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Module 1 – RIZAL LAW o Graciano Lopez Jaena

o Antonio Luna
- The name of the author of Rizal Law o Jose Rizal
was derived from the Spanish words
“claro” which means “clear” and “recto” Dr. Jose Rizal
which means “straight”. In his law, Recto - Philippine National Hero
made it clear and straight to the Filipino - Rizal’s great impact to the society is the
people, especially the youth, the major reason on why he was chosen to
importance of studying the life, works be the role model to Filipinos especially
and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal. to the youth.
Rizal Law
How/Why did Rizal become the national hero? - Mandate the inclusion of RIZAL as a
1901 course in the curriculum of the higher
- Idea of having a national hero education.
- Times when the Philippines fell in the
hands of the Americans Brief History of Rizal Law
- The Americans who thought of having a
National Hero 1887-1956
- Allows to honor the other Philippine For 69 years, Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s first
Hero and allowing the people celebrate novel, the Noli Me Tangere, was being
their anniversaries condemned and attacked by authorities
(Government and Church).
Filipino Leaders - Noli me Tangere
- Trinidad Pardo H. Tavera o A special faculty committee
- Gregorio Araneta analyzed the novel and claimed
- Cayetano Arellano the novel to be …
- Jose Luzuriaga It was claimed to be heretical (against
o Committee who chose the the accepted beliefs), impious (Showing lack of
Philippine National Hero respect to God), and scandalous (Offensive) the
religious order and unpatriotic (No love for the
American Commissioners country) and subversive (undermining the
- Commissioner William H. Taft political system/traitor to the motherland) to
- Morgan Shuster the public order, libelous (False statements) to
- Bernard Moses the government of Spain and to its political
- Dean Worcester policies in the island (Ocampo, 2003).
- Henry Clay Ide - The government general did not believe
this finding, so he asked the Permanent
Criteria of becoming a National Hero Commission of Censorship (responsible
- A natural born Filipino of publication of books or documents)
- Deceased to do another analysis.
- With high regards to his country o Permanent commission of
(nationalist) (patriot) censorship ordered that the
- With calm mind importation, reproduction, and
circulation of the book is to be
Narrowed down candidates absolutely prohibited.
- 5 historical figures  This order made the
o Marcelo H. del Pilar Filipino people to be
o Emilio Jacinto
curios and the novel the importance of
was read behind closed studying the life, works
doors (Secretly) and writings of Dr. Jose
In 1956, Senator Claro M. Recto and
Jose P. Laurel Sr., authored the SENATE BILL 438 After long debates, pressure,
(Rizal Bill) (supported by Congressman Jacobo oppositions from the Catholic Church and
Gonzales, House Bill 5561, served as a back-up hearings in the Congress, the Rizal Bill was
plan, if in case the congress will not approve the passed into a law on June 12, 1956 and was
Rizal Bill). This bill mandated educational later known as the Republic Act No. 1425
institutions to include in their academic otherwise known as the Rizal Law.
curriculum the study of Rizal’s life, works, and - Department of Education implemented
writings putting particular attention to his two the law with emphasis with life, works,
novels- Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. and writings of Jose Rizal particularly his
This bill aimed to help the Filipino novels Noli me Tangere and El
people to remember Rizal as a hero and his Filibusterismo shall be included in the
ideologies which awakened the socio-political curricula of all schools, colleges, and
conditions of Filipinos during his time. universities may that be public or
- Upon learning about this proposal from private
the senate, the catholic church issued a
pastoral letter that tried to stop the Legal Mandates to Honor the Life of Rizal
congress in passing the Rizal Bill, they Decree of December 20, 1898 that
even threatened the congress that if every December 30 of every year be a day of
ever they are going to approve of the national mourning in commemoration of his
bill, they are going to close their execution in Bagumbayan in 1896 and of other
institutions. Aside from that, they heroes of the revolution.
threatened Recto in future elections, - President Emilio Aguinaldo
that if Recto pushed through with the
Bill, The church will not going to vote for Act No. 137 (July 11,1901), this is the
him in future elections. conversion of the politico-military district of
o Claro M. Recto remained Morong (a part of Manila) into the Province of
fearless, man willing to risk Rizal as an honor and tribute to the most
losing his vote because of his illustrious Filipino and the most illustrious
principles. He believed that the Tagalog in the islands had ever known.
life experiences of Rizal will - The Second Philippine Commission
have a great impact to the lives
of Filipino youth Act No. 1982 (April 19,1910), to
o TRIVIA: celebrate the 50th birth anniversary of Rizal in
 The name of the author all public schools in the Philippines.
of Rizal Law was derived On April 9,1931, acting Governor-
from the Spanish words General Gorge C. Butte proclaimed that June
“claro” which means 19, the anniversary of the birth of Dr. Jose Rizal,
“clear” and “recto” be celebrated in all schools in the Philippines.
which means “straight”. 1948, Republic Act No. 229 was
In his law, Recto made it legislated prohibiting gambling (such as
clear and straight to the cockfighting, etc.) on the thirtieth day of
Filipino people, December each year and to create a committee
especially the youth,
for the celebration of Rizal Day in every Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
municipality and chartered cities. Representatives of the Philippines in Congress

Section 1. Courses on the life, works, and

Module 1.5 writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novel Noli
TEXT OF THE RIZAL LAW (1956) Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, shall be
included in the curricula of all schools, colleges,
Republic Act No. 1425 and universities, public or private: Provided,
that in the collegiate courses, the original or
An Act to include in the curricula of all public
unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere
and private schools, colleges and universities
and El Filibusterismo or their English translation
Courses on the life, works and writings of Jose
shall be used as basic texts.
Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere
and El Filibusterismo, authorizing the printing The Board of National Education is hereby
and Distribution thereof, and for other authorized and directed to adopt forthwith
purposes. measures to implement and carry out the
provision€, of this Section, including the and
Third Congress of the Philippines
printing of appropriate primers, readers, and
WHEREAS, today, more than any other period of textbook. The Board shall, within sixty (60) days
our history, there is a need for a rededication to from the effectivity of this Act, promulgate rules
the ideals of freedom and nationalism for which and regulations, including of those of
our heroes lived and died; disciplinary nature, to carry out and enforce the
provisions of this Act. The Board shall
WHEREAS, it is meet that in honoring them,
promulgate rules and regulations providing for
particularly the national hero and patriot, Jose
the exemption of students for reason of
Rizal, we remember with special fondness and
religious belief stated an a sworn written
devotion their lives and works that have shaped
statement, from the requirement of the
the national character;
provision contained in the second part of the
WHEREAS, the life, works, and writings of Jose first paragraph of this section; but not from
Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere taking the course provided for in the first part of
and El Filibusterismo, are a constant and said paragraph. Said rules and regulations shall
inspiring source of patriotism with which the take effect thirty (30) days after their publication
minds of the youth, especially during their in the Official Gazette.
formative and decisive years in school, should
Section 2. It shall be obligatory on all schools,
be suffused;
colleges, and universities to keep in their
WHEREAS, all educational institutions are under libraries an adequate number of copies of the
the supervision of, and subject to regulation by original and unexpurgated editions of the Noli
the State, and all schools are enjoined to Me Tangere and E/ Filibusterismo, as well as of
develop moral character, personal discipline, Rizal's other works and biography. The said
civic conscience, and to teach the duties of unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere
citizenship; and El Filibusterismo or their translations in
English as well as other writing of Rizal shall be
Now, therefore: included in the list of approved books for
required reading in all public or private schools,
colleges and universities.

