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Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag

Castro St. Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines • +63(075)-5822976

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Values Education

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the student must be able to:
a. Identify the Vgotsky’s Socio-Cultural;
b. Value the importance of the two central factors of Vgotsky’s socio-
cultural theory; and
c. Construct a reflection paper regarding the importance of scaffolding to
the learner.

II. Subject Matter


B. Reference:
C. Learning Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and Laptop

III. Learning Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

The teacher will start the discussion by Students responded by saying “Good
saying “Good morning class.” morning Ma’am.”

Then it was followed by prayer. (One Student will lead the Prayer)

The teacher will call the student The student will note the absent.
representative to check the attendance.

Teacher will ask the students if how’s their The students will answer “Yes, Ma’am”
Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag
Castro St. Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines • +63(075)-5822976

day? Is it good so far?

Teacher responded by saying “That’s good

to know. So, I guess you are all ready to
“Yes Ma’am”
listen and learn about our new topic for

B. Motivation
The teacher will present the guide questions before letting the students watch a
short video clips. After watching the video, the teacher will ask the students
questions that she presented.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

I will present a short video clip and after Yes, Ma’am.

that, I will give you ample time to reflect
and answer some questions. Are we clear?”

● In your own view, what makes a Student 1: In my vantage point, a

person a hero? person can be called hero when
he/she is ready to sacrifice himself
for the seek of others.
● Why are firefighters considered Students 2: Firefighters considered
heroes? heroes because they are sacrificing
themselves for the seek of others.

Students 3: In our current situation

the most heroic jobs are the nurses,
● What other profession or jobs can and all the frontloners because they
Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag
Castro St. Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines • +63(075)-5822976

you consider as heroic? Why? are always saving people and

serving people.
Yes, very good! The video
presentation has a connection to our
Yes, Ma’am.
topic for today, are you excited to
know about it?

D. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

He was born in Russia on November

17,1896 and died on June 11, 1934 at the
age of 37.

His work began when he was studying

learning and development to improve his
own teaching.
Student :Listening
He wrote on language, thought, psychology
of art, learning and development and
educating students with special needs.

Now let us proceed to the next slide.

His experience, together with his interest in

literature and his work as a teacher, led him
to recognize social interaction and Student: Listening
language as two central factors in cognitive

His theory became known as Socio-

Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag
Castro St. Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines • +63(075)-5822976

Cultural Theory of Development.

Now let us proceed to the next slide. Ms. Socio-cultural theory of development –
Vallinan kindly read the phrase emphasizes the crucial influence that social
interactions and language, embedded
within a crucial context, have on cognitive
Thankyou Ms. Vallinan Okay, when we
say Cognitive development means how
children think, explore and figure out
things it is the development of knowledge,
skills, problem solving, and dispositions
which help children to think about and
understand the world around them.

Did you Understand?

Now let us proceed to the next slide Ms. Vgotsky emphasized that effective learning
Noveras kindly read the phrase.
happens through participation in social

Parents, teacher and other adults in the

learner’s environment all contribute to the
process. They explain, model, assist, give
directions and provide feed back.

Peers, on the other hand, cooperate and

collaborate and enrich the learning

Thankyou Ms. Noveras what did you Ma’am in my own understanding about
Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag
Castro St. Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines • +63(075)-5822976

understand? that is thru interaction with others the child

learns better.

Verygood Ms. Noveras

Okay that’s why if we can see when a child

is playing , he/she learns better or having
an interaction between the child and other Students: Yes, Ma’am!
members having effective learnings, that’s
why when our siblings come home if we
observe them they know something new,
because it depends on who they are with,
that is Social Interaction, that’s why the
peers, teacher are contribute to the process
because the parents are teaching their
children, and the teacher teaching their
students too. that is social interaction.

Did you understand?

● Student: Language can be viewed
as a verbal expression of culture.

● Every culture has the words it needs

for its lifestyle.

● It opens the door for learners to

Let us now proceed to the next slide. Ms.
Jugillon kindly read the phrase. acquire knowledge that others
already have.

