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Republic of Liberia

2008 Population and Housing Census



MAY 2009

Republic of Liberia
2008 Population and Housing Census
Table 6: Distribution of Population by County, District and sex, Liberia 2008
Geographic Area Male Female Total
Liberia 1,739,945 1,736,663 3,476,608

Bomi 42,940 41,179 84,119

Dowein 6,589 6,599 13,188
Klay 11,884 11,513 23,397
Senjeh 15,442 14,585 30,027
Suehn Mecca 9,025 8,482 17,507

Bong 164,859 168,622 333,481

Boinsen 4,041 4,169 8,210
Fuamah 14,630 14,193 28,823
Jorquelleh 38,293 40,836 79,129
Kokoyah 1,829 1,873 3,702
Kpaai 13,044 12,905 25,949
Panta 8,137 8,336 16,473
Salala 21,823 21,794 43,617
Sanoyeah 15,036 15,294 30,330
Suakoko 14,381 14,799 29,180
Tukpahbllee 5,737 5,994 11,731
Yeallequelleh 17,970 18,127 36,097
Zota 9,938 10,302 20,240

Gbarpolu 43,906 39,482 83,388

Belleh 7,951 7,306 15,257
Bokomu 4,386 5,171 9,557
Bopolu 9,580 8,139 17,719
Gbarma 8,781 7,070 15,851
Gounwolaila 5,608 5,904 11,512
Kongba 7,600 5,892 13,492

Grand Bassa 110,913 110,780 221,693

Commonwealth 17,334 17,559 34,893
District # 1 12,555 12,057 24,612
District # 2 12,724 12,998 25,722
District # 3 25,281 24,244 49,525
District # 4 15,315 15,139 30,454
Neekreen 15,902 16,661 32,563
Owensgove 6,774 7,140 13,914
St. John River City 5,028 4,982 10,010

Grand Cape Mount 65,679 61,397 127,076

Garwula 13,668 13,268 26,936
Golakonneh 13,157 10,361 23,518
Porkpa 22,208 20,407 42,615
Commonwealth 3,298 3,249 6,547
Tewor 13,348 14,112 27,460

Republic of Liberia
2008 Population and Housing Census
Table 6: Distribution of Population by County, District and sex, Liberia 2008 (Continued)
Geographic Area Male Female Total
Grand Gedeh 64,994 60,264 125,258
B'hai 5,024 5,343 10,367
Cavala 7,300 6,859 14,159
Gbao 6,197 6,127 12,324
Gboe-Ploe 3,267 3,004 6,271
Glio-Twarbo 4,778 4,252 9,030
Konobo 13,365 11,340 24,705
Putu 9,044 7,382 16,426
Tchien 16,019 15,957 31,976

Grand Kru 29,648 28,265 57,913

Barclayville 5,778 5,795 11,573
Bleebo 873 837 1,710
Bolloh 1,052 865 1,917
Buah 344 299 643
Dorbor 1,197 1,167 2,364
Dweh 473 455 928
Felo-Jekwi 981 1,030 2,011
Fenetoe 872 824 1,696
Forpoh 816 729 1,545
Garraway 4,968 4,557 9,525
Gee 1,254 1,289 2,543
Grand Cess Wedabo 5,523 5,286 10,809
Kpi 848 749 1,597
Lower Jloh 669 616 1,285
Nrokwia- Wesidow 1,010 866 1,876
Trenbo 1,860 1,771 3,631
Upper Jloh 773 800 1,573
Wlogba 357 330 687

Lofa 133,611 143,252 276,863

Foya 36,152 37,160 73,312
Kolahun 28,586 31,971 60,557
Quardu Bondi 8,824 9,961 18,785
Salayea 11,399 12,179 23,578
Vahun 8,621 8,516 17,137
Voinjama 20,623 22,167 42,790
Zorzor 19,406 21,298 40,704