The Board of National Education shall determine

the adequacy of the number of books,
depending upon the enrolment of the school,
college, or university-
We present these to all Filipinos, especially to
Section 3. The Board of National Education shall
the law-giving bodies of our government, for
cause the translation of the Noli Me Tangere
calm study and fair consideration. They are Our
and El Filibusterismo, as well as other writings
expression of the Catholic stand concerning the
of Jose Rizal into English, Tagalog, and the
novels of Dr. Jose Rizal, NOLI ME TANGERE and
principal Philippine dialects; cause them to be
printed in cheap, popular editions; and cause
them to be distributed, free of charge, to l. We, the Catholic Philippine Hierarchy, in our
persons desiring to read them, through the name and in the name of millions of faithful
Purok organizations and Barrio Councils Filipino Catholics, wish on this occasion to
throughout the country. restate our unshakable loyalty to our fatherland,
as well as to the lawfully constituted authorities
Section 4. Nothing in this Act shall be construed
of the country.
as amending or repealing section nine hundred
twenty-seven of the Administrative Code, II. Faithful Catholics wish to be second to none
prohibiting the discussion of religious doctrines in love and veneration for our national hero, Dr.
by public school teachers and other person Jose Rizal, whose patriotism remains for us a
engaged in any public school. noble inspiration.
Section 5. The sum of three hundred thousand Ill. We assert that he is our greatest patriot and
pesos is hereby authorized to be appropriated our greatest national hero, not however for
out of any fund not otherwise appropriated in what one day he wrote against our religion and
the National Treasury to carry out the purposes which at the end he retracted "with all his
of this Act. heart”, but for what he did on behalf of the
welfare of our country.
Section 6. This Act shall take effect upon its
approval. Approved: June 12, 1956 IV. The novels Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo were doubtlessly written as an
expression of Rizal’s ardent and generous love
for our dear Philippines, and there are many
beautiful passages in them showing this; and we
are in favor of propagating these passages and
encouraging our young generation to read and
learn them.

V. But unfortunately these novels were

written when Dr. Jose Rizal, estranged for a time
from our faith and religion, did contradict many
of our Christian beliefs.
VI. This in no way implies that we must X. Our Constitution (Art. 3, Section 1 (7)
reject him in order to remain loyal to our faith. guarantees the free exercise of religion. The
It only means that we have to imitate him Supreme Court of the United States has decided
precisely in what he did when he was about to that the American school children belonging to
crown the whole work of his life by sealing it a certain sect cannot be compelled to salute the
with his blood: we ought to withdraw, as he American flag because said act is offensive to
courageously did in the hour of his supreme their religious belief. (West Virginia Board of
sacrifice, "whatever in his works, writings, Education v. Barnette, 319, U.S. 624). On this
publications and conduct had been contrary to basis, we believe that to compel Catholic
his status as a son of the Catholic Church." A students to read a book which contains
dying person's last will is sacred. Taking into passages contradicting their faith constitutes a
account Rizal’s last will, we must carry out for violation of a Philippine constitutional provision.
him what death prevented him from doing,
Xl. We, the Catholic Philippine Hierarchy
namely, the withdrawal of all his statements
maintain that these novels do contain teachings
against the Catholic faith.
contrary to our faith and so, we are opposed to
VII. It is our conviction that to disregard our the proposed compulsory reading in their
national hero's last will expressed in his entirety of such books in any school in the
Retraction as well as his Last Farewell, is, far Philippines where Catholic students may be
from revering his memory, bringing it into affected. We cannot permit the eternal
contempt. salvation of immortal souls, souls for which we
are answerable before the throne of Divine
VIIl. It is true, as the Explanatory Note to the
Justice, to be compromised for the sake of any
proposed Bill No. 438 - 3rd C.R.P. says that "to
human good, no matter how great it may
praise Rizal without taking the trouble to study
appear to be, "For what does it profit o If he
that which elicits our praises is to be
gains the whole world, but suffer the loss of his
hypocritical". Hence, we suggest that a Rizalian
own soul?"
Anthology be prepared where all the patriotic
passages and the social political philosophy of Given this 21st day of April in the year of Our
Rizal not only from these two novels but from Lord, 1956. Manila, Philippines
all the rest of his writings, letters, poems and
speeches be compiled. It is not only in the two
novels but also in his other writings are the
patriotic teachings of Rizal
For the Philippine Hierarchy: (Sgd.) +RUFINO J.
to be found. In order to compile an Anthology of Archbishop of Manila
the kind we suggest, we have already organized
a committee which is making the necessary

