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Written by: Zahid Asghar ( Finance)

1___Economic development vs Economic growth /Methods of measuring
economic development
Economic growth

Economic growth is the increase in production or consumption by each nation or region.

Economic development

Economic development is the increase of such production or consumption by each person,

putting growth on a per capita basis.

Economic Growth

According to Madison
According to Schumpeter
According to kindle Berger
According to Friedman

Economic development

According to Meier and Baldwin

According to M.P Todaro
According to Schumpeter
According to Friedman

Development Vs Growth

According to Maddisan
According to Shawmpeter
According to Kindleberg
According to Friedman

Measurement of Economic Development

Professor W.W Rostow
H.F Williamson
Arthur Lewis
Meier & Baldwin

Methods of Measuring Economic development

1. Increase in real Gross National Product

2. Real Per Capita Income Method
3. Human Development Index
4. Physical Quality of Life Index
5. Other Diverse Indicators

2___Define Economic development and also discuss economic and non

economic factors of economic development?
Economic development

Economic development is the increase of such production or consumption by each person,

putting growth on a per capita basis.

Economic Factors

1. Natural resources
2. Capital Accumulation
3. Human Capital / Human resources
4. Technological Progress
5. Social overhead capital

Non-Economic Factors

1. Social Factors
2. Political Factors
3. Administrative Factors

3___Essentials of Economic development

1. Increase in Labor productivity

2. Increase in National output
3. Increase in Human capital
4. To overcome vicious circle of poverty
5. Less wastage of inputs
6. Better Quality
7. Better Living standards
8. Economic of scale
9. Rapid increase in supply
10. Specialization
11. Capital Accumulation
12. Role of effective demand
13. Economic stagnation
14. Role of production and distribution
15. Population growth and economic development
16. Technology and advancement
17. Agriculture sector
18. Credit facilities
19. International trade
20. Political stability
21. Vision for the future
22. Investment
23. Human capital
24. Micro and Macroeconomic stability
25. Role of government

4___What do you know about market imperfections during economic

development? What are the various constraints on economic development of
Market imperfection

An imperfect market refers to any economic market that does not meet the accurate standards
of a real perfectly or purely competitive market.

An imperfect market is one which individual buyers and sellers can influence prices and
production, there is no full disclosure of information about products and prices , and there are
high barriers to entry or exit in the market.

Constraints of Economic development / Characteristics of developing economy

1. Low level of living
2. Low per-capita National Income
3. Poor health facilities
4. Low levels of productivity
5. Primitive Agriculture
6. Dependence on primary products
7. Raw material exports
8. Political instability
9. Less use of Natural resources
10. Lack of Natural resources
11. Lack of organizational abilities
12. Less investment in Human capital
13. Lack of investment
14. Shortage of capital
15. High rate of population growth
16. Unemployment
17. Imports of consumer products
18. Poor credit system
19. Hoarding
20. Unorganized Money Market
21. Imperfect markets
22. Limited use of Technology
23. Vicious circle if poverty

5___ Characteristics of developing countries with special reference to Pakistan

1. Low level of living

2. Low per-capita National Income
3. Poor health facilities
4. Low levels of productivity
5. Primitive Agriculture
6. Dependence on primary products
7. Raw material exports
8. Political instability
9. Less use of Natural resources
10. Lack of Natural resources
11. Lack of organizational abilities

12. Less investment in Human capital
13. Lack of investment
14. Shortage of capital
15. High rate of population growth
16. Unemployment
17. Imports of consumer products
18. Poor credit system
19. Hoarding
20. Unorganized Money Market
21. Imperfect markets
22. Limited use of Technology
23. Vicious circle if poverty

6___Obstacles of economic development

Economic obstacles

1. Lack of capital
2. Lack of Technology
3. Lack of foreign exchange
4. Lack of entrepreneur
5. Under developed Natural and Human resources
6. Imbalanced Growth
7. Market imperfection
8. International forces
9. Non Availability of resources
10. Under utilization of resources
11. Vicious circle of poetry
12. Inefficient trade
13. Weak infrastructure
14. Transport and communication
15. Energy crises
16. Lack of skill and research
17. Inconsistent economic policies
18. Tax structure
19. Unfavorable foreign economic affairs
20. Unfavorable international trade
21. Burden of debt foreign
22. Capital flight

