4.1 01-110-040-Lab-Notes-V1-02

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lab title

Introduction to CloudFormation

Course title
BackSpace Academy
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
BackSpace Academy AWS Certified Associate

Table of Contents


Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................1

About the Lab ..............................................................................................................................................................2
Creating A CloudFormation Stack..............................................................................................................................3
Create a CloudFormation Stack ................................................................................................................................3
Clean Up....................................................................................................................................................................6

1 Copyright all rights reserved - BackSpace.Academy

BackSpace Academy AWS Certified Associate

About the Lab

Please note that not all AWS services are supported in all regions. Please use
the US-East-1 (North Virginia) region for this lab.
These lab notes are to support the Intro to CloudFormation lab of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Course.

Please note that AWS services change on a weekly basis and it is extremely important
you check the version number on this document to ensure you have the lastest version
with any updates or corrections.

2 Copyright all rights reserved - BackSpace.Academy

BackSpace Academy AWS Certified Associate

Creating A CloudFormation Stack

In this section, we will use the CloudFormation service to deploy a LAMP web server on EC2.

Create a CloudFormation Stack

From the AWS console search CloudFormation

Click Create a new environment

Select Stacks

Click Create stack -> With new resources

Select Use a sample template

3 Copyright all rights reserved - BackSpace.Academy

BackSpace Academy AWS Certified Associate

Select Simple -> LAMP Stack

Click Next

Give the stack a name

Enter passwords and a user name (this can be anything, we won’t be connecting to the database for the lab)

Select a key Name

Select a t2.micro instance type

Click Next

4 Copyright all rights reserved - BackSpace.Academy

BackSpace Academy AWS Certified Associate

Leave the default settings

Click Next

Click Create stack

5 Copyright all rights reserved - BackSpace.Academy

BackSpace Academy AWS Certified Associate

Clean Up

Do not delete the resources directly. This will cause the stack deletion process to fail.

Deleting the stack will delete all the resources.

Click Delete

Click Events tab

Refresh to see current status of stack deletion

6 Copyright all rights reserved - BackSpace.Academy

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