IX. Our objection then to the Bill proposed

is not an objection against our national hero or
against the imparting of patriotic education to
our Children.
(which are not
acceptable to
some of the
Module 2 – RIZAL’S WORLD: THE SITUATION OF natives -
resulting to
- The 19th century is known to be the o Some
Age of Enlightenment. It is coined as revolts
such because it served as a reaction to succeed
the focus of medieval period- God, ed and
religion and the church. The emphasis gained
of which led to the curtailment of the
freedom of man to think and to find
reason for his existence in this world. while
The Age of Enlightenment opened this some
freedom to mankind and made man did not.
and his activities as emphasis - IDEA: Freedom to explore and expand
Age of Enlightenment (19 Century)
o Powerful countries/colonizers
- Reaction to the focus of medieval benefited to these phenomena.
period (God, Religion, and Church)
- Drastic change with how people think THE SITUATION OF THE WORLD IN THE 19th
and act. Given an idea on how to think CENTURY
and express their idea into the world
(Bring out their own potential without The American revolution of
the restriction of religion) the 19th century gave idea to the
o Brought to the flourishing of colonized nations that they can gain
human creativity their independence from their
o Leading to Industrialization colonizers when they overthrew the
(Manual to Technological rule of the British Empire and rejected
Advancements) the British monarch to make the
 Increase of changes in United States of America a sovereign
different human country.
activities - First people to wage war
 Powerful nation was against their colonizers to gain
given the freedom or their independence.
opportunity to expand
or explore their Despite the fact that
colonies. They American people are free from
conquered small foreign colonizers, civil war was
countries or countries waged within their territory because
that they like to of the issue of slavery. Hence, in 1861,
acquire. the 16th president of the USA,
 Impose Abraham Lincoln, issued the
rules/directives Emancipation Proclamation which
to the colonies resulted to the freeing of 50,000
Negro slaves.
- Civil war because of the issue colonial state, the newly
of slavery elected native Zapotec
- White Americans looked down president, Benito Juarez,
upon black Americans fought back from the French
o Blacks are slaves invaders. Through the support
- One book about black slavery acquired from the United
inspired Jose Rizal to write Noli States of America, the Latin
me Tangere Americans defeated the French
- Similar to Serfdom in Russia – invaders.
Landowners; People who are
staying in their land is their ASIA
own, not allowed elsewhere, Asian countries in that same period of history
land owners control their lives; were already been controlled directly and
Serf – agricultural laborers indirectly by European colonial giants. Though
working on the lands. most of the Asian countries were dominated by
Somewhat good as they are European colonizers, Japan was reluctant to
staying in the land for embrace it totally
protection and the owners
protect them Japan isolated their country
to the Europeans to avoid the
LATIN AMERICA conversion of Japanese to
In the 19th century, Latin Christianity and the tendency to
America was controlled by the two engage in unfair trading system. With
European colonial giants- Portugal this, Japan refused to trade with
and Spain (two of the most powerful Europeans except for the limited
colonizers). However, Latin America controlled trade with Holland.
waged war against its European After 214 years of isolation,
colonizers due to underdevelopment, Japan was forced to trade with the
discrimination, slavery, and unequal Americans under the command of
treatment in terms of administrative Commodore Matthew C. Perry
positions that eventually led to their because of threat to bombard the
independence. Japanese capital if they will refuse to
France, as one of the leading do so. With this, the two countries
imperialist state in Europe, aspired to signed the Treaty of Kanagawa that
colonize Latin America. Napoleon III provided an opening for Americans to
established a puppet government in be in contact and do trade with the
Mexico headed by Austrian Archduke Japanese people.
Maximilian, who was declared as
Emperor of Mexico. EUROPE
- Latin Americans was influenced Since the 15th century,
by the languages of their Europeans (Spain, Portugal, and
colonizers. Holland) already expanded their
- Adapted the language of their territories in the different countries all
colonizers, language was over the world and greatly
influenced from the language accelerated in the 19th century
of the colonizers through the rise of other European
nations- Italy, Germany, England and
Learning from their past France.
affected by its political situation. They
Italy annexed their territories became victim of the following
within Europe and Africa while malevolent conditions:
Germany acquired colonies also in
Africa and Pacific Ocean. Political Situation of the Philippines
Through the reign of Queen >Political Instability of the Colonial
Victoria, England colonized different Administration
countries in Asia (China, India, Burma, - Marked during the reign of King
now Myanmar) and in the South Ferdinand VII
Pacific (Australia and New Zealand). - Frequent shift of colonial policies and
France on the other hand, officials (Different policies per officials)
conquered the weak countries in - Sent to Philippines from Spain are
Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos and Politically undesirable (not trained in politics/
Cambodia) and merged them into one to manage a colony)
federal colony and named it as French - Encouraged corruption, accept bribes,
Indonesia. mismanage different affairs of the country
>Representation in the Spanish Cortes
SPAIN - Institution of Cadis
- Whatever is happening is Spain - Philippines should have a natural and
is directly affecting their colonized direct representation in the Spanish court who
country (Philippines) will tell them their concerns and give them
Though Spain opened the updates of what is happening in the country
vista of conquering different colonies - Ventura de Los Reyes – Framed the
in different parts of the world, it was constitution actively; Actively participated in the
reluctant in embracing changes in the Spanish court
19th century. - King Ferdinand 7 abolished the Cortes
Spain was hesitant for change (Believed that he solely owned the power)
because they fought against - Propaganda Movement
themselves, they fought against the - Representation of colonies
should be brought back in the Spanish
hostility of a despicable court and
court so that Spain will be aware of
they fought the hardest battle of all,
what is happening in the country
against their political shortcomings
(the setbacks in their political realm Judicial Situation of the Philippines
led to the disorganization of their > No Equality Before the Law
command to their colonies). • Hierarchy of group of people
• Peninsulares
These factors led Spain to her
• Insulares
own downfall which resulted to the
• Creoles
loss of her rich colonies in Latin
• Mestizos
America, Central America and the
• Ilustrados/
other remaining colonies Cuba,
Puerto Rico and the Philippines.
The Situation of the
• Indios
Philippines in the 19th
> Maladministration of Justice
Philippines as one of the
• No due process of law
colonies of Mother Spain was deeply
• Court will always be in favor of land grabbing
who is higher between the parties of the friars
• Indios will be sent to jail without
investigation/not committing

Social Situation of the Philippines Module 3 – RIZAL’S HEREDITARY LINEAGE

>Racial Discrimination
- Spaniards looked down on the - Rizal had his own infirmities physically.
Filipinos Aside from being sickly, his shoulders
- Not capable of doing anything are unproportionate. His left shoulder
- Denied rights to be educated was lower than the right and had an
oversized head. Basing it from his hat, it
- Believed that they were not capable of
measures 6 ½” across and inside the hat
learning and just to work in the fields measures 8” from front to rear. His big
- Prohibited to express their opinions head was noticed by Fr. Collantes during
and ideas his baptism in which he uttered: “take
- No freedom of press good care of this child for someday he
>Human Rights Denied to Filipinos will become a great man.”

Religious Situation of the Philippines

> Frailocracy PATERNAL SIDE
• Rule of the Friars
• Could become a Governor-
general if the leader is not - Domingo Lam-co
• Used religion to manipulate the - (Cua Gi Lam) (Chinese)
people o An immigrant from Fujian,
> Secularization of the Parishes China, converted into
• No Filipino priest should be in Christianity at the age of 35 and
charge of a Parish.
used the surname Mercado
which means “market”
Economic Situation of the Philippines representing his work as a
- Forced labor – at first was a positive merchant. He was married to…
thing agreed by the natives (Good plan - Ines de la Rosa (Chinese)
and compensated – did not happen) o A daughter of a wealthy trader
o Polo y Servicio
o Forced to work for the from Quanzhou and their
government marriage bore a child which
- Haciendas Owned by the Friars named Francisco.
o Friars start to claim lands in the - A Chinese must marry a Chinese to
community cultivated by the keep their business in the same family
o Natives will become tenants or race.
 What happened to
 Rizal’s Family – Nobility - Francisco Mercado (Chinese)
 Became tenant
because of the
o A resident of Biñan and was - Brigida de Quintos (Filipino- Chinese-
elected as gobernadorcillo of Japanese)
the town. He was married to… o They were blessed with 5
- Bernarda Monicha (Chinese- Filipino) children: Narcisa, Teodora,
o A mestiza and bore one of their Gregorio, Manuel and Jose.
sons named Juan.
- Mestiza – Mix of Filipino and Chinese.