Margibi 105,840 104,083 209,923

Firestone 31,228 30,760 61,988
Gibi 7,359 6,891 14,250
Kakata 44,667 44,037 88,704
Mambah Kaba 22,586 22,395 44,981

Republic of Liberia
2008 Population and Housing Census
Table 6: Distribution of Population by County, District and sex, Liberia 2008 (Continued)
Geographic Area Male Female Total
Maryland 70,855 65,083 135,938
Gwelekpoken 5,370 4,690 10,060
Harper 19,591 18,433 38,024
Karluway #1 4,501 3,993 8,494
Karluway #2 9,429 7,730 17,159
Nyorken 5,319 4,738 10,057
Pleebo/Sodoken 21,884 21,339 43,223
Whojah 4,761 4,160 8,921

Montserrado 549,733 568,508 1,118,241

Careysburg 15,048 14,664 29,712
Commonwealth 5,752 6,124 11,876
Greater Monrovia 476,473 494,351 970,824
St. Paul River 34,981 36,850 71,831
Todee 17,479 16,519 33,998

Nimba 230,113 231,913 462,026

Boe & Quilla 9,163 9,099 18,262
Buu-Yao 20,028 19,979 40,007
Doe 18,122 17,796 35,918
Garr Bain 29,813 31,412 61,225
Gbehlay- Geh 15,859 16,317 32,176
Gbi & Doru 4,152 3,979 8,131
Gbor 5,339 5,536 10,875
Kparblee 5,602 5,822 11,424
Leewehpea-Mahn 12,518 12,229 24,747
Meinpea-Mahn 12,237 11,920 24,157
Sanniqquellie Mahn 12,336 13,034 25,370
Twan River 18,658 18,821 37,479
Wee-Gbehy-Mahn 16,015 16,919 32,934
Yarmein 11,396 11,322 22,718
Yarpea Mahn 11,438 10,209 21,647
Yarwein Mehnsonnoh 13,101 12,483 25,584
Zoe-Gbao 14,336 15,036 29,372

River Cess 37,224 34,285 71,509

Beawor 2,042 1,812 3,854
Central RiverCess 4,543 3,760 8,303
Doedain 6,836 6,205 13,041
Fen River 6,572 6,058 12,630
Jo River 4,572 4,349 8,921
Norwein 7,034 6,866 13,900
Sam Gbalor 1,883 1,831 3,714
Zartlahn 3,742 3,404 7,146

Republic of Liberia
2008 Population and Housing Census
Table 6: Distribution of Population by County, District and sex, Liberia 2008 (Continued)
Geographic Area Male Female Total
River Gee 34,863 31,926 66,789
Chedepo 5,435 5,083 10,518
Gbeapo 5,743 5,191 10,934
Glaro 2,613 2,379 4,992
Karforh 3,072 2,884 5,956
Nanee 3,421 2,581 6,002
Nyenawliken 2,668 2,491 5,159
Nyenebo 3,046 2,657 5,703
Potupo 3,689 3,648 7,337
Sarbo 2,680 2,640 5,320
Tuobo 2,496 2,372 4,868

Sinoe 54,767 47,624 102,391

Bodae 2,151 1,388 3,539
Bokon 2,457 1,916 4,373
Butaw 1,817 1,615 3,432
Dugbe River 4,723 4,516 9,239
Greenville 7,921 7,794 15,715
Jaedae 1,928 1,611 3,539
Jeadepo 4,240 3,655 7,895
Juarzon 3,057 3,031 6,088
Kpayan 5,535 5,126 10,661
Kulu Shaw Boe 4,511 4,044 8,555
Plahn Nyarn 3,509 3,168 6,677
Pynes Town 1,798 1,269 3,067
Sanquin District # 1 1,093 1,025 2,118
Sanquin District # 3 1,699 1,453 3,152
Sanquin District #2 1,931 1,325 3,256
Seekon 4,087 2,937 7,024
Wedjah 2,310 1,751 4,061

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