Đáp Án Chính TH C HSGQG 2021-2022

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BQ GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO. KY THI CHON HOC SINH GIO! QUOC GIA TRUNG HOC PHO THONG NAM HOC 2021 ~ 2022 HUONG DAN CHAM THI ‘Mon: TIENG ANH BB thi chinh thire Nagay thi: 04/3/2022 (gdm 03 trang) A. HUONG DAN CHUNG 1. Giam kndo chdm ating theo huéng dn ca 86 Gido duc va Bao tao. 2. Néu hi sinh o6 céch tr I6i khée dap an nhung dling thi giam Khao vn chémn ciém theo bidu {ibm cia Huéng dn chdm thi 3, Giam khao khéng quy trén dim than phan cia tig cu, aiém cba bai thi B. BANG PHAN BO DIEM Str Phan thi Sb cau hel ism 1__| Ustening 25 5.0 2. Lexico-grammar 20 2.0) 3.__[ Reading 50 5.0 4__[ Writing 08 60) 5.__[ Speaking oF 20 ‘ibm toan bal 20,0 C. DAP AN VA BIEU DIEM LISTENING (5,0 ciém) Part 4. (0,2 diém cho 1 edu tré loi ding) (ee [21 [ane Part 2. (0,2 diém cho 1 cau tré 161 ding) 6 Satioty 7. Communication exchange 8. Overweight 9. Free-form (meal) 410. Similar results Part 3. (0,2 diém cho 4 cau tré loi dung) Gita Liz.¢ T38 [a0 [8 Part 4. (0,2 diém cho 1 céu tré 164 dung) 16. hazards 21, wuerabilties $7. tony 22. acktivists 48. skyscraper 23. genetic 418. supercomputers 24 fortresses 20, malware 25. safeguards eT I, LEXICO-GRAMMAR (2,0 idm) Part 1. (0,4 diém cho 1 edu tra Joi dung 26.6 27.0 28. 2K 30k 3D) 32K 38 340 136.8 36.0 37.8. 38.6. 39.0) 40.C Part 2. (0,1 diém cho 4 edu tra lof ding) 44. irresistible 42, unequivocally 43, abnegation 44, astrophysicist 45, disenfranchised Page 1 of 3 Il READING (5,0 418m) Part 1. (0,4 diém cho 1 cau tré 161 dung) 46.reach | 47. summation | 48, spatial spacial 49, Such in Bi before 2. One, 63. lower 4-onh 35. neural Part 2. (0,1 diém cho 4 cau tré 161 ding) [SENG [s7.NG [58F Tt [eat [en [xt _} 63 invention 64. prais 5. copy (66. evolutionary change 67. evaluate eas 68. lack of success Part 3.(0,1 diém cho 1 cu tré 161 ding) (ac TAR Tir TE [35 [Eo [5G 1 Part 4.(0,1 diém cho 4 cu tré 161 ding) 76.0 77. 73.8 eC B0.C BLA 2A 83.8 84.0 BA Part 5.(0,4 diém cho 1 céu tré 16i ding) 86.A a7.£ a0 C 20.0 18 92.0 3.C 4.8 25. A IV. WRITING (6,0 aiém) Part 1. (1,5 aiém) Contents (1,0 diém) The summary should ‘+ introduce the topic ofthe passage, + present the main ideas of the passage Language use (0,5 aiém) ‘The summary should: + demonstrate a wide variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures, + have correct use of words and mechanics, + maintain coherence, cohesion, and unity throughout Part 2. (1,5 aiém) Contents (1,0 diém) ‘The report should ‘+ introduce the table and state its stiking features, ‘+ summarise the main features wilh relevant data from the table, ‘+ make relevant comparisons. Language use (0,5 diém) ‘The report should ‘+ demonstrate a wide variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures, ‘+ have correct use of words and mechanics, ‘+ maintain coherence, cohesion, and unity throughout. Part 3. (3.0 diém) Task achievement (1,0 aiém) ‘The essay should + sufficiently address all requirements of the task, * develop relevant supporting ideas with explanations, examples, evidence, etc. Page 2 of 3 Organization (1,0 aiém) ‘The essay should have: + an introduction presenting a clear thesis statement introducing the points to be developed, + body paragraphs developing the points mentioned in the intralucton, * a conclusion summarising the main points discussed in the essay. Language use (1,0 aiém) ‘The essay should: ‘+ demonstrate a wide variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures, ‘+ have correct use of words and mechanics, ‘+ maintain coherence, cohesion, and unity throughout, Markers should aiscuss tne suggested answers and the marking scale thoroughly before marking the papers. Thank you for your cooperation. - THE END - Page 3 of 3 BO GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO KY THI CHON HOC SINH GIO! QU6c GIA —_ TRUNG HOC PHO THONG ‘NAM HQC 2021 - 2022 HUONG DAN CHAM THI NOI Mén: TIENG ANH ‘88 thi chinh there Naay thi: 05/3/2022 (gdm 01 trang) HUONG DAN CHAM THI A. Tigu chi dénh gid 1. DG lwu loat, mach lac, chat che (0,4 aiém) © Trinh bay iwu lost, * Bb-cue mach lac, chat ché (C6 mé eau, phat tin y va két Ive). 2 NOidung (0,6 aiém) £ Cae y tung lién quan Gén chi a8 duoc chuyén ta aay du, hieu qua ‘+ Ytuéng phong phi, sang tao. 3. BO chinh xac (0,6 diém) * Phat am chinh xéc, r6 rang, ngo digu phi hop, * Str dung tir nga va edu true ngd phép chin xéc, phi hop v6i cha a8, 4, Phong cach trinh bayidién dat (0,4 diém) © Trinh bay ty nhign, ty tin, © Biét st dung kj nang ain thuyét B. Téng sé diém Noi: 2,0 diém

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