Hazel Joy Panado Bsed-Ss 3-E Essay

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She talk, Caroline Goyder talks about the secrets to speaking with confidence.

says that there are 3 secrets to be a confident speaker. To explain these things, she
uses a robot subject. First secret is a voice, and second one is to breathe inside. Last
thing is to shut your mouse at right moment. She explains that these three things make
different confidence from other. She got a horrible experience with her first speech in
the past, so she wanted to change her speaking manner from that time. She tried to
find inner confidence when she stands before people.

I have an interest with her speech, on the other hand, I concentrate more about her
speaking skill. She pronounces very slow and clear so I can catch her words without
subtitles. She also uses secret subject that create some curiosity from people. I think
that these skills can use when I make a presentation. Last thing that I learned from her
speech, she asks some questions for people with simple things. I recognize that
questioning simple things to people make them concentrate her speech and get some
response. I really like her speech skills.

Ted talk also shows about how to get self confidence. I thnk that person who has a
self confidence can have a high possibility to make a confidence speech. Though I
watch his video without sight, I can feel his confidence voice wich Caroline Goyder
points out in her speech.

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