Political Obstacle

1. Deficiency of capital and foreign exchange

2. Backward state technology
3. Inflation
4. Corruption
5. Money laundering
6. Internal and external debt
7. Lack of opposition cooperation
8. Backward foreign affairs
9. Economic policies are not good
10. Lack of investment

Social and cultural obstacles

1. Illiteracy
2. Lack of effective population
3. Lack of determination
4. Population pressure
5. Customs and traditions
6. Unfavorable environment
7. Joint family and cost system
8. Religion
9. Poor standard of living
10. Low income

Administrative Obstacles

1. Corruption
2. Red-Tapism
3. Incorruption
4. Inefficient staff
5. High administrative expenditures
6. Lack of skills
7. Lack of power and authority
8. Poor budget
9. Lack of research facilities
10. Lack of cooperation
11. Lack of interest of country benefits
12. Not focus on work

13. Poor standards
14. Weak infrastructure
15. Lack of equipment
16. Lack of good communication
17. Less morality
18. Bad behavior and attitudes


1. Increase in per capita income

2. Equitable distribution of wealth
3. Expansion of technology
4. Commercial policy
5. Training centers
6. Control over population
7. Education facilities
8. Stable monetary policy
9. Human capital
10. Capital accumulation
11. Social overhead capital
12. Social and religious institution
13. Political stability
14. Administrative factors

7___ Elaborate as to why Pakistan could not become a more developed

country like Germany or Japan even after 71 years of its independence?
Constraints of Economic backwardness of Pakistan are following:

1. Low level of living

2. Low per-capita National Income
3. Poor health facilities
4. Low levels of productivity
5. Primitive Agriculture
6. Dependence on primary products
7. Raw material exports
8. Political instability
9. Less use of Natural resources
10. Lack of Natural resources
11. Lack of organizational abilities

12. Less investment in Human capital
13. Lack of investment
14. Shortage of capital
15. High rate of population growth
16. Unemployment
17. Imports of consumer products
18. Poor credit system
19. Hoarding
20. Unorganized Money Market
21. Imperfect markets
22. Limited use of Technology
23. Vicious circle if poverty
24. Corruption
25. Dependence on agriculture
26. Smuggling
27. Money laundering
28. Political instability
29. Weak infrastructure
30. Energy crises
31. Wars with India
32. Kashmir issue
33. Lack of effective monetary policy
34. Unfavorable economic policies
35. Lack of effective leadership
36. Lack Capital accumulation
37. Backwardness in education
38. War against Terrorism

8___Role of education in development of Human capital

[ why education important for economic growth?]

Education is the most important factor which plays a leading role in human resource
development. Pakistan produces 445,000 university graduates every year. The literacy rate of
Pakistan is 58%. The total population of Pakistan is 207 million and only 97,462,900 peoples are

According to world economic forms Global Human capital report Pakistan is at 125 th spot out of 130 in
list that a ranks countries they perform in the education and skills development. In Pakistan 25 millions
children’s are out of schools. Pakistan invested in education only 2.2% every year of GDP.

Development of education in Pakistan

1. Improve the quality of education

2. Expand facilities of education
3. Open new schools in rural areas
4. Improved facilities of education
5. Literate population more and more
6. Remove disparity in education
7. Recognized the quality of education
8. Optimum use of idle resources
9. Educational development
10. Research facilities
11. Infrastructure facilities
12. Skilled development programs
13. Training facilities
14. Increase budget in education
15. Promote culture through education
16. Improve standard of education
17. Technical education
18. Education and development
19. Investment is human development
20. Advancement in education

9___What is human capital formation? What kind of investment can be done in

human beings and why it is important?
Human capital formation

The process of acquiring and increasing the number of persons who have the skills ,education
and experience which are critical for economic and political development of a country.

Human capital is the body of human knowledge that contribute know how to productive uses.
The sum of all knowledge , skills, attitudes, available in a country.

Developing human resources

1. Improve health facilities

2. Organized education
3. Increases skills and development
4. One the job Training facilities
5. Launch Advance study programs
6. Technical Education

7. Research facilities
8. Creating job opportunities
9. Improve standard of living
10. Facilities of business and services
11. Utilization of physical capital
12. Increase productivity
13. Utilization of foreign Assistance
14. To remove economic backwardness
15. Existence of surplus labor
16. Skilled labor
17. Skilled education

10___ Capital formation? Sources of capital formation? How capital formation

increase in a country like Pakistan?
Capital formation

Addition in qualitative and quantitative to the stock of the man-made means of production is
called capital formation.

