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1. Definition
Spoof text is a type of text in English that tells about a factual story in the past and is not
predictable at the end of the story and is funny.
Spoof text is almost similar to recount text. The only difference is that spoof text entertains
the reader by presenting a funny story.

2. Function/Purpose
The function of spoof text is to entertain or amuse people or reader with stories which has
an unexpected and funny ending.

3. Generic Structure
a. Orientation
This section contains a general description of the contents of the story which includes the
characters in the story, the place and time of the story.
b. Event(s)
This section contains a sequence of events / stories that are neatly arranged which is adapted
to the theme being told so as to present the story entertaining for readers.
c. Twist
This is the part that distinguishes it from Recount text, where in this section there is an
unpredictable ending / ending that funny and entertaining/surprising the readers.

4. Language Features
a. Using the past tense or the past time
This type of text is narrative or story. Therefore, this text uses past tense or past tense. For
example: Sani went to the beach.
b. Focus on individual participants
The story focuses on one person as a main character in the story.
c. Using action verbs or action verbs
The definition of an action verb is a form of a verb that describes some activities that you can
see and hear. For example: Dika wrote the letter for his mother.
d. Using adverbs of time and place or adverbial of time and place
This type of text has useful adverbs of time and place for support the story told.
e. Telling it chronologically
This type of text is presented in chronological order. In this way, readers feel no events are
missed to mention. The author uses This is so that the twist is more unpredictable for the reader

What time is it?
A tramp lied down and sleep in the park. He had been sleeping for about 5 minutes when a
couple walked by.
The man stopped, woke the tramp up, and asked him, “Excuse me. Do you know what the
time is?” The tramp replied, “I’m sorry. I don’t have a watch, so I don’t know the time.” The
man apologized for waking the tramp and the couple walked away.
The tramp lay down again, and after a few minutes went back to sleep. Just then, a woman,
who was out walking her dog, shook the tramp’s shoulder until he woke up again. The woman
said, “I’m sorry to trouble you, but I’m afraid I’ve lost my watch, do you happen to know the
time?” The tramp was a little annoyed at being woken up again, but he politely told the woman
that he didn’t have a watch and didn’t know the time.
After the woman had gone, the tramp had an idea. He opened the bag that contained all his
possessions and got out a pen, a piece of paper and some string. On the paper, he wrote down,
‘I do not have a watch. I do not know the time.’ He then hung the paper round his neck and
eventually dropped off again.
After about 15 minutes, a policeman who was walking through the park noticed the tramp
asleep on the bench, and the sign around his neck. He woke the tramp up and said, “I read your
sign. I thought you’d like to know that it‘s 2:30 p.m.”

Source: (School, 2016)


Make your own spoof text, analyse the generic structure and language features in that text!

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