- Juan Mercado (Chinese- Filipino)
o A resident of Biñan and like his - Francisco “Kikoy” Engracio Mercado
father, he was elected as Rizal y Alejandro (1818-1898) 80 yo
gobernadorcillo of the town. He (Chinese- Filipino)
was married to… o A graduate of Latin ang
- Cirila Alejandra (Chinese- Filipino) Philosophy in the Colegio de
o A mestiza, whose marriage to San Jose in Manila. He is a
Juan were blessed with 13 farmer and businessman in
children, the youngest being Calamba. He used the surname
Francisco. Ricial (Rizal) which means
“green fields) representing his
work as a farmer. He was
- Teodora “Lolay” Morales Alonso
- Eugenio Ursua (Japanese) Realonda y Quintos (1826-
o He was married to… - 1911) 85 yo (Japanese-Filipino-Chinese-
- Benigna (No Surname) (Filipino) Spanish)
o They bore a child named Regina o A student in Colegio de Santa
GREAT GRANDPARENTS Rosa and they were married on
June 28, 1848 and blessed with
- Manuel Facundo de Quintos (Filipino- 11 children and Jose being the
Chinese) 7th.
o A lawyer from Pangasinan and
he was married to… - Change in surname because of the
- Regina Ursua (Filipino- Japanese) order given by the Spaniards. Spaniards
o They bore a child named ordered the natives to change their
Brigida. surnames. Know the province of people
based on their province.

- Lorenzo Alberto Alonzo (Spanish-

Filipino) CHILDREN
o A mestizo from Biñan and he
was married to… - Saturnina “Neneng” (1850-1913) 63 yo
o was the eldest and she was Solidaridad entitled Una
married to Manuel Timoteo Profanacion (A Profanation)
Hidalgo from Tanauan, attacking the friars for not
Batangas. She was Jose’s granting him a Catholic burial.
correspondence during his stay (La Solidaridad – Official organ
in Europe. Rizal wrote her of the propaganda movement)
describing his stay in Germany (Mariano Herbosa was not
- Paciano “Ciano” (1851-1930) 79 yo granted burial because he was
o was the only brother of Jose, a part of Rizal’s family)
farmer and became general of - Maria “Biang” (1859-1945) 86 yo
the Philippine Revolution. He o was married to Daniel Faustino
had a common-law wife (no Cruz from Biñan, Laguna. One of
legal proof that they are their sons Mauricio, a
spouses) named Severina businessman, was once a pupil
Decena of Los Baños, Laguna. of his uncle Jose in Dapitan.
He served as a second father to - Jose “Pepe”/ “Moy” (1861-1896) 35 yo
Jose. He accompanied Rizal in o was “married” to Josephine
going to study, Rizal confide in Bracken and bore a son named
him in his problems, He sends Francisco which was named
Rizal’s allowance for his upkeep after his father but died few
(Rizal’s parents were not aware hours after his birth.
of his travel to abroad, were - Conception “Concha” (1862-1865) 3 yo
only informed once he is in o died at the age of three that
abroad) caused Jose’s first sorrow as he
- Narcisa “Sisa” (1852-1930) 78 yo mentioned in his diary: the first
o was a teacher and a musician I shed tears cause by love and
and she was married to Antonio grief.
Lopez, a teacher from Morong, - Josefa “Panggoy” (1865-1945) 80 yo
Rizal. She was a witness to the o an epileptic who died as
secret pact between Jose and spinster – did not get married.
Paciano. Knew about Rizal’s - Trinidad “Trining” (1868-1951) 83 yo
travel abroad o she died as spinster – did not
- Olimpia “Ypia” (1855-1887) 32 yo get married. Jose gave her the
o was married to Silvestre alcohol lamp where he hid his
Ubaldo, a telegraph operator untitled poem now known as
from Manila. the Mi Ultimo Adios (My Last
- Lucia “Lucing” (1857-1919) 62 yo Farewell).
o was married to Mariano - Soledad “Choleng” (1870-1929) 59 yo
Herbosa from Calamba, Laguna. o was the youngest and married
She’s two sons Teodosio and to Pantaleon Quintero from
Estanislao became pupils of Calamba, Laguna and the
Jose in Dapitan. As a tribute to classmate of her cousin, Leonor
the death of her husband, Jose Rivera, his brother’s girlfriend
published an article in La for 11 years.
for his family, himself, and the Filipino
people); from Japanese; open
competition and decision-making
- Jose Rizal was born on the 19th day of (weighing the pros and cons before
June 1861 in Calamba, Laguna, between arriving to a decision), and from the
11 and midnight of Wednesday. He was Spanish; sensitivity and self-esteem
the 7th among the 11th children and (confident with himself). These
the second son of Francisco and hereditary traits could be traced in the
Teodora Mercado Rizal. He was named entire life of Rizal.
Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso
Realonda. Her mother named him Jose
in honor of Saint Joseph whom his Module 4 – RIZAL AS A STUDENT
mother was a devotee. His 2nd named
Protacio, was taken from Saint
Protasius, the saint during the day of his Through Education our Motherland receives
birth. Light
- His mother experienced difficulty in - Jose Rizal
delivery that almost took her life but Where education reigns on lofty seat
she was saved when she made a pledge Youth blossoms forth with vigor and
to the Virgin of Antipolo. Three days agility
after his birth, Jose was baptized as a His error subjugates with solid feet,
And is exalted by conceptions of nobility
Roman Catholic by Father Rufino
She breaks the neck of vice and its
Collantes. Don Pedro Casañas served as
his godfather.
Black crime turns pale at her hostility;
- Rizal’s family came from the affluent The barbarous nations she knows how
principalia (native nobilities) citizen. His to tame,
father was a farmer and rented From savages create heroic fame.
farmlands from the Dominican Orders.
His mother managed a general good - Education is important to Rizal,
store. They also operated flour mill, travelling abroad to gain higher
sugar mill and a ham press and involved education. He gave importance to
in trading. They owned a stone house, a education. Education is the for our
carriage, a library and were able to send country to develop, succeed in different
their children to school which were the fields, and prosper. Benefit the people
symbols of a well-to-do family during and nation as a whole.
the time.
o Rizal experienced being broke
There were 12 students graduated in the class
product by injustices and other
of Rizal in Ateneo. Among the 12 graduates, 9
got sobresaliente (excellent) grade in their class
- Rizal inherited the following traits from
and Rizal was one among them. Their class was
his ancestors: from the Chinese, the
the remnants of a much larger class when he
sense of frugality and industriousness;
first stepped in the portals of Ateneo.
from the Malay, self-determination and
courage (Moved to the other country
- Rizal was not the only intelligent in his - With the knowledge he was able to
class. He was known because of his help acquire during his travels caused his
to the country death.

