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Segments connected to wells

Workflowname Segments connected to wells

author Michiel Harings, SIS/SCA domain Geology
date 20 oct 2006 expert level Novice
petrel version 2005 patch 1.2 version 1.0

Background: This workflow investigates which segments in a 3D grid are connected to

which wells and which segments are not connected to any well. Be advised that the whole
length of the well is considered.

Result: The output will be in a (user specified) property for each selected well, filtered only
for the segments that are connected to that well (see fig. 1). The default property is
‘segments’, acquired by running ‘segment index’ modeling first.

Prerequisites: For this workflow to run properly a 3D grid is needed with at least a ‘well
index’ property, manually modeled (under geometrical modeling). In its current setup, this
workflow also requires ‘segment index’ to be modeled (under geometrical modeling).
However, the workflow can easily be adapted for any property (see below for details)

When opening the workflow, the input required from the user are the wells that the user
wants to investigate. By double clicking ‘set reference list’ in line 3 of the workflow, a
selection of wells can be set, useful if you want to investigate injector wells or proposed wells

The search method is based on the occurrence of cells with a ‘well index’ value assigned to
it. When geometrical modeling ‘well index’ first, all cells penetrated by one of the wells will
get the code associated with that particular well. The search method models the ‘well index’
for each individual well and counts the number of cells that are penetrated by that well. The
segments are turned on one by one in the segment filter, and if in a segment the ‘well index’
value is found, the workflow will keep that segment visible. If the well does not occur in the
segment, it will turn it invisible again. It will run through all segments until the total number
of cells with the ‘well index’ value has been found.

In the end, a filter has been made with only the segments visible that are hit by that well, and
the filtered volume can now be filled with any (already modeled) property (segments is
default) or with a user chosen constant value (1, 2, 3 or 1.49 etc). To change the output
property, change the right-hand side of the expression in the calculators shown in fig. 1 and
fig. 2 into another property or constant value.

fig. 1

fig. 2

It is highly advisable to add the property name to the left-hand side of the calculator
expression. (If for example modeling porosity per well-segments, use
Prop_Segments_$Well). Note the reference in the final calculator statement to an earlier
made property (see the red arrow in fig. 2). If changing the output name of
Segments_with_selected_wells, it has to be changed in the last calculator expression as well.
If changing the property, adapt the attached template as well in the calculator window.

Fig 3 and 4 show one of the results from the workflow: all segments modeled that are not in
connection with any well. Fig 3 shows the segment index value, fig 4 shows the permeability.

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

IMPORTANT: do not change the expression in the remaining other calculator

commands. These are part of the search method.

The entire length of the well is considered, so the segments displayed

could coincide with any part of the well trajectory within the 3D grid.


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