SamanVegas OcupaPerez PROY Part1

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Lexs Joshua Samán Vegas Johan Alexander Ocupa Perez

Greetings fellow Disney employees

My partner and I are sending this email to apply for the job at Disney, our names are
Lexs Joshua and Johan Alexander, our last names are Saman Vegas and Ocupa
Perez, we are 23 and 18 years old, we are both Peruvians I was born in Tumbes but
currently live in Chiclayo as well as Johan and we are roommates, we are students at
UTP, our emails are and

Our weekday routine is to get up at 6 o'clock, I like to run, Johan hates to run, he likes
to ride his bike, at  half past seven in the morning we have breakfast, at a quarter past
eight we leave for the university, our class starts at 8:30 am and ends at 1 o'clock in
the afternoon. We usually eat out at 1:30 pm, then at two fifteen pm we go to work at a
supermarket, leave at 8 pm, come back buying things for dinner, have dinner at 9 pm,
at 10 o'clock sharp we do our college homework and finally at 12 pm we go to bed. On
weekends we play soccer in the mornings, in the afternoons we rest and in the
evenings we go out to a discotheque downtown to dance.

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