Early Taste of Education Jose developed his artistic ability; his uncle
Manuel formed his physique through sports and
Jose Rizal was surrounded by people who
his uncle Gregorio, the love for books.
possessed different skills and talents which
were selflessly shared to him. His mother taught His aya (nurse maid), Ina Munda, played a role
her how to read and say haltingly the humble in developing the imaginative interest of Rizal
prayers (Ma. Guerrero, 1987); transmitted to through her wonderful stories. The parish
him her love of Tagalog poetry (Coates, 1968) priest, Father Leoncio Lopez fostered Rizal's love
and related a lot of stories one of which was the for scholarship and intellectual honesty (Zaide &
famous Story of the Moth. Zaide, 2012).

- - Rizal was reading poorly His father paid tutors for him to learn Latin and
(without interest) when he was a kid. Spanish. He was under the supervision of
His mother took the book from him and different tutors- Maestro Celestino, Maestro
read for him but his attention was on Lucas Padua and Maestro Leon Monroy. But
the moth, which are circling the flame after the death of the latter, his father decided
of their lamp, this was noticed by Donya to send him to a private school in Biñan under
Teodara and she told him the story of the tutelage of Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz.
the moth.
- At a young age, Rizal was trained by
- The mother told the son not to go near
people around him holistically
the flame, The sone is attracted
(Physically, socially, spiritually). He
(curious) with the flame, so he did not
carried and developed the skills that he
listen to what his mother told him and
possessed, and shared. “While the child
played around the flame, until his wings
is still young, you can teach them
caught fire then died (not able to fly
anything” – His parents believed, the
brain is like a sponge.
- Parents wants us to obey/adhere to
their advice because they have already Rizal in Biñan: Hometown Education (1868-
experienced a lot in life, they know 1870)
which is right
- The story can be compared to Rizal’s life In Biñan, through the guidance of Maestro
experience. The moth is Rizal, the flame Justiniano, he furthered his knowledge of the
is education (enlightenment). Even if basics — reading, writing, arithmetic and
Rizal was advised by his mother not to religion. He mastered the basic Latin and
pursue further education, because she Spanish Courses which were required for higher
believe what Rizal knows is more than learning.
enough. He got the knowledge that he Aside from his formal lessons, he also
needs already, but Rizal with his brother developed his painting skills through the
and father encourage him to pursue guidance of Old Juancho, his teacher's father-in-
education to learn more and travel law. During his free time, he spent it in the old
abroad. man's studio together with his classmate Jose
Guevarra. The two boys became the apprentices heard mass before class and starting and ending
of the old painter and they became the favorite their class with a prayer.
painters of the class (Castaneda, et al, 2007).
After one year and a half in Biñan, he was
Academically, Rizal was a brilliant, diligent and
advised by his Maestro to advance his studies in
competent student. In order to excel, he made
Manila. Before he left Biñan, he prayed in the
himself follow a daily timetable which he never
town church, collected pebbles and bade
abandoned (Villa Abrille, 2002). This daily
farewell to his teachers and classmates
program exemplifies his academic progress as a
- Rizal was sent home by his teacher, student. Herewith, 1. he became consistent
because he already knows the lesson "emperor" in their class despite the fact that
and his growth is not only limited to the he was put at the last row of the class being a
four corners of the classroom new comer and was grouped in the
Carthaginians Empire composed of the
Rizal in Ateneo Municipal de Manila (Formerly
externos (non-boarders – lives outside the
Escuela Municipal de Manila)
walls of intramuros) (Internos – boarders inside
Prior to Ateneo, Rizal took the entrance the school). 2. He furnished his Spanish
examination in Colegio de San Juan de Letran, a through taking private lessons in Colegio de
Dominican-owned school. However, his father Sta. Isabel which helped him in his writings. 3.
decided to send him to Ateneo, a school He received medals and stampita only in some
supervised by the Jesuits. He was admitted to of his subjects because he was deeply affected
the Ateneo through the help of Manuel Jerez, by the imprisonment of his mother. Despite the
nephew of Fr. Jose Burgos. situation, he still received consistent
sobresaliente (excellent) grades in all his
- Jesuits’ education system was more subjects. 4. He became voracious reader; he
advanced and more rigid in discipline, read fiction and nonfiction books and even
less mechanical methods, few rules, asked his father to purchase books in history
numberless exercise by Cesar Cantu. 5. He was accepted as member
The return of the Jesuits in the Philippines in of the Academy of Spanish Literature and
1865 brought advancement to their educational Academy of Natural Sciences which were
system. Its discipline was rigid and its less exclusive societies given to students who were
mechanical (Palma, 1966). Moreover, Jesuit exceptional in terms of literature and the
pedagogy was pauca precepta, multa exempla, sciences. He later became the prefect of the
plurima exercitation (few rules, many examples, Academy of Spanish Literature.
numberless exercise) and cura personalis - Emperor – Tribune – Decorion,
(individualized attention) (Badillo, 2011). They Centurion, Standard Bearer
offered Bachiller en Artes (Bachelor of Arts) as - Donya Teodora was accused of a crime
their program and offered vocational courses in that she did not commit, accused of an
agriculture, commerce, mechanics and accessory to a crime committed by his
surveying. They also have programs in the arts brother. She was sent to prison.
(music, drawing and painting) and as a religious o She was told by the judge that if
school, they molded the character of their
she plead guilty, she will be sent
students through joining religious fraternities,
to prison. And as she miss her
family, she immediately pleaded
guilty but the did not release in fencing in which he became skilled in handing
prison. She stayed there for 2 the sword and he trained even harder and kept
years. That event affected his in practice for the rest of his life (Coates, 1968).
focus in education
His diligent labors in Ateneo paid off when he
- The Count of Monte Cristo influenced in
finished his degree in Bachelor of Arts on
his writings (El Filibusterismo) – Similar
March 23, 1877 with highest honors
theme with El Fili.
sobresaliente (excellent). Indeed, the Jesuit
- Prefect – authorized to impose rules
system of education really cultivated Rizal's
and discipline junior students or
drive towards excellence through his academics,
members of the groups
developed his patriotic sentiments in his
writings and further strengthened his faith
through the foundation of religion.
6. Rizal also developed his artistic skills in
Ateneo. Through the guidance of Father Rizal in the Royal and Pontifical Universidad de
Francisco de Paula Sanchez, his aptitude in Santo Tomas (1877-1882)
poetry was developed. In his five years stay in
After his schooling in Ateneo, Rizal's mother,
the Ateneo, he was able to compose numerous
Dofia Teodora, objected his return to Manila for
poems on education, religion, childhood
further studies. She insisted that her son
memories as well as victories and defeats on
already knew a lot. But Don Francisco secretly
war and wrote a religious drama.
asked Paciano to accompany him to Manila.
- Aptitude in poetry – Fr. Francisco de
Having finished his Bachelor of Arts in Ateneo,
Paula Sanchez
Rizal was qualified to enter the Royal and
- Drawing and painting – Peninsular Don
Pontifical Universidad de Santo Tomas, a school
Augustin Saez
supervised by the Dominicans. Uncertain to
- Sculptural ability – Romualdo de Jesus
what course to take, he, enrolled in the
Through the direction of the Peninsular Don Preparatory Course of Theology and Law taking
Augustin Saez, his knowledge in drawing and the course Philosophia y Letras (Philosophy and
painting was awakened. Rizal's sculptural Letters). He then sought the advice of Father