● It is use to know and understand the

world and solve problems.

● It serves a social function but it also

has an important individual
function. it helps the learner to
regulate and reflect on his own
Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag
Castro St. Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines • +63(075)-5822976


Thank you so much! Ms. Juiguilon Okay

so, our cognitive development develops
more through language development as
well, which is when we learn, we process
the language carefully, the child reads, Students: Yes Ma’am!
writes, speaking that is language
So, let us now proceed to the next slide.
Ms.(name of student) kindly, read the Private Speech-is aform of self-talk that
guides the child’s thinking and action.

Ms. Jugillon what did you understand? Student: Ma’am my own understanding
about the private speech, for example is
about reading a book in her/his own.

Verygood Ms. Jugillon

That’s why if you notice if you have
siblings, sometimes they prefer to be alone,
that’s the time they have a private speech,
their self-talk they talk to themselves. Yes Ma’am
They are still talking to themselves, they
still have imaginary friends. Where in they
can play alone, even though their
imaginary friend is not speaking but having
an interaction that is private speech.
Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag
Castro St. Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines • +63(075)-5822976

Do you understand?

Now let us proceed to the next slide.


● The patron saint for families in
● Born: August 1, 1782, Aix-en-
Provence, France
● Died: May 21, 1861, Marseille,
France (79 yrs. old)
● Canonized: 3 December 1995,
St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City
by Pope John Paul II
● Money could not solve all
Students1: Yes Ma’am,  despite everything
Questions: In your own perspective
view, do you agree that money that money can do, it will never be able to
could not solve all problems? give us everything. Not even if we have
Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag
Castro St. Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines • +63(075)-5822976

Indeed. In addition to that, If you're more money than we need.

ever going to develop a healthy
mindset about money, it begins
with understanding that even if
money could solve a lot of your
problems, it will never be able to
solve them all.
● 1790: (8 yrs. old) Moved to
Venice, Italy.
● Returning to France when he
was 20 and his parents had
● Charles decided to become a
priest in order to help the
Church in France.
● In 1811, he has ordained a priest
in Paris.
● The prisoners, young people,
and servants.
● In 1826, Pope Leo XII approved
the formation of the Oblates of
Mary Immaculate.
● In 1832, he was named
auxiliary bishop to be of greater
help, and five years later, he
was appointed Bishop of
● Switzerland, England, and
Ireland (to preach)
● North America and the Far East,
and Africa
● People said Bishop de Mazenod
was like Saint Paul, preaching
the Gospel to the world.

Question: What did you learn in the life of

Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag
Castro St. Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines • +63(075)-5822976

St. Eugene de Mazenod?”

Student 1: Ma’am money can’t solve all the


Very Good, Class. Do you have any Student 2: Be someone who acts promptly
questions and clarifications? and willingly.

Students: None Ma’am

Prayer \
God our father, thank you for all
the blessings that I receive daily
most especially for giving me my
parents. I thank you for the
passion that they have in (Students are praying)
providing for all that I need and
for loving me. I feel Your love
through them.
Whenever we are confronted with
challenges, give us Your grace
dear Lord, that we can be patient
with each other’s misgivings and
that we are able to remain united
in love. May we never forget the
true meaning of family.

E. Generalization
To sum up the discussion, the teacher will ask those possible questions.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag
Castro St. Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines • +63(075)-5822976

What is Socio-Cultural theory?

Student: Ma’am it involves the two central
factors the social interactions and the
Recall some cultural practices and values (The students answered)
that your family have seen practicing and
you woukd like to maintain for generations.
The teacher was amazed from their
and she asked again if there are any
questions? Clarifications? (Students responded by “None, Ma’am”)
Since all of you have no questions, let’s all
it a day.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: In your own perspective discuss briefly the following:
1.Social Interactions

V. Assignment

Create a reflection paper

Traits of my parents that I want to follow.
Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Manaoag
Castro St. Poblacion, Manaoag, Pangasinan, Philippines • +63(075)-5822976


Prepared by:
Jennifer A. Isla

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