Sources of Capital formation

The process of capital formation depends upon two main sources:

Internal Sources or domestic sources

External Sources or foreign sources

Internal sources

1. Saving
2. Public borrowing
3. Deficit financing
4. Use of idle resources

External sources

1. Foreign Aids
2. Foreign investment
3. Grants

How capital formation increase in a country like Pakistan?

1. To raise the level of National Income
2. To overcomes the problems
3. Level of employment
4. Building up of social infrastructure
5. To improve the balance of payment
6. To reduce the burden of foreign debt
7. Inflationary pressure
8. Economic welfare of Country
9. Expansion of markets
10. Technological improvements

11___What is capital formation? Causes of low capital formation?

Capital formation

Addition in qualitative and quantitative to the stock of the man-made means of production is
called capital formation.

Causes of low capital formation

In under developed countries of the world that capital formation rate is only 5%.

1. Low income
2. Population pressure
3. Unfair distribution of wealth
4. Inadequate Markets
5. Shortage of human capital
6. Social overhead capital
7. Technological Backwardness
8. Political instability
9. Tax burdens
10. In sufficient Financial Institutions
11. Lack of entrepreneurial abilities
12. Capital output ratios

How to raise the Capital formation? ‫یہ اگر سوال میں پوچھے تو پھر لکھنا ہے‬

1. Encouraging savings
2. Utilization of idle resources
3. Fiscal Measures
4. Capital markets

5. Disguised unemployment
6. Privatization of Government Enterprises
7. Public borrowings
8. Foreign economic Assistance
9. Reducing population growth
10. Increase investment opportunities

12___Discuss causes of unemployment in Pakistan? Also suggest remedies .


Peoples who are able to work and looking for job but unable to find suitable paid employment.


In Pakistan 3.58 million of the work force is unemployed. The total labor force of Pakistan is
61.04 million.

According to the labor force survey 2018-19, Pakistan has 57.4 million peoples got employment
and 3.58 million peoples are unemployed. The employment rate in Pakistan is 6.0%.

Formula of Measuring Unemployment

Unemployment Labor Force

Unemployment rate = ×100
Total Labor Force

Causes of unemployment in Pakistan

1. Poverty
2. High population Growth
3. Shortage of capital
4. Agricultural mechanization
5. Slow rate of industrial development
6. General education
7. Capital intensive industries
8. Attitudes towards jobs
9. Corruption
10. Lack of business opportunities

Remedies / How to remove unemployment?

1. Increase in capital formation
2. Industrial growth
3. Small scale industries
4. Technical Trainings
5. Skill formation
6. Encouragement of self employment
7. Diversification of Agriculture
8. Changes in social Attitudes
9. Government policy
10. Business opportunities

13___Discuss Vicious circle of poverty. How to break the circle of poverty?


In Pakistan saving rate is 13% of GDP during 2018-19. In Pakistan 3.58 million of the work force
is unemployed. The total labor force of Pakistan is 61.04 million.

According to the labor force survey 2018-19, Pakistan has 57.4 million peoples got employment
and 3.58 million peoples are unemployed. The employment rate in Pakistan is 6.0%.

According to economic survey of Pakistan 2018-19 , The population growth rate is 1,8%. The
total population of Pakistan is 207 million. High population is the main causes of poverty in

The vicious circle of poverty is depends upon demand and supply factor

Demand side

1. Low level of savings

2. Low level of investment
3. Low production
4. Low per capita income

Supply side

1. Low level of demand

2. Low level of investment
3. Low production
4. Low per capita income

How to brake these circle?

1. Savings
2. Role of government
3. Utilization of natural resources
4. Human resources
5. Role of technology
6. Role of advanced nations
7. Reducing population growth rate
8. Awareness
9. Political and social contributions
10. Increase investment
11. Foreign investment in country
12. Industries
13. Small business
14. Small industries
15. Education
16. Technical education
17. Skills development
18. Investment in human capital
19. Economic policies
20. Future planning’s

14___Why agricultural sector important for economic development? What are the problems
faced by Pakistan in her agricultural sector? P123 Also suggest remedies of agricultural sector.


