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Angeles City

How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife

A. Point of View

The point of view of the story was first-person narration of the narrative. The
protagonist or lead character of the narrative is Baldo, Leon's brother, the one who
narrated the story “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife”. Manuel E. Arguilla, the
author, used the pronouns “I”, “me” and "my" when portraying the narrative, making it a
first-person perspective.

B. Persona

​A character who experienced the life in the province, petting a family bull named
Labang; who witness the love of his brother, Leon, and his brother’s journey of
presenting his love interest to his father; who approved the choice that his brother have
done on persuading his father’s praise that soon have ended with a cue.

The persona that the author has chosen is imaginative such that it exhibits as a
witness between the characters' romance, life in the province, and his responsibility as a
son. He was an observant of what is happening; understanding the rapport between
characters; and senses the mood and atmosphere of the story that soon be felt by
people who have read the story.

C. Tone

The tone of the story elicits the feelings of admiration and warmth in which it
conveys the author’s emotions through its characters (Baldo, Leon, and Maria) in each
dialogue that pertains and how it manifests the thoughts of a person throughout the
story. Moreover, the feeling of uncertainty and adoration can also be felt throughout the
story in which the author, Manuel E. Arguilla, expresses these emotions through three
distinct characters: Leon, Maria, and Leon's father– that happens in the latter part of the
story where Leon's about to introduce Maria to his own father, in which the female
character, Maria, experiences self-doubt.

D. Mood
The storyline begins with the arrival of Leon and Maria in the village. Baldo met
and fetched them, deciding to take a rougher route to see if she could handle this
simple day-to-day activity in the rural area. She had a similar experience with Leon's
entire family. They were concerned, or rather, held the stereotype that someone from
the city, such as Maria, would struggle to adjust to their way of life. It was both sad and
eye-opening to see how they perceived their way of life. While reading it, I felt a mixture
of emotions, just as I could sense Maria's and Baldo's uncertainty, not just in Maria, who
is hoping to be accepted by her husband's family. At the same time, I could tell he
wanted Maria to be accepted by their family when he said, "It seemed to me there was a
world of laughter between them." Despite the uncertainty, he wishes her well as he can
see the couple's longing and love. Not only that, but as he described Maria, I could see
Baldo's loving and innocent personality. It was refreshing and comforting to see
someone perceive others positively rather than negatively.Their story is captivating in a
way that leon and maria truly loved each other, they’re willing to go through the ups and
downs together, willingness to give up personal preferences or even comforts in order to
fulfill the needs of your loved ones.

E. Theme

In this story, Maria, the main female protagonist, is challenged by his

father-in-law, Leon's Father. It highlights how any journey will always encounter
challenges along the road, and in order to overcome these challenges, one must be
committed and persistent enough to prevail.

Submitted by:
Asperilla, Sharon Mae
Cabuso, Jessie John
Diwa, Charaige Faith
Joson, Giancarlo
Lapid, Nicko Lauren
Mangulabnan, Rose Anilou
Marcia, Cassandra
Ong, Fiana Nichole

Submitted to:
Mrs. Teresa Arceo
21st Century Literature

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