abilities were molded by Romualdo de Jesus in Pablo Ramon wherein it took a year before he
his sculpture shop in Sta. Cruz. As a result, two received his recommendation.
of his plastic arts were preserved in the Ateneo
As a student of Philosophy and Letters, he
library the figure of Our Lady and the image of
obtained sobresaliente (excellent) grades in all
the Sacred Heart.
his subjects. During that year, Rizal also took
Being a student of a religious school, 7. Rizal vocational courses in Ateneo
also joined the Marian Congregation (Solidarity
- surveying, agriculture and topography. Though
of Our Lady) and the Apostleship of Prayer.
he was able to finish the course surveying in
Guided and directed by Pablo Pastells,
Ateneo, the professional license as agrimensor y
hebecame the prefect of the Marian
perito tasador de tierras (land surveyor and
Congregation and called Rizal asquerido hijo de
assessor) was only granted to him after three
mi alma (my own spiritual son) (Bonoan, 1994).
years because of his age. He was only seventeen
Due to his small stature, 8. Rizal also engaged in when he finished the course. He was still an
gymnastics and other physical exercises such as active member and officer of exclusive societies
and of the Marian congregation, However, after triumphs and admiration to people who
one term in the program, he shifted to the influenced his being, a sonnet and a zarzuela
Preparatory Course of Medicine as advised by (musical comedy) which was performed in the
Father Pablo Ramon and was concerned by the Literary Academy of Ateneo. He also attended
state of his mother's sight. He was granted by classes at the Academy of Fine Arts to perfect
the university the rare privilege of studying his technique in painting and took lessons in
simultaneously the Preparatory Course of fencing (Bernad, 1998).
Medicine and the First Year of Medicine (De
He also developed his leadership skill through
Viana et al., 2011).
founding a secret society for Filipino students in
In medicine, Rizal did not shine as he has done 1880. He named it Compañerismo
at the Ateneo (Bantug, 2008). In the twenty one (Comradeship) for mutual protection (against
(21) subjects taken in the university, Rizal the Spanish students, who were prone to
obtained six (6) sobresaliente (excellent), six (6) persecuting the rest) and for the
aprovechado (very good), eight (8) bueno encouragement of traditional Filipino sports
(good) and one aprobado (passing) grades. (Coates, 1968).
Perhaps, Rizal was not gifted for medicine as he
As a teenager, it was a normal experience in the
was for the letters and arts (Villaroel, 1984).
life of Rizal to be attracted with the opposite
Nevertheless, among twenty four (24) students
sex. Before he entered the university, he felt the
enrolled in Medicine, he was one among the
very first emotions of love with Segunda
seven (7) who reached the beginning of the fifth
Katigbak, a schoolmate of his sister Olimpia
year course until he decided to continue his
followed by the two Leonors --- Leonor
studies abroad.
Valenzuela and Leonor Rivera.
Though somewhat disappointed with his
After four years in the university, Rizal decided
performance in medicine, Rizal excelled in
to finish his studies abroad. The letter of
literature and developed his nationalist
Paciano to Jose Rizal in 1882 answers the reason
sentiments on it. Father Evaristo Arias helped
why he left abroad: It is said here that you will
him cultivate his craft in poetry. In 1879, he
finish the medical course... to me the principal
joined the poetry contest sponsored by Liceo
purpose of your departure is not to finish this
Literario-Artistico (Artistic Literary Lyceum). He
course but to study other things of greater
won the prize, a silver pen in his entry A la
usefulness or that which you are more inclined.
Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino Youth) in which
he expressed his views that Filipinos are not Though Rizal was not able to finish his course in
inferior to any race and that they should refine the university, he earned a lot of meaningful
their talents and skills for God and country. experiences as well as proper values he needed
for his next challenge in life --- to study abroad.
In another contest sponsored by the Liceo
His travel abroad was only known to few — his
Literario-Artistico, he "unfortunately" won the
brother Paciano, his uncle Antonio and his
contest and was awarded with a gold ring in his
brother-in-law, Manuel Hidalgo. Rizal did not
entry El Consejos de los Dioses(The Council of
wish the rest of his family to know of it
the Gods). This was labelled as unfortunate
(including Leonor) until he had already departéd
because the cheers turned into jeers.
(Bantug, 2008).
These events did not datupen his literary
Rizal in Universidad Central de Madrid (1882 -
prowess. He still wrote poems on patriotism
After forty-four days of voyage (May 3 — June and the freedom to speak freely regarding
16, 1882), Rizal reached his destination — authorities of the Church and state.
Barcelona, Spain. He spent three months in this
His love for physical activities made him to
place because the scholastic year in Eürope was
practice constantly in fencing and even enrolled
different from that of the Philippines (Coates,
in shooting in the Hall of Arms of Sanz y
1968). For those idle months, he spent his time
Carbonell. Indeed, he was a respectable
observing the customs of the people, spends his
marksman and a swordsman.
time in the library, corresponded with friends
and wrote articles published in the bilingual Although Rizal was already engaged to Leonor
newspaper in the Philippines - Diariong Rivera, he was linked to a beautiful girl named,
Consuelo Ortiga y Rey. The romance between
In the fall of 1882, Rizal moved to Madrid, Spain
them did not blossom because of friendship and
and enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine and at
the same time in the Faculty of philosophy and
Letters. Aside from these formal courses he His diligence paid off when the degree
enrolled, he also took lessons in languages in Licentiate in Medicine was conferred to him on
Ateneo de Madrid and studied painting and June 21, 1884 which qualified him to practice
sculpture in the Academia de Bellas Artes de the course. For him to qualify to teach in the
San Fernando (Academy of Fine Arts of San Faculty of Medicine, he took the degree Doctor
Fernando). He received prizes, scholarships and of Medicine in the following year. He finished
good grades in his academics that moved his the doctorate degree, but the diploma was not
compatriots to become serious too in their awarded because of financial reasons.
In his 24th birthday, June 19, 1885, the degree
Knowing the very purpose of his stay abroad, he Licentiate of Philosophy and Letters was
took full advantage of his time. He visited awarded to him. He was qualified to be a
museums and galleries and visited Paris to professor of humanities in any Spanish
observe their way of life. He spent most of his university. However, he chose to practice his
time purchasing and reading books in medicine, medical profession and specialized in
philosophy, languages, arts, history and many ophthalmology because of his mother's
others. condition. For two more years, he went to
France and Germany to further his knowledge in
He wrote articles and poems on patriotism and
ophthalmology, observe their way of life, slowly
nationalism as well as his melancholies and
finishing his first novel, and studied other things
romance. He delivered speeches requested by
that he was inclined of doing.
his association and also during the triumph of
his compatriots, Luna and Hidalgo in the Rizal's education in Europe broadened his
National Exposition of fine Arts in Madrid. understanding of what progressive education
should be. He became radical and critical most
He also joined different associations namely: the
especially to the system of education of his
Circulo Hispano-Filipino (Hispano-Philippine
Circle) and the Brotherhood of Masons. These
two associations presented to him the contrary
of scenario in the Philippines which were the
possibility of indios and mestizos to be together
the news that Miss “K” was already
engaged to Don
- Manuel Luz y Metra.
- Rizal’s first love, Linked in 1877
- ? Eyes, Bewitching smile
- He used the excuse of visiting his sister
to visit her
- Schoolmate of Rizal's sister, Olympia.