Agriculture is the largest sector of our economy. It is considered of backbone of our economy. It
is employee 43% (2018-19) of the total employed labor force. It is the main source of foreign
exchange earnings. It contributes more than 19.8% to GDP. Agriculture includes the
occupations of sericulture , horticulture, forestry, fish farming, dairy farming, poultry farming,
and livestock business.

There are two crops seasons in Pakistan ,Rabi and kharif.

Rabi season extends from October/ December to April /May. The main cultivation of Rabi are
wheat , barley, gram, tobacco, and mustered.

Kharif crops commencing from April, May and ending to October /December. The main kharif
crops are rice , sugarcane, cotton, maize, bajara , and jawar.

Agriculture is the life blood of our economy. The total area of Pakistan is 79.61 million hectors.
The cropped area is 23.13 million hectors. The 4.02 area is under forests.

Role / Importance of agricultural sector in Pakistan

1. Sources of food
2. Raw material
3. Sources of employment
4. Contribution to gross national product
5. Rural development
6. Economic development
7. Important source of National Income
8. Foreign exchange earnings
9. Industrial development
10. Supply of labor forces
11. Capital formation
12. Demand for industrial commodities
13. Government revenues
14. Provides investment
15. Per-capita food
16. Cultural Aspects
17. Pakistan international Reorganization
18. Balance of payment

What are the problems faced by Pakistan in her agricultural sector? Agricultural

1. Low production
2. Smuggling
3. Natural climates
4. Improper time of wheat cultivation
5. High growth rate of population
6. Miscellaneous Causes
7. Lack of agricultural education
8. Lack of government interest
9. Low investment in agricultural sector

10. Low level of exports
11. Adverse terms of trade
12. Dependence on other countries
13. Increase in cost of production
14. Lack of irrigation facilities
15. Energy crises


1. In time production
2. Role of Punjab to be extend
3. Improved quality of seeds
4. Fertilizers and pesticides
5. Investment in agricultural sector
6. Agricultural education
7. Role of Government
8. Provide seeds to formers
9. Improved irrigation facilities
10. Remove energy crises
11. Agricultural loan facilities
12. Remove diseases of crops
13. Advancement in agricultural sector
14. Use of technology
15. Research

15___Objectives of agriculture price policy in Pakistan

Agricultural price policy

It is the determination of prices of agricultural inputs like fertilizers , seeds, pesticides, and
other appliances as well as the output like rice, pulses, cotton, etc by the government or
authorities in the good of formers and consumers.

Determination of favorable price level for formers and consumers is very important. A suitable
price level in that by which cultivators and consumers both seems to be satisfied. Cultivators
needs suitable profits to continuous their production every season and consumers need
agricultural produces at desirable price levels.

Objectives of agriculture price policy

1. Increasing the production of a particulars crops

2. Import substitutions
3. Increasing output of exporting crops
4. Balanced cropping patterns
5. To increase the income level of Farmers
6. Maintaining equitable terms of trade
7. Narrow gaps between rural and Urban areas
8. Stabilizing agricultural prices
9. Encouraging larger investment
10. Efficient use of resources
11. Improved agricultural methods
12. Shifts in the production function

16___What is agricultural finance? What are the major sources of agricultural finance ?
Problems of agricultural finance and remedies.

Agriculture Finance

Agriculture finance is refers to growth and development of agriculture sector. It is the finance
which is obtained for the promotion of agriculture such as cultivation of crops , fisheries,
livestock, fish farming, forestry , power, education , transport and communication. The SBP
provides Rs.700 billion of agricultural purposes.

Sources of Agricultural finance

1. Non-Institutional sources
Friends , Relatives, and Landlords
Village money Lander
2. Institutional Sources
Co-operative credit institutions
Zari Tariquati Bank Limited
Co-operative Banks
State Bank

Problems of Agricultural finance

1. Small units
2. Damages to crops and land
3. Low and uncertain yields and income
4. Lack of credit worthiness
5. Problem of security

6. Small and large cultivators
7. Absence of proximity
8. Unproductive uses
9. High cost
10. Limited flow of capital
11. Delayed distribution of credit


1. Establishment of agriculture credit institutions

2. Establishment of federal bank for corporation
3. Agricultural credit advisory committee
4. Special scheme
5. Recovery of loans
6. Pass book system
7. Mandatory credit system
8. Mandatory credit Targets
9. Reimbursement of returns
10. Finance in kind and supervised

17___Industrial development is considered backbone of developing
country like Pakistan. Discuss main problems( obstacle), and suggest

