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15:21 28/02/2023 ESP 1 VOCABULARY EXERCISE 3

Câu hỏi 1 Because of increased trading, the company’s _______ increased by nearly half a million dollars this quarter.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. quotations

b. enquiries

c. anticipations

d. revenues

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 2 The shop opposite my house sells a variety of _______ and we really like to go there to buy things.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. brand

b. merchandise

c. productivity

d. bonus

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 3 Sales staff are often _______ that “The customer is always right”, and they must always be polite.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. organised

b. controlled

c. reminded

d. expected

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 4 I worked abroad for a year to earn money and improve my _______ before working in this Marketing Department.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. resume

b. connection

c. path

d. attention

Clear my choice 1/9
15:21 28/02/2023 ESP 1 VOCABULARY EXERCISE 3

Câu hỏi 5 This is one of the best resorts in the area, and we are _______ that you will be completely satisfied with our service!
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. rewarding

b. innovative

c. nervous

d. confident

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 6
One of the main roles of the Public Relations Department is to enhance the company’s _______ through marketing,
Chưa trả lời advertising, and promotion.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. brand

b. attraction

c. poster

d. care

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 7
When sales take part in marketing strategy meetings, they learn how to sell benefits instead of the only _______ of their
Chưa trả lời products or services.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. quotations

b. trends

c. features

d. revenues

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 8 You need to quickly qualify yourself as a potential _______ because the employer doesn't have time to do it for you.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. request

b. candidate

c. retirement

d. promotion

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 9 For some people, family _______ can help them get their dream job, like Stella McCartney or Ivanka Trump.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. resumes

b. paths

c. connections

d. attentions

Clear my choice 2/9
15:21 28/02/2023 ESP 1 VOCABULARY EXERCISE 3

Câu hỏi 10 The customers required us to send them the latest _______ so that they could know about the prices of our services before
Chưa trả lời they make a purchase.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. quotations

b. revenues

c. enquiries

d. anticipations

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 11 Please take a look. There are pictures of all the new models in our sales _______!
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. album

b. diary

c. expectation

d. catalogue

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 12 One duty of the sales department is to conduct market studies to identify business _______ and monitor the competition.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. quotations

b. enquiries

c. trends

d. revenues

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 13 This year, our company is planning to ________ more employees in the production department because of the increasing
Chưa trả lời workload.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. apply

b. insure

c. attend

d. recruit

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 14 Sales do all the hard work such as answering the prospect's _______, mailing information, calling the prospect back, and
Chưa trả lời arranging sales visits.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. enquiries

b. revenues

c. quotations

d. anticipations

Clear my choice 3/9
15:21 28/02/2023 ESP 1 VOCABULARY EXERCISE 3

Câu hỏi 15 If I get enough experience in the sales team, I’ll be able to become a sales _______.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. organizer

b. manager

c. head

d. controller

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 16
It's important to get the employer's _______ by preparing an attractive resume or dressing smartly in the interview.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. connection

b. path

c. attention

d. resume

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 17 You need to be _______ if you want to work in the field of marketing because this industry always calls for new ideas.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. nervous

b. innovative

c. rewarding

d. confident

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 18 A prospective customer can browse through the FAQs (frequently asked questions) or can read product users' entries in
Chưa trả lời an online _______ to know more about the company.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. brand

b. attraction

c. forum

d. poster

Clear my choice

Câu hỏi 19 When you ________ an interview, remember to wear formally and bring some samples of your work.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. insure

b. recruit

c. apply

d. attend 4/9
15:21 28/02/2023 ESP 1 VOCABULARY EXERCISE 3

Câu hỏi 20 Many companies are spending quite a lot of money developing their websites to _______ more customers.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. attract

b. care     

c. lead

d. follow

Câu hỏi 21 The shop _______ said he would check to see if he had any more copies of the book in stock.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. helper

