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Artificial Sweeteners

Article · January 2019


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Periyasamy Anushkkaran
Jeonbuk National University, Iksan, South Korea


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International Journal of Research and Review E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Review Paper

Artificial Sweeteners
Anushkkaran Periyasamy

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna, Jaffna, Sri Lanka


Artificial Sweeteners provide the sweetness of natural sugar without the calories and produce a low
glycemic response. These sweeteners are used instead of sucrose (table sugar) to sweeten foods and
beverages. Consumers and food manufacturers have long been interested in dietary sweeteners to
replace sucrose in foods. This article goes into a lot of details about the different types of sweeteners
such as saccharin, acesulfame potassium, aspartame, neotame and sucralose, their uses, chemistry and
their potential effects on health. These sweeteners form acute and chronic effects on human health.

Keywords: Artificial sweeteners; adverse effects; potential toxicity

1. INTRODUCTION Sweeteners have been classified as

Artificial sweeteners are many times natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners.
sweeter than table sugar, smaller amounts These artificial sweeteners further classified
are needed to create the same level of as nutritive and non-nutritive sweeteners
sweeteners, and which are either not depending on whether they are a source of
metabolized in the human body or do not calories. The nutritive sweeteners include
significantly contribute to the energy the monosaccharide polyols (e.g., sorbitol,
content of foods and beverages. Those mannitol, and xylitol) and the disaccharide
provide the sweeteners of sugar without the polyols (e.g., maltitol and lactitol). The non-
calories and produce a low glycemic nutritive sweeteners are better to known as
response. [1] Glycemic response to food is artificial sweeteners. [1]
the effect that food has on blood sugar Artificial sweeteners have some
levels after consumption. [2] Consumers and ideal requirements. They should provide
food manufacturers have long been sweetness with no unpleasant aftertaste,
interested in dietary sweeteners to replace should have little or no calories, should be
sucrose in foods. Because recently these economical to produce, should not be
products have received increased attention degraded by heat when cooked and should
due to their effects on glucose regulation. not be carcinogenic or mutagenic.
These exceed the sweeteners of sucrose by a Carcinogenic is having the potential to
factor of 30-13,000 times because of these cause cancer, and mutagenic is a physical or
include substances from several different chemical agent that changes the genetic
chemical classes. [1] These sweeteners are material of the organism. [3]
widely used in baked goods, carbonated The main reasons for using artificial
beverages, powdered drink mixtures, jams, sweeteners are weight lose, dental care,
jellies and dairy products. [3] These are diabetes mellitus, reactive hypoglycemia
regulated by the Food and Drug and low cost. [1] Dental caries are also
Administration (FDA). known as teeth decay or cavities.
Breakdown of teeth due to activities of

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Anushkkaran Periyasamy. Artificial Sweeteners

bacteria. This occurs due to acid made from by the pancreas following a large sugar or
sugar on the tooth surfaces. Simple sugars in carbohydrate based meals. [5] To reduce
foods are the primary energy source of these these activities, most of the people are using
bacteria. [4] Reactive hypoglycemia refers to artificial sweeteners.
low blood sugar that occurs after a meal The main five sugar substitutes for
usually within 4 hours after eating. This can use in a variety of foods are saccharin,
occur in both people with and without acesulfame potassium, aspartame, neotame
diabetes and is thought to be more common and sucralose. Characteristic features of
in overweight individuals. Reactive these five artificial sweeteners are given in
hypoglycemia is known as the result of too the Table 1.
much insulin being produced and released

Table 1. Characteristic features of artificial sweeteners [1]

Common Brand names Number of times kcal/g Common uses
name sweetener than
Saccharin Sweet’N Low 200-700 0 Soft drinks, Tabletop sweetener, Jams, Chewing gum, Baked
Sweet Twin goods
Necta Sweet
Acesulfame Sunett 200 0 Tabletop sweeteners, Candies, Chewing gum, Dairy products
K Sweet One
Aspartame Nutra Sweet 180-200 4 Soft drinks, Yoghurt, Pharmaceuticals
Neotame Neotame 7000-13000 0 Baked goods, Soft drinks, Chewing gum, Jams, Jellies, Puddings,
Processed fruit and fruit juices
Sucralose Splenda 600 0 Frozen deserts, Fruit juices, Chewing gum, gelatins

