address

the course material
Geo-environmental Engineering
Click:Geoenvironmental Engineering (2019, Spring Semester)

In order to access course materials (PDF file)

HW Answer examples & Final Exam problem sets
Class handout
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