Activity 5: Defining Terms: Learning Area 2: Identifying The Problem and Asking The Question

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LA 2.

Activity 5

Learning Area 2: Identifying the Problem and Asking

the Question
Activity 5: Defining Terms
The outputs of this learning area will complete the Chapter 1: Introduction of your research.

In this activity, you should be able to do the following:
● Identify the different types of defining research topic terms.
● Explain the importance of writing the definition of terms.
● Formulate the research’s definition of terms.

● Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

● Communication
Opportunity to ● Collaboration
Practice the Following ● Information Literacy
21st-Century Skills ● Productivity and Accountability

When you wrote the first parts of the chapter, you have introduced the topic and the
problems that the study will explore. Thus, different terms that are specifically used in the
study must be defined so that the reader will understand the operational and contextual
meanings of the words. In writing the first chapter, it is a must for you as the researcher
to remember that not all readers are experts in the field. One of the many ways of
clarifying the meaning of these terms is through the definition of terms.

LA 2. Activity 5
Defining Terms
Defining terms is one of the ways of setting the parameters of the research study. It is
crucial that the terms used in the study are defined by researchers so that readers can
understand the key terms found in the research and explain how they are used. It is your
responsibility as a researcher to provide the contextual definition of the terms as to the
paper’s purpose, especially when the term has several meanings beyond the study.

Conceptual and Operational Definitions

Terms in research are interpreted differently by the readers. To prevent misconceptions and
have everyone on the same page, you may define the terms in two different ways. Both
types of definitions are used to further deepen the understanding of the term.

Conceptual definitions are mainly used to explain the meaning of a certain abstract term
or construct in the study. On the other hand, operational definitions refer to how a
particular term is used and measured in the research. The operational definition of the term
is necessary for research as it makes the use of the term in the study clear and explains how
it is related to a particular scope of the research. Try to look at the following examples:
● A conceptual definition of the term procedural justice is defined as "the fairness of the
justice system in making fair decisions or outcomes." In research, procedural justice
may be operationally defined as "the level of trust in legal proceedings among the
● The conceptual definition of visual acuity is "the ability of one’s eyes to see clearly."
However, when defined operationally, it is "the clarity of vision measured at a
distance of 20 feet using the Snellen chart."
● A credit, defined conceptually, is "the money that someone owes to another person."
Meanwhile, operationally, credit refers to "the amount increasing the equity account
or decreasing the expense account."

Importance of Writing Definitions

Writing the definition of terms serves several purposes in a study. The following are the
reasons why you have to exert effort in defining terms used in your study:

LA 2. Activity 5
To avoid misunderstanding. The definition of terms helps your readers to understand and
become familiar with the dynamics of your research. With the terms defined, confusion may
be resolved, and interpretations are aligned with the goals of the study.

To contextualize terms. A term may have been used and defined differently in other
available pieces of literature, including books, articles, and other materials. Even if a term
might be easily understood, it could still be used differently in your present study.

To explain it better. The definition of terms may be able to explain a term clearer,
especially if there is a need to expand or further emphasize a certain concept.

Quick Tip
It is important to include the conceptual and operational definitions of terms in your
study. This will emphasize the difference in the use of terms in the current research
from other previous studies.

How to Write the Definition of Terms

You may follow the steps below in writing the definition of terms:
1. Identify the terms to be defined. Listing the terms helps make sure that all
possible key terms used in the study are defined. This will also help you to filter what
terms may confuse the readers and need a more precise explanation.
2. Use reliable sources in defining terms. Definitions from credible and dependable
resource materials are helpful in conceptually and operationally defining your own
set of terms. In most cases, in-text citations are used in this section.
3. Use simple words in defining and explaining terms. Using complex or unfamiliar
words in defining terms may lead your readers to look for more explanation.
4. Follow the format. The format in writing the definition of terms may vary depending
on the practice of schools, universities, or journal publications. You may ask your
adviser or teacher on what format will be used for this section of the paper, which
can be in paragraph or list form.

LA 2. Activity 5

Activity Instructions
1. Enumerate the terms to be defined in the study. Make sure that the variables of
the research are included in the definition of terms.
2. Define the terms both conceptually and operationally.
3. Use formal language and observe the use of proper sentence structures in writing
the definitions.

Rubric for Grading

1 2 3 4 Weights Points

Content and The terms are A few terms are Most of the terms The terms are
Details improperly accurately are accurately properly identified
identified and identified and identified and and accurately 40%
inaccurately defined. defined. defined.

Definitions The conceptual and The conceptual and The conceptual and The conceptual and
Used operational operational operational operational
definitions are not definitions are not definitions are definitions are 30%
provided. provided mostly provided provided and
completely. and well-written. well-written.

Productivity The proper use of The proper use of The proper use of The proper use of
and resource materials resource materials resource materials resource materials
Accountability is not evident. Most is somehow is evident. All is highly evident. All
in Citing of the sources are evident. Most of sources are reliable sources are reliable
Sources unreliable and not the sources are and cited using the and properly cited
cited using the reliable and cited required citation using the required
required citation using the required style guide. citation style guide.
style guide. citation style guide.

1 2 3 4 Weights Points

LA 2. Activity 5

Grammar, The submission The submission The submission The submission is

Spelling, and needs major needs minor needs minimal coherent in the
Communication improvements in improvements in improvements in presentation of
the coherence of the coherence of the coherence of definitions. It
definitions. It definitions. It definitions. It contains little to no 10%
contains major contains minor contains minimal grammatical and
grammatical and grammatical and grammatical and spelling errors.
spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors.

Total 100%



Harvard Extension School. “Definition of Terms.” Harvard University. Accessed May 2, 2020.

Purdue Online Writing Lab. “Writing Definitions.” Purdue University. Accessed May 2, 2020.

Singh, Kultar. Quantitative Social Research Methods. New Delhi: Sage Publications India, 2007.

Waters, Donald. Quantitative Methods for Business. 4th ed. England: Pearson Education
Limited, 2008.

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