1.1 Structural requirements for sweetness sweeteners account for more than 50% of
The generally accepted theory for the human consumption; sugar replacement by
phenomenon of sweetness was developed artificial sweeteners is simple, as
by Shallenberger and Acree. According to carbohydrates do not play any important
this theory, a molecular system of a proton functional role in beverages. Other
donor and proton acceptor is necessary. important applications are fruit flavored
Changes in the distance between groups, as dairy products and desserts. [7]
well as changes in electronic structure 1.2.2 Tabletop sweeteners
influence the occurrence of the sweet taste For household use, artificial sweeteners are
and may change the general taste formulated into table-top sweeteners, such
perception, sometimes eliminating as sweetener tablets, powders and spoon-by-
sweetness totally, or changing it to spoon products, and liquids.
bitterness. [6] 1.2.3 Pharmaceuticals
Artificial sweeteners are used to mask
1.2 General Uses undesired flavors and tastes of active
1.2.1 Foods and Beverages pharmaceutical ingredients, e.g., bitterness,
Foods and beverages are the most whenever the pharmaceuticals are intended
important fields of application of artificial for use by diabetics. Sweeteners are used in
sweeteners, with calorie reduction being the syrups, and soluble tablets and powders.
main goal. Single sweeteners or 1.2.4 Cosmetics
combinations with other sweet substances. Several types of cosmetics, especially oral
Artificial sweeteners can be used in diabetic hygiene products, are sweetened to make
foods and beverages; depending on the type them more pleasant for consumers. For oral
of product, either as single sweetening hygiene products (e.g., toothpaste,
agents or combined with bulk sugar mouthwash, etc.), noncariogenic ingredients
substitutes suitable for diabetic have to be used. The desired sweetness level
consumption. Beverage uses of artificial

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Anushkkaran Periyasamy. Artificial Sweeteners

is adjusted with an additional quantity of containing saccharin were required to carry

artificial sweetener. a label warning that sweetener could be a
health hazard and that it was found to cause
1.3 Saccharin cancer in laboratory animals. That label
Saccharin is the first and oldest artificial contains “use of this product may be
sweetener that has been used for over a hazardous to your body”. In 2000, the
century to sweeten foods and beverages National Toxicology Programme
without adding calories. Saccharin has been determined that saccharin should no longer
approved by FDA for use in more than 100 be listed as a potential cancer-causing agent
countries. [3] because mechanistic studies have shown
1.3.1 History that these results apply only to rats.
Saccharin was discovered by Fahlberg & Mechanistic studies that examine have a
Remsen in 1879 at John Hopkins substance work in a body. Human
University. This was found after those epidemiology studies have shown no
chemists were researching the oxidation consistent evidence that saccharin is
mechanisms of toluene sulfonamide. They associated with bladder cancer incidence.
were working with coal-tar derivatives. Because the bladder tumors in the rats are
During their research, a substance due to a mechanism not relevant to human
accidentally splashed on Fahlberg’s finger and there is no clear evidence that saccharin
and he noticed the substance had a sweet causes cancer in humans. Epidemiology
taste, which he traced to the chemical studies are that studies of patterns, causes
commonly known as saccharin. Saccharin and control of disease in groups of people.
enjoyed great commercial success in periods In 2001, saccharin was officially declared
of short sugar supply, e.g., during world safe and the ban was removed. [9]
wars I and II. [8] 1.3.2 Chemistry
In 1997, the FDA proposed a ban on Saccharin is formed by an initial
saccharin because of concerns about rats reaction between toluene and chlorosulfonic
that developed bladder cancer after acid. Synthesis of saccharin is explained in
receiving high doses of saccharin. Foods Figure 1. [7]

