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Statistical Property Report for Zones and Sub-zones within


Workflow name: Statistical Property Report for Zones and Sub-zones within Segments
Raymond Bekkheien &
Author Domain Geology
Michiel Harrings, SIS SCA
Date 11 Oct 2006 Expert level Intermediate
Petrel version 2005 patch 1.2 Version 1.0

Background: Sometimes it is necessary to regularly create a report giving average values the
petrophysical properties for zones or sub-zones. . This has always been a manual task the past
using the property filter and the statistics tab. With the addition of the output sheet
functionality to the Petrel process manager in the 2004 release this is now possible automate,
saving time and also reducing error.

Result: The workflow calculates the principal statistics in each zone and sub-zone for any
desired property found in properties under the Models tab. Results are presented in an output
sheet showing the basic statistics for each segment and subsequent zones and sub zones.

Prerequisite: Before the script can be applied the following steps must be performed:

1. Define the Zone index property from Geometrical modeling in the Process tab, with
the settings as shown below.

2. Make sure that the properties of statistical interest are defined

3. Open the workflow script and follow the explanatory comments

4. Run the script

Process Manager Workflow


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