Assignment-2 Fall 22-23

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University of Sharjah

College of Computing & Informatics

Department of Information Systems

1503330 – Systems analysis & design

Assignment #2 Fall 2022-2023

Submission date: 3/11/2022 Mark= / 6 points

Student name: _______________________________________

Student number: _____________________________________

Draw the domain model class diagram for the following situation:
The “XYZ” hospital has many departments. Each department has at least two doctors. A
doctor can be part-time or full-time. A full-time doctor will get a monthly salary. Each doctor
is assigned two nurses who work for him only. Each doctor has between 10 and 12 scheduled
appointments. Each patient can schedule many appointments with one or more doctors. A
doctor must attend at least two conferences every year.

a. Show the connectivity.
b. Identify the primary key and the foreign key. Add at least two attributes to each class.
c. Show the cardinality.

*****GOOD LUCK*****

Instructor: Prof. Samar Mouakket

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