Figure 1. Synthesis of saccharin (Remsen-Fahlberg synthesis)

After ingestion, saccharin is not for this reason is sometimes combined with
absorbed or metabolized. Instead, it is other sweeteners. For an example, saccharin
excreted, unchanged via the kidneys. [1] is often used with aspartame in diet
Slightly bitter taste and metallic taste and carbonated soft drinks. [3] The form used as

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an artificial sweetener is sodium salt and and stable under high temperatures. So it
calcium salt, especially by people restricting does not break down in heat, therefore often
their dietary sodium intake. [1] used in baked products. It is used in over
1.3.3 Uses 4000 products in approximately 90
Important fields of application are countries. The “K” refers to the mineral
soft drinks, tabletop sweeteners, and potassium, which is naturally found in our
desserts. For taste reasons, blends with other bodies. [3]
artificial sweeteners, or combinations with 1.4.1 History
reduced sugar levels are preferred wherever Acesulfame-K was discovered in
such blends are approved. In oral hygiene 1967 by chemist Karl Clauss and Jensen
products, saccharin masks undesired tastes during investigations on oxathiazinone
of other ingredients. In starter feed for dioxides. The sweet taste was found by
livestock, saccharin is used to avoid reduced chance. Several other oxathiazinone
feed intake after weaning. Besides its dioxides taste sweet but have less favorable
applications as an artificial sweetener, characteristics. Acesulfame-K was approved
saccharin is used in electrolytic nickel in the United States in 1988 for specific
deposition. Addition of saccharin to the uses, including a tabletop sweetener. In
nickel salt solutions increases the hardness 1998, the FDA approved acesulfame-K to
and brightness of the nickel plate. This be use in beverages. In specially, it has been
effect is apparently specific to saccharin. [10] used to decrease the bitter aftertaste of
1.3.4 Toxicology aspartame. FDA continues to support the
Saccharin causes a headache, breathing use of acesulfame-K in diabetic and low-
difficulties, skin eruptions and diarrhea. calorie food. [1]
1.4.2 Chemistry
1.4 Acesulfame potassium Acesulfame-K is formed by an
This is a general purpose sweetener, initial reaction between 4-chlorophenol and
white crystalline structure, high-intensity, sodium. Synthesis of acesulfame-K is
non-nutritive sweetener, non-carcinogenic explained in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Synthesis of acesulfame-K

Acesulfame-K is not metabolized by Pharmacokinetic studies show that 95% of

the body and is not stored in the body. It is the consumed sweeteners basically ends up
quickly absorbed and excreted in urine excreted in the urine. [11]
without undergoing any modification. 1.4.3 Uses

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Acesulfame K is used in all fields of safely heated to high temperatures with

applications of artificial sweeteners. some loss of sweeteners. It has been used in
Common applications are table-top over 6000 different types of products. [12]
sweeteners; beverages; foods, such as dairy 1.5.1 History
products, desserts, bakery products, Aspartame was discovered in 1965
confectionery, chewing gum, pickles, and by G. D. Searle when he was studying new
marinated fish; oral hygiene products and treatments for gastric ulcers. Tetrapeptide is
pharmaceuticals. Owing to its synergistic normally produced in the stomach which
characteristics, acesulfame K is often used was used by the biologist to test new anti-
in sweetener blends, and in combination ulcer drugs. One of the most important steps
with bulk sweeteners in products requiring in the process was to make an intermediate,
good stability, e.g., confectionery or bakery aspartyl-phenylalanine methyl ester to
products. synthesis tetrapeptide. When chemist was
1.4.4 Toxicology synthesis this tetrapeptide, accidentally, a
Acesulfame-K contains methylene chloride small amount of the compound landed on
which is a known carcinogen. Long-term the chemist’s hand. Without noticing the
exposure to methylene chloride can cause a compound, the chemist licked his finger and
headache, depression, nausea, mental discovered a sweet taste. After realizing it
confusion, liver and kidney effects. was not likely to be toxic.
Acesulfame-K’s breakdown in the body It was first approved by the FDA in
forms the byproduct acetoacetamide, which 1981 as a tabletop sweetener; in 1996, it
is toxic at high doses and which has been was approved as a general-purpose
shown to cause tumor growth in the thyroid sweetener in all foods and drinks.
gland in rats, rabbits and dogs. Only 1% Aspartame is sometimes blended with more
acetoacetamide is accumulated for three stable sweetener saccharin. [13]
months. [3] 1.5.2 Chemistry
Aspartame is made by joining L-
1.5 Aspartame phenylalanine or L-phenylalanine methyl
One of the most debated sweeteners. ester with L-aspartic acid. Synthesis of
Aspartame has a sugar-like taste. It can be aspartame is explained in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Synthesis of aspartame