The importance of industrial sector for the general economic progress of a country is revealed
by the fact that the rich countries of the world are also industrially most advanced and the
poorest countries are those , which are predominantly depending upon the primary sector like
agriculture of their economies. At present the share of industrial sector to GDP is 21%(2018-19)

There are two types of industries

1. Manufacturing industry
The production of things in factories

2. Services industries
Services industry is like banking , insurance etc.

Industrial development considered backbone / Importance of industrial sector

1. Increase in National Income

2. Agricultural development
3. Modern defense
4. Increase in employment
5. Price stability
6. Diversification of economy
7. Correction the balance of payment
8. Import substitutions
9. Extension of markets
10. Increase in saving and investment
11. Increase in rate of economic development
12. Change in standard of livings
13. Increase in per capita income

Causes / Problems of industrial backwardness

1. Agrarian economy
2. Shortage of basic minerals
3. Shortage of capital
4. Shortage of foreign exchange
5. Underdeveloped means of transport and communication and communication
6. Lack of credit facilities
7. Modern technology
8. Policy of developing countries
9. Lack or organizational abilities
10. Shortage of specialists
11. Decrease in external values of currency
12. Limited markets
13. Competition with foreign countries
14. Nationalizations
15. Shortage of electric power
16. Taxation policy
17. Red Tapism
18. Foreign exchange control
19. British policy

20. Over regulation

Remedies /steps taken by the government of Pakistan

1. Pakistan industrial corporation

2. Industrial development bank of Pakistan
3. Pakistan industrial credit and investment corporation
4. Establishing of industrial state
5. Industrial research and training
6. Protection policy
7. Tax concession
8. Denationalization policy
9. Encouragement to private enterprises
10. Establishment of investment promotion bureau
11. Foreign debt and grants
12. State of public industrial shares
13. Import of machinery
14. Export processing zones
15. Privatization of banks
16. Private investment companies
17. Attracting foreign capital / investment

18___Cottage and small scale industry / role/Problems / measures / Steps taken

by the government( remedies )
Cottage and small scale industries

Cottage and small scale industries include all the industrial units , which are running with small
capital and small number of workers usually home level.

In other words

An industrial unit that has capital assets up to Rs.2-20 million excluding land and building and
has 10 to 35 employees.

Cottage and small scale industry includes carpet industry, poultry farming , rice husking , bee
keeping, at rural level and urban small scale industries included hand and power looms ,
manufacturing of armaments , furniture making etc. Cottage and small scale industry contribute
35% of GDP( 2018-19). According to the survey 2018-19 that 78% of the people are directly or
indirectly engaged with small and medium scale industries.
Role / Importance

1. Contributed to GDP
2. Sources of employment
3. Foreign exchange earnings
4. Use of industrial waste
5. Stability in prices
6. Balance growth
7. Extension of markets
8. Sources of government revenue
9. Equitable distribution of wealth
10. Base of large scale industries
11. Reduction in rural migration
12. Reduction of imports


1. Problems in getting loans

2. Problems of marketing
3. Shortage of raw material
4. Lake of appropriate tools
5. Lack of standardization
6. Lack of technical education
7. Lack of co-ordination
8. Lack of government attention
9. Lack of facilities
10. Lack of investment


1. Facilities of marketing
2. Use of foreign Aids
3. Tax concession
4. Credit facilities

Role of state /Remedies

1. Establishment of corporation
2. Industrial estates

3. Credit facilities
4. Technical and Management services
5. Handicraft development centers
6. Protection policy
7. Marketing facilities
8. Standardization of products

19___Discuss the role of foreign capital and foreign assistance in the
development of Pakistan.
Foreign economic assistance

Foreign economic assistance or aid is the flow of resources and technical assistance from a
development country to stimulate domestic development efforts of a less developed country
for filling their savings, investment gap, bridging the foreign economic gap.

In Pakistan saving rate is 13% of GDP. The foreign debt is more than $90 billion
dollar( Rs.30,000 billion) in 2018-19.

Forms of foreign Assistance

1. Technical assistance
2. Grants
3. Goods
4. Foreign loans
5. Trade preference

Role / Need of foreign economic assistance

1. To compensate capital deficiency

2. For industrial development
3. Discovery and utilization of Natural resources
4. Development of infrastructure
5. Use of advance technology

20___Pakistan suffering from the problem of balance of payment , discuss the
various causes of deficit balance of payment and suggest measures to solves the
Balance of payment (BOP)

Balance of payments refers to the sum of both the balance of visible and invisible items.

