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Class: 9th Subject: Che Total marks: 30 Date: Test No 3

Name: Admission no. Section:
 
Q.1: Select the correct option.  1
i Isotopes of Carbon are 
  

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

ii When U-235 breaks up it
produces  U-235 ii

(a) Neutron  (b) Electron  (c) Proton  (d) Nothing tf
iii The concept of orbit was used by
 iii
(a) Planck  (b) Bohr  (c) Rutherford  (d) Thomson 

iv P subshell has orbitals iv
(a) Four  (b) Three  (c) Two  (d) One 

v The isotope C-12 is present in abundance 

of    C-12
(a) 98.9 % (b) 99.7 % (c) 97.6 % (d) None tf

vi Which one is radioactive isotope 

   tf

(a) C - 11 (b) C - 12 (c) C - 13 (d) C - 14

vii Who proposed Quantam Theory
 tf vii
(a) Bohr  (b) Dalton  (c) Thomson  (d) Planck 

viii No of electron in K shell viii
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 18 (d) 32
ix Deutrium is used to make
 2
Attempt the
Water following questions.
(b) Soft Water  5 x 2 = 10 (c) Heavy Water   
(d) Light
 Water
x Charge on Cathode Rays
 x
1. What is Dalton Atomic Theory?   .1
(a) +ve (b) -ve (c) Both a and b (d) None tf
2. Write properties of Neutron? and write isotopes
of Hydrogen .2

3. Write defects of Rutherford Model? and Carbon.  .3

(5) Q.4: Write
4. Write difference between Shell and Sub Shell? properties 
of Cathode Rays? .4

5. Define Radio Carbon Dating? Q.3: Define  .5


 


  
 
3  
 
4  

 

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