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Aspartame breaks down into small vision, brain tumors, eye problems, memory
amounts of methanol, aspartic acid and loss and nausea. [15]
phenylalanine during the digestion. The aspartame consists of aspartic
Methanol is non-drinking alcohol, injecting acid which is a well-documented
of that can lead to toxicity and death within excitotoxin. 3 amino acids such as
a few hours. The body also breaks down this glutamate, aspartate and cysteine that excite
methanol into formaldehyde which turns our neurons can be called as excitotoxin.
into formic acid in the liver. Formaldehyde These neurotransmitters (amino acids)
and formic acid both are toxic. excessively stimulate the nerve cells to
Our body produces formaldehyde in either damage or kill. Excitotoxicity may be
amounts thousands of times greater than we involved in spinal cord injury, stroke and
get from the sweetener which is used by the hearing loss. [16]
body to make important substances. Formic
acid rarely builds up because the body uses 1.6 Neotame
formaldehyde so quickly and if there were Neotame is the newest sweetener
an excess, it would be eliminated through and a derivative of aspartame. A t-butyl
urine or broken down into CO2 and water. group is added to the free amine group of
Finally, the aspartame in diet produces so aspartic acid. This could be a super sweet
little amount of ethanol. [14] deal for food and beverage manufacturers,
1.5.3 Uses all the sweetness of sugar without a metallic
The sensory characteristics of after-taste plus at a fraction of the amount of
aspartame allow its use in all common sweetener needed compared to other sugar
sweetener applications. Limitations are substitutes. The neotame was approved in
imposed by its susceptibility to hydrolytic 2002 as a general purpose sweetener,
decomposition and limited temperature excluding in meat and poultry by FDA. [1]
stability. 1.6.1 History
1.5.4 Toxicology After the success of aspartame in the
FDA has mandated packaging bear a market, there were calls for developing a
warning label to prevent individuals with novel sweetener possessing additional
the rare genetic disorder phenylketonuria qualities such as higher heat stability, fewer
from ingesting the aspartame. restrictions and higher sweetener potency
Phenylketonuria is an inborn error of which means less amount to achieve the
metabolism that leads to attenuated same sweetness at a lower cost. Therefore
metabolism of the amino acid scientists synthesized thousands of
phenylalanine. Phenylketonuria can lead to compounds based on the simple structure of
behaviour problems and mental disorders. aspartame. End of the research, neotame
Individuals who suffer from this disease came up with the desirable qualities among
have an insufficient amount of the enzyme those synthesized compounds. Neotame was
phenylalanine hydroxylase which is approved by FDA for general use in 2002.
required to breakdown the phenylalanine.
Without the presence of this enzyme, 1.6.2 Chemistry
phenylalanine accumulates. When we add the t-butyl group to
Due to the methanol, aspartic acid the free amine group of aspartic acid, it
and phenylalanine which came from the leads to a second hydrophobic group and
digestion of aspartame can cause the results in a product that is 30-60 times
following symptoms: headache, blurred sweeter than aspartame. [18] Figure 4 shows
the synthesis of neotame.

