Improved DSP Algorithms For Coherent 16-QAM Transmission

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ECOC 2008, 21-25 September 2008, Brussels, Belgium


d DSP algorithms for cohe
erent 16-Q
QAM tran
Hadriien Louchet, Konstantin
K Kuz
zmin, André Richter
VPIssystems, Carn
notstr. 6, 10587 Germany, andre.richter@

Abstract We propose new algorithm ms for adaptive mitigation of coherent 16-QAM

1 consttellation distorrtions. We
show thatt 16-QAM is a potential can
ndidate for the implementatio
on of 100 Gb//s transmission

Multilevell modulation formats
f like (P
Pol-Mux) QPS SK or (a) (b)
8-PSK arre good candid dates for the implementatio on of
next gen neration 100 Gb/s Ethern net transmisssion.
Combined d with cohere ent detection and digital signal
processinng (DSP), theyy have been shown to be very
robust ag gainst typical transmission impairments like
chromaticc dispersion (CD) and polarization
p m
dispersion (PMD) [1 1, 2]. Theore etically, cohe erent
detection (CohD) ena ables perfectt cancellation n of
(c) (d)
linear tra
ansmission im mpairments ussing linear filters.
However,, ideal cancellation asssumes comp plete
knowledg ge of the tra ansmission lin ne, which is not
always avvailable due to t random varriations of sysstem
characterristics. For this reason, various adap ptive
equalizerr structures haave been prop posed to trackk the
system ch hanges and mitigate
m these impairments.
In this paper, we investtigate the perfformance of some
art DSP solutioons for cohere ent 16-QAM siignal Fig. 1: 16-Q
QAM constellattion in presence of
and prop pose two mod dified algorithhms for impro oved a: phase
p noise (Δν
Δ = 1 MHz), b b: residual CD
D, c: DGD,
signal equalization. We e demonstrate e that, using th
hese d:
d after equalizzation (all effeccts, 1 sample//symbol,
algorithms, 16-QAM iss a potential candidate forr the with 4 and 6 bits qu uantization).
implemen ntation of futurre high-bit-rate
e transmission ns.
oveer-sampling (22 samples pe er symbol) an nd a large
Distortio ons and their mitigation nummber of taps, what may not be feasible e in high-
CohD re equires a pe erfect freque ency and ph hase speeed systems. As a conseq quence the achievable
matching between th he lasers at transmitter and perfformances of o DSP-supported syste ems are
receiver. An alternatiive to the usage u of narrow mately limited by the comp
ultim plexity of the FIR
F filters,
linewidth lasers and a stable opticcal phase-locked- by the performan nce (speed a and quantizatio on) of the
loop is to correct the phase
p mismatcch using DSP, [3]. ADC Cs and by the accuracyy and stability of the
CD- and PMD-induced distortions can be compen- trac
cking algorithms. The imp pact of these e different
sated by implementing the inverse trransfer functio on of disttortions and of
o the ADC lim mitations on a coherent
the transsmission line using a digital filter [4]. The 16-Q QAM constellaation is illustra
ated in Fig. 1.
filtering process ma ay take pla ace before the
analog/digital converte ers (ADC) to o ensure opttimal Limmitations of digital equalization
equalization. However,, this pre-sampling strategyy can The e Viterbi & Vitterbi algorithm
m is commonlly used to
only com mpensate for a fixed amoun nt of CD. For this corrrect the phasse mismatch in QPSK [3] or mPSK
reason, post-sampling
p g equalization n is realized with signnals but canno ot be used fo or 16-QAM beecause the
adaptive complex-valued feed-forrward equalizers 16QQAM constella ation cannot b be reduced to
o a single
(FFE) to compensate for the residu ual CD and PMD.
P symmbol through a (.)M ope eration. The algorithm
Another source
s of disttortion is crosss-talk due to
o the proposed in [6] estimates tthe phase errror using
loss of orthogonality between
b the Pol-Mux
P channnels Class I symbols only (symbols located in the inner
(e.g. due e to PDL, [5])) and due to the misalignm ment andd outer circles), whereas Cllass II symbolls (located
between signal polarrizations and the polariza ation on the central circle) are ignored in th he phase
beam sp plitter (PBS) at a the receivver. The consstant estimation procedure. For thiss reason, this algorithm
modulus algorithm (C CMA) has be een proposed d to still imposes strinngent requirem ments on the laser and
optimize the coefficients of a com mplex-valued FIR locaal oscillator linewidth (Δν)), [7]. We propose to
filter with butterfly struccture to mitiga
ate simultaneoously mod dify this algorithm as folloows: The pha ase (ϕ) of
the impacct of polarization cross-talk, CD and PMD D [4]. eveery detected symbol is first pre-corrected using the
The canccellation of th hese impairme ents may req quire lastt estimated phhase error (ϕ’==ϕ-ϕerr).

