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Workflowname Polygons Around Welltops

Author Raymond Bekkeheien, SIS/SCA Domain Geology/Geophysics

Date 18 Oct 2006 Expert level Novice
Petrel version 2005 patch 1.2 Version 1.0

Background: In many cases, it is valuable to see a polygon around wells for each reservoir
compartment. A circle polygon around the wells with certain radius may represent the
drainage area for each well. The polygon also can be used for calculating volume in place.

Result: The workflow process creates a circle with a user specified radii around well tops.
Dependent on well position, some of the wells may have overlapping drainage areas if their
distance apart is less than two times the drainage radius.

Prerequisite: Before you run the script remember to:

1. Double click on “Set reference list” and drop in the well tops of interest. In this
example we apply only wells tops A and C.

2. Variable A and B refer to the well tops and output surface, respectively. Double click
on “Make/Edit Surface” and drop in the variables for input and output data.

3. Run the script and toggle on the polygon for desired well top un the Input Tab

Process Manager Workflow

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