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Republic of the Philippines


Tiniguiban Heights, Puerto Princesa City


Literacy Training Service
(Basic Leadership Training)

Grade level:
Strand: (Literacy Training Service)
About the lesson:
In this lesson on Dimensions of Development awaits to be learned and acquired in this unit.
Public order and safety, Aspects of safety, Personal and Home safety, National Security,
and First Aid will be discussed in this unit. Various learning activities will help you broaden
your knowledge in each topic. Practical and written assessments will be used to assess
everything that you will be learning from this unit.
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
 Cite the importance of ensuring public order and safety as well as personal and
home safety.
 Recognized the aspects of safety.
II. Subject Matter
Competencies addressed:
 Public Order and Safety
 Aspects of Safety
 Personal and Home Safety

III. Materials
Pentel Pen

IV. Procedure
A. Preparation
Give energizer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Greet the students, and then ask them to seat properly.
B. Motivation
Pre-Assessment: Guess the Icon
Direction: Teacher will show different picture and the learners will explain or give their
insights about the picture that being shown.

After then activity, the teacher will ask the students what will
be the lesson.
The teacher will ask students what is safety is and why is it important?
The teacher will now proceed to the lesson proper.

C. Lesson Proper
 It refers to security on local, regional and global levels. Public safety is affected by the
activities of the institutions that protect life, health, civil property and property of citizens
 Public order and safety also affect the smooth functioning of the state. Emerging
threats’ basis can be both internal and external.
Aspects of Safety
1. Management commitment to safety
2. Job satisfaction
3. Training, equipment, physical environment
4. Organizational commitment
5. Worker involvement
6. Co-worker support
7. Performance management
8. Personal accountability

To develop a safety culture, the organization must be informed and continually learning.
This involves agreeing on ways to analyze incidents to reveal all issues and wanting to
learn from near misses before they become accidents. The workforce must be encouraged
to realize that all incidents are worth reporting. Reporting systems that are easy to use will
help with that.

As part of developing a safety culture, a company or an organization must:

 Get rid of the idea that blame is a useful concept, which is hard to do

 Define clear lines between the acceptable and the unacceptable

 Have employees involved draw up the guidelines (guidelines won’t be accepted if they
are imposed from above)

 Have clear procedures about what to do with non-compliance

 Experiment with changes when new information comes in and not be afraid to admit
failure the first time around

Personal and Home Safety

Your personal safety is a general recognition and avoidance of possible harmful
situations or persons in your surroundings. To ensure your safety, you must:
1. Reduce or eliminate opportunities that may make you a target;
2. Increase awareness in places you're most comfortable;
3. Trust your instincts regardless of feeling embarrassed; and
4. Prepare your schedule daily with safety in mind.

You are the one who’s responsible for your own safety. How can one become
responsible in his own safety? By being alert to potential danger, by trusting your
instincts, being aware of all your surroundings, avoiding anything that does not feel
safe, anticipating possible problems, being vigilant and prepared for anything, and
reporting suspicious activity.

D. Activity

Group Activity (5 Groups)

Direction: Before the hit of COVID-19 virus, parents and students considered their school
as their second home. As a future teacher, how will you provide a safe place for your
students? Draw/Paint your ideal room or school that shows safe place for students. Also,
briefly describe what you draw/paint.
E. Generalization

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