Miss “L”

- Some biographers of Rizal would say

that Miss “L” might be the daughter of
his landlady, Doña Concepcion Leyva,
when he boarded as a sophomore
MODULE 5 – RIZAL AS A LOVER medical student in UST. Others would
say she might also be Vicenta Ybardo
- Rizal had a vital statistics of 37” (chest),
Laza, a pretty college girl from Pakil,
25”- 26” (waist) and 18 “ (hips). This
Laguna whom he met when he went for
measurement was based on his clothes
a pilgrimage in 1881 (4 years after he
displayed in Fort Santiago. He was 5’ 2”
parted ways with Miss “K”). They were
in height. With these qualities, what
assumed probably because their last
made him close to women? Was it his
names began with the letter “L”.
good looks? An endearing wit? Perhaps
it was pure animal magnetism, which LEONOR VALENZUELA: Winsome Orang
refers to as malakas ang dating ( strong
appeal). Whatever the reason, women
were so charmed that they yearned for


- As a sophomore medical student, Rizal
boarded in the house of Doña Concha
Leyva in Intramuros, Manila. It was in
this place where he met Leonor, their
next door neighbor. Rizal was a regular
visitor of the Valenzuela’s and always
served as life of event during social
- After Rizal’s graduation in Ateneo
- Rizal courted Leonor and describes her
Municipal de Manila, he went to a party
as tall girl with a regal bearing. Through
in his grandmother’s house in Trozo,
his knowledge of the sciences, he sent
Manila where he first met Segunda, a
her love letters written in invisible ink.
Batangueña. The unspoken love
He taught her how to decipher it
between them ended when Rizal heard
through the heat emitted by the lamp.
- Linked with Rizal in 1878 - Rizal was being updated by his friend,
- Invisible ink – Mixture of salt and water Jose Cecilio by what is going on with
- Was able to get into a relationship but Leonor Rivera and Valenzuela
the nature of their relationship was an - When Rizal left the country, She became
open relationship (Nonexclusive) sickly (Developed insomnia and cried all
- Seferino de Leon – wanted to court her the time, Wanted to color her clothes
in 1884 but he heard that she was with black)
Rizal so he did not continue with it. - Their communication was cut by Donya
Gustong paatrasin si Rizal kasi may Silvestra, against the relationship of
Leonor na iba HAHAHA Leonor Rivera and Rizal (Took all the
letter of Rizal to Rivera)
LEONOR RIVERA: Taimis (1867-1893)
- Waited for Rizal until 1890
- Treasured her letters from Rizal
- She embroidered the letters with their
initials (J and L)
- Forced to let go of the letters when Rizal
was seen as the Spaniards and the
church’s enemy
- Rizal boarded in Casa Tomasina, a - Burned the letters but kept the ashes of
student boarding house in Intramuros the letters
during his junior year as a medical - Waited for Rizal for 8 years
student in UST. The Casa was managed - She agreed to marry another man
by his uncle Antonio Rivera from - She married an English man named
Camiling, Tarlac. It was in this house Charles Henry Kipping, a railroad
where he met his lovely cousin Leonor, engineer/ railway engineer
his uncle’s daughter. She was 13 and - Was working on the Manila-Dagupan
was studying at Colegio de la line
Immaculada Concepcion de la - Despite the fact that he agreed to marry
Concordia (same school as his first love, the man, she still loved Rizal, Gave up
Segunda Katigbak). Rizal described her Singing and playing the piano,
as a frail, beautiful girl, tender as a Requested her mother to stand beside
budding flower with kindly beautiful her during the wedding (1890), sued the
eyes. ashes of Rizal’s letters into her wedding
- When Rizal decided to study in Spain, dress
he left Leonor without saying goodbye. - Before she married Henry Kipping, she
Knowing too that only time could tell sent a letter to Rizal, informing him
about their fate, he wrote a farewell about his upcoming wedding asking for
poem to Leonor entitled Adios Leonor forgiveness, (First and Last letter), Rizal
(Goodbye to Leonor) before his was heartbroken by the letter
departure for Europe. - Kipping and Rivera only lasted for two
- Linked with Rizal in 1878 years as she died
- Long distance relationship - First child was named Carlos and second
- Blood-related with Rizal, cousins was a girl
- Nickname “Taimis”
- During the delivery of the girl, she died - Visited Don Pablo Ortiga, Met him in
during the labor Manila
- Rizal was in Dapitan when she died - Consuelo was attracted to Rizal’s talent
- She made a request to be buried with and wittiness
the silver box of ashes of Rizal’s letter, to -
be cloth with the saya that she wore - A La Senorita C.O. y R.
when Rizal became together/ came to - Why ask for those unintellectual verses
an understanding that once, insane with grief, I sang
- Their 11 years of relationship was spent aghast? Or are you maybe throwing in
by waiting for each other my face my rank ingratitude, my bitter
- Lasted for 11 to 12 years past?
- Adios Leonor - Why resurrect unhappy memories now
o And so it has arrived; the fatal when the heart awaits from love a sign,
instant, or call the night when day begins to
o The dismal injunction of my smile, not knowing if another day will
cruel fate; shine?
o And so it has come at last: the - You wish to learn the cause of this
moment, the date, dejection delirium of despair that
o When I must separate myself anguish wove? You wish to know the
from you. wherefore of such sorrows, and why, a
- young soul, I sing not of love?
o Goodbye, Leonor, Goodbye! I - Oh, may you never know why! For the
take my leave, reason brings melancholy but may set
o Leaving behind with you my you laughing. Down with my corpse into
lover’s heart! the grave shall go another corpse that's
o Goodbye, Leonor: from here I buried in my stuffing!
now depart. - Something impossible, ambition,
o O melancholy absence! Ah, madness, dreams of the soul, a passion
what a pain! and its throes Oh, drink the nectar that
life has to offer and let the bitter dregs
CONSUELO ORTIGA y PEREZ: Señorita C.O. y R in peace repose!
- Again I feel the impenetrable shadows
shrouding the soul with the thick veils
of night: a mere bud only, not a lovely
flower, because it's destitute of air and
- Behold them: my poor verses, my
- She was being courted by his friend damned brood and sorrow suckled each
Eduardo Lete and was regularly visited and every brat! Oh, they know well to
by the Paterno brothers- Maximino and what they owe their being, and maybe
Antonio. He might not have wanted to they themselves will tell you what.
compete with them. More so, he was - He is hinting that he has feelings
still engaged to his beloved Taimis. towards Consuelo
- Met Rizal in Spain, 1884
USUI SEIKO: O-Sei-San (1865-1947)
Filipinos into Christians. The moral of
the story is exaggerated also everything
he mentioned is all in favor of the
Spaniards. Morga missed to mention
the experiences of the Filipinos under
the Spanish rule, he did not talk about
- She served as Rizal’s interpreter, and
the slavery, the atrocities that the
accompanied him on sightseeing trips
Spanish Officials did towards the Filipino
around Japan. Being a woman of high
culture, she helped Rizal understand the
- The Bekett family had four daughters
Japanese language and also related him
- She was a buxom girl with blue eyes,
the culture of the Japanese. However,
rosy cheeks and brown hair. Gertrude’s
their relationship did not last because
sweet smile captured Rizal’s heart.
Rizal went back to Europe to continue
More so, her inclination to the art made
what he had started.
Rizal like her more. She served as his
- Linked with Rizal in 1888
accomplice in his sculptures
- Was attracted to her and asked people
- and paintings and accompanied him
her name
sometimes in the museum.
- She possessed the qualities of his ideal
- Met Rizal in 1888
- His stay in London was short-lived. Once
- Beauty charm modesty and intelligence
finish annotating Morga’s book, he
- Rizal stayed in Japan for 45 days
moved to Brussles.
GERTRUDE BEKETT: Tottie/ Gettie (July 18, 1863- - He left a remembrance to the Bekett
?) family which was a carving of the Bekett

