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Restaurant Lease Agreement

[Commercial State Inc.]

[Bazzare Restaurant]
This Restaurant Lease Agreement, is made and entered into, by and between [Rizz S.
Inzaal] of [Commercial State Inc.] (“Lessor”) and [Karl B. Villadar] of [Bazzare
Restaurant]. (“Lessee”).

The Lessor and the Lessee are parties to a Lease, of a certain premises located at
6000 Inayawan.Cebu,City.
The term of this Agreement will commence on April 21, 2023 and will be terminated in
November 8, 2025.


 Security Deposit
A security deposit of 1.2 Million Peso shall be paid to the Lessor, on or before the
commencement date of this agreement, and will be returned to the Lessee after the
termination date, net of deductions, and unpaid rent.
 Monthly Rent
The Lessee will pay 1.2 Million Peso to the Lessor payable every 15 th of the month. In
case of late payments, the Lessee will pay the fixed daily charge of 5,000 Peso to the
Lessor after the grace period of 5 days, wich will occur after the termination date.
 Restaurant Use
The Lessor will use the Premises for the purpose of operating a restaurant business
together with other uses usually associated with such operations.
 General Maintenance
The Lessor shall be responsible for the general maintenance and repair of the
Premises,including but not limited to, electrical,wirings and general upkeep of the
 Termination Lease

Either party may terminate this Agreement anytime by giving a 60 days advanced
written notice to the other party.
 Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by the law where the premises is located so the
agreement will be valid.
 Agreement
The Lessor and Lessee are both bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement
until its termination date. If one break the agreement of the contract he/she will be
paying twice as the amount paid so the contract would be fair. This agreement is valid
and been monitor by the law so no one can terminate the contract unless one has break
the agreement or end of the termination contract.


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