It is used to summarize all international economic transactions for that country during a specific
time period , usually a year. The balance of payment determined by the country’s exports and
imports of goods, services and financial transfers. It reflects all payments and liabilities to
foreigners (debtors) and all payments and obligations received from foreigners ( creditors).
Balance of payment is the indicator to a country status in a international trade, with net capital

Causes of adverse balance of payment

1. Increase in imports
2. Low volume of exports
3. Increases in import prices
4. Increase in domestic demand
5. Increase in defense needs
6. Inflation
7. Increase in invisible imports
8. Decrease in amount of foreign aid
9. Increase in foreign debt
10. Difference in import and export prices
11. Ambitious development programmes
12. Food imports
13. Protectionism
14. Development of structural disequilibrium
15. Changes in capital inflow

How is the balance of payment is Balanced?

The balance of payment is said to be balanced when the total of credit is exactly equal to the
total of debit items.

1. Stimulating exports and checking imports

2. Industrial development
3. Control on inflation

4. Terms of trade
5. Balanced growth
6. Protection of local industry
7. Import substitution
8. Self reliance
9. Decrease in invisible imports
10. Exploring exports markets
11. Fiscal and financial incentives
12. Others

21___What is the difference of balance of trade and balance of payment?

Provide policy and guidelines to Pakistan government to improve the balance of
Balance of trade (BOT)

The difference between the value of commodity exports and imports is known as the balance of

Favorable and unfavorable Balance of trade:

Favorable: When exports exceed imports the balance is Favorable.

Unfavorable: When imports exceed exports the balance is unfavorable.

Balance of payment (BOP)

Balance of payments refers to the sum of both the balance of visible and invisible items.


Causes of Unfavorable Balance of Trade

1. Unfavorable climatic conditions

2. Imported raw materials
3. Competition with developing countries
4. Oil imports
5. Unfavorable terms of trade
6. Prices
7. Devaluation and delinking
8. Outdated techniques of production
9. Production of value added goods
10. Sick industrial units
11. Social factors
12. Political factors


1. Stimulating exports and imports

2. Industrial development
3. Controls on inflation
4. Terms of trade
5. Balanced growth
6. Protection of local industry
7. Import substitution
8. Self- reliance
9. Diversification of economy
10. Others

Causes of adverse balance of payment

16. Increase in imports

17. Low volume of exports
18. Increases in import prices
19. Increase in domestic demand
20. Increase in defense needs
21. Inflation
22. Increase in invisible imports
23. Decrease in amount of foreign aid
24. Increase in foreign debt
25. Difference in import and export prices
26. Ambitious development programmes
27. Food imports
28. Protectionism
29. Development of structural disequilibrium
30. Changes in capital inflow

How is the balance of payment is Balanced?

The balance of payment is said to be balanced when the total of credit is exactly equal to the
total of debit items.

13. Stimulating exports and checking imports

14. Industrial development
15. Control on inflation
16. Terms of trade
17. Balanced growth
18. Protection of local industry
19. Import substitution
20. Self reliance
21. Decrease in invisible imports
22. Exploring exports markets
23. Fiscal and financial incentives
24. Others

Transport and Communication

Role of transport and communication in economic development of

Transport and communications sectors plays a significant role in socio-economic development

of the country. An efficient transport system with modern infrastructure is considered an
economic factor of production. The most common modes of transportation are : Roads ,
highways, Railways, Rivers, Canals , seaports , and aviation. During FY year 2018 , total length of
roads in Pakistan including Gilgit Baltistan , AJK is 264.401 thousand kilometers.


The electronic media sector has generated 250,000 people of employment. The investment in
media sector is more than $4.0 billion.

Means of communications are:

1. Telecom sector of Pakistan

2. Cellular Mobile network

3. 3G and 4G LTE subscribers
4. Electronic media in Pakistan

Role of transport and communication in economic development

1. Use of Natural resources
2. Exchange of goods
3. Price stability
4. Stimulates Trade
5. Exchange of goods between rural and urban areas
6. Decreasing disguised unemployment
7. Mobility of labor and organizations
8. Balanced growth
9. Social importance
10. Tourism
11. Promoter of Modern capital market

Best of luck


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