Rabbitmq Exchange C#

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Keivan Damirchi

What is Exchange in RabbitMQ

In RabbitMQ, exchanges are used to route

messages to one or more queues based on
the exchange type and routing rules. There
are several types of exchanges available in
RabbitMQ, each with its own unique routing
algorithm and behavior.

Direct Exchange
Direct exchange routes messages to the queue whose
binding key exactly matches the routing key of the
Use cases

One-to-one communication between producers and

consumers. For example, sending order confirmations
to specific customers.

Point-to-point task processing where the task should

be executed by a single consumer. For example,
sending a job to a specific worker.

Fanout Exchange
Fanout exchange broadcasts all messages to
all the queues bound to it, regardless of the
routing key.
Use cases

Broadcasting messages to multiple consumers. For

example, sending notifications to multiple users.

High-speed data distribution. For example, streaming

live events to multiple clients.

Headers Exchange
Headers exchange routes messages based on
headers matching. The routing algorithm includes
headers of the message instead of the routing key.
Use cases

Routing messages based on specific headers. For

example, sending messages to specific consumers
based on their preferred language.

Filtering messages based on multiple criteria. For

example, sending messages to consumers interested
in a specific product category and location.

Topic Exchange
Topic exchange routes messages to queues based
on a pattern matching with the routing key.
Use cases

Routing messages to multiple queues based on a

topic. For example, sending news articles to
subscribers interested in specific categories like
sports or business.

Filtering messages based on specific criteria. For

example, sending alerts to users based on a
specific keyword in the message.

Keivan Damirchi

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