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Figure 4. Synthesis of neotame

Neotame is rapidly metabolized by 1.6.3 Toxicology

hydrolysis of the methyl ester via esterase Neotame causes some of the toxic
present throughout the body. It forms a effects in the human such as it to reveal
minor amount of methanol that the body changes in body weight and food
absorbs. This process yields de-esterified consumption, headache and hepatotoxicity
neotame. Neotame and de-esterified at high dosages.
neotame are rapidly clear from the plasma,
which is completely eliminated from the 1.7 Sucralose
body with recovery in urine and feces Sucralose is a sucrose molecule in which
within 72 hours. It is safe for who suffer three of the hydroxyl groups have been
from phenylketonuria because t-butyl group replaced by Cl atoms. Sucralose is also heat
is added to the free amine group of aspartic stable which quality makes it a superb
acid. This t-butyl group typically break the sweetener for cooking and baking. It retains
peptide bond between the aspartic acid and its sweeteners significantly longer than
phenylalanine, thus reduce the availability aspartame. Figure 5 shows structures of
of phenylalanine which is responsible for sucrose and sucralose.
phenylketonuria. [19]

Figure 5. Structures of sucrose and sucralose

1.7.1 History states out as cane sugar but ends up 600

Sucralose was accidentally times sweeter than table sugar. It came on
discovered by Tate & Lyle in 1976, was the scene in 1976 and was approved by the
looking for ways to use sucrose as a FDA in 1999 for use in 15 food categories.
chemical intermediate. Ironically, sucralose After some laboratory experiments which

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Anushkkaran Periyasamy. Artificial Sweeteners

changes the sugar molecule, its structure 1.7.2 Chemistry

now prevents it from being absorbed by the Synthesis of sucralose is shown in the figure
body. [20] 6.

Figure 6. Synthesis of sucralose

TrCl = triphenylmethyl chloride; DMAP = 4-dimethylaminopyridine

Sucralose is poorly absorbed in the human 3. ADVERSE EFFCTS OF ARTIFICIAL

and the majority of ingested sucralose SWEETENERS
excreted unchanged in the feces. Saccharin, acesulfame-K and
aspartame induced DNA damage in human
1.7.3 Toxicology peripheral lymphocytes. Sucralose has been
Sucralose is responsible for the well-tried through scientific
shrunken thymus glands with diets of 5% experimentation to cause a decrease in
sucralose, and also it causes diarrhea and beneficial micro-organisms. Under acidic
dizziness. conditions, acesulfame-K formed minute
quantities of acetoacetamide and
2. HEALTH BENEFITS OF acetoacetamide-N-sulfonic acid. While
ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS under basic conditions, acetoacetic acid and
Artificial sweeteners are not acetoacetamide-N-sulfonic acid are formed.
carbohydrates. So generally they don’t raise These degradation products may cause
blood sugar levels and cause diabetes. They DNA strand breaks. [3]
have no calories. In distinction, every gram Toxic potential of artificial sweeteners for
of normal table sugar contains four calories. the human body are shown in the Table 2.
They are suitable for obesity. They do not
promote dental caries. [1]

Table 2. Toxic potential of artificial sweeteners [1]

Common Known metabolites ADI Acute Chronic
name (mg/kg)
Saccharin O-sulfamoylbenzoic acid 5 Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Low birth weight, bladder
cancer, hepatotoxicity
Acesulfame- Acetoacetamide 15 Headache Thyroid tumors
Aspartame Methanol, aspartic acid, 50 Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, Lymphomas
phenylalanine thrombocytopenia
Neotame Methanol, de-esterified 2 Headache, hepatotoxic at high doses Lower birth rate, weight loss
Sucralose 5 Diarrhea, dizziness, stomach pain Thymus shrinkage
ADI - Annual daily intake

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How to cite this article: Periyasamy A. Artificial sweeteners. International Journal of Research
and Review. 2019; 6(1):120-128.


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Vol.6; Issue: 1; January 2019

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