SUZANNE JACOBY THILL: Petite (April 4, 1872-


- Rizal went to London to annotate de

Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas
(Events in the Philippine Island). He
boarded in the house of the Beckett
- Saving money for the publication of his
family for it was a walking distance from
annotation, he left Paris and went to
the British Museum where the book of
Brussels. He stayed in the boarding
de Morga was shelved.
house of the Jacoby sisters- Catherina
- Annotate – to give
and Suzanna. They had a niece also
explanation/comment on the statement
named Suzanna who is often referred to
written in a given book
as “little Suzanne” who became his love
- Annotate because he believed that the
book is biased, the book talks about the
- Rizal met her in 1889
deed achieved by the Spaniards, their
discoveries, conquest, converting the
- His stay in Brussels is short-lived as he - Rizal did not have a stable job to secure
received a sad news about his Family’s a family
situation in the Philippines - Nelly’s mother believed that Rizal did
- And decided to go back to Madrid not posses anything attractive
- Upon arriving he received a letter from - So at the peak of Rizal’s emotions, he
Rivera where he learned she is going to took with him his sense of pride and left
marry Biarritz also the memory of his
unfinished affection of Nelly
Miss “B” (August 9, 1876- March 15, 1902)

- To ease his sadness and

disappointments in Madrid, he boarded
a train leaving for Biarritz. He took a - As Rizal was living in exile in Dapitan, he
vacation in Villa Eliada, a winter met a pretty Irish girl named Josephine.
residence owned by Eduardo Boustead, All the way from Hong Kong, she
the father of Nelly. accompanied her foster father, George
- Rizal met Nelly and his sister Adelina Taufer, an American engineer, seeking a
through his friend Antonio. Luna was cure for his blindness from Rizal. Their
courting the former. Rizal served as a encounter happened just in time when
bridge between Antonio and Nelly. loneliness and the pointlessness of
- One time Luna wrote a letter to Rizal living a life with no future in sight were
asking him if he’s doing the right thing, beginning to wear him down.
but Rizal was not able to reply where he - After 6 months, she returned to Dapitan
learned that Nelly is in love with him. that marked the beginning of their
- Antonio Luna got drunk and uttered happy days as a couple.
negative remarks against Nelly which - Met her in 1895
prompted Rizal to challenge Luna in a - Marie Josephine became Rizal’s hope
duel, Immediately Luna realized his - They wanted to get married but Rizal’s
mistake and apologized and promise to family doesn’t approve of Josephine
never open his mouth whenever his - She is not acceptable to their social
drunk status
- Nelly and Rizal officially became - Suspected her of being a church spy – a
together lover of a friar
- The relationship became serious that - Rizal did not believe them
they even planned to get married - The church refused to marry them
however Nelly’s mother does not agree - They can only be married if Rizal write a
with the relationship. retraction letter (condition of the
- Because of religion (Rizal is a Catholic church)
and Nelly is Protestant)
- He is taking back whatever negative
statement he made against the church
and against the government
- Rizal refused to write the retraction
letter so they just decided to get
married on their own
- They promised each other that they will
love each other till death do they part
(Common law marriage)
- Josephine bore a son but she suffered
from miscarriage the baby was born
prematurely so he died just after
- Even if Rizal was detained in Port
Santiago, Josephine visited him, sent
him clothes, fruits foods and letters to
comfort him
- Until the very last day of Rizal, she was
beside him
- This proves that she really loved Rizal
- A Josefina (To Josephine)
- Josephine, Josephine
- Who to these shores have come
- Looking for a nest, a home,
- Like a wandering swallow;
- If your fate is taking you
- To Japan, China, or Shanghai,
- Don’t forget that these shores
- A heart for you beats high
- Wrote a poem to her when she is about
to leave the Philippines
- When his father’s eyes was cured

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