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How write word variables into eeprom

'-------- Unit EepromVariable --- version: 2009-09-16 for

'procedure EEPromWriteVariable(Dat as ^byte, Number, EEpromAddress as

'procedure EEPromReadVariable(Dat as ^byte, Number, EEpromAddress as byte)

'These procedures/functions do write and read the content

'of any type of variable to/from Eeprom.
' The procedures/functions need following parameters:
' - the address of the variable
' - the size of the variable (8–bit=1, 16-bit=2, 32-bit=4)
' - the first (lowest) address in Eeprom to write to or read from'
' Take care of the mapping of the variables in Eeprom so that they do not


'EePromWriteVariable(@Variable, sizeof(Variable), EePromAddress)

'EePromReadVariable(@Variable, sizeof(Variable), EePromAddress)

'sub procedure EePromWriteVariable(dim Dat as ^byte, dim Number,

EEpromAddress as byte)
'dim I as byte
'  for I = 0 to Number -1
'   EEProm_Write(EEPromAddress, Dat^)'  // write the "I"th byte
'   Delay_ms(25)
'   Inc(Dat)
'   Inc(EEpromAddress)
'  next I
'end sub
'sub procedure EePromReadVariable(dim Dat as ^byte, dim Number,
EEpromAddress as byte)
' dim I as byte
'   for I = 0 to Number -1
'    Dat^ = EEProm_Read(EEPromAddress)'  // read the "I"th byte
'    Delay_ms(25)
'    Inc(Dat)
'    Inc(EEpromAddress)
'   next I
'end sub


'dim CurrentValue as  word

'dim StoredValue as word

'CurrentValue = 1023
'EePromWriteVariable(@CurrentValue, 2, 10)

'EePromReadVariable(@StoredValue, 2, 10)
'WordToStr(StoredValue, Text)
'Lcd_Out(1, 1, Text)

'So in LCD display you view "1023"


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