978-1-4244-2228-9/08/$25.00 (c) 2008 IEEE 1 Vol. 2 - 57

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE UBERLANDIA. Downloaded on March 24,2023 at 12:49:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
ECOC 2008, 21-25 September 2008, Brussels, Belgium

Fig.. 2: Equalized
d 100-Gb/s 16--QAM signal Fig.
F 3: Equalizzed 100-Gb/s 16-QAM signa al using
(Δν = 5 MHz) using th he classical (le
eft) and modifi
fied classical CMA roposed MMA (right)
A (left) and pro
(right) algorithm
a (30 dB
d OSNR, 6 bits quantizatio on). (impairmentss identical to F
Fig. 1, 30 dB OSNR,
6 bits qu
uantization, 5 ttaps FIR filters
For Classs I symbols th he procedure is then simila ar to .
[6]. Depe ending on ϕ’, Class
C II symb
bols are divide ed in
two sub--classes corrresponding to o 2 QPSK con-
19.5°. The (.)4 operation can be
stellationss shifted of ±1
applied too the symbolss within each sub-class
s and d the
phase error
e can beb estimated. An additional
mechanissm avoids pha ase propagatio on error in case a
symbol is i wrongly sorted
s in a (sub)-class. The
improvem ment achieved with this algo orithm is illustrrated F 4: BER vs. time (with rotating signal State-of-
Fig. S
in Fig. 2. The MIMO sttructure propo osed in [4] can n be Polarrization) for 25
5 dB OSNR.
used to mitigate
m the impact of CD and PMD on n 16
QAM sign nals. If CMA-ooptimization iss possible, it iss not optiimized with thet proposed d MMA algorithm. The
optimal since
s 16-QAMM does not present consstant phaase error is estimated
e usin
ng the propos sed phase
symbol amplitudes.
a T
This leads to additional noise
n estimation algoritthm and avera aged over 5 symbols
s to
after equalization even n in absence of o distortions (see reduce the imp pact of ASE E noise. In order to
Fig. 3 lefft). We propo ose to extend d the principle of inve
estigate the system
s robusstness againstt dynamic
CMA to multiple
m moduulus signals (MMMA). The signal fibe
er changes, th he input polarization is rottated at a
modulus is not compared to a sin ngle but to three speeed of 5°/µs. This leads to fast dynamic c changes
values wiith the followinng relative ratios {0.06; 0.56 6; 1} duee to distortionss resulting from
m PMD and po olarization
(realizable with 4 bits quantization
q A
ADCs). The low west missalignment. TheT system B BER (estimatted using
error is seelected, multipplied by the complex
c conjugate Mon nte-Carlo simu played in Fig. 4. Results
ulation) is disp
of the dettected symboll and used forr FIR optimiza ation. shoow that the syystem is very robust agains st dynamic
The improvement achieved with this algorithm m is fibe
er changes. Additional
A sim
mulations show w that the
d in Fig. 3. system performance is mostly limited by am mplifier and
er noise.
Investiga ated system
We used d VPItransmisssionMaker to o investigate the Connclusion
performance of a 100G Gb/s 16-QAM transmission with We reported two o improved a algorithms forr adaptive
coherent detection. The signal is generated using g two equ
ualization of coherent
c 16-Q
QAM signals. Simulation
Mach-Zeh hnder modula ators in I-Q configuration.
c The resu
ults show thaat coherent 16 6-QAM is an attractive
linewidthss of the laserr and local osscillator are se et to ndidate for the realization of 100 Gb/s tran
can nsmission.
Δν = 1 MHz. The transmission line exhibits
e 100 pss/nm
residual CD
C and 20 ps DGD. The OS SNR is set in front
f Ackknowledgmen nts
of the recceiver and the al is filtered with a
e optical signa This
s work has been
b partly fo
ounded by the
e German
50 GHz Gaussian filter. The pola arization dive ersity Min
nistry of Educa ation and Ressearch in fram
mework of
receiver is realized using a PBS and two “4x3 3 dB the Celtic project “100 GET”.
couplers”” 90°-hybrids with balance ed detection. RF
amplifierss are used to equalize the amplitude off the Refferences
four signa al componentts (Ix, Qx, Iy, Qy). The signal is 1. Fludger
F et al, OFC
O 2007, PDDP22
detected at 25 GHz (1 1 sample / symmbol) using 6 bits 2. Zhou
Z et al, OFC 2008, PDP1 1
quantization. The fou ur digital signal streams are 3. Noe,
N PTL, vol. 17 (2005), pa age 887
passed to o the DSP forr further signaal processing. The 4. Savory
S et al, Optics
O Expr., vol. 16 (2008) page
p 804
residual CD is compe ensated using g a pre-samp pling 5. Duthel
D et al, OFC 2008, OTh hU5
filter. Pola
arization-depeendent distortiions are mitigated 6. Seimetz,
S OFC 2006, NWA4
using a MIMO
M structure
e with 5-taps FIR
F filters thatt are 7. Seimetz,
S OFC 2008, OTuM2 2

978-1-4244-2228-9/08/$25.00 (c) 2008 IEEE 2 Vol. 2 - 58

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE UBERLANDIA. Downloaded on March 24,2023 at 12:49:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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