b. controller

c. director

d. assistant

Câu hỏi 22 As a leader in our industry, the company offers professional training with experienced professionals, an excellent salary,
Chưa trả lời and a _______ career in management positions.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. innovative

b. confident

c. rewarding

d. nervous

Câu hỏi 23 At the annual meeting, the sales and marketing departments can exchange _______ and develop a common vocabulary for
Chưa trả lời better business strategies.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. features

b. anticipation

c. capital

d. feedback

Câu hỏi 24 Companies that introduce “smarketing” are seeing increased _______ and new business opportunities in this competitive
Chưa trả lời market.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. anticipations

b. quotations

c. revenues

d. enquiries 5/9
15:21 28/02/2023 ESP 1 VOCABULARY EXERCISE 3

Câu hỏi 25 Once we were equipped with the latest technology, _______ rose rapidly and we were able to increase the sales
Chưa trả lời significantly.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. bonus

b. attraction

c. productivity

d. brand

Câu hỏi 26
_______ for the position of office manager must be prepared with the task of supervising twenty assistants.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. Applicants

b. Attentions

c. Resumes

d. Paths

Câu hỏi 27 We aim to be the _______ marketing company of computing technologies through excellent services.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. leading

b. attractive

c. further

d. following

Câu hỏi 28 The company is having difficulty in _______ enough qualified staff that are able to handle high-tech machines.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. requesting

b. promoting

c. retiring

d. hiring

Câu hỏi 29 I hear that Frank is going to _______ next week at the age of 60, so who are you planning to choose to take his place?
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. promote

b. hire

c. request

d. retire 6/9
15:21 28/02/2023 ESP 1 VOCABULARY EXERCISE 3

Câu hỏi 30 New graduates should visit job fairs to see what sort of jobs employers are offering and what kind of people they are
Chưa trả lời looking to _______.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. retire

b. promote

c. request

d. hire

Câu hỏi 31 _______ for the car sales were down this month, so the boss required his sales staff to work overtime.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. Quotations

b. Anticipations

c. Revenues

d. Enquiries

Câu hỏi 32 Hundreds of people have _______ for the job of marketing manager because this is one of the leading marketing
Chưa trả lời companies in the area.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. insured

b. applied

c. attended

d. recruited

Câu hỏi 33 Yesterday, I had a virtual interview where I can meet the _______ of that company online, and everything went really well.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. recruiters

b. insurers

c. attendants

d. applications

Câu hỏi 34 Before starting your business, you have to raise enough _______, and this can be done by borrowing money from the bank
Chưa trả lời or looking for some investors.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. investment

b. savings

c. currency

d. capital 7/9
15:21 28/02/2023 ESP 1 VOCABULARY EXERCISE 3

Câu hỏi 35 She felt terribly _______ before the job interview, but once she was in the manager’s office she calmed down.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. rewarding

b. confident

c. nervous

d. innovative

Câu hỏi 36 The new CEO _______ his employees to work overtime to finish their project without paying any extra money.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. requested

b. hired

c. retired

d. promoted

Câu hỏi 37 Not many entry-level jobs are really interesting, but they all allow you to take the first step on your career _______ to
Chưa trả lời management positions.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. path

b. attention

c. connection

d. resume

Câu hỏi 38 It is reported that _______ from online ads are much higher than from print advertising this year.
Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 0,25 Select one:

a. quotations

b. enquiries

c. revenues

d. anticipations

Câu hỏi 39 According to the company’s policy, you are possibly _______ to a higher position after two-year continuously hard and
Chưa trả lời efficiently working.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. promoted

b. requested

c. hired

d. retired 8/9
15:21 28/02/2023 ESP 1 VOCABULARY EXERCISE 3

Câu hỏi 40 At the beginning of your career _______, the most important thing is to find a job that you can learn a lot to develop your
Chưa trả lời skills.
Đạt điểm 0,25
Select one:
a. resume

b. path

c. attention

d. connection



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