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Data is collected, transcribed, and converted into a computer-readable

format to enter the machine’s system. For it to process, it is verified for
validity by the program to minimize possible errors that may occur. Next,
data is sorted and arranged, then stored in a binary form inside the
computer. The data saved is now ready for the next cycle step.

It involves coding data into information. The process includes calculations and
comparisons of values to arrive at an output. Collected data is grouped into
different classifications and arranged in a specific order for easier and quicker
access. Conversion of data occurs by using mathematical operations and logical
functions. As such, one can observe the process of calculating, classifying,
comparing, storing, etc.
The output will now take its form. The desired result often referred to as
information, is tested following the system’s demand. It is then summarized
Feedback is given by comparing the output and the and stored in the device’s external memory, or any secondary storage
4 expected goal – it may or may not be up to the device, before displaying a copy of the output.
system’s standard; thus, the next process would
either be the repetition of the cycle’s steps or the
end of the pattern and the start of another one.
Failure to achieve the requirements in each step would result in repeating the abovementioned process.

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